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Everything posted by Mebantiza

  1. Id like to ask about Terrain LODs. Is there a current, All-In-One, current, or combination of that is recommended to use alongside Dyndolod? I have current Treelods and they look good. Reviewing what Ive been using for terrain though, and maybe there is room to update that too? Currently using HQ LODS by Ethatron, Textures and Meshes 512k (+world map) and Enhanced Distant Terrain. I noticed EDT for Tamriel's LODs are actually 256 vs HQ LODS 512. But HQ LODs does not cover solstheim, whereas EDT does. Are these most current, or optimal choices? Or does something better\newer exist? Both are from 2012\13. I see Enhanced Landscapes, which is specifically mentioned for dyndold. Does it do everything these other mods do and more?
  2. You're right, it does sound insane, because it is. I have like 4-8 chrome tabs open typically, no matter version of Dyndold, 1.x or 2.x and guess what happens? Nothing. Generation finished 100% of the time. Good luck trying to hang your problem on Dyndolod though....
  3. Much faster than 1.49 and previous Average time to generate full set of LoDs on my system, 1.49 and earlier 43mins+ , 47mins (max.) 2.06b 22m.43s Additionally, performance has noticeably improved globally in my game as well. I was getting a lot of lag and choppiness in my game despite near optimal tweaking. Fresh install with 2.06 is much smoother.
  4. Question. What advice do you have for Real shelter users? Should the RS patch be generated before or after running a new Dyndolod? And if so, where should it be placed. IE. A lot of times RS and Dyndolod dont agree on what to goes where I notice. >RS >Bash >Dyndolod etc. Whatever it happens to be.
  5. Just wondering, will making an entirely new Dyndolod, with a fresh install and all that, result in much in way of visual or performance changes? If I read 1.49 correctly, it seems to contain a lot of under-the-hood changes to the generation process itself. I am debating whether to keep going with 1.47, or make a new install with 1.49 Thanks
  6. Yes, sorry, I figured out that method, of manually editing out an offending mod in xedit after I posted this-that problem solved. Maybe sometime you come up with a practical 'Dyndolod cleaner' of some sort. But now, I have know how to clean out a removed mod without a re-do $$$ 1.47 looking great btw.
  7. Suggestion for a feature that would imo, be very useful. Would it be possible to make a bat file to uninstall all Dyndolod generated content. For complete re-installs or updates with existing Dyndolod. Installing Dyndolod is not that hard at all, but updating it, if you remove a mod, can get quite tedious. An automated dyndolod cleaner would greatly ease the micromanagement involved. For my higher end pc, just generating a fresh D-lod on a clean install takes 45mins+(1.47). Trying to fix a Dynodod over one removed mod? Takes many many times longer. Or how about a xEdit script, something. I had to remove a major new-world space mod, having just did a complete new install and am looking over the update procedure... If the process for generating a full D-lod is automated, how about offering the same ability to reverse one as well?
  8. Further Testing Found these values to be viable as well. fTreeLoadDistance = 75000 fBlockMaximumDistance = 97000.0000fBlockLevel1Distance = 100000.0000fBlockLevel0Distance = 75000.0000fSplitDistanceMult = 2.5 Phinix ENBATI 7880 2GB8GB DDR3-2400Dyndolod-Medium
  9. I tried to run Supersampling , and I am getting the 5120x2880 setting in skyrim launcher, but it seems to have no effect on graphics quality in game. I turn SS on Turned deferredrendering to false. Ini reports 5120x2880 as resolution, and i was expecting FPS to drop to single digits, etc, but load times, screenshot size (14.06mb per), and performance were all unchanged. No doubt I am missing something somewhere, what could it be? Thanks.
  10. I came up with this [TerrainManager]fTreeLoadDistance = 75000 fBlockMaximumDistance = 95000.0000 **fBlockLevel1Distance = 140000.0000fBlockLevel0Distance = 75000.0000fSplitDistanceMult = 5.0bShowLODInEditor = 0 ** Fblockmaxdistance seems to solely govern the z-fighting problem. At lower values, z-flghts went away, but LOD and detail suffered greatly in the 50-75k range. @75k- No z-fighting but poor LOD detail @100K slight z-fighting occurs, but tolerable. Good LOD detail. Some distant mountaintops low-res. Most high rez. @110K z-fighting begins to return in a noticeable way w/o really effecting LOD detail in any real way. Then I added Ex's [Display] fNearDistance=25.0000 I pushed the distance out to 120k-flickering still present. Fneardistance=20 Did not seem to have any noticeable effect suppressing z-fighting@ 100k Fblockmaxdistance. Nor did fneardistance=25 seem to have much effect either way. The final 'fix, was Fblockmaxdistance=95000. This seems to be to be sweet spot. From skyborn altar(clear sunny day), I can see all the way to solitude with decent detail and the z-fighting largely disappears. At 100k, flickering begins to return in a noticeable way. Distant mountain ranges will be low res@95000.000, but flickering(for me anyhow) dropped off dramatically at 95 I could possibly push it out in 1k increments to tune it even further. Hope this is of some help to someone.
