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Everything posted by Mebantiza

  1. Just a quick question, is there any difference at all between SMAA screenshot quality, and 'standard' enb screenshots? I fairly sure there is not, the file sizes are all the same 9.2mb per@1920x1200. thanks.
  2. Ok, ill give this a try. A few comments 3. I assume you mean deactivate from within the game. MCM Dyndolod? If so, thats simply not possible as for me, the active box is greyed out regardless where I am, indoors or out. The only option I have is to disable in NMM(or simply delete the esp), then save? and exit? This part is important because I feel any step missed and Im back to erroring out again. 6. Don't use MO 9. Your right-This step is superfluous. I have time today to run through this-again. Thanks for the step-by
  3. OK, so I just updated the scripts and the Info panel reports all 4 the same. The problem is not, as before, that this is being installed in-correctly, but rather that I cant get it initialized in my current game. In my current save, L75, fair bit of content done, the info panel shows all 4 the same after exiting the interior cell to solitude. In the new save(off of a completely new start), Dyndolod initializes with no error messages. In the current save, I travel to Solstheim and again, get all 4 ID's the same, but json does not belong message persists. If I read priest post correct, it is? possible to get 1.46 working on a mature, existing save? If so, I wish I could tell what I am doing wrong. I know if i start a new game, it works as intended, but no success so far at my current save. at 45 mins to generate a glowy Dyndolod, not counting time to prep the save, its getting pretty time consuming, sadly. ADDED:So far, Im having good success loading earlier save points in my current game. Im to Level 67 and Dyndolod is initializing in those np. However, I would point out, not all those saves had 1.45 loaded into them. most did not. I have not had to clean any of those old saves, despite all the old mods and scripts in them. Usually, I just have to load save, maybe fast travel to a new location-and that is sufficient to initialize 1.46. So far, I have been able initialize Dyndolod on saves up to about 10/11/15(L74). Any saves after that, from 10/13/15 onwards(about 1 level ago all told)-all contain the json error. What changed? Well, 1.46, so something happened when I tried to install it, all subsequent saves since then, even on full installs with all the recents fixes, STILL are not enough to undo what happened.. I do know many of those old saves never had Dyndolod loaded into them at all, but Im hard pressed to remember exactly when I started using 1.45. It wasn't that long ago, but it was definitely longer than 2 days ago. Whatever it is about my saves, its literally anything within the last few days, since 10/11, wont update properly. On a side note, I removed Immersive Citizens after you mentioned how long it took to load. I recall Arthmoor mentioning it used very intensive routines to do what it does. That convinced me to remove for performance reasons.
  4. Still erroring out. Here is what I did -Disabled Dyn, waited 10 days indoors. Using existing save. -Cleaned save with save cleaner. -complete re-install. -Billboards Installed -Deleted old tesedit-reinstalled and updated to 3.1.2 -Used latest scripts provided by Sheeson-never installed original ones in 1.46 package. -used advanced option-medium setting. -Dyndolod completed successfully. Jsons still do not belong to esp... So I tried something else. I started a new game. Ran through unbound-stop to check Dyndolod before I hit the keep and Dyndolod Initialized. I could tell even before I looked that it was working as the distant terrain looked great-even from Helgen. Sigh.... I reloaded my current save, and still broken. Weve been doing it right all along-it (appears) that the problem is baked into our save games. 1.46 IS working-but not on a lot of our saves. Ill go back through my save progression of my current game to see where it went off the rails. But thats for later... Added:I loaded up my L4 waited for mod to start. I was able to manually initialize Dynodold(I didnt even know that was possible?) and the error message went away. I am trying this on my current save, but so far it wont permit it like it would on my older L4 save.
  5. Ok -Seems I cant attach Json in this forum, and the log file is too large. I dont have an account with any uploaders atm, so Ill do that when I can I guess. Id like to get to the bottom of it, ty for the replies and assist so far.
  6. I believe I checked all three correctly and saw no error messages reported. Might be worth mentioning that Chrome does not allow that app, and firefox only if set up specifically. IE only one that works with these out of the box. Ive not used a viewer like that before, all three files appear to be fine, such as they are.
