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  On 6/18/2017 at 10:10 AM, jdsmith2816 said:

Just note... there were a literaly **** ton of custom changes required to make it all play nicely together.  I'm unsure what your experiences would be like just dropping everything into your mod manager and running it.


Doing the TES5MergePatch  + Bashed Patch, after 2-3 hours i didnt noticed anything not working as intended. But i only played slightly more than 2 hours so there is still time to find something wrong.


and you could go all the way to the end and see no problems but that's because this setup is so big that you can't check everything ingame in a single playthrough... you wont see the problems only in xedit and then know where to look ingame.


also as you said 2-3 hours is very little advancement to the game.


Yep, but point is that if with Bash patch there is no game breaking bugs, even who is unable (like me) to proper create conflict resolution patches, can play the whole game with this pack.


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  On 6/22/2017 at 5:47 PM, Darth_mathias said:

well this is noobish question Paul but how do I install mods using Wrye Bash?

Copy the mods into your "Bash Installers" folder. Then they'll show up on your "Installers" tab in WB. Choose your options in the "Sub-Packages" pane (if applicable), and then right-click on the mod and choose "Install".

Posted (edited)
  On 6/22/2017 at 5:47 PM, Darth_mathias said:

well this is noobish question Paul but how do I install mods using Wrye Bash?

Exactly how techangel said. Bash installers folder can be found in the Skyrim Special Edition Mods folder usually created when you install WB.  And by mods he means the archives you need to download manually from nexus. They will show in WB in the Installers tab. There right click on the mod and then Install option.

Don't delete any archive on the Bash Installers folder as those are needed by WB to auto check what overwrites what. I would also recommend to unpack the mods and extract the BSAs as then WB will be able to detect what files get overwritten as WB does not read inside a BSA and then repack into archives. 

Edited by paul666root

Hey Razorsedge877, nice guide. Is it still being worked on? With that and Dragon rising lots of lads will get help.


How come you ain't using Bethini though? I thought that was a total given in any list


Those wanting to use MO2 I suggest you look at the fallout MO2 guide as this has instructions for setting up MO2, getting rid of most of the bugs. 


The only issues I have with MO2 now is that it crashes after launching the game or tools more than once and the ini files aren’t sandboxed.   Which means you just need to restart mo2 after running the game or loot xedit etc otherwise it crashes when trying to run another tool or the game a second time. ie run loot, sort order,  then come back into mo2 then launch xedit = crash.  but run loot, sort order, then come back into mo2 close and reopen mo2 then launch xedit = win.


Restarting MO2 takes seconds so no biggy and the ini's are just treated like the game does (mygames folder in) documents.


Aapart from that, I’ve had no other major issues.



And those worried about conflict resolution it's really not that hard just watch a few of the tutorials mentioned and it's really just a judgement call rather than any mad skill, on each record you look at what each of the mods do and copy over the records that are differant.  For instance say you got a mod  changing the skills  of a npc  and another that changes face you simply copy as override of the face mod and drag over the fields that change stats, perks etc bascially whatever else is differant from the face mod and vanilla.


Running the exdit merged patch is ok but you need to go through each record and check what it's done and also delete the leveled lists records that wrye bash does.  But bear in mind while it is a starting point it will not likely catch  most of the conflits  and those that it does  may be incorrect and do more harm than good.


For my own use I did a quick regex on the OP to add links to sse nexus for the mods where the mod ID was visible so thought id share it here:

  Reveal hidden contents


Posted (edited)

Don't get me wrong I only did a regex which is just a fancy find and replace in a text editor, took about 10 mins to do and it only worked on ones where the ID was in the entry (the -8473-1-0.7z part) so yeah me lazy too ;)


Yes i've read the thread, I know some mods are converted still gotta figure out how to do that, no sure I'll bother with them apart from CaBaL120's stuff.


Feel free to copy to the OP.


And thanks for posting this, with the lack of guides at the mo it's a great leg up on building a modded game.

Edited by mscheetham
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