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Posted (edited)

Nice, thank you for the suggestions.

  On 11/4/2017 at 2:34 PM, polik1 said:

A few quick suggestions from beginner's point of view :)


1) I'm using GOG version of both Oblivion and Morrowind - there's bug in Oblivion's BSA, ESM and ESP files - they miss Modified Date attribute (it's blank). This prevents Wrye Bash from launching properly - fix is available at https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/100238-wrye-bash/?p=54009393 (but it's needed for all mentioned files) - it's good to mention this in your guide I will note this in the guide and credit you as the contributor of this information if that is ok with you.


2) Mod Organizer should be located at bottom of it's section - I presume Wrye Bash is preferred choice. Also I don't understand why TesModManager is above WB - in it's detailed instruction WB is mentioned and necessary to complete setup. I think WB>TMM>MO is most logical order I have no problem with editing this order, I understand how that can be confusing.


3) Oblivion Data screenshot is misleading - it suggests backing up whole Data folder - as opposed to description's everything except BSA files I actually do back up my entire Vanilla Data folder, but I realize that in the instructions I explain not to install the plugins. I'll go back to review these sections and see how best to clarify them. I'll even post a new screenshot if needed.


4) Merge Plugins - there's no mention when should I use it, so it seems pointless to install it We will be merging plugins at the end of the guide. I have not finished editing all of the mods into my STEP Morroblivion Overhaul User talk page. When I create the final CR Patch for the Morroblivion Overhaul setup, those merged plugins will be included as a Master file. I will only edit in the Merge Plugins instructions when I am ready to complete the guide. 


5) MOB_CG Voices - there you sholud split install in two options - first for combining all 13 flies and second dor ponyrider0's archive (which I assume is ready to install as it is) I will edit this section to in two options. Yes, ponyrider0's archive is ready to install. 


6) it should be stated somewhere that mods from "Quests and Adventures" are used in Oblivion only - I see this guide is creating not only Morroblivion, but overhauled Oblivion too. This is true, however there may be a couple of mods that are Morroblivion dependent. I'll review that section more thoroughly when I get to it in my own installation. Currently I have only reinstalled my mods through Morroblivion with Fixes and Improvements. The next phase for me is the Overhauls section. 


More coming... :)

I try to follow along with my own instructions as if I were new to this. Sometimes it is difficult for me to re-read everything over and over and over  :blahblah1:   :doh:   :teehee:


This is why it is helpful for me to receive this type of feedback. It really is very much appreciated so keep it coming. 


I also strive to teach when creating my guides. I want users who follow my work to understand the "ins and outs" of what is actually involved in creating a stable modded game. This way the user can hopefully know how to set up a game with their own unique style of game play as opposed to following what someone else has put out there for them. I am more of an adventure/fantasy player, so I prefer graphic overhauls that add unique scenery and items to my game. Others prefer more realistic- survival and combat style overhauls. I try to blend a little of each with my setup to accommodate those users. But, wouldn't it be nice to know how to mod your own game your own way? Hopefully after following my guides, a user will understand how to do this for themselves. GamerPoets has been my inspiration for this style of instruction since he began putting out his STEP guides on youtube.


Most of my knowledge of modding was gathered from our STEP Wiki and Forums. Now, I'm hoping to "pay it forward" in a way with my instructional guides. So please, never hesitate to let me know where I should make improvements in my process. I want you all who are new to modding to leave with the experience of understanding how to mod your own games your own way and make them stable. I also look forward to learning more from our experienced modders who may catch something I have missed, or didn't fully understand myself. I still have to take breaks from editing my guides in order to research how best to perform certain tasks to keep my mods stable. 


Sorry I was so long winded. If the honey doesn't have plans for me I'll try to perform some edits today.

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH
  • +1 1
Posted (edited)
  On 11/4/2017 at 12:00 AM, mcshame said:

You dropped Voicefile Redirector?


