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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. Neo I was just wondering do we really need to include CACO Soap with bathing in skyrim merge as it can be merged into the bached patch? Also noticed this under wyre bash instructions "A popup asking to deactive mods prior to patching may appear. If it does, simply click [OK] unless the mod is marked "NoMerge" then click [Skip]. This will deactivate those mod files and it will be merged into the bashed patch".by this you mean not to merge VM Traps.esp ? cos it says in wyre bash mergeable "NoMerge"
  2. look luck with your build I would highly recommend ordinator there are some needed compatbility patches need CCOR WAFR and CACO, i would also recommend deadly combat and comabt eveolved to make it a bit more of a challenge
  3. interesting https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71700/?
  4. i agree with darkside if you dont start playing the game now you never will
  5. unfortunantly try as I might I cannot remove the fog from warburgs 3D Paper map no idea what is causing it and since it is bugging me back to A Quailty Word Map I go
  6. can i ask did you extract the BSA or leave it packed cos i'v e tried both textures and still got fog i am serious think of going back to a quailty world map cos it bugging me do much
  7. welcome to the unlimate Skyrim Dilemma when do stop modding the game and actually start to play the game. I suspet the next biggest issue will be when Chesko finally Releases Last Seed (and who when that will be).
  8. i have the exact same issue.
  9. started a new character loaded in the frosen hearth walk around for a bit and no flickering lights. I also try with an older character and still no flickering lights
  10. the T-pose is as a far am aware a issue with FNIS I would try removing FNIS and Skyproc patchers and rerun and see if that sort it out for you.
  11. just tried as well and not log files appear in My Games/Skyrim/spINI cache infact there is no folder
  12. sweet work Double you I take it the old 1.2 version can be safely removed and this added to MO executeables?
  13. glad to hear you got it sort I will add a note about this to the steps i created it worked for me cos i hadn't run dyndolod and skyproc patchers at the time I was testing. [EDIT] Thanks for your help in testing and flesh out my little installation guide really appricated. I made a note about removed dyndolod and skyproc patchers prior to installation then added steps to rerun after installation (but only if this required).
  14. i have tried and it worked fine on my base SRLE. try this for me deactived the optimized vanillia textures as i have not used them i am just wondering if they a screwing something up also what version of teh optimzed vanillia textures are you using?
  15. i currently have it placed after UltraHD - Stormcloak and City Guards from Neo's guide. i am give it a fresh go myself following the instrustions i gave let me see what happens.
  16. interesting i have it at pirtoty 295 in the right hand pane, and 170 in the left. have you made sure the folder is setup correctly double cheeck this example Bijin Merged / meshes / actor / character / Aela there should be 8 files all Nifs and another folder called hair which contains 2 nif files and 2 tri files also did you use the UNP or CBBE Version of the mods
  17. it should be: Bijin Merged / meshes / actor / character / ...and then the list of unique characters for War, Wives, NCP with their specific Facegendata ? you are basically merging the 3 mods into one Mod
  18. no these are not needed these can be deleted
  19. If someone could be so kind as to test out this esp https://copy.com/9BgwlwTqntGONoal to see if Alea is indeed a warewolf during the companions the part when you're in the underforge it's when you first become a warewolf that would be awesome as I am nowhere near that point in any of my games i i dont know the console commands for this
  20. no you only need Bijin AOI Legendary for USLEEP users. I hope my instrutions are clear for you Quahogs
  21. ok due to intense script lag on my system i am dropping Battle fatigue and injuries
  22. i find it easier to create a new profile in MO for just merging mods and only active the mods need for that merge.
  23. i would say yes cos it tripped me up for a few days. i spend hours and hours getting bijin to behave the way I wanted hopefully the steps now above will help everyone.
  24. to clarify to everyone How I installed Bijin: takes a bit of work but worth it PLEASE NOTE IF YOU HAVE ALREADLY RUN DYNDOLOD AND SKYPROC PATCHERS I ADVISE TO REMOVE THEM, THEN INSTALL THIS MOD, THEN RE-RUN at the point download the bijin customizers if desired. this should be it you're done. (hopefully I haven't missed anything lol of course I missed stuff). Only needed if you have installed and removed dyndoload and Skyproc prior to installion of this mod Step 9: Re Run Dyndolod as per SRLE Guide Step 10: Re Run Skyproc Patchers as per SRLE Guide
  25. mostly making sure Bijin Overwrites Ordinary woman as these two mods change some of the same NPCs I merged USLEEP Changes in Ordinary woman so Bijin had to go into my CR also. you do know that on the first page at the top thre is a link to my CR whcih can be downloaded and used. i will try and make my version of bijin availbe once i work out the best way to upload it. to honest I am not sure the best way to go about this suggestions would be welcome
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