reddvilzz Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 jdsmith reached out to me to make this script, and I threw it together. Here ya go: let npcs = xelib.GetRecords(0, 'NPC_'); let data = []; let shouldSkipNpc = function(npc) { return xelib.HasElement(npc, 'TPLT') || xelib.GetFlag(npc, 'ACBS\\Flags', 'Is CharGen Face Preset'); }; npcs.forEach(function(npc) { let winningNpc = xelib.GetWinningRecord(npc); if (shouldSkipNpc(winningNpc)) return; let npcName = xelib.FullName(winningNpc); if (!npcName) return; let isFemale = xelib.GetFlag(winningNpc, 'ACBS\\Flags', 'Female'); let winningMod = xelib.GetElementFile(winningNpc); data.push({ name: npcName, gender: isFemale ? 'Female' : 'Male', formID: xelib.Hex(xelib.GetFormID(winningNpc, false, true), 8), winningMod: xelib.GetFileName(winningMod), comments: '' }); }); let headers = ['NPC Name', 'Gender', 'FormID', 'Winning Mod', 'Comments']; let output = [headers.join(',')]; data.forEach(function(npc) { output.push(Object.values(npc).join(',')); }); output = output.join('\r\n'); fh.saveTextFile('exported_npcs.csv', output); Appears to be working for me, though there will be some NPCs included which you may not want to include. I tried to exclude as many undesirable NPCs as possible be excluding ones that used templates, didn't have a FULL name, or had the Is CharGen Face Preset flag set. Here's the output of a run with the current zEdit alpha build on just Skyrim.esm + DLCs: question about this script, how can I use it? I tried making a new script on xEdit and it throws error, while running it through zEdit throws another error xelib.GetWinningRecord is not a function.
DarkladyLexy Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 Ok guys i have updated Interesting NPC's to version 3.4 please also note that the test CR for version 1.54 has also been updated this is for testing let me know if you see thing funky in it before i update the main CR.
DarkladyLexy Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 has anyone else notice the trousers from Northgirl Armour disappear when you are in water? I have given a pair to Sofia and every time she goes in water the disappear and you can she her bare legs? Edit: there is a Fixed on the mod page for that guess i missed it I'll add it to the guide.
DarkladyLexy Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 OK guys I have just discovered that the legacy of the Dragonborn esp has no Bash Tags so we will need to add the manually So far i recommend adding: DelevGraphicsInventNamesRelevStats
memnochs Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 Hello, I used this mod since a long time to unify weapons damage from diverse mod. Maybe it could interest you. Thanks but I seriously think it would be easier just to pull the mods instead of trying to balance everything else around it. Unless someone actually wants to create an Uncapper specifically made for this guide. At the moment we are using the one made for Ordinator. I tweaked uncapper for ordinator to block leveling for non-attack skill (ex: you gain blacksmith level but your PC level is not influenced, in counterpart you gain a little more perk points), if you tell me what you want i can customize it for you.
Lightsourced Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 Ok guys i have updated Interesting NPC's to version 3.4 please also note that the test CR for version 1.54 has also been updated this is for testing let me know if you see thing funky in it before i update the main CR.Do we use this in combination with the current CR or only this one?
DarkladyLexy Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 Do we use this in combination with the current CR or only this one?in combination the one from my dropbox only contains the updated or new records.
OneCowardlyLion Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 So, I have a question. Once I merge the plugins, I deactivate the plugins I merged so I only have the MERGE plugin activated.That is fine, however, when I run the Bashed Patch, some plugins I deactivated because they were already included in the merge get reactivated. Is this fine?Do I deactivate them again?
DarkladyLexy Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 So, I have a question. Once I merge the plugins, I deactivate the plugins I merged so I only have the MERGE plugin activated.That is fine, however, when I run the Bashed Patch, some plugins I deactivated because they were already included in the merge get reactivated. Is this fine?Do I deactivate them again?OK let me see if I understand this correct. You have left the mods created using Merge Plugins activated in the left pane but deactivate the esp? If this is the case then all the mod created through Merge plugins should be deactivated in the left pane unless other wise stated. The Mods that merge into the Bash Patch and this get deactivated by Wrye Bash upon creation of the Bash Patch should be left deactivated in the Right pane. I hope that made sense.
