Pharmer3516 Posted March 31, 2022 Posted March 31, 2022 On 3/31/2022 at 11:31 AM, Pharmer3516 said: I had a question regarding some Skyrim worldspaces not showing up as options for LOD to be generated when using xLODgen. I know this is due to me having certain mods installed in my load order (e.g. Enhanced Solitude and Capital Windhelm Expansion) so the program hides them because of the LOD issues that take place when generating LOD with these installed. The question I have is can I force xLOGgen to have these worldspaces available in some way to build LOD even with those mods installed? Or should I temporarily disable their plugins to build LOD for them? All I wish to do is build terrainLOD as I have Seasons of Skyrim installed and wish for those excluded city worldspaces to have the seasonal landscape textures. Thanks! Expand I realize now that terrainLod is not necessary for those city worldspaces as you won't be able to see it anyways. Disregard my question. I apologize.
sheson Posted March 31, 2022 Author Posted March 31, 2022 On 3/31/2022 at 11:49 AM, Pharmer3516 said: I realize now that terrainLod is not necessary for those city worldspaces as you won't be able to see it anyways. Disregard my question. I apologize. Expand Read the text at the bottom of the xLODGen option window. Typically the walled cities are child worldspace (e.g. WhiterunWorld) that use the parent worldspace (e.g. Tamriel) for LOD. The LOD of the parent worldspace can be seen just fine when inside the child worldspaces.
Pharmer3516 Posted March 31, 2022 Posted March 31, 2022 On 3/31/2022 at 12:24 PM, sheson said: Read the text at the bottom of the xLODGen option window. Typically the walled cities are child worldspace (e.g. WhiterunWorld) that use the parent worldspace (e.g. Tamriel) for LOD. The LOD of the parent worldspace can be seen just fine when inside the child worldspaces. Expand I appreciate the response. That makes sense. I apologize again for asking the question in the first place. I realized it wasn't really necessary after I had sent it.
Binsu Posted April 8, 2022 Posted April 8, 2022 (edited) Hello, I am an absolute noob when it comes to generating LOD. I don't understand most things here so I try to avoid having to generate LOD. However, I recently found a huge FNV mod that requires terrain LOD generating. I just followed the mod's instructions when generating. At first it was okay, so I felt like it shouldn't be a problem if I generate more from other mods. The first mod that needed LOD was Arizona - A Legion Expansion and the second one was Better Strip View. After Installing this happened: Reveal hidden contents Here is my load order: Reveal hidden contents FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm ClimateControl.esm NVInteriors_Core.esm Configurable Pip-Boy Light Color.esm ArizonaOverhaul.esm TheHUDEditor.esm SolidProject.esm Hardcore Forever.esm Securitrons On Alert.esm No More Motion Sickness.esm Main And Pause Menus Overhaul.esm No More Explosions Blindness.esm Night Sky Tweaks.esm Daughters of Ares.esp Sortomatic.esm BraveNewWorld.esm Misc Gameplay Merge.esm New Vegas Landscape Overhaul.esm Simple Open Freeside.esm TGMIO.esm Functional Post Game Ending.esm New Vegas Redesigned II.esm MikotoBeauty.esm ISControl.esm JIP Selective-Fire.esm Ragdolls.esm Asterra's Many Fixes.esp Wild Card - Open the Lucky 38.esm TLD_Travelers.esm NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm Vikki and Vance Improvements.esm vault22FloralOverhaul.esm