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Everything posted by Mebantiza

  1. Hi, I got a small glitch I cannot account for. This seems to be present in every run, and no idea what the cause might be. This image is current, and was generated with 2.82. I have 2.83 all installed, but have not generated a new set of LODs with that, as yet. Things certainly look as good as ever, but that one little piece of terrain north of Whiterun always catches my eye..
  2. Yes, SSE, sorry. I suspected the tutorial fix was obsolete, but good to have that confirmed. The change directory tip for screenshots. I am definitely going to look into that, because moving my SS, my ENB ones I want to keep, well, all of them really into a separate directory definitely interests me a great deal. For a long time actually. Another feature missing from the game since SS really clutter up the root directory of the game, but Bethesda couldnt even be arsed to create a simple /screenshots directory in the root. Which is doubly interesting because just recently someone asked Boris about this very thing. He sounded a little cheesed off and told the person it wasnt going to happen since ENB was not a screenshot manager. So, while it sounds like he could code ENB to re-direct SS to a dedicated directly should he wish, he sounded pretty clear he wasnt going to do anything like that.
  3. Some Feature that would be super handy. -A way to remove the HELP button from the menu, if it's possible through the INI? Is it possible to disable the popup tutorials. I found a 'fix' bShowTutorials=0, however, this does not appear to work. Maybe it did work for Skyrim classic, but no effect for me. And Is there any way to remap or disable the Default Screenshot key? For us ENB users that just want one key dedicated for that purpose, rather than 2 separate ones. Thanks!
  4. Hello, I cannot seem to save or update Beth INI for SSE. It says copy and log and report, but, the log tab is empty. Here is what I tried. I made all the changes I was was after, saved, and, it gave me the error message. I tried again, and only made 2 very modest changes, and same thing. I dont seem to be able to put anything through, no matter what it is. v3.2 [update] NM, I was fixed it. I re-installed the client that cleared it up. I think it was looking at profiles in a older, duplicate location or something along those lines.
  5. Yes, it is from my worldspace. I started working on it again now that nuuken finally updated the CK, and it works like gangbusters so....work resumes. Q1. I still am no clearer on how to make the water texture match, have to figure that one out somehow. Q2. Yes, you were right on the height. All those dirt cells had water height of -14000 which is the world default. the water cells right next to those, -1800. Simple enough, change height to match and, I have water planes in those cells. Original creator of never bothered to do anything beyond those cells apparently, so, they are just plain...land. I tired setting the WS default height and LOD water height to -1800, and re-ran xloggen again, but nothing changed. Only the couple cells I changed by hand. The cells do have the Has Water flag, at least the ones closer to shore do from all I can see. I really hope there is a better way to automate all the out to infinity water, because, doing it cell by cell will take the rest of my life. Made some progress, at least I know what the problem is now.
  6. Hello. Couple of Wordspace Lod problems I cannot solve, or know where to start. Two problems Im trying to sort out. 1 minor, 1 less so. In the world space map, in the south part of the map, the area 'beyond' the boundary, does not use the same texture as the water. The second, and more serious problem is in the north. As you can see, all the those 'ocean' cells, must be flagged as land in some way, since every time I re-do the lods no matter, it always looks like that. Probably a simple matter for an expert, but, that would not be me. I created the latest run with: World Space updated with latest CK. Landscape with xlodgen 58 Static and tree lods w Dyndolod 2.75 I used default for settings in all cases.
