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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. yes I use USLEEP and RS Children. as for Bijin Warmadians yes that was quite a pain what is did is: download and install Bijin Warmaidians also seperate the privaye lydia version (keep the privite lydia esp). Bijin Wives, Bijin NPC once all these are installed removed the 3 esp's (warmadian, wives, NPC, make sure to extarct the BSA's for all these mods.) I then created a new folder and called it Bijin Merged and then moved all textures and meshes into this folder. I the Download Bijn AIO https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71121/? Bijin AIO Legendary for USLEEP Users I then Renamed the Bijin AIO.eps to Bijin Merged.esp (to maintan compatbility with my own CR) I then moved it to the Bijin merged Folder we created Earlier. the actived this ned mod in MO I can try make it available if required.
  2. Ok I cant to to find the post wehere I mention mods added to this setup Archery Gameplay Overhaul (don't forget to update FNIS) Project Parallax Revived - for noble skyrim Northgirl Armor UNP and the Retexture from clethcleth and Gamwich (most will use on Sofia) UNP Rogue Armor HD Bijin AIO I am trying out Battle fatigue and injuries at the moment i like it (add more immersion) so it's in. as usual anything you guys find issues with let me know. also any mods you think work well with the setup let me know and try it out If there is enough interest I might turn this into a full Wiki.
  3. i personally don't use SRO but it should be ok you need to sort out your priority the the left hand pane of Mod Organizer to get it looking the wat you want it again experiment.
  4. yes Noble Skyrim is fine with SRLE I use it there is a parallax patch for noble skyrim https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71400/? regarding combt I added Deadly Combat and combat evoled to my setup. I also added ordinator with no issue others have used Skyre or Perkus Maximus but these are a little more complex with regarding compatbility. with regard to the ENB is use the Vivid Setting in Vividian ENB not the Vanillia (but that something you might want to experiment with)
  5. if it helps people to trobuleshoot there load order; my current load order can always be found in my signature. please do bear in mind that I have quite a few mod on top of SRLE. this link will take you to my MODWat.ch Page https://www.modwat.ch/u/Darth_mathias where my load order can be found
  6. This mod might be worth a look for consideratio for adding to SRLE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13241/?
  7. the SMIM patch it back for Wiseman303s Flora Fixes, campfire been updated to no more magically turning sweetrolls into Fur plates.
  8. this only affects the alternate start dungeon right at the start of the game Like darkside says everyone has this it is not an issue. Neo maybe a note or something about this not being an issue
  9. a few updats Wiseman303's Flora Fixes - SMIM patch longer on the mod page XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
  10. ok then i have done something stupidIi will remove my conflict merge and try again. Fixed forgot to merge no auto sheath which i added in a few days ago. Neo can i ask which version i went for?
  11. i am currently having issues getting this to merge I must be doing something wrong i get this error Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(7874): Unexpected end of file found after '{' at line 8 I will wait until you have had a look since you plan on adding it
  12. I saw this mod Neo it might be of interest all Quest Objectives Of Map https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/943/? I chose the standard version is now an essentail mod for me. needs scripts to be merged
  13. hey Neo i was update my graphic driver annd resetting Nvidia Inspector the main setp Wiki says: Texture Filtering The settings for AF should match the picture above for the STEP recommendations from the STEP Guide. In the INI tweak section on the STEP Guide, Anisotropic Filtering (AF) was turned off. Now it needs to be turned on using Inspector. Notice:Users not using ENBoost should set Anisotropic filtering setting as indicated below. ENBoost users should ensure the Anisotropic filtering setting is off and set ForceAnisotropicFiltering is set to true in the enblocal.ini file. now there are 2 setting to turn offthe Anisotropic filtering setting OFF [Linar] OFF [Point] which shoudl we use to make sure it actuall off. Or dont we need to do that. EDIT oh DUH I am such an idiot and blind as a bat today the picture has anwered my question ignore me, been that type of day today
  14. you could always use the Console Command "showracemenu" to bring up the race menu at anytime just dont change the race.
  15. hello everyone allow me to finally introduce to you Sobek (or Sebek-Ra haven't decided which name I prefer yet) My Argonian Battlemage, he is a "Bonescale" inspired by fudgemuppet Bonescale build guide. The 2 guilds I know for sure he will be members of are the companions and the mages, I haven't decided what side of the civil war he will choose (might keep him neutral). He will join the dawngaurd he also might destroy the dark brotherhood (again haven't decided on that). his companions will be Inigo, (there are old friends and travelled to skyrim togther for a while before they got seperated in a shipwreck in the Sea of Ghost Inigo ended getting locked up in Riften Jail, while very high on Skooma one night, he boosted in a local inn that he had downing the ship) Sofia, Recorder, and either kharjo, or J'zargo.
  16. my data folder without adding any mods on top of SRLE is 41GB skyrim is about 10 or 11GB so you at min 50GBish my full skyrim folder with all the mods i want on top of SRLE is 83.2GB
  17. try this: 3a. Blank LOOT Interface: To attempt to resolve this create an argument. Select the "Modify Executables" icon. Select "LOOT". In the "Arguments" field type --single-process . Select "Modify". Select "Close". Source: Michael of Gamerpoets it in the mod Managers section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOocsSaj0fs
  18. i never use SUM i find it far easier to just run the skyproc patchers indivdually myself. i would first try DSR without using SUM if that fails then redownload DSR and try again.
  19. the guide is not up to date with the latest release of ETaC yet that why no immersive Citizens patch yet.
  20. i used to use Skyrim HD2K all the time, but now it's noble skyrim, the fact that it didn't support parallax was a bit of a issue but now is not and love it even more. I remember reading somewhere that even Neo had looked at Noble skyrim for SRLE but the fact it didn't support parrallax was deal break for him, hopeful because of this patch he might reconsider.
  21. i use it in place of Skyrim Realistic Overhaul (cos i nver found a working torrent) and personally I think it looks better then Skyrim HD2k Textures (which i have also used) download it and give it ago
  22. lol no and i don't think you ever will since Neo constantly updates the guide for the lastest version of mods out to keep it relevent. it is awesome thath he does this as it is a lot of work but it is also a little annoying cos once you think you install is up to date with his you realise it's not. Also after installing this Parallax patch https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71400/? my rate rate seems to more stable and constant e.g. walking from honeybrew meadery to whiterun gate I can maintain 60 fps when it used to drop to below 50, I would strongliy advise anyone this uses Noble skyrim with SRLE to give this serious look.
  23. to aid with ones PC OCD https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71383 oooo Noble Skyrim support downloading
  24. that happend to be yesterday all day and today for most of the day not been able to even load any of the forums pages overiously working now.
  25. interesting now that it is compatbile i might add it into my load order
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