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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. yes I use Enhanced landscapes and even with my heavliy modded setup I never dip below 50FPS and maintain 60-55fps in most areas. I personnaly dont use any of the grass options it is far to heavy for me you also might want to check out Skyrim Landscape Overhaul as well https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53632/? but be warn this does have one or two issue with cutting room floor whcih can be sorted out in load order or a small conflict resloution.
  2. i used better ions https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/493/? I would like to suggest All Quest Objectives On Map https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/943/? (this mod is a god send) and side note gwent is the best mini game ever
  3. just tried and it workled for me check your login creditail in MO also check you can actually login on the nexus website
  4. with an update to both Immersive College of Winter and The Ordinary Women comes the update to my conflict resolution https://copy.com/Zqz2uqmTk7QD6KQ2
  5. i gave horse revamped a shot but too it out fairly quickly due to major stuttering and frame rate drops for some reason
  6. good shout out i might give this a go to. i have also installed Craftable Horse Barding https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64069/? so i can craft the horse armor. I am not using AFT I still prefer EFF
  7. i have decided to test out Immersive Horses https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64067/? and in my all but 5 minute test I like what a see not as script heavy of Conveient horses and does everything i need from a horse mod needs a longer test I think.
  8. I am given serious thought in switching to this when i finally start my new playthrough i have SRLE as a base so is there any major i need to be aware of.
  9. decided since i have 2 custom female followers is only fair I have 2 males on so I am adding hoth https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24666/?. I think Hoth and Inigo might work well together but we shall see
  10. to be honest I dont know. All i know is Project Parallax Revived doesn't fully overwrite Project Parallax remastered so be safe i just use both maybe someone with more knownledge of parallax will know. EDIT I have put a message on the comment section of the Project Parallax Revived page lets see what reply i get. I have looked at the conflcits and there are 2 textures and meshes in PP Remastered not being overwritten my PP Revived these are wrstonemortar01.dds wrstonemortar01_n.dds plus there are a furthur 20 non-conflicting files so I would say yes you still need PP Remastered otherwise these would not have parrallax textures
  11. it works out the box no issues, there is now one compatbiity patch I would high recommend and that is Project Parallax Revived https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71400/? i have noble skyrim where SRO should be then have Project Parallax Revived after Project Parallax Remastered in my install order Left hand pane. yes grab both the main file and the SMIM Patch and I merged them
  12. thanks for the head up changing now
  13. your welcome Neo hope you find them of some use. i am planning on doing 3 more to show the performance version of the ENB with low, medium and high setting of Dyndolod
  14. Personnally if you have a vanillia backup of your skyrim folder I would removed it all and reinstall that then verfiy intergatiy of gane ceace in steam and start from the beginning this is the easiest method. if not just remove the enb files remove MO remove programs like tes5edit and wyre bash (as there have been updated too) and start from there.
  15. if you are planning on starting a new character it might be best to nuke and start again as SRLE has had quite a lot of big updates over the past month or so
  16. these look like some very nice mage robe https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35002/? anybody tried this mod?
  17. from my results the biggest FPS hit in SRLE is the ENB (no surprise there) the the second is Dyndolod (again no big surprise) so if you want more performce and higher FPS and mainrain the look of SRLE, I would recommed the performance version of Vividian and medium setting of Dyndolod. my Hope is that these benchmarks (which took me a long time to do) will be useful to some of you.
  18. For comparsion i have done Base SRLE with low, medium and High setting of Dyndolod. LOW: Average FPS 49 Medium: Average FPS 49.5 High: Average FPS 45.2
  19. oh thank you Greg I never knew you could do that.
  20. the sort button is what is referred to as LOOT lite it just a quicker cut down version it just sort you cant change the meta data which you will have to do later on in the guide. michael of gamerpoets has same excellent gude for noobs https://www.youtube.com/user/gamerpoets in fact he is STEPS offiical video maker I believe. and of course there is Gopher tutoirials too https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7DlYarj-DcLS9LyjEqOJwFUQIIQewcK all little older but gives all the basics watching gophers and gamerpoets video really helped me when i started modding.
  21. does loot work outside MO if not reinstall. hell just try a reinstall anyway. also make sure the Binary and the start in section are actually pointing the loot.exe
  22. In Mod Organizer click gears icon locate loot and add this to the arugments --single-process this should hopeful sort you out
  23. I would rename a tweaked version to something else while playing around that way you can easly switch back same in ENB manger
  24. i personally use the Vivid performance version of Vividian ENB with my SRLE I turn off DOF (cos i don't like it) and I turn off amibant occlusion and cloud shadows and i gain 10 sometimes 15 frames per second.
  25. Hi everyonce after being insipred by elwaps benchmark for Steps found here https://forum.step-project.com/topic/9382-step-2292-complete-installation-benchmark-i7-3930k-gtx-680-4gb-8gb-ddr3-1333-ssd-windows-10/ I decide to have a go at benchmarking a (almost) base SRLE and here are the results. Spec of my computer: CPU: Intel i5 4670K @4.5GHz Motherboard: Asus z97K Ram Corsair Vengence Pro DDR3 16GB 2133MHz GPU: Asus Direct II NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 SSD: Kingston HyperX Fury 128GB SSD (Windows 7) SSD: Samsung Evo 850 250GB SSD (Skyrim and Mod Organizer) OS: Windows 7 64-bit Professional Monitor: Acer K242HL 1920x1080 @60Hz I made one change compared to Base SRLE I decided to use Noble Skyrim HD 2K https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45807/? instead of Skyrim Relistic Overhaul. I would also like a express my sincere thanks to elwaps without who I would never of completed this benchmark. https://copy.com/cIpbhzyyaVTOkXb6
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