Less Empty Primm.esp Simple Open Strip.esm Lime's Fort Overhaul.esm Mojave NPCs.esm Harder New Vegas Strip Access.esm Lucky38 Climate FixedESMVersion.ESM JokerineStripMall.esm Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp MuchNeededLOD.esp Distributed Necklaces and Chains.esp pipboy2500_newfeat.esp pipboy2500_edisleado.esp Wasteland Weapon Project.esp FOVSlider.esp SmartHelmets.esp nowaterhealing.esp Groundcover Overhaul.esp A Wasteland in Bloom.esp Mannequin Rce.esp MikotoBeauty.esp Type10.esp 10YearPack.esp ToastysRanger.esp Animated Ingestibles.esp JIP Companions Command & Control.esp CPI Icons.esp ImmersivePickupSoundsFNV.esp Bash_Spread.esp Fast V.A.T.S. and Kill Camera.esp NaturalWaters.esp Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover.esp Uncut Wasteland.esp Uncut Extra Collection.esp LadderRestorationProject.esp Logic and Consistency Fixes.esp WesternAmbienceOverhaul Merged.esp Occlusion.esp The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul.esp outsidebets.esp Windows of the Mojave v1.2.1.esp Lively Gourmand.esp FreesideOpen-Functional Post Game Ending.esp FPGE Patch - Simple Open Freeside.esp Mojave Raiders.esp AAM.esp NV_IFR.esp Less Empty Nellis.esp Little More Lamplight.esp Strip Lights Region Fix - Less Empty Nellis.esp Mojave Wildlife (FO3-Style).esp BraveNewWorld-FPGE.esp Better Strip View.esp BLEEDNV.esp NVR2 - YUP Patch.esp Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Extra Collection Patch.esp Mojave Arsenal.esp Casino Crowds.esp BraveNewWorld-YUP.esp BraveNewWorld-Override.esp Uncut Skeletons.esp Cut notes restoration.esp NVLO - Less Empty Primm Patch.esp Lucky38Overhaul.esp Mojave NPCs - FPGE Patch.esp Realistic Safehouse Upgrades Ex- All.esp Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland Patch.esp NVR2 - BNW Patch.esp BraveNewWorld-UncutExtraCollection.esp FPGE Patch - Mojave Raiders.esp Functional Post Game Ending - Outside Bets Patch.esp FactionWastelandPresence.esp No more Ravens.esp BraveNewWorld-OutsideBets.esp Better Combat Performance - Merged.esp LilFixes.esp FPGE Patch - Casino Crowds.esp LRPWatertowers.esp PrereleaseRestored.esp MMDD.esp Arizona-YUP.esp Uncut Cottonwood Cove Shack.esp QSupplementaryWeaponPack.esp Arizona - BNW patch.esp IOTB - Vanilla.esp TGMIO_Logic_and_Consistency_Fixes_Patch.esp Codac R9000.esp Alsatian NCR Guard Dogs.esp Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp Follower Tweaks.esp RAD.esp Vanilla UI Plus.esp B42Inspect.esp B42Bash.esp Quickthrow.esp Behemoth Spawns.esp RetrievableThrowables.esp Player Headtracking.esp Feel.esp V87UncleLeo.esp Legion - Balanced Lists.esp ZZ_Merge_zzAlcoholFixes_NukaColaOverhaul.esp NukaColaOverhaul.esp Kaya47GlacierGlasses.esp NCR Rangers - Balanced Lists.esp FreesideOpen-Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover.esp zed's Simple Suite Upgrade.esp Lucky38PlayerRoomStripView.esp Lucky38PlayerRoomStripViewOPENSTRIP.esp Lucky38PlayerRoomStripViewCURTAINS.esp Snowglobe Tweaks.esp Lucky38PlayerRoomStripViewENHANCEDLIGHTING.esp Lucky38PlayerRoomStripViewNEWIMAGESPACE.esp Economy Overhaul.esp BraveNewWorld-UncutWastelandNPCs.esp DLC Weapon Integration.esp Bullet Tracers NV Shotgun.esp Mojave Raiders - 22LR Varmint Rifle.esp NVR2 - Mojave Raiders Patch.esp BraveNewWorld-MojaveRaiders.esp FPGE Patch - Simple Open Strip.esp The Town of Vice - A Gomorrah Overhaul.esp OWB-ChaoticBigMT.esp Northern Passage Cave Entrance.esp Wild Card - Open the Lucky 38 - Brave New World.esp Fast start menu + No load txt with DLC.esp Simple Reputation and Disguises.esp FourwindsRestored.esp TradeWithFiredCompanions.esp SimpleSink.esp Primm Reputation Restored.esp FreesideOpen-Uncut Extra Collection.esp Strip Wall Billboards.esp Arizona - Uncut Extra Collections Patch.esp FPGE Patch - Less Empty Nellis.esp GasPumpsOfNV.esp Overlook Cabin.esp Future Fallout Chems.esp Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch.esp Uncut Bison Steve Trees.esp FPGE Patch - Less Empty Primm.esp Lucky 38 Suite Upgrade Terminal Tweak.esp LRPenemiesredux.esp Wild wasteland Animation pack.esp NVxMcCarranMonorailAnimation.esp Better Strip View Monorail Patch.esp freesidehome.esp zz_Sunglasses.esp Strip Lights Region Fix - Uncut Wasteland.esp Better Character Creation.esp MentatsGaloreWastelandParty.esp LeaveNoWitnesses.esp ArizonaFPGEPatch.esp Strip Lights Region Fix - Vault 22 Flora Overhaul Remastered.esp Strip Lights Region Fix - The Living Desert.esp 360Movement.esp Diagonal movement.esp 360Movement - Diagonal movement Patch.esp LiveDismember.esp NPCsSprint.esp ThrowableFixes.esp OldWorldBlues - Keep Big MT Active.esp zzAlcoholFixes.esp KeysFix.esp Immersive Hit Reactions.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp NKE-Realistic Weapon Sounds.esp ED-E 3D Sound.esp B42 RWMS.esp TMCOTT - Restored.esp OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp OWB-Path Lights.esp Cut Sewers Restored.esp ArmedToTheTeethNV-Redux.esp CASM with MCM.esp SimpleGlowingRangerVisors(NeckCover).esp JustAssortedMods.esp PowerArmorSize - No DLC.esp FO4 Power Armors - FNV Standard Edition.esp Dynamic Third Person Camera.esp Bullet Impact Increased LOD.esp NoBlurMenus2.esp B42Inertia.esp FalloutNV_lang.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp Simple DLC Delay.esp Daughters of Ares - CouriersStash.esp Strip Lighting Overhaul.esp ultra luxe expanded fountain.esp FPGE Patch - True Revival of Luxury.esp FPGE Patch - The Town of Vice.esp BLEEDNV - Ragdolls Patch.esp BLEEDNV - UPNVSE+ Patch.esp Better ArmourRepairKits (x1).esp NVFeralGhoulChildren.esp Tutorial Killer.esp FNVLODGen.esp tmzLODadditions.esp Strip Lights Region Fix.esp Lucky 38 Lights Redone.esp Altitude.esp I also have NMC but I have installed patches for it. Edited April 8, 2022 by Binsu
sheson Posted April 8, 2022 Author Posted April 8, 2022 On 4/8/2022 at 6:36 AM, Binsu said: However, I recently found a huge FNV mod that requires terrain LOD generating. I just followed the mod's instructions when generating. At first it was okay, so I felt like it shouldn't be a problem if I generate more from other mods. The first mod that needed LOD was Arizona - A Legion Expansion and the second one was Better Strip View. After Installing this happened: Reveal hidden contents Expand If there are problems following third party instructions, I suggest to ask their author or on their comments/forum section. It is unclear what the 3rd party instructions were. For object LOD generation, read the description of FNVLODGen For terrain LOD generation, read the included Terrain-LOD-Readme.txt. Ask specific questions if necessary. Do not change the default texture compression/format settings. ALWAYS set a dedicated output folder with -o command line as explained in the description/readme. Install output as a mod with the mod manager. Make sure nothing overwrites any of the generated files. If there are problems check the FNVLODGen_log.txt logfile for errors and warnings. Upload the file if additional help is required.
