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Everything posted by GrantSP

  1. That is really weird! I wonder what it is in the PCEA2 mod that makes it such a hassle?
  2. It looks like everything is going fine. Are there any dumps in this folder: D:/Game Stuff/Skyrim SE/SSE Mod Tools/Mod Organizer 2 (Standalone Version)-6194-2-1-2/crashDumps You might also check to see if there are any SKSE mods installed that are still active, ie they are in the real Data folder not just installed via MO2.
  3. There's a drop down menu in MO2's UI that opens all the folders that you need to access, including the one that holds the logs.
  4. From your description you should not have to re-install Skyrim or any of your mods. Win10 is more finicky with UAC issues than previous versions so it "may" be a permissions issue. You should post your logs so we can see what is happening. Use spoiler tags or an online service like Pastebin. Without knowing what the store did it may just be something as simple as paths needing to be reset in MO2's settings.
  5. Try the STEP xEdit wiki. As the notice says it is still very much a WIP but that aspect is covered.
  6. I take it you don't suffer from motion sickness. That's the one of the big setbacks I think for me, all the reports of users becoming nauseous when using these sorts of systems.
  7. @Chazza118 Yes there is a Discord for MO2. https://discord.gg/cYwdcxj
  8. Could give me a screenshot of that, that sounds interesting to diagnose?
  9. I've been without a working games machine for sometime now, and before that I hadn't touched Skyrim for some time, so I'm really not sure what's going on here. Hopefully in a week or two, when my replacement GPU gets here, I can get back in and do some testing. So, sorry, no more ideas.
  10. @Nincro has, I believe, received a satisfactory resolution to his issue in the MO2 Discord server.
  11. Are you using the correct mods for the version of Skyrim you are running? If you are trying to use any mod that relies on the original SKSE in Skyrim Special Edition it will fail as they will be expecting SKSE but they will "see" SKSE64.
  12. ...or it may be that no one else has any recommendations for a STEP-like guide! As to your BFSE mod, it may possibly be a memory issue where the scripts are being purged after a length of time and thus the mods no longer work. This is pure speculation on my part as I have no working experience with this mod specifically or this phenomenon in general.
  13. This thread is for MO1 which had the ability to load BSAs without their plugins, MO2 has dropped that function. Your actual issue sounds more like a missing language strings problem. Does this thread help?.
  14. @Steve could you post your log in the MO2 Discord as the devs may need to have a look at that. There's a line that indicates one of the core Windows functions is failing and they may be able to tell you why. https://discord.gg/KnF3Fv
  15. Please follow this series of videos and tell me how your installation differs from that. It sounds like you may be not understanding something basic about how MO2 works.
  16. You need to close the MO2 UI for the interface log to generate. The files may be large so you can delete the existing USVFS one and then when new ones generate, paste a link to an online hosting site like PasteBin of if they are small enough just post them here inside spoiler tags. Follow the Citizenship Guidelines link below on instructions how to use those. In the mean time mouseover the save in the "Saves" tab and check that there are no missing plugins for that save that you are trying to load. Additionally in the Skyrim menu choose the actual save itself don't rely on "Continue".
  17. As soon as my desktop system gets fixed (broken GPU) I'll be creating the latest STEP install and using this. I don't see any reason for not using it as the entire premise of STEP is the same as SMASH: making the job of modding easier for the user.
  18. So you're saying MO2 refuses to "see" your installed game unless the MO2 install is just dumped onto the desktop? This doesn't sound correct. MO2 knows of the installed games by looking at their registry settings. It doesn't make any difference where MO2 is installed, with one proviso, never install it into the game folder or the Steam install. At any rate you will need to provide the mo_interface.log also so we can see what the settings are. Be sure to set the Debug level in ths Settings to: Debug, and then provide new logs. A new usvfs log will also be good. Remember to use spoiler tags or PasteBin to avoid long posts.
  19. Let's get the obvious question out of the way. I'm assuming you are using a manager to load your mods, are you also calling the game from the manager to load your saves? Since as you say the game runs perfectly well beforehand it is unlikely to be an issue with mods conflicting or such like. Most likely error is due to the saves missing something when loaded as would be the case if you just call the save from the game via the desktop as opposed to via your manager. If you are indeed calling the game on subsequent times from the manager then logs or other diagnostic material from that manager will be needed to see what, if anything, is wrong. Clearly we at STEP prefer MO as the manager of choice, any other manager may not get as much attention form users here.
  20. Brilliant minds think a like!!
  21. As I posted here, MO2 is still in active development and will get support for these changes.
  22. This is from the MO2 Discord app so where it says to drag/drop onto Discord, instead post it here inside "spoiler tags". The link below to the Citizenship Guidelines has instructions on how to do that.
  23. As this post from Nexus shows, very soon MO will no longer be able to download from their site unless a change is made to the code MO uses. As there is, at the moment, no one actively developing for MO 1.3.11 anymore this means in all likelihood it will be rendered obsolete by this change and you will no longer be able to maintain your mod list with automatic downloads as you once could. Of course the core functionality of MO will remain the same and the modded game will still work, you will just no longer be able to download from within the MO UI. Fortunately MO2 is very much in full development and this change will be made to its code very shortly. MO2 is a very robust alternative to MO 1.3.11 and if you have been holding off changing over to it may I suggest that you do so immediately. Full support fot MO2 will be maintained but due to this recent development by Nexus MO 1.3.11 will be slowly phased out and we will be limiting our level of support for it.
  24. Nexus is in the process of changing their file protocols and very soon MO1 will not be able to download automatically unless a developer steps up and makes a fix. I am going to assume this is but the first of many such reports.
  25. When posting long passages of text please use spoiler tags. Check the link below to the Citizenship guidelines for instructions how. Now, as to your issue the log says this INFO (16:01:02.0019): data path from registry differs from configured game path: D:\PROGRA~1\Skyrim\data If you have moved your game you will need to run it at least once from the desktop to re-establish these registry settings. Doing so should allow MO to "see" the game and your tools.
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