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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 173


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39 minutes ago, Blackread said:

I did some quick tests with your plugin and comparing it to mine. With my generated LODs the bug was present with both. With the pregenerated LODs from the mod it was absent with both. I'll do a full LOD regeneration with your plugin just to be sure, as it looks like they are different based on CRC32.

Here are the overwriting plugins:

Worldspace: Beyond Reach - Skyrim Border Tweak.esp, DynDOLOD.esm, Missives - Beyond Reach.esp, Water for ENB - Patch - Beyond Reach.esp, ACMOS - Beyond Reach.esp, Clear Map - Water for ENB Patch.esp (this is my personal plugin patching the latter two together), Synthesis.esp, DynDOLOD.esp, Occlusion.esp

Persistent Worldspace Cell: Beyond Reach - Skyrim Border Tweak.esp, DynDOLOD.esm, Missives - Beyond Reach.esp, DynDOLOD.esp

Cell: DynDOLOD.esm, Occlusion.esp

The LOD included with the mod does not mark anything as large reference, so all cells not ever unload any LOD inside  the uLargeRefLODGridSize. The two mountaincliff objects in the screenshot do not have vanilla LOD, though.

I only generated large refs for ArnimaDuplicate003 and none of the other worldspaces.

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2 hours ago, sheson said:

The LOD included with the mod does not mark anything as large reference, so all cells not ever unload any LOD inside  the uLargeRefLODGridSize. The two mountaincliff objects in the screenshot do not have vanilla LOD, though.

I only generated large refs for ArnimaDuplicate003 and none of the other worldspaces.

Ah, that explains.

Well, this is a stubborn one. I've done everything I could think of, but the cell is still bugged:

I've gone to a bare minimum list, I've reset my DynDOLOD rules to the default high, and I switched from papyrusutil to DynDOLOD dll. With vanilla meshes it's not as visible as the LODs are mostly covered, but it's still there. Can't think of anything else to try and fix it.

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Nice to meet you, I use DynDOLOD 3 Alpha and billboards are Happy Little Trees 3D LOD - Qualit. For some reason, I have been getting a series of ctd's in the city of Markarth. It can be cured by removing the DynDOLOD I created.
I don't see anything unusual elsewhere, only in the city of Markarth this phenomenon occurs.

Was there some serious mistake made during the creation?


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6 hours ago, Blackread said:

Ah, that explains.

Well, this is a stubborn one. I've done everything I could think of, but the cell is still bugged:

I've gone to a bare minimum list, I've reset my DynDOLOD rules to the default high, and I switched from papyrusutil to DynDOLOD dll. With vanilla meshes it's not as visible as the LODs are mostly covered, but it's still there. Can't think of anything else to try and fix it.

Check if the LOD is disabled once the cell attaches.

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5 hours ago, sanheart said:

Nice to meet you, I use DynDOLOD 3 Alpha and billboards are Happy Little Trees 3D LOD - Qualit. For some reason, I have been getting a series of ctd's in the city of Markarth. It can be cured by removing the DynDOLOD I created.
I don't see anything unusual elsewhere, only in the city of Markarth this phenomenon occurs.

Was there some serious mistake made during the creation?

Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Why do you believe the CTD has something to do with the LOD mod generated by DynDOLOD?

Check the log and summary. https://dyndolod.info/Messages https://dyndolod.info/Help/Summary-Of-Messages

Check the crash log for hints. https://dyndolod.info/FAQ "ILS or CTD" and ..\DynDOLOD\docs\DynDOLOD-README.txt

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1 hour ago, sheson said:

Check if the LOD is disabled once the cell attaches.

The LOD was disabled. But it seems that somehow, no idea how, the latest update to beyond reach has fixed this. And not even the plugin, I am still testing with the same plugin you gave me, but loading the game with the same LODs and the same plugin from yesterday but the new assets from today the bug is gone.

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First, I realize this sound absurd. Nothing in Occlusion.esp should be affecting NPC AI/Package. And yet, in my own testing, I find that the Occlusion.esp generated from DynDoLOD 3.0 Alpha is in fact preventing some Sandbox packages from working properly. 

Specifically, I have a Sandbox package on a few NPCs that targets a specific marker in an interior cell. Without Occlusion.esp enabled, this is exactly what happens when I load a new game. The NPC can be found chillin' in that cell.

But with Occlusion.esp enabled, the NPC will be frozen in their default reference location (in Tamriel worldspace).

I've tried to delete random records from Occlusion.esp just to see what's going on, and eventually, after deleting enough records, the NPC sandbox package worked as intended. But looking at those deleted records in xEdit, the only thing that got changed is the TVDT field. 

I have absolutely no explanation for why this happening, especially since I've used several iteration of DynDoLOD 3.0 without issue in the past. 



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I'm having trouble with TexGen and DynDOLOD. I run the programs but it just abruptly exits them part-way through. In TexGen it was in the creating LOD textures stage. No logs are generated, no messages of any kind.  Curiously, MO2 will crash if I run TexGen a second time after this happens. MO2's logs say it crashes immediately after rerunning TexGen.

After some testing, I realised it doesn't like SSE Engine Fixes. Does that sound right? I disabled that and got through the TexGen stage fine.

Then I started the DynDOLOD stage. I can select the options in the menu and start, but after a couple of seconds, the message window starts flooding with errors like "[thing] does not fit naming conventions [blah blah]", "property not found", and "file not found". Then shuts down the same way TexGen was, except there are some logs. The attached are the only ones created from that run.