  7. Hi, I am unable to complete a run in a custom worldspace (just one). It stalls out at this point here [01:41] Error creating textures for level 8 quad [32,48] Thread creation error: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command[01:41] Error creating textures for level 8 quad [32,40] Thread creation error: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command[01:41] c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim special edition\data\textures\terrain\newworld\newworld.4.44.52.dds[01:41] Error creating textures for level 8 quad [40,48] Thread creation error: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command[01:41] c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim special edition\data\textures\terrain\newworld\newworld.4.-4.8_n.dds[01:41] Error creating textures for level 8 quad [32,56] Thread creation error: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command[01:41] Error creating textures for level 16 quad [32,48] Error while cloning image. Image @67D21288 info: Width = 1024px, Height = 1024px, Format = A8R8G8B8, Size = 4,096 KiB, Bits @F3C61000, Palette @00000000. Exception Message: Out of memory[01:41] c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim special edition\data\textures\terrain\newworld\newworld.4.44.44.dds[01:41] c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim special edition\data\textures\terrain\newworld\newworld.8.40.40.dds[01:41] Error creating textures for level 16 quad [32,32] Error while cloning image. Image @60921A08 info: Width = 1024px, Height = 1024px, Format = A8R8G8B8, Size = 4,096 KiB, Bits @F4071000, Palette @00000000. Exception Message: Error while cloning image. Image @67D21288 info: Width = 1024px, Height = 1024px, Format = A8R8G8B8, Size = 4,096 KiB, Bits @F3C61000, Palette @00000000. Exception Message: Out of memory[01:42] c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim special edition\data\textures\terrain\newworld\newworld.4.60.36.dds[01:42] c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim special edition\data\textures\terrain\newworld\newworld.8.56.32.dds[01:42] Error creating textures for level 16 quad [48,32] Error while cloning image. Image @66C90FC8 info: Width = 1024px, Height = 1024px, Format = A8R8G8B8, Size = 4,096 KiB, Bits @F3851000, Palette @00000000. Exception Message: Error while cloning image. Image @60921A08 info: Width = 1024px, Height = 1024px, Format = A8R8G8B8, Size = 4,096 KiB, Bits @F4071000, Palette @00000000. Exception Message: Error while cloning image. Image @67D21288 info: Width = 1024px, Height = 1024px, Format = A8R8G8B8, Size = 4,096 KiB, Bits @F3C61000, Palette @00000000. Exception Message: Out of memory[01:42] c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim special edition\data\textures\terrain\newworld\newworld.8.-8.8_n.ddsError while cloning image. Image @63B98338 info: Width = 2048px, Height = 2048px, Format = A8R8G8B8, Size = 16,384 KiB, Bits @E18A1000, Palette @00000000. Exception Message: Error while cloning image. Image @66C90FC8 info: Width = 1024px, Height = 1024px, Format = A8R8G8B8, Size = 4,096 KiB, Bits @F3851000, Palette @00000000. Exception Message: Error while cloning image. Image @60921A08 info: Width = 1024px, Height = 1024px, Format = A8R8G8B8, Size = 4,096 KiB, Bits @F4071000, Palette @00000000. Exception Message: Error while cloning image. Image @67D21288 info: Width = 1024px, Height = 1024px, Format = A8R8G8B8, Size = 4,096 KiB, Bits @F3C61000, Palette @00000000. Exception Message: Out of memory The memory errors are odd to me, since I just tripled my system ram. Not that lack of ram was ever an issue even before the upgrqade. Settings Used Object Lods: xlodgen Default Tree Lods: Disabled. Terrain.Protect cell borders: on.Optimze unseen: on. Quality 1 for Lod 4 8Quality 5 for Lod 16 32 Occlusion feature - disabled. The BTRs appear to have been generated properly?, but no object textures or lods were created. Never run into a case where the process failed to complete before, so, not sure what is going on. Thanks.
  8. I have a SSE specific question regarding Tree LODs and their dimensions. I use a billboard generator from skyrim classic to generate LODs for SSE, as it is the only available resource for my tree mod atm, and, it returned a number of files from LODgen. It is saying, not divisible by 4*. However, unlike, a 'regular' DDS, which can easily cause a CTD with irregular dimensions, these lods, do not seem to be causing a CTD, even though they files are of all manner of irregular dimensions. Is it advisable to change the offenders to 256 x (xxx) or 128 x (xxx)? Being LODs, I have no idea if this will cause any visual issues when generating Lods off of them. Or is there some technical reason they might need to be left alone? Like I say, no CTD, but, SSE does not like irregular dimensions for DDS files, but, seems to tolerate them if they LOD DDS files, which is a new one to me.I am unclear if I go into the source file, change the lods to SSE friendly dimensions, and then rerun the utility, if I will end up with odd looking or sized tree lods as a result. * From SSE nif optimizers DDS scan. Thanks.
