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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. It is now in Complete Alchmey and cook overhaul. Also Neo Wyrmstooth has been updated
  2. i would like to add CACO to my game but I am loathed to start a new one can i add if i have no perks in Alchemy and get rid of all my player made potions Or is that just a really bad idea.
  3. interesting i will keep an eye on this one, at least for me it would mean i might have to drop realistic needs and diseases 2 and hunterborn form my load order.
  4. does anyone know of this mod plays well with Ordinator perks of skyrim?
  5. by the looks of yes you have to run it through MO. I'm in the process of working out how to use this wonderful new tool. It still amazes me that still after nearly 3 years Neo keeps his guide up to date and he works so hard on his guide and I personally really appricate all his hard work. thanks neo for your amazing gudie
  6. trying to install Merge Plugin standalone you say in the merge subguide to use champollon decomplier.exe i can not find where this is actaullly installed or is there a seperate tool we were to download and install?
  7. well there is one glaring incompatility with SLO that I was either blind or too tired to even noticed last night when I was doing my little test. There are rocks covering the path outside Rokistead opposite Shoal's rest farm. not a issue for the player but for companions quite a big issue. Adding Loot Rule Load cutting Room Floor.esp After betterskyrim.esp (Skyrim Landscape Overhaul) is needed otherwise the blacksmith in Hjaalmarch will be snowed in.
  8. the biggest performance hitting mod is now dyndolod without it actived I can maintain 60fps not matter where i go in skyrim (but skyrim has always been pretty badly optimized) but i now cant play the game without it so a lower frame rate is the price i have to pay with this game now. plus my game is fairly heavliy modded now i really should stop adding mods.
  9. After testing both Enhanced Landscapes https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68782/? and Skyrim Landscape Overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53632/? For a few hours each. I am in agreement with Hishutup I prefer Skyrim Landscape Overhaul. SLO looks better and the performance (at least on my system is better) I had Dyndolod Run at Medium Settings for both SLO and Enhanced Landscape and used the same route as a test I walked from whiterun to dragonbridge, then Dragonsbridge (going through morthal swamp) to Dawnstar. Skyrim Landscape overhaul barely dropped to below 55FPS, (expect in Dawnstar it dropped for some reason to was around 40FPS) and walking between dragonsbride and morthal I maintained 60FPS (even in the swamp). Unlike the same route Enhanced Landscape was 45FPS, again dawnstar was around 40ish (don't what is about dawnstar that my system doesn't like). the only conflict i have noticed in TES5edit between SLO are SLRE was Better Dynamic Snow and i just put SLO under Better dynamic snow my my Load Order
  10. well i've just installed didn't run Dyndoload I have the grass plugin and my FPS outside whiterun in the tundra it below 30FPS so a lot os tweaking is going to be required. walking around mortal with marsh pines option 60-57fps walking around the rfit simlair 60-57fps (currrently without DYNDOLOD) the grass plugin and green fields are too heavy for my setup so i wont be using them i am going to use: I will be using the main file + Oaks + DLC patch (debating no marsh trees option all depend if I want morthal as a marsh or swamp) added loot Rules: Enhanced Landscapes - Merged.esp load after Skyrim Flora overhaul.esp Cutting Room Floor Load After Enhanced Landscapes - Merged.esp
  11. I am thinking this wouild be a nice addition to my SRLE Build what mods do you drop from SRLE and what options and load order do you use with this mod?
  12. think i might need to reduce my texture mods some what this was take at windhelm docks Vram Run at 3,440MB getting a bit heavy
  13. Hi Neo i am wanting to change the key binding For Auto loot from default U to Hold E that way all interact and looting is on one key (also i have decide to use the herbs only option of autoloot) is this possible and if so how do i do it? I also have the mod extended key option mod installed https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/16/?
  14. Ok Real time meditation does not apper to be working at all? pressing N brings up the meditation menu just like in the vanillia game is there a setting I am to enable or something. Ok Ignore me I am an Idoit Hold N not just press N everything ok
  15. this actually very useful especially for someone like me who isn't a scripting genious.
  16. his does the order in which you install mods matter ie your guide say to install auto loot before friend hud does it matter if it is done the other way round?
  17. really dont know what i am doing wrong when it come to installing friendly hub every time I install it the keyboard and mouse controls completey break (expect for F3 this still works) with game and the only way to get out is to CTRL, ALT, DEL I have watched Gopher's video of friendly hud and still the keyboard and mouse controls break so help would be useful really want to get that mod working. i've only so far installed the no talk icon mod. Uninstalling all mods and and reinstalling only friendly hub got is working
  18. thanks Neo thats got it sorted (I am really out of practice with NMM) as time goes on Neo you might find this tool useful https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/484/? Well that's a good start to my modding the Witcher 3 installed my first mod (friendly hud) and already managed to break the bloody game i get on the horse and i cant move or do anything cant even load up the menu to exit have to ctrl, alt, del to get out the game. so a reinstall in under way decided going to play the game on vanillia for awhile before jumping in at the deep end
  19. ok need some help how do I get NMM to download Witcher 3 mods and MO to download skyrim mods via the download with manger button?
  20. if you don't want to play it you could always watch gopher's LP of Witcher 1 (i've watched both his 1 and 2) I played 2 on xbox 360 but that was ages ago i going to jump into witcher 3 modded. the thing i've got to get used to again is nexus mod manger so used to Mod Organizer now.
  21. looks like i will be finally downloading the witcher 3
  22. this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35117/? looks so cool think is would be a excellent addition. also gamwich is at once one https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69307/? also Perma has been updated thanks to Raulfin who i beleive has take over the mod
  23. Neo i was wondering if you recommend creating a Merged Patch in TES5Edit or just use your SR Conflict Resloution patch?
  24. the stutters i can actually live with they don't happen that often and when the do it is usually brief I think it's more my 2TB hard drive then anything else, when i get a stutter my hdd spins up for a few seconds the drop back down. it is like 65% fragmented to really should defrag it but it take so long to do and I am lazy.
  25. you might want to try running dyndolod at medium.
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