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Vanilla Landscape Corrections - VLC (by Step Modifications)

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Obviously, I'm voting to accept this, since we have control over it and can address any issues as they arise.

Kudos to TechAngel85 for putting this together.

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11 hours ago, Mercury71 said:

To test it should i place it in "09 - Fixes", remove SLaWF and SLiSR and just rerun Step 5 LOD?

Yes, this is exactly correct. It can go anywhere in the installer priority, but we'll put it in Fixes in alphabetical order.

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11 hours ago, z929669 said:

Yes, this is exactly correct. It can go anywhere in the installer priority, but we'll put it in Fixes in alphabetical order.

DynDOLOD protested at first so i had to untick "VLC Patch - CuttingRoomFloor.esp" to be able to generate LOD.

EDIT: Fixed in latest version! 

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Posted (edited)

There is a typo in the fomod info.xml

<id> is 64738, not 104962

And when you install the mod and right-click and select Visit on Nexus command, MO2 sends you to the Snowy Landscapes in Snowy Regions page.


Edit: Also, the version is not updated

Edited by easyrider1988
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