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  On 7/8/2022 at 6:11 AM, mooit said:

After the last reply, I went back and changed only these two in GrassControl.conf;

OverwriteGrassDistance = 6144
OverwriteGrassFadeRange = 14128

The grass is not rendering in the distance...

P.S. After this reply, I changed next only; ExtendGrassCount = True

Still not working, can't get grass to render in the distance.


As the Grass LOD Guide states: create your grass cache in 1.5.97 using a mod build that is as close as possible to what you use for 1.6.xxx (which will only differ with respect to certain engine-level mods like NGIO and SKSE stuff for the most part. Maybe a few mods that depend on SKSE).

You only need the GID files with latest DynDOLOD alpha (see grassGID setting in DynDOLOD_SSE.ini). Package these into an uncompressed BSA and load with a plugin.

You must disable NGIO. Forget about it. Use only Grass Cache Fixes with it's default config. Follow our SSE guide BethINI instructions, DynDOLOD, and LOD instructions if using SSE 1.6.xxx runtime. If it's not working, then there is an instruction that you are not following correctly OR your non-standard setup wit your modding environment is precluding. Can't help you with that, and my feeling is that many of your barriers are related to this.

If you won't move to our standard setup recommendations and methods of installing supporting apps like MO and DynDOLOD, then much of our advice and instructions may either not work or have caveats. You would be better off asking about these issues on the DynDOLOD support forum, as sheson's methods are not dependent on this.

What I can tell you is that if you are using Cathedral Landscapes and Grass Cache Fixes on 1.6.xxx and you have a proper grass cache, you CAN get grass LOD. If you aren't getting any, you know it's config or user error that sheson can help with.

Posted (edited)


I think I know the issue now, my game saves after disabling DynDOLOD, somehow were messed up, because afterwards when I looked around Whiterun there were no trees.

Clean Save | DynDOLOD

I'll start here and go back and do this over.


P.S. I don't remember seeing in the guide any mention of what mods to keep enabled/disabled when playing.

Below the DynDOLOD references, do I need to keep any of these enabled when playing?



Edited by mooit
  On 7/8/2022 at 8:21 PM, mooit said:


I think I know the issue now, my game saves after disabling DynDOLOD, somehow were messed up, because afterwards when I looked around Whiterun there were no trees.

Clean Save | DynDOLOD

I'll start here and go back and do this over.


P.S. I don't remember seeing in the guide any mention of what mods to keep enabled/disabled when playing.

Below the DynDOLOD references, do I need to keep any of these enabled when playing?




As instructed in the guide, name the SSE Terrain mod and CL terrain mods accordingly using '(TEMP)' in the file name.

All other mods stay enabled.

This is why we provide the instructions. They are complete and fairly explicit about disabling plugins or mods and when.

Posted (edited)

You quoted my Clean Save post here in the Rendering Grass post, not sure what renaming mods has to do with rendering.

I'm also not doing the guide 100%, I've never had to rename these mods before, and everything worked ok.

I'm 99.9% sure of both issues at the moment, my DynDOLOD Clean Saves aren't working, still trying to figure out why.

Doing the Clean Saves steps has always worked before, now for some reason it's not... hmm :/


Edited by mooit
  On 7/8/2022 at 9:10 PM, mooit said:

You quoted my Clean Save post here in the Rendering Grass post, not sure what renaming mods has to do with rendering.

I'm also not doing the guide 100%, I've never had to rename these mods before, and everything worked ok.

I'm 99.9% sure of both issues at the moment, my DynDOLOD Clean Saves aren't working, still trying to figure out why.

Doing the Clean Saves steps has always worked before, now for some reason it's not... hmm :/




Look at your previous post in this topic. I quoted that. you are creating a lot of topics and obviously posting on the wrong ones yourself apparntly.

Posted (edited)

Oh something I overlooked you mentioned;
You only need the GID files with latest DynDOLOD alpha (see grassGID setting in DynDOLOD_SSE.ini). Package these into an uncompressed BSA and load with a plugin.