  11. By scaling well, I mean they(trees) look unnaturally large, even at distances(at least to my eye) where one would expect them to decrease in size. IoW, over distances, the LODs still look a bit oversized and tacked on-at least in some places. If you look at the picture, that is taken above skyborn altar. The swamp area, didnt quite look right at long distance, at least to my eyes. On testing, the sizing does in fact appear to 'line' up, but then again it IS a bigger tree mod-so I cant really complain it's not delivering I ran the test you suggested, ran down the mountain towards the Morthal\swamp area. I see what I find so jarring. The actual trees texture(color) is not the same as the Tree Lods themselves. The trees are a light green. The LODs, you can clearly see the in pictures, are substantially darker in color. This is what is making the swamp specifically, and lods in general, look so 'off'. They are not color matched at all. The snow covered ones are fine. I ran all the way from Skyborn to Solitude in the air-and none of my tree lods match the color of the actual trees. I didnt realize the cause before now-but trees are constantly changing color as I move around-thus to my eye, they looked odd, but I wasnt quite putting my finger on why-till now. Is there anyway, well, for a simpleton like me that is, to correct this mismatch? I know you didnt make the LoDs, thats fine. Both the size(pretty close) and location do in fact seem to line up fairly well-its only the color. Its kind of an optical illusion in a way. The tree Lods are very dark-which makes them stand out a lot more than the actual color of the tree models themselves. Again, this is the root(ahem) cause of why I was seeing things the way I am. If they matched the color properly, I likely would never have felt anything was wrong. I posed the same question over at zilavs page(where i got the SSBT billboards and LODS).
  12. I am having a problem with Trees LoDs, or at least I think I am I use Skysight simply bigger trees. Here is what I have done >Installed Vanilla Tree Lods >Overwrote with SSBT LODs. Ran Dyndolod with Medium Settings-not custom-just basic medium. Now I didn't exactly have a large number of tree lods showing up in game-I wasn't sure if this was by design or not, but went with it. Now I was having an unrelated problem with z-fighting and added some values in terrain manager to see if they worked. They sort of did, but after altering TM specs, all of a sudden I have tree LODs everywhere. But the problem is, they dont seem to scale very well in the distance at all, and I am not even sure some are in the correct place. Like the swamp for example. Here is what I pluged into the ini TreeLoadDistance=150000.0000fBlockMaximumDistance=100000.0000fBlockLevel1Distance=280000.0000fBlockLevel0Distance=140000.0000fSplitDistanceMult=10.0000 After this, it was trees everywhere, prior too, tree lods were fairly sparse. Here is what I have now Notice as well, the gaps in the ocean tiles clearly visible. those tree LODS down in the swamp-do they even belong there? I just reinstalled and still have some vanilla INI values. Though I have settings to ultra and distance 14-15. With ENB and Skyrim FXAA enabled. The good news, I seem to have cured my z-fighting problem (I think). But at a cost of mountain quality-they look rather smoothed and fairly low detail again. But what values *should* we be using in the ini with Dyndolod? I am pretty well certain at this point, whatever they should be-I dont have them-or only do partly. Note:When I cleaned with Xedit, It removed 584 ITMs. -Medium-all worlds, not custom.
  13. Sooo....Filter from main panel? or Conflict status script? Is there any difference between the two. xedit included it for a reason I am sure, what I am wondering.
  14. Question Is there a substantial difference in results between filtering conflits by right-clicking the left panel and selecting: Apply filter to show conflict losers -OR- using the Apply conflict script?