Soulmancer Posted April 11, 2022 Posted April 11, 2022 Hello, I use the optimal settings... I do notice if I have my Terrain generation output enabled with those or higher settings. I am unable to run grass cache, as it will constantly CTD loop. disabling my terrain gen output fixes that.... any ideas?? I also noticed a crash log a couple times while just playing the game that is very similar to the grass cache crash log while terrain generation is enabled. Possible relevant objects (2) { [ 206] BSLightingShaderProperty(Name: null) [ 358] NiNode(Name: `Scene Root`) } Probable callstack { [0] 0x7FF6417DDDDA (SkyrimSE.exe+D6DDDA) unk_D6DD70+6A [1] 0x7FF641D983B5 (SkyrimSE.exe+13283B5) unk_1328370+45 [2] 0x7FF6416D8CEF (SkyrimSE.exe+C68CEF) unk_C68BA0+14F [3] 0x7FF6417AA58E (SkyrimSE.exe+D3A58E) unk_D3A4D0+BE [4] 0x7FF640F8E646 (SkyrimSE.exe+51E646) unk_51E440+206 [5] 0x7FF6417A9445 (SkyrimSE.exe+D39445) unk_D392B0+195 [6] 0x7FF641D05D93 (SkyrimSE.exe+1295D93) unk_1295C30+163 [7] 0x7FF641D553DE (SkyrimSE.exe+12E53DE) BSShaderTextureSet::SetTexture_12E5390+4E [8] 0x7FF641D3F549 (SkyrimSE.exe+12CF549) BSLightingShaderMaterialBase::OnLoadTextureSet_12CF480+C9 [9] 0x7FF641D4050A (SkyrimSE.exe+12D050A) BSLightingShaderMaterialEnvmap::OnLoadTextureSet_12D04D0+3A [10] 0x7FF641D34E76 (SkyrimSE.exe+12C4E76) BSLightingShaderProperty::unk_12C4CC0+1B6 [11] 0x7FF6416CBD71 (SkyrimSE.exe+C5BD71) NiStream::Func15_C5BA80+2F1 [12] 0x7FF6416C9FBE (SkyrimSE.exe+C59FBE) NiStream::Func1_C59F90+2E [13] 0x7FF6417A69D8 (SkyrimSE.exe+D369D8) BSStream::unk_D36950+88 [14] 0x7FF64179E949 (SkyrimSE.exe+D2E949) unk_D2E880+C9 [15] 0x7FF640B735B1 (SkyrimSE.exe+1035B1) unk_1033E0+1D1 [16] 0x7FF640C2A12F (SkyrimSE.exe+1BA12F) unk_1BA000+12F [17] 0x7FF6417A0240 (SkyrimSE.exe+D30240) unk_D300F0+150 [18] 0x7FF6417A0D10 (SkyrimSE.exe+D30D10) BSResource::EntryDB<BSModelDB::DBTraits>::Func3_D30CE0+30 [19] 0x7FF6416B3EBE (SkyrimSE.exe+C43EBE) BSResource__EntryDB_gs_T1_ge_::unk_C43E70+4E [20] 0x7FF64179D69D (SkyrimSE.exe+D2D69D) IOManager::Func21_D2D630+6D [21] 0x7FF64179A361 (SkyrimSE.exe+D2A361) BSTaskManagerThread::Func1_D2A220+141 [22] 0x7FF64167D6BD (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD) StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D [23] 0x7FFB3E527034 (KERNEL32.DLL+17034) [24] 0x7FFB3F322651 (ntdll.dll+52651)
sheson Posted April 11, 2022 Author Posted April 11, 2022 On 4/11/2022 at 1:26 AM, Soulmancer said: Hello, I use the optimal settings... I do notice if I have my Terrain generation output enabled with those or higher settings. I am unable to run grass cache, as it will constantly CTD loop. disabling my terrain gen output fixes that.... any ideas?? I also noticed a crash log a couple times while just playing the game that is very similar to the grass cache crash log while terrain generation is enabled. Possible relevant objects (2) { [ 206] BSLightingShaderProperty(Name: null) [ 358] NiNode(Name: `Scene Root`) } Probable callstack { [0] 0x7FF6417DDDDA (SkyrimSE.exe+D6DDDA) unk_D6DD70+6A [1] 0x7FF641D983B5 (SkyrimSE.exe+13283B5) unk_1328370+45 [2] 0x7FF6416D8CEF (SkyrimSE.exe+C68CEF) unk_C68BA0+14F [3] 0x7FF6417AA58E (SkyrimSE.exe+D3A58E) unk_D3A4D0+BE [4] 0x7FF640F8E646 (SkyrimSE.exe+51E646) unk_51E440+206 [5] 0x7FF6417A9445 (SkyrimSE.exe+D39445) unk_D392B0+195 [6] 0x7FF641D05D93 (SkyrimSE.exe+1295D93) unk_1295C30+163 [7] 0x7FF641D553DE (SkyrimSE.exe+12E53DE) BSShaderTextureSet::SetTexture_12E5390+4E [8] 0x7FF641D3F549 (SkyrimSE.exe+12CF549) BSLightingShaderMaterialBase::OnLoadTextureSet_12CF480+C9 [9] 0x7FF641D4050A (SkyrimSE.exe+12D050A) BSLightingShaderMaterialEnvmap::OnLoadTextureSet_12D04D0+3A [10] 0x7FF641D34E76 (SkyrimSE.exe+12C4E76) BSLightingShaderProperty::unk_12C4CC0+1B6 [11] 0x7FF6416CBD71 (SkyrimSE.exe+C5BD71) NiStream::Func15_C5BA80+2F1 [12] 0x7FF6416C9FBE (SkyrimSE.exe+C59FBE) NiStream::Func1_C59F90+2E [13] 0x7FF6417A69D8 (SkyrimSE.exe+D369D8) BSStream::unk_D36950+88 [14] 0x7FF64179E949 (SkyrimSE.exe+D2E949) unk_D2E880+C9 [15] 0x7FF640B735B1 (SkyrimSE.exe+1035B1) unk_1033E0+1D1 [16] 0x7FF640C2A12F (SkyrimSE.exe+1BA12F) unk_1BA000+12F [17] 0x7FF6417A0240 (SkyrimSE.exe+D30240) unk_D300F0+150 [18] 0x7FF6417A0D10 (SkyrimSE.exe+D30D10) BSResource::EntryDB<BSModelDB::DBTraits>::Func3_D30CE0+30 [19] 0x7FF6416B3EBE (SkyrimSE.exe+C43EBE) BSResource__EntryDB_gs_T1_ge_::unk_C43E70+4E [20] 0x7FF64179D69D (SkyrimSE.exe+D2D69D) IOManager::Func21_D2D630+6D [21] 0x7FF64179A361 (SkyrimSE.exe+D2A361) BSTaskManagerThread::Func1_D2A220+141 [22] 0x7FF64167D6BD (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD) StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D [23] 0x7FFB3E527034 (KERNEL32.DLL+17034) [24] 0x7FFB3F322651 (ntdll.dll+52651) Expand Always post entire log when making reports. The crash can not be because of generated LOD files. The relevant object points to a NIF that has a NiNode with the name "Scene Root". A NiNode root node instead of BSFadeNode can be problematic depending on the NIF and how it is used. Typically I would expect the relevant objects to mention the reference and base records in this case. Generated LOD files do not contain "Scene Root" names/strings. It is typically custom meshes from mods. The call stack also hints that there could be a problem with the texture. Like non power of two resolution for example. Often the NIF or DDS is mentioned in the rest of the crash log.
Soulmancer Posted April 11, 2022 Posted April 11, 2022 sorry, barking up the wrong tree then. I am told D6DDDA crash is 99% of the time a pagefile issue and 1% of the time a corrupt texture. It is worth noting though, "not related to the above crash" that running the Grass Cache via No Grass in Objects mod, one should disable xlodgen output. For whatever the reason, the process will go into an infinite crash loop during the grass cache process. works fine disabling the terrain gen for grass cache, and then just re-enabling after the process is complete.
DoubleYou Posted April 11, 2022 Posted April 11, 2022 On 4/11/2022 at 8:10 PM, Soulmancer said: sorry, barking up the wrong tree then. I am told D6DDDA crash is 99% of the time a pagefile issue and 1% of the time a corrupt texture. It is worth noting though, "not related to the above crash" that running the Grass Cache via No Grass in Objects mod, one should disable xlodgen output. For whatever the reason, the process will go into an infinite crash loop during the grass cache process. works fine disabling the terrain gen for grass cache, and then just re-enabling after the process is complete. Expand You should not need to disable xLODGen output when generating grass cache. If you do, check the crash log, as there may be a corrupt texture/mesh requiring regeneration. Infinite crash loop indicates an issue with an item at the cell location it is failing to load.