berndaroy Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 (edited) OneCowardlyLion hi! To clarify, when you deactivate the mods merged, do you mean you have unticked the mod in the left pane or do you mean the .esps that are merged are moved into the option pane when you double click on the mods i.e Animals merge..once all the required esps are merged, then they need to move into the option pane in there said mods. The mods themselves stay ticked unless they are greyed out in the left pane. Some times the merge doesn't copy properly and the original mod still needs to be ticked for the game to read properly (if i remember correctly DSAMG -Dragon Soul Absorb More Glorious is a case in point). When you run bash patch, the mods it deactivate remain deactivated in the right pane only as they are merged/bashed into the patch. This is how i understand it..... Lexy having now read your reply which you ninjaed me with....the mods merged in the left pane ARE UNTICKED, i just want to be sure Edited October 6, 2017 by berndaroy
DarkladyLexy Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 OK in a nutshell: Mods merged using Merge Plugins = the indivdiual mods get UNTICKED in Mod Organizer Left pane (expect for DSAMG -Dragon Soul Absorb More Glorious only esp are removed) thus all the individual MODS are UNTICKED AND DEACTIVATED. Mods merged into Bash Patch = Get deactivate by Wrye Bash in Mod Orgainzier Right pane. thus individual esp are still there but are UNTICKED (this normal and expected behavior). This is as simple as I can make it.
OneCowardlyLion Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 (edited) Okay, so. Maybe I have all this backwards. Let's say I have something like this set up: [unticked in the plugins tab] Main.esp[unticked in the plugins tab] Patch 1.esp[unticked in the plugins tab] Patch 2.esp[ticked in the plugins tab] Patches Merge.esp When I run a Bashed Patch, something like this happens: [unticked in the plugins tab] Main.esp[gets ticked by Bashed Patch] Patch 1.esp[unticked in the plugins tab] Patch 2.esp[ticked in the plugins tab] Patches Merge.esp So. From what I can gather, I'm supposed to put Main.esp, Patch 1.esp, and Patch 2.esp into the Optional ESPs tab? Edited October 6, 2017 by OneCowardlyLion
Lightsourced Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 (edited) Okay, so. Maybe I have all this backwards. Let's say I have something like this set up: [unticked in the plugins tab] Main.esp[unticked in the plugins tab] Patch 1.esp[unticked in the plugins tab] Patch 2.esp[ticked in the plugins tab] Patches Merge.esp When I run a Bashed Patch, something like this happens: [unticked in the plugins tab] Main.esp[gets ticked by Bashed Patch] Patch 1.esp[unticked in the plugins tab] Patch 2.esp[ticked in the plugins tab] Patches Merge.esp So. From what I can gather, I'm supposed to put Main.esp, Patch 1.esp, and Patch 2.esp into the Optional ESPs tab?If you made the merge where you copy assets, you can just deactivate the entire mod, you don't need it active at all because the merge has all the assets and the plugin combined into one folder. The only exception is the DSAMG mod because the sound folder doesn't get copied all the way into the merge, so those assets will be missing if you deactivate it. For that one you can just move the esp to the optional esp folder. Additionally, Wrye bash does not need to have esps activated in order to use and merge them into a bashed patch. Which is why it's probably toggling those esps back on. You can even rebuild your bash patch with all the previously merged bashed plugins deactivated and it will still use them for the new bashed patch... if that makes sense >.> Which is why, if you have merged a plugin with MERGE PLUGINS you should just deactivate the entire thing (except for DSAMG), do not deactivate the merged WRYE BASH patch mods in the left pane (they should just be left in your load order unticked -- they will be unticked by wrye bash because they are merged into the bashed patch and do not need to be activated in the load order, but they do need to remain there). To answer your question though, it's hard to say yes or no, because I don't know if the plugins that you are wanting to move to the optional folder have been merged into a separate esp by MERGE PLUGINS or not... You'll have to determine that. Edited October 6, 2017 by Lightsourced
Nozzer66 Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 lol "idiot check" I see all the years of my wife being with me and helping out on gigs has rubs off. For anyone interest an "idiot check" is a technical term we in the sound a light industry use during a Get Out/Derig. It is basically the last thing you do before leaving a venue you walk around double checking you have not missed anything and you got all the kit.We call it a F**K UP Fix in live sound. Yes I am still alive just been busy organising a job application. 1
Nozzer66 Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 If I install EEO and all its patches will it work with this guide? I want to be a pretty elf :3 Would I need to add any bashed tags?I've done this before and if I recall correctly the default way LOOT sorts this mod and Bring Out your Dead means that a lot of elf characters that had Bring Out Your Dead death plots allocated to them don't have them cause EEO overwrites them. Not a huge biggie to fix in CR from what I recall.
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