  9. So, here is my latest generation. Rel 45 default settings. Custom World Space DX1\DX5 1k/256 Tree Mod - Enhanced Vanilla Trees (Custom) not SSE version. Billboards Generated with EVT (Skyrim Classic Billboard Generator). Beach texture has been changed, no longer the sandy color in subsquent images Finally got EVTs tree lods working properly in this worldspace. Dyndolod 2.64 Object LOD has no trouble displaying the Large - Long Bridge in high detail the lower right. That model was scaled between 2 - 3x its standard size in order to span that space with the one model. This was interesting to me, as the world map now displays the current weather properly. There is a overcast rain storm in progress below, and the map shows black overcast clouds accurately. Something I have never had happen before. General view looking Northwards. Im probably doing all kinds of things wrong here, not an elite modder like everyone else, but, to my un-trained eye it looks ok I guess.
  10. One thing I wanted to mention re world maps (again). I redid Falksaars LoDs and even at quality 3, most bridges were not being drawn. I had to increase quality to 1, and then bridges all appeared. I wasnt expecting that really, I would have thought the difference between q3 and q1 would not be such that an important feature like bridges would not get renderred. But there it is. At Q1, the resulting map looked similar to my NewWorld space, no trees again as Falksaar lacks treelods as well. I was thinking to try again with Q0 see if that improves water a bit more and renders bridges more faithfully. I notice there is a -1 quality. As well as 0. Is -1 like, incredible detail mesh or, something else?
  11. Just wanted to share the current result of working with this wonderful new tool. After a lot of fits and starts, redoes and so on, here it is. New World (map) (by Breti 2014), with a number of updates for SSE (WIP). I have no before shot, but, trust me when I say, it was nothing like what you see here. Think vanilla unmoded skyrim map circa 2011 and you get the idea. This is with Vivid Weathers and A quality world map. This accounts for the coloration of the terrain you see here, which may or not, match what you have in your game. Tree Lods are not currently set up properly for this world space. Terrain - water - objects only.
  12. Just the terrain meshes ie > Data\Meshes\Terrain\NewWorld\NewWorld.32.64.0.BTR, Request result is 1. I guess it is not even trying to make objects out of those structure (no LOD files for them), I thought I saw an object lod missing in an eariler log (since lost). Got the water looking perfect, using quality 3. Doubt 1 will do much more for it, but 10 is to crude and angular. Now if it would only draw roads lol.
  13. To follow up my the water (world map) quality, I upped the setting to 5, from 10, and that was much better still. Even at 10, smaller bodies of water and coastlines are still fairly crude. I find at 5, while smaller bodies of water are still a little angular, they are fairly representative in terms of overall shape and size. 10 does not seem up to the task and mostly makes a mess of water. I tried that setting (10) on Falksaar, and it made a complete mess of all water tiles. I may just go for max quality, or 3 possibly, to test this further. As for the CK, it continues to complain about missing NIFs it cannot find. If anything, the count is now up to 24, from the previous 20. I have not yet tried modifying anything to address this. This result is consistent with all 3 worldspaces I have modified recently. Only difference being the number of errors each WS reports as 'missing. One thing it could be, is, in the main WS I am working on, there is a series of buildings, kind of a small estate. It does not appear at all on the world map, and it seems that its objects are not being generated at all. Those could be the 'missing' nifs the CK is looking for, as the world map is completely devoid of any object lod in its location. The WS has very few objects to generate and that estate is the only one of note outside of a few solitary structures (which have appeared).
  14. Land height: -2048, Water height: -34000, Scanned: 4126 CELL records, Found: 4114 LAND records for area [-32,-32] to [31,33] [NewWorld] LODsettings: Level 4 to 32 stride 128 from -32,-32 to 0,0 The 3rd line had an extra bit of information > NewWorld] Building terrain LOD textures [-32,-32] to [31,63] 16/4 Not sure if the 16/4 means anything
  15. I re-generated the meshes and textures using your new settings. That resulted in a much improved world map, and, the actual Lods look fine so far, from my limited wandering around so far. I loaded up CK and checked its logs. Still same 20 meshes it says it cannot load. To expand on this matter, I also ran it on another mod with a much smaller worldspace, and it also shows about 5ish or so meshes, same idea. I am going to re-run that space with settings as well, though, tbh, I dont expect to see any difference as the space is tiny compared to the New World space I am working on. Also, that smaller world space was interesting in other ways. The original file has 100s of texutres and meshes. When I updated it using XLod, it dropped to like 30 textures lol, a fraction of what he had. I suspect, but dont know for sure, that he might have had Tamirel selected in the old CK or Oscape maybe when he made them. Interesing results. The specific chunk? It was left 0/0. I am not quite sure what impact that would have on textures or even if it was needed, so, just left it at default for time being. The bounds are:* Nam0 x -57 y -43 Nam9 x 62 y 51 Not sure what this means, but I am working on a seperate update esp for that WS, and it has different values -32 -32 33 37 To see the mesh errors in log, I need to open any cell in CK, I usually just use 0,0 and that is where when the errors get reported.
