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Everything posted by Manos

  1. If you've strictly followed the guide, you' re likely going to find some english lines in the game. You need to translate some mods yourself as all of them haven't been translated. Mods like Workshop Rearranged for exemple. If you need, i can share with you, my almost complete, eet files for ESP - ESM Translator: Here: ESP-ESM Translator (Nexus) or here: ESP-ESM Translator (La Confrérie des Traducteurs) You'll find everything you need to properly use it with the link from La Confrérie des Traducteurs, it's pretty simple and effective. For the "Next Gen Modpocalypse update" just don't do it as you won't be able to properly use STEP guide with it installed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si tu as suivi le guide STEP à la lettre sans rien ajouter de plus, tu auras de l'anglais dans ton jeu. Il faut que tu traduises certain mods toi même parcequ'ils n'ont pas tous été traduits, par exemple Workshop Rearranged et d'autres. Si tu as besoin, je peux te partager mes fichiers eet pour que tu puisses traduire toi même. Ils sont à peine traduit à 100% mais il y a déjà du taf fait dessus. Il te faudra ESP - ESM Tranlator que tu trouveras ici: ESP-ESM Translator (Nexus) ou là: ESP-ESM Translator (La Confrérie des Traducteurs) Sur la Confrérie des Traducteurs, tu trouveras aussi un tuto complet, c'est simple à utiliser et efficace. Pour la maj " Modpocalypse Next Gen" je te déconseille de la faire maintenant, tu ne pourras pas utiliser la guide STEP sans problèmes si tu l'installe.
  2. That was it, i made a mistake, i downloaded the resources 0.69 with the plugins 0.74... don't ask me why... kinda dumb... Problem solved, thanks.
  3. Hi, I have a weird visual bug near Gorski's cabin, A lot of statics seems to not load properly around this area. Maybe a LOD related problem? Any idea of what could it be ? Thanks.
  4. Have you consider to try this one instead? It has been updated on 19/04/2024 Power Armors Redone
  5. I'am currently using Unlimited Survival Mode - F4SE and i didn't noticed anything wrong. I didn't checked or tried the other two mods but thank you for your informations Did you used mods like Clean My Settlement (Auto Clean Edition) ; Raze My Settlement ? Settlement cleaning would be much easier with those mods. I've been away from Fallout 4 modding since like 4 years so i barely know anything now...
  6. Hi everyone, Is there some of you who plays in survival mode? Does someone using mode like those or other additions with STEP guide? DEF_SSW Survival Stats widget redone ; Unlimited Survival Mode - F4SE ; Wearable Backpacks and Pouches
  7. Ok, thank you or Double thank you
  8. Hi, Maybe, it's a dumb question but i never used Complex sorter before and it gives me a warning about xEdit version, it wants 4.0.3 and i use the 4.1.5 version. Since it didn't failed to process, i guess it's safe to ignore it or should i stick to the 4.03 version instead of the last one 4.1.5 to avoid any inconveniences? Thx.
  9. Hi ! It's not really a problem but i noticed some errors in EngineFixes.log and don't know if it's normal or not. Also it seems that the achievements fix is not working anymore. I uploaded the last crash log and the EngineFixes log if someone want to take a look at it. THX. EngineFixes.log crash-2023-04-18-00-48-51.log
  10. XPMSE.esp is hidden by mod organizer. I reruned Nemesis, it seems to be good. I didn't post my crash logs on nexus because there was some others like it and i don't know if they use STEP guide. That's why i asked here first. Maybe i should post it. Good to know, i'll do this! I'm sure, you guys will find something good to prevent crash like this, you always do ^^ Thanks for your help everyone
  11. Nothing but the guide. Unequip Quiver has been updated on 13/02/2023 and i'm using the correct version 1.6.629+ Ini file is set to: iReEquipType=1 and there's no other MCM instructions at the end of the guide. I believe that it happened when the game autosave and 3 times in like 20 hours. I reinstalled it, i'll let you know if it happen again. Thanks anyway!
  12. Hi everyone, I followed the guide and everything seems to be good but the game crashed 3 times until now and it seems that Unequip Quiver is the culprit. It's not a big issue but maybe someone can look at the reports. There is the last one: https://pastebin.com/Qcp94GXL Thank you ! Edit: i play the game in french. crash-2023-04-02-20-39-57.log crash-2023-04-06-22-27-48.log crash-2023-04-10-17-37-42.log
  13. Ok, thanks a lot !
  14. A little question, the guide doesn't mention a need for a bashed patch or/and a merged patch. Is it needed or included in the STEP Patch not at all?
  15. Hi, I saw a little weird thing. Some NPC are "stuck" like something hold them in the air and sometimes they even vanish right after i killed them. Is it normal or did i do something wrong? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also Vulpes Inculta is not at Nipton when i go there for the first time. Is it a part of a fixe? EDIT: Apparently, this was cause by the english version of YUP. I'm using a french version of the game (Steam) and the english and french version of YUP are quite different. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. It's the same for me.
  17. Thank you for your help. Unless i'm wrong, all the paths are set like it should. I also tried to revert the path to the vanilla folder and the result seems to be the same. I joined the last logs, INI's and a scrennshot if it could help. Sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker. log.txt Custom.ini Fallout.ini FalloutCustom.ini FalloutPrefs.ini
  18. Hi, I followed the STEP FNV guide and everytime i try to do a change with Bethini, everything goes well but none of my settings are saved in Fallout.ini, Falloutpref.ini, Falloutcustom.ini and custom.ini Exemple: iMaxAnisotropy=8, iMultiSample=0, and object fade, actor fade and items fade are not actually saving. Is it something that i done wrong?
  19. A guide for TTW would be very nice but quite big too :)I know what it is, I've already spent a lot of time with this one.The latest version is well done and doesn't require so much work.Yossarian (Nevada Skies) recently did a TTW version of his mod, "FO3- A world of Pain" has been converted, "Mart Mutant Mod", there've got some patch for Project Nevada (not really needed but this patch change a few thing like .32 ammo to fit TTW in a better way)They provide a script to convert FO3 mods "quick and easy", some of them may require some extra but only to fit TTW in a better way, otherwise they still working good.Almost all if not all of the FNV mods are fully functional and doesn't require extra work.It's so enjoyable to travel between FO3 and FNV like this :)
  20. Hello there! I'm new on this forum but in the first place I came here to say a big "thank you" to everybody who contribute to make your guide what it is today! Really, the end worth the efforts but I guess it's not that much compare to the amount of time and work you had to put in it So, I don't really know the forum and I wanted to share some of my pics with you BUT it's not strictly STEP Extended, so I didn't posted it in the screenshots section. I believe I'm allowed to post it here? Those screenshots where made with: STEP Extended STEP Weather Pack The Ningheim race UNP Body replacer Parallax Remastered textures pack from Osmodius. (he advised how to install it on nexus) Skyrim Bigger Trees Many others Serenity ENB I hope, you will enjoy. by sebpliskin Tchuss!
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  21. Hello there!This is my very first post on the STEP Forum, I admit that I didn't read everything, so if I missed a part like presentation or something, please tell me ;)I wanted to say that this guide is more than useful, saved me a lot time and efforts!I used it with another pretty small mod that I'm sure you already aware of: Tale of Two Wastelands Of course I'm not using all of the mods you've listed but still a lot.Thank you for this
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