DynDOLOD_SSE_Dynamic_LOD.txt DynDOLOD_SSE_Object_LOD.txt

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1 hour ago, Zaire82 said:

I'm having trouble with TexGen and DynDOLOD. I run the programs but it just abruptly exits them part-way through. In TexGen it was in the creating LOD textures stage. No logs are generated, no messages of any kind.  Curiously, MO2 will crash if I run TexGen a second time after this happens. MO2's logs say it crashes immediately after rerunning TexGen.

After some testing, I realised it doesn't like SSE Engine Fixes. Does that sound right? I disabled that and got through the TexGen stage fine.

Then I started the DynDOLOD stage. I can select the options in the menu and start, but after a couple of seconds, the message window starts flooding with errors like "[thing] does not fit naming conventions [blah blah]", "property not found", and "file not found". Then shuts down the same way TexGen was, except there are some logs. The attached are the only ones created from that run.

DynDOLOD_SSE_Dynamic_LOD.txt 28.18 kB · 0 downloads DynDOLOD_SSE_Object_LOD.txt 423.13 kB · 0 downloads

Sounds like one of the usual problems: wrong/bad installation or output folder of the game, MO2 or tools. OS/Antivir interfering.

Add RealTimeLog=1 under [DynDOLOD] in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini, then check/upload that log.

"Blah blah" is not a useful problem description. See https://dyndolod.info/Messages to learn what certain log messages mean.

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3 hours ago, Blackread said:

The LOD was disabled. But it seems that somehow, no idea how, the latest update to beyond reach has fixed this. And not even the plugin, I am still testing with the same plugin you gave me, but loading the game with the same LODs and the same plugin from yesterday but the new assets from today the bug is gone.

I have never encountered models/textures causing large ref LOD not disabling. I also can not imagine how atm. In that case I would assume assets from a 3rd party mod (or vanilla assets have been changed in some way). If the problem went away, see if you can redo whatever might have caused it, maybe then you can narrow it down to something specific.

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8 hours ago, TeostraAscend said:

First, I realize this sound absurd. Nothing in Occlusion.esp should be affecting NPC AI/Package. And yet, in my own testing, I find that the Occlusion.esp generated from DynDoLOD 3.0 Alpha is in fact preventing some Sandbox packages from working properly. 

Specifically, I have a Sandbox package on a few NPCs that targets a specific marker in an interior cell. Without Occlusion.esp enabled, this is exactly what happens when I load a new game. The NPC can be found chillin' in that cell.

But with Occlusion.esp enabled, the NPC will be frozen in their default reference location (in Tamriel worldspace).

I've tried to delete random records from Occlusion.esp just to see what's going on, and eventually, after deleting enough records, the NPC sandbox package worked as intended. But looking at those deleted records in xEdit, the only thing that got changed is the TVDT field. 

I have absolutely no explanation for why this happening, especially since I've used several iteration of DynDoLOD 3.0 without issue in the past. 

Moved the post to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread.

Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

You make it sound like Occlusion.esp generated by DynDOLOD 3 Alpha might behave differently from Occlusion.esp generated by xLODGen.
In either case make sure that Occlusion.esp has been generated for the current load order. All the records in the  Occlusion.esp are copied from the plugins before it.

Occlusion.esp should not affect any interior cells. I would expect you have checked Occlusion.esp in xEdit if it modifies any of the affected interior cells. If it doesn't then the data in the Occlusion.esp should not really be the problem. 

This sounds more like an issue of exceeding plugin limit or other resource limits or something related to navmeshes (and/or flagging esp as esm)

Do proper elimination troubleshooting with binary searchMake a backup of plugin. Remove half the records. If problem goes away, restore backup, remove the other half of records. Repeat until only the data that causes the issue remains.

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2 hours ago, sheson said:

I have never encountered models/textures causing large ref LOD not disabling. I also can not imagine how atm. In that case I would assume assets from a 3rd party mod (or vanilla assets have been changed in some way). If the problem went away, see if you can redo whatever might have caused it, maybe then you can narrow it down to something specific.

It appears that the file that fixes the issue is lodsettings\arnimaduplicate003.lod. Taking all other files from Beyond Reach 4.51 but that one file from 4.6 the cell is no longer bugged. At least with this barebones setup, we shall see if this behaviour carries over to my full mod list.

By the way, with the 4.6 update TexGen aborts its execution with this error message:



[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Error: File not found textures\arnimatextures\farmhouse\cyrodiilfarmstucco02.dds.


Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message

[Exit TexGen]

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It seems the textures were relocated to textures\bscyrodiil\architecture\farmhouse in this update.

Edited by Blackread
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47 minutes ago, Blackread said:

It appears that the file that fixes the issue is lodsettings\arnimaduplicate003.lod. Taking all other files from Beyond Reach 4.51 but that one file from 4.6 the cell is no longer bugged. At least with this barebones setup, we shall see if this behaviour carries over to my full mod list.

By the way, with the 4.6 update TexGen aborts its execution with this error message:

  Hide contents


[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Error: File not found textures\arnimatextures\farmhouse\cyrodiilfarmstucco02.dds.


Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message

[Exit TexGen]

Online Help | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard



Files still in BSA or any loose *.lod files?

Update ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_arnimaesm.txt to point to new location textures\bscyrodiil\architecture\farmhouse\cyrodiilfarmstucco02.dds

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