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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. i use this not cos i find it a cheat but more for convinence. I also wish there was a mod that woould leave quen up until it is broken instead of having to refresh every 30 secs (but soem might consider that OP). Ok i don't not understand what has just happened NMM is longer displaying any on my installed mods check the virtually data folder thingy and all my mods are there and they're in the witcher 3 mod folder too like there supposed be but when loading NMM nothing. Oh well bugger it time to reinstall my witcher 3 mod AGAIN
  2. gtoeroe I personally have not used most of these mods so I can not advise, however I do rememebr lock Overhaul having some serious game breaking issues. Black Sacrament Armor is nice repalcer for the dark brotherhood armor. If your planning on playing as a female assassin I suggest Merta Assassin Armor UNP - CBBE - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60195/? - (i might pick this up for my own play through still in two minds) Breezehome Fully Upgradable Dawnguard and Hearthfires no issue that I am aware of. If you plan on using Vilja I suggest picking up inigo as well there funny together. also pick up Vilja Customizer Redux by ClearanceClarence - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61834/? this will help to change her body to UNPB. you will most likely have to do your own custom CR. you might have issues with the custom races but is never used them myself so would actually know. You definatly wont need 83Willows 101BUGs with and SRLE build hope this helps in some small way and have Fun
  3. Neo did mention it was a go to be included in SRLE but he was waiting on Frostfall to be released, which means other things have been on his mind i'm sure he will included it as some point thou i suggest given it a go.
  4. i am not playing on death march but the next level down and it's still pretty hard.
  5. what difficulty are you play on?
  6. currently playing witcher 3 not planning on getting FO4 until the game of the year edition come out. might get star wars battlefront when is it cheaper. have decided to put off a new playthrough of skyrim for a while
  7. ok fair enough I just assumed it was CCOR cos I was using the tanning rack i completey forgot mods like frostfall and campfire add stuff there too. you are indeed right this Recipe was added in by Campfire i will report to Chesko.
  8. this might help https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3k40n2/tentative_release_dates_for_frostfall_30_last/ although these date are already wrong he is currently 1 month behind these dates but I would hope before christmas thou (but might be wishful thinking)
  9. could explain why the guards keep "saying Let me guess. Somebody stole your sweet roll" it's cos they've all been turned into Fur plates? in all Seriousness Kryptopyr this could do with fixing.
  10. not sure if this is a bug or something wrong but just saw if you use the tanning rack you can dismantle sweetrolls and you can get a fur plate, that doesn't sound right to me. can confirm it is CCOR cos Deactiving it removes this from the tanning rack
  11. ok doing some testing in dawnstar when it started snowing, i went under water and it was snow heavliy while my argonian test chartacter was under the water. has anyone ever seen this happen before cos I have never noticed it before. Edit: Deactiving Vivid snow, then Reactivating Vivid snow made this issue stop so something for people to keep an eye on. Oh don't you juts love bug testing CCOR beleive now If you use the tanning rack you can dismantle sweetrolls and you can get a fur plate, that doesn't sound right to me.
  12. no missing masters but redownload and reinstalling seems to have fixed what issue it was having
  13. ok interesting just updated campfire and frostfall as per the guidfe and now i get nothing but CTD as soon as i hit the skyrim logo is anyone else having this issue or is it just me. edit: just me reinstall fixed the CTD
  14. sorry Neo i meant the Rule not the plugin i know the plugin is needed
  15. is this even needed as it get merged in the bash patch anyway
  16. oh right yes i have noticed that but i ever saw as a issue cos you are not in the prison for very long
  17. what candle light issue are you talking about?
  18. my have updated my CR for USLEEP and is up to date the the lastest SRLE as of today 12/11/15 https://copy.com/mTvgp1gAookaeHni
  19. interest maybe this will replace Skytest (which i current have in my load order) eventually
  20. the biggest plus i can see with Last Seed over INEED is Compatbility and updates since Isoku has decided to take an Indefinite Break from modding it wont be updated anytime soon. i am liking the new frostfall there are a few features that a missing i wish were there but it will be updated to 3.1 when he a finished testing (hopefully within a few weeks or when Chesko gets round to it)
  21. CACO_Campfire_Patch.esp (Not Needed With Current Version.) as for CACO CCOR Patch i think we still need that but not in the merged patch. think the merge for ICAO created more hassle then it fixed.
  22. no it not he removed that merge recently in fact it was removed last night. so i say he didn't get time to update his CR
  23. looking at the inital release schdule (he published) he is currently Only month behind what he said (which is quite good for him). i'm not planning of getting FO4 until the game of the year edition comes (you just know there will be one) and is cheap on steam so i am in hurry. so more time for witcher 3 which a really enjoying.
  24. it is that. that makes me think it might be best to wait until it is out
  25. i just tried merging the patches only and still get errors so proberly best not to i've dropped the merge now
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