MOB Corprus Immunity Fixer keeps popping up on a new game and doesn't stop.  Is this really needed?


Otherwise, looks good to this point in the guide

I decided to remove Corpus Immunity Fixer from the guide. If users have followed this guide they should not experience this bug.  If we have users who have already installed their Morroblivion game prior to seeing this guide on our STEP forum, we can direct them to ponyrider0's Active Morroblivion Bugs and Fixes List 2017.


Install a Mod Management Utility section has been re-ordered listing Wrye Bash as the Core and preferred mod manager at the top of the list. It needs to be installed regardless of the primary Mod Manager chosen. TesModManager and Mod Organizer are now flagged as Optional.


A notice for GOG Users has now been edited into the Wrye Bash instructions.


Clearer instructions and a new screenshot have been edited into the Oblivion Data Folder.


MOB_CG Voices has been revised to show a simple method of installation or the choice of manually setting up and installing the files.

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH
  • +1 1

Really appreciate the efforts being made on this, going to play the hell out of it. A question, to play oblivion, is the only way to get there the guy on the ship and to pay him?

Posted (edited)
  On 11/4/2017 at 7:46 PM, mcshame said:

Really appreciate the efforts being made on this, going to play the hell out of it. A question, to play oblivion, is the only way to get there the guy on the ship and to pay him?

MOB_Portal to Vvardenfell

 Portal Spell by Sjors Boomschors


Description: A spell that summons a magic portal which can take you to Vvardenfell (and later can be to travel back to the same location in Cyrodil where you opened the portal to Morrowind).

Special Installation Instructions:

Download manually:

• Morroblivion Portal to Vvardenfell v1.0.zip

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH

Another suggestions from my 2nd attempt - I've finished 'Install Essential Utilities' section. Thanks 


1) section "Morrowind and Oblivion can be installed one of two ways"
Third way - GOG - install setup_oblivion_1.2.0416_cs_(12732).exe and setup_tes_morrowind_goty_2.0.0.7.exe
2) Wrye Bash - 9. "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp" - should we uncheck all other default ticks?
Also default values are now different:
- "Crime: Alarm Distance [2000]" - it's 4000
- "Warning: Exterior Distance to Hostiles [2000]" - it's 3000
We can change this with right-click and choose desired value - leave default or change to your numbers?
3) "Oblivion Data Folder"
- add step 3 - "install" - now it's not 100% clear for me
4) "BAE" - I guess there should be info this step is necessary - either in BAE or Mod Manager - now it looks like it's optional (and I think it's required)
Also please write merge order is important - there are files that can be overwritten and not all of them are the same size
5) I have a conflict in WB "Installers" after installing "Oblivion Data Folder" and "Vanilla + DLC Meshes & Textures" - is there something I should do with this?
Problem is Textures\Effects\TerrainNoise.dds - "Oblivion Data Folder" has yellow tick box
6) "BOSS" - I think only installer is needed
7) "Official Oblivion Construction Set" - what needs to be repacked here? Installer is straightforward and I don't even choose file destination. 
"TES4 Construction Set Data Folder" - what should I archive in this step? Is it for MO users only?
8) "TES4Edit" - I think step 7. "TES4Edit will generate files in Mod Organizer's Overwrite Mod" - is for MO users only - should WB user also create backup in some way?
9) "Merge Plugins" - step 4. "Run MergePlugins" - it should be noted before that we shouldn't run it at this point (part 4-6 of installation could be moved to step where we would actually use Merge Plugins).
10) "TES4LODGen" part 6-8 - how to do this in WB? And again - in intallation instructions it's said to run program, but below it's written don't run.
11) "TES4LL" - it's not used anywhere in guide at this point
12) .ini edit - iTreeClonesAllowed is not present (maybe after using BethINI?)
in WB - OblivionReloaded Recommended [Oblivion].ini is not available at this point - this should be reminded after installnig Oblivion Reloaded
ok, thats all for today, I have no idea where I went wrong, but I get this error while trying to launch Oblivion from WB
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bash\balt.pyo", line 395, in <lambda>
  File "bash\basher\app_buttons.pyo", line 472, in Execute
  File "bash\basher\app_buttons.pyo", line 284, in Execute
  File "bash\basher\app_buttons.pyo", line 205, in ShowError
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xaf in position 12: ordinal not in range(128)