sheson Posted April 12, 2022 Author Posted April 12, 2022 On 4/11/2022 at 8:10 PM, Soulmancer said: sorry, barking up the wrong tree then. I am told D6DDDA crash is 99% of the time a pagefile issue and 1% of the time a corrupt texture. Expand If it is a texture you will see its in the crash log. The partial crash log you posted it is very likely it is a texture. On 4/11/2022 at 8:10 PM, Soulmancer said: It is worth noting though, "not related to the above crash" that running the Grass Cache via No Grass in Objects mod, one should disable xlodgen output. For whatever the reason, the process will go into an infinite crash loop during the grass cache process. works fine disabling the terrain gen for grass cache, and then just re-enabling after the process is complete. Expand That sounds like a typical user myth. Terrain LOD is terrain LOD, it does not matter what LOD generator generated it. Either LOD files are valid or not. If they are not they also would not work in the normal game. Grass cache generation does nothing different then the normal game when loading cells. However, loading high resolution/larger terrain LOD files or any other meshes/textures plugins that do not affect grass or its placement is probably wasting time and resources.
GrassRash Posted April 17, 2022 Posted April 17, 2022 Hello everyone. I noticed that an error I ran into (That I assume would be fairly common, however hard to notice considering it isn't shoved into the users face in the log) which causes failures for certain tex conv processes in xlodgen. Specifically if you're using a laptop, you'll want to make sure that xlodgen is running with your Dedicated GPU via Nvidia control panel or windows settings, then the error should vanish. That is all, bye bye.
sheson Posted April 18, 2022 Author Posted April 18, 2022 On 4/17/2022 at 8:52 PM, GrassRash said: Hello everyone. I noticed that an error I ran into (That I assume would be fairly common, however hard to notice considering it isn't shoved into the users face in the log) which causes failures for certain tex conv processes in xlodgen. Specifically if you're using a laptop, you'll want to make sure that xlodgen is running with your Dedicated GPU via Nvidia control panel or windows settings, then the error should vanish. That is all, bye bye. Expand Also see
mooit Posted April 18, 2022 Posted April 18, 2022 (edited) Hello, I'm using the latest xLODGen version, after generating only for Terrain LOD, I noticed Terrain LOD Redone doesn't work, the terrain texture reverts back to what it originally looks like before installing it. Has anyone else experienced an issue with Terrain LOD Redone not working after generating Terrain LOD with xLODGen? These are the settings I used in xLODGen. xLODGen — ImgBB ( THANKS Edited April 18, 2022 by mooit
mooit Posted April 18, 2022 Posted April 18, 2022 Perfect Terrain LOD is working nice, I'll stick with this instead. Perfect Terrain LOD at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (
sheson Posted April 18, 2022 Author Posted April 18, 2022 On 4/18/2022 at 7:23 AM, mooit said: Hello, I'm using the latest xLODGen version, after generating only for Terrain LOD, I noticed Terrain LOD Redone doesn't work, the terrain texture reverts back to what it originally looks like before installing it. Has anyone else experienced an issue with Terrain LOD Redone not working after generating Terrain LOD with xLODGen? These are the settings I used in xLODGen. xLODGen — ImgBB ( THANKS Expand Say this out loud: "Terrain LOD Redone not working after generating Terrain LOD" Terrain LOD Redone contains buggy terrain LOD meshes made with Oscape and terrain LOD textures made with xLODGen for a specific setup of the vanilla game and full landscape textures made by the mod author just for the terrain LOD texture generation process. Generating terrain LOD with xLODGen and installing the output as a mod overwriting everything else is obviously supposed to replace any other pre-made terrain LOD in the load order. On 4/18/2022 at 8:25 AM, mooit said: Perfect Terrain LOD is working nice, I'll stick with this instead. Perfect Terrain LOD at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community ( Expand The terrain LOD included in Perfect Terrain LOD was made with xLODGen for a vanilla load order + whatever version of landscape texture mod available at the time. Which means, the generated terrain LOD meshes and textures will not match your specific load order, specially any terrain or landscape texture changes made by other plugins or mods / updates. The mod author then renamed SSE-Terrain-Tamriel.esm to Perfect Terrain LOD.esm, which means loading a plugin meant for terrain LOD generation only is unnecessary loaded while playing the game. The only useful files from that mod are the textures.
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