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Everything posted by Mebantiza

  1. Hi, I use crash fixes and its reports the Form IDs that caused the CTD (thank goodness for that file!). When I had the problem with LoTD last week, i did in fact, delete individual the individual glow lods and that worked, to a point. I could get further towards the docks w/o a crash, but eventually, I would run into yet another file I had missed, and a CTD would occur again. In this instance there are 5 instances in the Dynd that reference this model. The actual model in this instance is CYRImpCandelabraCandle01 bscyrodiil\clutter\imperial\impcandelabracandle01.nif I deleted the 5 references to this candle, and was able to approach the gate with no issues.
  2. Hello, Beyond Skyrim Bruma does not appear to be compatible with the current build. CTD when approaching the Pale Pass gate. The cause is form IS 1106ff64, its a cyrodill candle of some sort. I generated this Dnydolod a couple days ago with 2.30. Disabling the Dyndolod esp allowed me to approach the fort and pass into Cyrodiil with no issues. This issue appears almost identical to the recent LoTD ctd that were fixed recently.
  3. Hi, In solitude Dyndolod seems to be adding a duplicate set of windows, but only on Angeline Aromatics building and only then, on the 2nd floor. I disabled Dyndolod and those excess windows went away. This is a recent install, fresh, with no reside from any old installs. I havent seen this sort of thing in any other city or town, but will check all other cities towns as I can. The id I got off them are 97004548 970010d7 v2.26 - Advanced > Med > All options minus original LoD assignments.
  4. Thats all well and fine, I have long used 7zip for packing mods, and am aware of its existence ty, and win-rar for general use. 2.22, unpacked just fine with winrar....
  5. The 2.23 archive does not seem to be extracting properly. I can see all its usual content inside, but when I unpack it, I only get Docs Edit Scripts Logs Quickstart Winrar 5.4
  6. Fallout 3 The display adapter shows value=0. Is this correct, is bethini reading my current GPU correctly? I have no option other than zero in the drop down box. Just want to be sure the game recognizes my card correctly.
  7. There was a time, before Dyndolod that I used Skymills. There was some overlap when using Dyndold and Skymills concurrently, but stopped using that fairly soon after beginning to use Dyndolod. All ancient history now, but I recall in general the numbers and regardless, the improvement along the way has been dramatic, like i say. When I saw no ITMs today on my full re-install, i checked it twice in case I made a mistake heh.
  8. I just ran 2.20\2.21 and I am most impressed with its performance. Here is rough sketch of what Ive seen over the last while since 1st started using Dyndold ~1 year + Average times 52-58 mins 5-600 ITMs ~Couple months ago Average time 21-22mins 150-250 ITMs Today ~13m 53s ITMs= 0 Great job!
  9. Found a dodgy piece of landscape 547c3 MFG says Last base change is Dyndolod, but a search didn't show up as a Dyndolod piece exactly in xedit. X 158646.703125 Y -2200.467041 Z -5509.439453 Just above cragswallow slope. Ive seen this piece generated before.
  10. Got it, [CELL:00009298] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -13,24) LegacyoftheDragonbornesp_062A96_DynDOLOD_TOWN SFarmPorch03DBM_DynDOLOD_LOD [sTAT:A60953B6]
  11. This is interesting. That ID returns nothing. LoTD 16.9.2, but that arch has looked like that (for me anyhow), for some while. Loaded everything in load order > A70953B5
  12. [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]) Tamriel_Firstborn_13_13 Tamriel_FirstbornActivator "ThouShaltBowToMaster" [ACTI:A70954BA] devoted? Argh, I made a typo and didn't bother to actually check what it filled in.....its early here... A new game wont work in this case, as that structure uses a BYOH system. IOW, you have to fairly far along in the game, and LOTD questlines to actually build it. It could be an artifact baked into the save im using, Ill have to play a lot more to actually tell though. Ive cleaned the save as best I can, but its pretty certain to contains residue from old mods. No way for me to tell if thats case here, but it wouldnt rule it out either.
  13. Here is small issue I run into time and again. Had this over the last several versions of Dyndolod, and several full re-installs. A very low res textured archway at the Explorer's guild entrance. Legacy of the devoted mod. Mentioned it to ICA, but he couldn't do much on it. Latest version of everything. Piece is a70963b5
  14. Nm, I generated a new Dyndolod, that appeared to clear it up. Strangely though, It didn't master sparrows new WATER 5.0, which I was kind of expecting it would.
  15. Hi, ran into a problem. My current dyndolod.esp was created using Real Waters 2 (made a post on it). I updated my water mod (sparrowprince update!). I removed the old RW2 from Dyndolod, and now, I CTD everytime I enter LoTD (safehouse). I cleaned masters, but otherwise have take no other actions. Disabling Dyndolod = crash free in safehouse cell. I know a full re-install will clear this up, but is there any particular step to take to get Dyndolod back w/o spending 1/2 a day on a re-install?. Thank you.