Posted (edited)
  On 11/4/2017 at 10:26 PM, polik1 said:


Another suggestions from my 2nd attempt - I've finished 'Install Essential Utilities' section. Thanks 


1) section "Morrowind and Oblivion can be installed one of two ways"
Third way - GOG - install setup_oblivion_1.2.0416_cs_(12732).exe and setup_tes_morrowind_goty_2.0.0.7.exe I will add this in. Thank you.
2) Wrye Bash - 9. "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp" - should we uncheck all other default ticks? 
Also default values are now different:
- "Crime: Alarm Distance [2000]" - it's 4000
- "Warning: Exterior Distance to Hostiles [2000]" - it's 3000
We can change this with right-click and choose desired value - leave default or change to your numbers? I'll create a separate installation on my laptop to double check the Wrye Bash setup. Currently I am using Mod Organizer on my Gaming Desktop. I thought that only one at a time could be ticked, but if that isn't the case you should untick the other. I believe this is probably also a personal preference. When I first began modding Oblivion a few years ago these were the instructions I stuck to from someone else's guide. Some modders don't even use a Bashed Patch, but I haven't really researched or understood all the debate.
3) "Oblivion Data Folder"
- add step 3 - "install" - now it's not 100% clear for me  Added
4) "BAE" - I guess there should be info this step is necessary - either in BAE or Mod Manager - now it looks like it's optional (and I think it's required) This is optional. If a user experiences problems with a mod that contains a .bsa file, the mod author may refuse to troubleshoot the issue for the user. This is an "at your own risk" optional step. However, BSAopt is required because MergePlugins uses this utility for some of its functions.
Also please write merge order is important - there are files that can be overwritten and not all of them are the same size The order that is listed is the order that should be followed for merging the files. I'll take another look to see how best to clarify this.
5) I have a conflict in WB "Installers" after installing "Oblivion Data Folder" and "Vanilla + DLC Meshes & Textures" - is there something I should do with this? 
Problem is Textures\Effects\TerrainNoise.dds - "Oblivion Data Folder" has yellow tick box This is normal because Textures\Effects\TerrainNoise.dds from the Vanilla + DLC Meshes & Textures is now being overwritten. You can delete that file from your Oblivion Vanilla Data folder if you wish, but it is not necessary.
6) "BOSS" - I think only installer is needed Actually, for Mod Organizer users especially, only the .zip file contains the 32 bit executables needed for Mod Organizer. It is incapable of running 64 bit applications.
7) "Official Oblivion Construction Set" - what needs to be repacked here? Installer is straightforward and I don't even choose file destination. 
"TES4 Construction Set Data Folder" - what should I archive in this step? Is it for MO users only? I placed this in the Download instructions. Notice: Review and choose to download any other optional files you wish to install. I'll go back to review the steps to note what should be repackaged and edit it accordingly. 
8) "TES4Edit" - I think step 7. "TES4Edit will generate files in Mod Organizer's Overwrite Mod" - is for MO users only - should WB user also create backup in some way? TES4Edit will automatically generate this folder in the Oblivion\Data directory.
9) "Merge Plugins" - step 4. "Run MergePlugins" - it should be noted before that we shouldn't run it at this point (part 4-6 of installation could be moved to step where we would actually use Merge Plugins). Running the program to setup the settings and registration will not affect anything. I'll review those instructions to see if I should move this step.
10) "TES4LODGen" part 6-8 - how to do this in WB? And again - in intallation instructions it's said to run program, but below it's written don't run. I will review and edit this out of the setup. 
11) "TES4LL" - it's not used anywhere in guide at this point It will be used. In fact I use it just after installing the Morroblivion with Fixes and Improvements section, so I will look that section over to see if I neglected to include it.
12) .ini edit - iTreeClonesAllowed is not present (maybe after using BethINI?) This must be added into the Oblivion.ini file. I'll review those instructions to make certain to clarify this.
in WB - OblivionReloaded Recommended [Oblivion].ini is not available at this point - this should be reminded after installnig Oblivion Reloaded I'll look this over as well.
ok, thats all for today, I have no idea where I went wrong, but I get this error while trying to launch Oblivion from WB 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bash\balt.pyo", line 395, in
  File "bash\basher\app_buttons.pyo", line 472, in Execute
  File "bash\basher\app_buttons.pyo", line 284, in Execute
  File "bash\basher\app_buttons.pyo", line 205, in ShowError
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xaf in position 12: ordinal not in range(128) I'll have to ask someone more familiar with Wrye Bash to help answer this question for us. I have not seen this error myself.