Is there a 3rd party app for creating the BSA, you recommend instead of using CK, and what do you mean 'load with a plugin'?

I thought all we had to do was right click 'overwrite' and create a mod called Grass Cache and that was fine? This I remember reading in the guide.

Oh, I'm using Alpha95, ahh I was using the Grass Cache bat and still adding the gid in with the cgid.


P.S. The Grass option in DynDOLOD is grayed out if I don't have the CGID.

Edited by mooit
  On 7/9/2022 at 4:43 AM, mooit said:

Oh something I overlooked you mentioned;
You only need the GID files with latest DynDOLOD alpha (see grassGID setting in DynDOLOD_SSE.ini). Package these into an uncompressed BSA and load with a plugin.

Is there a 3rd party app for creating the BSA, you recommend instead of using CK, and what do you mean 'load with a plugin'?

I thought all we had to do was right click 'overwrite' and create a mod called Grass Cache and that was fine? This I remember reading in the guide.

Oh, I'm using Alpha95, ahh I was using the Grass Cache bat and still adding the gid in with the cgid.


P.S. The Grass option in DynDOLOD is grayed out if I don't have the CGID.


The grass option is greyed out if you don't have TexGen grass textures.

Yes, you only need GID. I suggest packaging into a BSA, but you don't need to.

  On 7/10/2022 at 9:31 PM, mooit said:

The DynDOLOD grass option is grayed out if I only have GID.


Check that you have grass textures in your TexGen output under \terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm

Be certain to set GrassGID=gid in DynDOLOD_SSE.ini

Enable Grass Cache Fixes

Posted (edited)
  On 7/10/2022 at 11:40 PM, z929669 said:

Check that you have grass textures in your TexGen output under \terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm

Be certain to set GrassGID=gid in DynDOLOD_SSE.ini

Enable Grass Cache Fixes



What difference does it make, calling them cgid or gid? Because with No Grass in Objects we're making them as cgid, and then with the Grass Cache Fixes bat file, all we're doing is renaming the extension.

I'm also playing on AE 1.6x, so then is there still any benefit with Grass Cache Fix enabled only using gid?


Edited by mooit
Posted (edited)

If I only use GID the grass isn't rendered properly, I need both cgid and gid in the Grass Cache mod I create from overwrite.


So, if I set it GrassGID=gid, I need the cgid, if I set it GrassGID=cgid, I need the gid.

I see grass under \terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm



Edited by mooit
  On 7/12/2022 at 12:14 AM, mooit said:

If I only use GID the grass isn't rendered properly, I need both cgid and gid in the Grass Cache mod I create from overwrite.


So, if I set it GrassGID=gid, I need the cgid, if I set it GrassGID=cgid, I need the gid.

I see grass under \terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm




Then you are doing something unexpected, because we have it working without issue with only GID in BSA and GrassGID=gid as described previously. You probably can have GID as loose files, but I defer to @DoubleYou on this nuance, since he has more time in development around this stuff than me.

  On 7/12/2022 at 12:14 AM, mooit said:

If I only use GID the grass isn't rendered properly, I need both cgid and gid in the Grass Cache mod I create from overwrite.


So, if I set it GrassGID=gid, I need the cgid, if I set it GrassGID=cgid, I need the gid.

I see grass under \terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm




This is incorrect. GrassGID=gid requires only gid files to generate grass LOD. If that is not your experience, I suggest you refer to my FAQ section of my Grass Cache Fixes mod.

Posted (edited)

Ok, I have it worked out, Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods has been giving me problems. If I have it installed in SSE 1.5x when I generate the grass cache, and I then have it installed in AE 1.6x and then run xLODGen, TexGen, DynDOLOD, I run into grass/landscape issues.

So I had to remove Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods from SSE 1.5x before generating the grass cache, and then install it later after running xLODGen,  TexGen, DynDOLOD in AE 1.6x

NOW I have only GID and it's working.




Edited by mooit

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