  16. Merging Question. I just did a full reinstall and after it was complete, I decided to update my water mod. Switched from sparrowprinces w.a.t.e.r to RW2. What I wasn't prepared for, was a total of 4 ESPs related to that one mod. Dyndolod was generated using these four as is. What I was wondering was, if I merge all 4 RW2 ESP's into a single one, and remove the unneeded ones, and master a new merged RW2 ESP, will it break anything in the Dyndolod I just made? I know it will load and work, but will it point to all the right files once I create a new merge? Merge tool creates new formID's so not sure what that will do the dyndolod I just created. A secondary concern, not related to Dyndo, if its safe to merge those four esps in the first place (still haven't had any feedback on that question yet). If it turns out its wont work the way I hope, I could always just do another install once I create a proper merged RW2 esp.
  17. Hi, just did a full re-install(skyrim) and new Dyndolod, 2.18. The result was a Dyndolod missed a number of Material records. A lot in better Better Dynamic Snow(static), some SMIM Materials (snow again), LoTD, Missed LTCN data(id 9299 and, 92b9), 2 instances(worldspace). Never had a run like that were so many records were missing. Ive had missing edits like this before, but usually few in number and not so consistent like this. I chose the 'standard' options,+ glow windows, medium. No other patches or tweaks done. If I drag the missing records in via xedit, will that sufficient to fix it w/o resorting to a new install? The BDS object it disliked was SnowMaterialObject1PBetterDynamicSnow [MATO:35001305] (and variants)
  18. What should the ~ save game size for new game with Dyndolod? Or what is your save sizes? My game Fresh install Mod count: 169 (officially 169 plug-ins, but many have been merged and I have a least 3-4 dozen no esp texture mods I have merged down to 2 files as well). Safe to say I have 225-255 in reality, possibly more. Dyndolod 2.14 Dyndolod Settings. High Detail, windows+glow. Default on all other settings. Skyrim folder size(GB): 64.7 Not optimized textures. Optimizing reduces folder size by ~3-4 GB. Helgen Keep, w imperial starter gear and all MCM options set. 12.5 MB. By way of comparison, my old starts, long before Dyndolod, High Rez (anything) and small mod load: ~4MB The last Dyndolod I ran(medium detail under advanced) 2.10- I think, was low 11mb. I haven't tested it lately, but I fairly certainly Dyndolod accounts for a good 4-5mb on a save alone. I seem to recall that was the case last time I did any kind of testing like that.
  19. Fsplitmulti fixes it. From initial setting of Ultra 1.5000, I ran it down to 0, then back upwards. .6800 is tipping point. Beyond that, the culling kicks in again. Standing just outside the entrance to the college. But I had to reduce it further to .5000 as moving along the bridge@.68 caused it to occlude again. At .5000, it never appeared. I can still notice the far distance hole, is actually Solitude and its mountain not filled in, but its a lot less noticeable at .5-.68 that it is at 1.5, and the near gaps no longer appear at all. Fblockdistance is 120k, increasing it to 250k didnt make the solitude LOD fill in any sooner.(it fills in once you begin to walk down the hill towards the coastline quickly enough though). Like you say, that seems to be a bad spot. But the worst is fixable.
  20. Interesting, it sure looks like missing LODs. If you read the desc of that mod, he says this This mod is a tribute to Immersive College of Winterhold by Grantyboy. It was a shame to enjoy his wonderful creation and then having to face a big black hole in the Sea of Ghosts every time you leave. This mod addresses this LOD problem that seems to have no other solution. When playing on UltraDrawDistance with or without DynDoLOD, when looking out southwest from the Winterhold College bridge just outside the college, a rather large section of the Sea of Ghosts and the landscape behind it simply aren't there. Instead there is a black hole with floating trees behind it. This mod addresses this issue by pretending there is a ward around the college that blurs vision and makes noise as the player passes through it. The LOD mess is still there, it is just too blurry to see it. Unfortunately, he uses a script to try and fix it. I didnt imagine it was my HQ settings that could cause such holes. I will adjust my settings accordingly, or just drop my backup default INIs in ans see what happens? Thanks for the reply!
  21. I have missing LODs NW of Winterhold and an pretty sure have had them for as long as I can remember. Despite the latest in LOD and vid-card tech, max settings, tweaked ini etc, this never seems to go away. There is one mod that sort of, seems to try to address this; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71753/? Is there someway to get these cells filled in properly? There are at least two actually, the one closer, and the one beyond. Its always been like this from bridge, or on top of the college.I know its not Dyndolods fault, but if anyone knows where I can fill in these missing lods, be grateful.
  22. Will we ever see a lod for the gildergreen tree in whiterun? Given how detailed whiterun is now, its absence is rather jarring.
  23. I'm getting hung up at the 11:49 mark every time. Tried twice. Only thing I've done differently, is I added in all the window, fake window child window etc options. I just unchecked all those options, and it appears to be generating normally again. 2.08 OR maybe not. Looks like hung@13min mark now. Upd: Restarted, after many tries, using 2.07 w 2.08 resources. Completed successfully@20:32s
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