Thank you again for sharing your suggestions.  :thumbsup:

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH
  On 11/4/2017 at 11:13 PM, Diana_TES_GotH said:


2) Wrye Bash - 9. "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp" (...)
I'll create a separate installation on my laptop to double check the Wrye Bash setup. Currently I am using Mod Organizer on my Gaming Desktop. I thought that only one at a time could be ticked, but if that isn't the case you should untick the other. I believe this is probably also a personal preference. When I first began modding Oblivion a few years ago these were the instructions I stuck to from someone else's guide. Some modders don't even use a Bashed Patch, but I haven't really researched or understood all the debate.
There is a section in WB readme about Bashed Patch default settings - https://wrye-bash.github.io/docs/Wrye%20Bash%20General%20Readme.html#patch - maybe it'll be useful - for now I'll leave it at default settings
7) "Official Oblivion Construction Set" - what needs to be repacked here? (...)
I placed this in the Download instructions. Notice: Review and choose to download any other optional files you wish to install. I'll go back to review the steps to note what should be repackaged and edit it accordingly. 


It's stil very unclear for me - so I should repack .exe installer and readme file? I don't see any CS-specific folder in Oblivion directory for repacking after installing CS. 

8) "TES4Edit" - I think step 7. "TES4Edit will generate files in Mod Organizer's Overwrite Mod" - is for MO users only - should WB user also create backup in some way? TES4Edit will automatically generate this folder in the Oblivion\Data directory.


There is "TES4Edit Backups" folder in "Oblivion/Data" - but it's empty. Maybe I shouldn't uncheck all files during initial setup? Are you sure something should be created/repacked here without MO installed?


About my bug - tunning WB with admin privliges fixed this issue.

Posted (edited)

I couldn't find edit option (maybe it's disabled for new users), so here are my last thoughts to everything above "Morroblivion with Fixes and Improvements".


1) Fast Exit - is repack needed here?
Also (this includes other mods too) - does "src" and "omod conversion" folders should always go to Data/Docs/mod_name? It's not 100% consistent.
2) Pluggy - Docs folder name should be changed to Pluggy?
3) VoiceFile_Redirector OBSE Plugin - should I repack this or just manually add file?
4) Harvest Containers - meshes/textures overlap, so I'll go with Oblivion first, Shivering Isles second. Also - no add-ons in your setup?
5) Harvest Flora - should I include Harvest [Flora].bsa in Harvest Flora repackage after extracting .bsa if it's content is placed in Harvest [Flora] Meshes & Textures archive?
6) Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch - DLCShiveringIsles - Faces.bsa - same question as above (include in mod repack or delete)?
7) Oblivion Official Plugin BAIN Package - should we later clean all mods exdcept those specifically written? Or is it written somewhere (in xEdit maybe?) which ones to clean?
- Cleaned DLC .esp files - should I leave cleaned files in Data or restore original files, repack cleaned ones and install it in WB?
- while cleaning DLCBattlehornCastle.esp and Knights.esp - theres this note at the end of processs:<Warning: Plugin contains 2 deleted references which can not be undeleted> - is this normal and expected?