  16. Hello. Using this (SSE) to update a Classic World space. Just getting started with it and have a couple questions. I started more or less @ default 512, and, the coasts and water looked like .....bad. I upped the resolution of everything except lod4 to 1024 (Dx1). This resulted in smoother looking coastlines, not great , but a lot better. Interior water still look like shapless, ill-defined blobs however. What sort of settings will take to get those to start looking somewhat real? Or, is that beyond what I can expect out of Xlod? The original versions lakes and other waters looked no better. Xlod has improved the coastlines and mountains a great deal. Another question. In the CK, I have about 20 log errors, example > Failed to load Data\Meshes\Terrain\NewWorld\NewWorld.32.64.64.BTR, Request result is 1 Is this one a too-be-expected-but-ignore thing, or some flaw in the original worldspaces creation?
  17. Does Ballowscreenshot=0 no longer suffice to disable SSE's built in screenshots? (PNG). I dropped that into prefs, and, it does not appear to do what is used to. The only thing Ive found it does do, is disable the SCREENSHOT created message, but the game still takes the screen all the same. If I set Ballowscreenshot=1, then I get both the message AND the un-wanted screenshot. I find it odd I couldn't find one single discussion about SSE and doubling up on SS with ENBs. It used to be a pretty simple affair to get the system to take enb SS only, now, it appears not possible?
  18. That did it, not watercolor, those values made ocean's\lakes super green, but RWT basic values are a big improvment over WATER v5 default, at least in my ENB. Once I changed the values > default water and river water, the ENB settings, muddies and fren, started to have a much greater effect. With the old water values, adjusting those only served to make the greens greener, or darker. The hot springs, are still super day-glow green, but that is a good thing. It looks like all I need to is convert water > RWT SSE values where applicable, then I should be able to tweak the ENB to find the ideal colors using that. I sure apprecate the help guys.
  19. It likely is a feature as you say. I tried setting the underwater imagespace back to Skyrim default, didnt do a thing either. As I am not very conversant on the mechanics involved, I may just have to let it go, or find another ENB. Speaking of WATER, any word on what is happening with W.A.T.E.R mod? I still use the latest version 5.0+ from before it got pulled.
  20. Ops, Snowfall https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79335/?
  21. Could use some advice\help with ENB and water colors. SKyrim 32-bit. The ENB I currently use, has the unfortunate effect of leaving pretty much all water with green hue or tint to it. Even the northern Sea shoreline is rimmed with a green glow. From a distance, water looks, blueish, but when you get closer, you begin to see the green kicking in. THere is plenty of talk about the so-called 'green water bug', but this is coming form the ENB, and I don't find a lot of clear, unambiguous on that topic really. Adjusting muddiness and fennel has been of little help, as it simply makes the green, darker, or glow a lot more, depending. It does nothing to remove it, much less restore water to a more realistic blue. So, things that did NOT help -Adjusting fennel, muddiness, or any value I tried. -Removing my water mod. -So called green water fix mods available on Nexus. None of them did anything. (Did not remove my weather mod-vivid weathers if that helps). I tested this by removing my current ENB, and loading up phinix with 308 binary and again, with the current 315. That fixed the water. Ocean water looked cold and grey again, and rivers lakes etc, no longer had that green hue. The enb itself, is great, one of the best Ive seen. but that water.... Appreciate any help I can get on this.
