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Wait - UseCombinedObjects should be 0?


Just to clarify, there are places in Concord where I've found, say two typewriters, one atop the other, or two teddy bears semi-occupying the same space. Clicking on one of them causes a CTD, so I've learned to either ignore them or to use the console to disable one or the other. Which command (UseCombinedObjects=0, or UseCombinedObjects=1) fixes that problem?


Or am I completely off-base here? (or does the new worldspace patch fix the problem right out of the gate?)

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Wait - UseCombinedObjects should be 0?


Just to clarify, there are places in Concord where I've found, say two typewriters, one atop the other, or two teddy bears semi-occupying the same space. Clicking on one of them causes a CTD, so I've learned to either ignore them or to use the console to disable one or the other. Which command (UseCombinedObjects=0, or UseCombinedObjects=1) fixes that problem?


Or am I completely off-base here? (or does the new worldspace patch fix the problem right out of the gate?)

bUseCombinedObjects=0 will cause this "issue"

bUseCombinedObjects=1(default) should stop this occurring. I've been looking at this, it appears to be pulling precombined mesh info from old data.


I'm not 100% I'll update info soon.

Edited by Gernash
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Zillion times PRC question


Nice video! I had no idea what any of that was for. When I tried PRC, the only options I understood I could play with had to do with mimicking a particular camera type. I played with a few of those, and thought "I just don't get why I would want the world to look like Kodachrome" (or whatever), so I went back to Subtle which I think I understood a little better.


Then I got to playing around with NAC a bit, and when he came out with his own separate interior lighting and enb, I thought I'd give it a try. It's not perfect (but, really, there's a fairly wide variety of surfaces and lighting conditions in Fallout4 - I'm not sure any one will ever be "perfect" under every condition - but I'm content for now. Just messing around while you sort out the settings we'll all use.


Mostly, I just don't understand enough about what there is to tweak! For example, there's a couple of rooms in Concord that have this weird, foggy haze that sort of makes you feel like you're walking in a dream-state. At first I thought, "Cool - something odd is about to happen!" but there didn't appear to be anything particularly unusual about those rooms at all. I'm sure it's fixable, but I've no idea what to do about it, so I just move on. *LOL*

Thanks! This is pretty nifty!

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I finally got done messing around with installation and spent some time checking the game out, smoothing out issues.


I'm having the same probelm @dstansberry is having, with missing areas. I tried using the bUseCombinedObjects=1 edit, but that just makes the game freeze and have to be Alt+F4'ed when I reach those areas.


For me, the first encountered area was outside Diamond City.  One of the "in-set" areas on the outside of the wall doesn't exist.  If you step into it, the world itself goes 95% empty until you can find your way out of it again.  

Edited by Barachiel
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Yes.  FTed to Sanctuary.  Then FTed to Diamond City (interior), then walked out the DC front gate to a CTD.


Also, the ini edit, I only made in one file.  When I made it to both, it made the issue MUCH worse.  The entire interior of DC was missing.  Just NPCs walking in mid-air and empty terrain.  Suffice to say I undid that.

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I finally got done messing around with installation and spent some time checking the game out, smoothing out issues.


I'm having the same probelm @dstansberry is having, with missing areas. I tried using the bUseCombinedObjects=1 edit, but that just makes the game freeze and have to be Alt+F4'ed when I reach those areas.


For me, the first encountered area was outside Diamond City.  One of the "in-set" areas on the outside of the wall doesn't exist.  If you step into it, the world itself goes 95% empty until you can find your way out of it again.  

Just to clarify, my problem with missing areas was resolved by adding the two lines:





to my fallout4.ini.


I had previously added them to the Fallout4Custom.ini, but that didn't make the problem go away. Gernash was kind enough to point out that he had the above lines in BOTH the Fallout4Custom and Fallout4 ini's. As soon as I added them directly to my Fallout4.ini (so I have them in both places now, too), the problem was immediately resolved!

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Here is a problem I am having, though - or perhaps this is expected.


On a Dime Diner and Ransacked Abode are both locations in Concord. I believe they are both added by the mod Plenty of Exploration. Unlike the other locations I've explored in and around Concord, these interiors seem to have an atmosphere of their own (as you can see). I think there was another location as well (some kind of a drug den) - but I certainly haven't been everywhere in Concord yet.


Turning off interior fog in NAC's halotape has no effect at all in these interiors. Are they this...odd...by design? Assuming it's broken, is there a way to fix it? Or is it something odd about my setup?





this is concord patch can you try this and see if it resolves the issue with duplicate items in concord (Not in instances)

Thanks - I'll give it a try. But I don't know what "Not in instances" means?

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Here is a problem I am having, though - or perhaps this is expected.


On a Dime Diner and Ransacked Abode are both locations in Concord. I believe they are both added by the mod Plenty of Exploration. Unlike the other locations I've explored in and around Concord, these interiors seem to have an atmosphere of their own (as you can see). I think there was another location as well (some kind of a drug den) - but I certainly haven't been everywhere in Concord yet.


Turning off interior fog in NAC's halotape has no effect at all in these interiors. Are they this...odd...by design? Assuming it's broken, is there a way to fix it? Or is it something odd about my setup?

Thanks - I'll give it a try. But I don't know what "Not in instances" means?

You using an enb? if so turn off turn off bloom

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As I said apologies for the wall of text but it's needed (and spoilter tags hate me).  If the last few pages (with Barachial and others) have said anything it's that i'm right and the guide as it stands on the page doesn't really work.  I appreciate it's your time etc but before making video guides for users to customise things or going back and redoing and putting to work in progress the texture section or redoing the survival patch (which at present isn't actually in the guide even if you've linked it manually in the forums) you should consolidate and get what is there up to date and working so you have a solid base.  At present as I said I've got an install that CTD's on startup because of missing masters or a  loadorder all over the place as the one listed on your guide is out of date.  Also you talk about Arbritation as if it's part of CORE?  According to your guide it's not on htere.


Before accomodating those who have deviated from your guide get the guide working first.  Because I REALLY want to play again but don't want to start game I'm not confident won't be buggy since, at present like Barachial, to get it working I'll have to bumble through and ask you a million questions.  Then when the NEXT new person discovers your guide you'll have to answer them all again.

Edited by rhodsey
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You using an enb? if so turn off turn off bloom

I am using the NAC enb. I *think* I can do that (if it's like in your video). What sort of affect might that have on other interiors that don't have the issue?


I think the problem may be related to NAC itself (or NAI - the interior lighting mod portion of NAC). As a test, I created a new profile and loaded only the base game and Plenty o' Exploration. With the same ENB applied, THIS (and THIS) is what those same interiors look like with identical enb settings. Activating only the NAC and NAI esp's turn it into that hazy, glowing weirdness I mentioned above. Also (so far) PoE interiors are the only ones I've found that are affected (and not even all of them are. Barry's lookout, for example, doesn't have the problem). Other mods (and vanilla) look just fine.


I've posted on the NAC forum on Nexus.



As always, you're right! Disabling bloom inside the ENB solved the problem - but so did disabling the standalone prefix inside NAC's halotape (which, I presume, disables the bloom as well). There must be something about those particular interiors. Thanks (again!) for pointing me in the right direction!

Edited by dstansberry
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