I'll stop here for a while and test whole game for couple hours. Thanks for yor help and have a great day ;)

Edited by polik1

polik1 I'll try to go through your list later this evening.


I'm getting the game setup on my laptop today. I'm doing this for two reasons:

#1 on my bad days, as I have some health issues, I can work from my laptop to perform my edits.

#2 I can have the installation setup with Mod Organizer on my gaming desktop, and Wrye Bash on my laptop. This will help me troubleshoot issues with either mod manager.

Posted (edited)
Added GOG download and install options to Clean Install of Morrowind & Oblivion section,


In the Install Essential Utilities section: Revised BAE clarify that this is an Optional step.


Revised instructions for the Oblivion Data folder to deselect the Texture folder before archiving for installation.


Revised Wrye Bash Bashed Patch, 0.esp instructions removing the User Preference settings.


Added Mator Smash to Install Essential Utilities.


Revised TesModManager instructions to include Uncheck "Ghost inactive mods".


Removed instructions to repackage the Official Construction Set.


Clarified that TES4Edit will generate an empty TES4Edit Backups folder when it is first launched.

Edited by Diana_TES_GotH
polik1, on 05 Nov 2017 - 06:07 AM, said:


1) Fast Exit - is repack needed here? Revised


Also (this includes other mods too) - does "src" and "omod conversion" folders should always go to Data/Docs/mod_name? It's not 100% consistent. I have revised the instructions to exclude these files.


2) Pluggy - Docs folder name should be changed to Pluggy?  Revised


3) VoiceFile_Redirector OBSE Plugin - should I repack this or just manually add file? Revised
polik1, on 05 Nov 2017 - 06:07 AM, said:


4) Harvest Containers - meshes/textures overlap, so I'll go with Oblivion first, Shivering Isles second. Also - no add-ons in your setup? Revised: Moved Harvest Container and Harvest Flora to be installed after the UOPs. Add ons are Optional. Read the documentation provided for user preference.


5) Harvest Flora - should I include Harvest [Flora].bsa in Harvest Flora repackage after extracting .bsa if it's content is placed in Harvest [Flora] Meshes & Textures archive?

6) Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch - DLCShiveringIsles - Faces.bsa - same question as above (include in mod repack or delete)? Installing a BSA after extracting the archive is Optional for users who would prefer to keep the BSA with it's mod.


7) Oblivion Official Plugin BAIN Package - should we later clean all mods exdcept those specifically written? Or is it written somewhere (in xEdit maybe?) which ones to clean? BOSS Log will generate a report of "Recognized Plugins" that "Contains dirty edits". If a mod contains dirty edits that are intentional it will be noted 'Do Not Clean'.


- Cleaned DLC .esp files - should I leave cleaned files in Data or restore original files, repack cleaned ones and install it in WB? Mod Organizer users may wish to restore the original file to maintain a vanilla Data directory. However, Wrye Bash users should leave the cleaned files in the Data directory. 


- while cleaning DLCBattlehornCastle.esp and Knights.esp - theres this note at the end of processs: - is this normal and expected? Yes, this is normal.



Wow Diana_TES_GotH, you're really fast :) At this pace you'll surely finish before Christmas :)


I've noticed another thing - Meteor Smash and Mergre Plugins are meant to be installed in Oblivion\TES4Edit, but TES4Edit itself (and couple other things) is installed in Oblivion\xEdit. These mods are separated on purpose?


One thing that's holding me right now is installation of Morroblivion Project Release. I'm following the linked guide: in part 3/section 4 we should pick sub-packages - which ones (if any) should i choose? Some of them (i.e. Voiced Conversations) are later installed as separate mod - hence my confusion.


Also thank you :)

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