  22. Hello. An issue Ive had over the last couple Dyndolds I've generated is a record flag <Unknown 6:>, Has distance Lod etc etc They all occur in moveable statics, these: As cen be seen, they are all confined to campfires and FXwater, and one soul cairn light beam entry it appears. Are these anything to be 'worried' about. Worried being a relative term of course. Could they be a result of texture, water mods I have installed? Or is that <unknown 6> not really anything? The only Dyndolod resrouce I use is the 3d plume, but I do have plenty of terrain, Lod, water files etc. Dyndolod files are always installed last, and I allow it to overwrite in most instances. Thanks as always. MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallBodyTall [MSTT:0001AC8D][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallSkirtTallFront [MSTT:0001AC95][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallSkirtSlope [MSTT:0001ACAC][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXrapidsRocks01 [MSTT:0001C756][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXCreekFlatLong01 [MSTT:000205F1][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThin512x128 [MSTT:0002BCAB][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThin2048x128 [MSTT:0002BCC8][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThinSpray2048 [MSTT:00034417][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThin4096x256 [MSTT:0003441F][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurning [MSTT:00035F47][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01Burning [MSTT:00035F49][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FireplaceWood01Burning [MSTT:00035F4A][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXrapidsRocks01ReachMossyRocks01 [MSTT:00041B9E][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallSkirtTallFrontSlope [MSTT:00043987][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] GiantCampfire01Burning [MSTT:00051577][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXrapidsRocks01RiverbedEdge01 [MSTT:00063858][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXCreekFlatLong01Rocks01 [MSTT:00071D06][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXrapidsRocks01RiverMud01 [MSTT:0007E60F][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThin3096x256 [MSTT:00084CEB][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurning_ReachDirt01 [MSTT:00090CA4][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThinSheet [MSTT:0009211D][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningReachDirt01 [MSTT:000951D8][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurning_Heavy_SN [MSTT:000A9230][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningPineForest01 [MSTT:000B6C08][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningCoastalBeach01 [MSTT:000C2BF1][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningFallForestDirt01 [MSTT:000C6918][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningFrozenMarshDirtSlope01 [MSTT:000CBB23][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningRocks01 [MSTT:000CBB2F][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXCreekFlatLong01FallForestRocks [MSTT:000DB444][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningDirt01 [MSTT:000DB682][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningRiverBedEdge01 [MSTT:000E7C9A][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FarmLumbermill01WaterWheel01 [MSTT:000F3E42][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FarmLumbermill01WaterWheel02 [MSTT:000F3E43][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] GiantCampfire01BurningDirt01 [MSTT:000F597F][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] GiantCampfire01BurningDirt02Blank [MSTT:000F6304][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThin512x64 [MSTT:000FB545][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningFieldGrass01 [MSTT:000FB9B0][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallSkirtSlopeNoMist [MSTT:000FC592][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThinLeak [MSTT:000FD0D3][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningTundra01 [MSTT:00101A51][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThin256x128 [MSTT:001033F2][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThin128x128 [MSTT:001033F3][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXWaterfallThin2048x512 [MSTT:00105CC2][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] GiantCampfire01BurningNoLand [MSTT:0010ACC0][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXSoulCairnBeam [MSTT:0201A1C3][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurning_SnowRocks [MSTT:04018616][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurning_LDirtSnowPath [MSTT:04018619][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXCreekFlatLong01_LSnow [MSTT:04019657][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] FXCreekFlatLong01_LSnowGlacierRocks [MSTT:04024820][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurning_Ash [MSTT:040289E8][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] Campfire01LandBurningDirtPath01 [MSTT:0402C0B0][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] WWWCampfire01LandBurningTundra01 [MSTT:12128DD5][00:00] MSTT \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 6>[00:00] All Done!
  23. To follow up, its good. I generated a new ESP with 1.3.3 and the archive loader, and no problems of any kind. It could have been something in the older version?. Advanced setup with all options, as an added bonus, the Museum in Solitude is looking good again too, which I needed fixing since the updates were literally added a couple hours after I finished a complete re-install.
  24. Aw snap, I deleted all the evidence. One thing may have a bearing, they did there big update on the 29th, and I generated the Dynodold using 1.3.2 on the 25th. One thing that may also caused a problem was, they forgot to pack there archive loader in 1.3.3 as well. Long story short, there is room for things to have gone wrong between now and then. What I haven't done, is generate a entirely new one using 1.3.3 with its meshes and textures properly enabled. Ill have to give that a go and see what happens.
  25. Well, Im far less conversant about the nuts and bolts of it, that'd be your dept, but I just deleted the 5 instances of those candles in the Dyndolod and that (seems) to have taken care of it. Those are the models and nifs Dyndolod used, the same as the BSB assets. I did post a bug report on the issue to the BSB page, maybe they can post a fix similar to what LoTD did recently.
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