  15. Any rough Idea what the general performance overhead is going from Med to High? I ran high this last time, but going back to medium for this re-install. thanks
  16. I would like to report I have had this come up for me as well. Sybille Stentor. What triggered this is, I was updating and modernizing one of my mods. Sybille is totally ugly and messed up. Terrible head body mismatch. I know this because the mod isn't loading her robe properly, so she is conveniently naked. After fixing her in xedit, I notice she has two sets of human eyes in her record FemaleEyesHumanVampire "FemaleEyesHumanVampire" [HDPT:0007291E] and FemaleEyesHumanVampire01 "FemaleEyesHumanVampire01" [HDPT:02006F90] There were also a few conflicts in FemaleHeadBreton "FemaleHeadBreton" [HDPT:00051621]-easily fixed in xedit.-all green again. The mod I am working on modernizing, had Nam9 Face Morph record in the mods column, but NOT in USLEEP OR Dawnguard. I removed the mods NAM9 record-ALL green now across the board, except for the fact she has two different sets of eyes listed. After Fixing her in xedit-she looked great-perfect head body match. BUT, she still has an eye problem. Her eyes are red currently, so which record is her actual eye supposed to be, the vampire01 or eyehumam vampire?-donno how xedit reads these. Is it top to bottom, top take priority? USLEEP says it want to use Vampire01 record-so that is what Ill go with. That went badly. Her eyes look the same, but the head, body mismatch is back with a vengence. Reloaded the 2nd stage of the ESP-Can only do one thing-remove the Vampire01 Eyes record that USLEEP wanted to use. Removed-reload. and Voila! Sybille looks fabulous-Red eyes, but flawless head\body textures. Now with pictures. I started with this-USLEEP and old mod (un edited) To this, but it took some xedit work and a couple of passes This how she looked mid way through. I should point out-this is not strictly USLEEPs fault from what I can see. Its the old mod that had her in its record from back 2013 but it was fixable. I popped over to see Hern and Hert, and they looked fine. Well, as fine as pasty face vampire loggers can look. But otherwise head and body textures are perfect. (how do vampires log during the day again?)
  17. Neat, Its time for a new playthrough. Allready have one ESP that needed to go, and now USLEEP. Been w/o the Dyndold esp for a while now, even before USLEEP..
  18. Well, I guess no else has mentioned it, so Ill be the first..but..its USLEEP time. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/? Dyndolod needs to point to a new master file.... Sure hope it doesnt require you to overhaul the whole thing. Been doing a little Xedit work to make a few mods compatible since the authors likely never will, but I don't think ill try to touch Dyndolod at all!
  19. I hope this isnt a newb question, but a new version of Falksar is out 1.2 The changelog mentions a number of changes to the landscape itself. Will that require a whole new Dyndolod install to bring it up to date? Or will it make a difference at all. From the Change log New Features and Content - Dramatically overhauled the mountains southwest, northwest, east, and south of Borvald, providing more playable space and better visuals, along with more for player's to discover. - Completely overhauled Hjalmar Armory, inside and out. - Overhauled Stargazer Grove and Starwatcher Grove. - Added an unmarked Nordic ruin for players to discover near Borvald. - Renamed Chillstone Basin to Chillstone Camp due to surrounding wilderness overhaul. - Added an unmarked fort to Falskaar's coast.
  20. One thing I was trying out, I cant seem to see Whiterun lit up from HH. It could be my ENB at work there. I have to get sort of close to see glowys. Again I am going to say at a guess, its likely my ENB which is not really in the 'vivid and vibrant' style. If I went back to Real Vision, I expect I might get a different result yet again. Added Apocrypha does not seem able to initialize. Will keep eye on this. NVM its all good, I just had to exit apoc, re-zone, then I was able in initialize it just fine. Same with Blackreach.
  21. It looks as if that latest set of scripts finally did something. I can see lit windows and the windmills are spinning. MCM says Dyndolod is initialized, in both Tamriel and Solstheim. The bottom two headers, Settings and Information have not gone away, not sure if that's by design or not.
  22. I would give my firstborn to get the Dynamic LODs on my gibbled save working again....
  23. Actually, our issues not remotely similar. At no point was Dyndolod causing instabilities or CTD or anything like that(for me anyhow). I do have a problem with something in my save preventing 1.46 from fully functioning, that is true enough, but that bears little relation to what you describe, or some others here saying Dyndolod is corrupting their saves. Just to clear that part up....
  24. Well, here is how things stand atm. Im carrying on with the 'bugged' save, too much content to redo haha. I was up at the very peak of Throat of the world, it was a clear, sunny day, and here is what I am seeing Now MCM is still reporting not initialized of course, cant read json etc, but those are definitely not vanilla LODs. I have to ask, is it possible that error message itself is in error? That the new Lods really are loading, but MCM for whatever obscure reason, insists it is not? The information tab never goes away of course, so when im outside I can always see what the ID# is. It always reports all 4 the same. If I roll back to the 'un-corrupted' save, MCM reports all is well, and the bottom two query options vanish, as you intended.
  25. I give up, no matter how many times I do this, or following instructions to the letter, I can-NOT for the life of me, get this working on my 'corrupted' saves. Full re-installs with everything cleared and updated, are simply not working. At worst, I lose a few days progress, including all of Soul Cairn, and roll back to L74. That save, does initialize properly, and its not like it was from 30 levels ago. Appreciate all the assistance from Sheson and everyone else. The new 1.46 does look great, I enabled the glow effect, but Im not 100% if that's working since I haven't really seen many pictures of it in action, besides the one a few pages back. I went up to HH and looked down and could see windows backlit in DragonsReach. What is a good spot to go to see the effects in action?
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