  7. I do not use MO But all three sets of values-agree, editor, worlds(3) and log So I have 5 sets of numbers that all line up. log 4N2O6S6E6H5S62O5T78T1I5M7B2U4S7 Worlds 4N2O6S6E6H5S62O5T78T1I5M7B2U4S7 editor 4N2O6S6E6H5S62O5T78T1I5M7B2U4S7 tam Obj 4N2O6S6E6H5S62O5T78T1I5M7B2U4S7 tam 4N2O6S6E6H5S62O5T78T1I5M7B2U4S7
  8. Multiple cleans and re-installs of 1.46 with ALL the latest files and STILL getting Object do not belong to this esp. Which is Horse$@it because I have updated ALL the files required. My script is 1.46, so is the esp?, presumably. I generated LODs with 1.45 successfully on several occasions following the same procedure as I am now. I do not use the advanced features, just all worlds-Medium. I delete my output folder contents every time and copy it when it creates its new one. Log file says Dyndolod created successfully. In NMM it is listed as 1.46. I have 1.46 tesedit is 3.1.2 Lodgen is 3.1 Lod Billboards Van+SSBT present Now, no word spaces are initializing, and get the XXX world_Json does not belong to this esp no matter where I go. How can it not? The esp IS being created..... When I travel around, its certainly appears Dynd is loading something. I can clearly see SSBT trees in the distance. I appears, to my eye, that the trees are being generated, but objects? I don't think so. 00:34:27.827] Saved C:\A-merged\DynDoLoD\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.json[00:34:27.855] Adding world index with 22 entries[00:34:27.869] Saved C:\A-merged\DynDoLoD\skse\plugins\StorageUtilData\DynDOLOD_Worlds.json[00:34:27.894] Write next object id 04251C[00:34:27.916] DynDOLOD Worlds completed successfully.[Apply Script done] Processed Records: 0, Elapsed Time: 34:50[00:00] Saving: DynDOLOD.esp.save.2015_10_13_10_05_31[00:01] Done saving. Frustrating not to mention time-consuming to keep doing this process over and over, and get the same result now, 3 or 4 times. What is missing here please?
  9. I keep getting this error Q: Skyrim: *.json does not belong to this DynDOLOD.esp A: Update the TES5Edit script files to the same version as the DynDOLOD.esp and the papyrus scripts. Make sure the *.json files and DynDOLOD.esp are in sync from the same generation process. I even did a full reinstall too. The script is 1.46, and its a clean install. Cant seem to get this 1.46 to work properly
  10. So....can someone tell me if its worthwhile to restart the 1.46 process from scratch? I didnt get an answer to that question. I do seem to have LODs, what I dont know, is how much I am 'missing' with the error im getting reported in Tamriel worldspace.
  11. I am getting a Cannot find Master Data in Tamriel.jso. Solstheim initialized successfully, but Not tamriel. What am I missing? I followed the update procedure(from 1.45). Do I need to do the esp all over again? Or am I somehow missing files. I followed the instructions to delete the current lods from the listed folders, updated edit etc. Did that all. Added: Reading the faq indicates the problem is missing meshes files etc. I did copy all files, and most worlds are initialize correctly. Is the only 'fix' to redo it all over again? I updated edit, did the deletes, copied all files to the correct places, and used standard install with medium qual. Dyno does initialize Tamriel now, but I get error messages Objects not belonging. What I would like to know is, how bad is this problem? If I completely redo DnyDolod, will I notice much difference? Or are the errors so mild you'd be hard pressed to notice it?
  12. Its not that 12 is too 'dim' its actually a lot better now, but further refinement is what I am after. If the creation engine had a realistic, standardized way to measure light intensity, and applied its consistently, every mod could use a fairly standardized set of values for night lighting. As no such standard exists, mod makers just adjust the intensity and appearance of light sources, usually based on aesthetics, and often times, little else. My current values were too dim, and had limited radius, making night lighting not very effective, or even realistic. The fact there are so many lighting overhauls mods out there and how popular they are is an indication of this. My current ENB simulates dark nights very well-but is not so good when it comes to night lighting, a common comment about it. The intensity and radius of light is something that can be determined rigorously and, in principle, a value assigned either the CK or ENB's that would give a very good approximation of what lighting would really look like in the skyrim 'world'.
  13. Im looking to tweak Nighttime exterior light sources intensity. My ENB has them set far too low and subdued. Im trying to make lamps, braziers torches etc, mainly for towns, brighter and more realistic. As things stand, w/o adjusting the global night values, static light sources really dont help all the much, some, but not as much as they should imo. I found Fire>Intensity Night - increased this by a factor of 300% and Its still kind of subdued imo. Was 4, trying 12 atm. Are there any other parameters in ENB settings that can be used to adjust this further? Like radius and so on? And for a dark, realistic night, what is the general consensus on what are realistic values for night illumination anyway? Or is there even any general idea to begin with? Thanks.
  14. Odd thing happened when I was looking around, I found this set of holes, BUT, its not quite what it appears. I was cruising around in TFC mode, and found these. When I physically walked over there in person, they looked fine. This is just near greenspring hollow. TFC mode I guess does things like that if you fly around that way? Anyhow, I have a question about masters. Most of the files Dyndolod picked up as masters, make sense. But a couple of them are head scratchers. Like - Immersive citizens and its patch -Summons bunny (yes...i have a mod that does that...) -CCOR? That's a crafting overhaul of course. and -Audio Overhaul Skyrim. The rest of the masters do actually make sense. I dont know why the script picked those 4 out as masters. Im sure there is a reason? I just re-did my whole DynDOLOD today. Im new to Dyno and just selected everything to load in TESedit and let the script sort the rest out. Should I be concerned about those four being masters, or are they in there for some good reason I can't fathom? Pic of TFC oddness
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