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Everything posted by TheDane

  1. Of course not, it's danish. We are all communists here in Europe you know ;) (Like the great self-righteous Lizard from AFK Mods onces proclaimed in all his wisdom and hypocrisy).
  2. Thanks! Something is definitely off in my logs. Which version of MO do you use?
  3. Hi Steppers Request: Is someone willing to upload thier mod organizer logs. The reason is that I suspect that something is not quit right in my own logs. So instead of just spamming Tanins bug-tracker, I would like to have some logs to hold against my own logs. Hope someone can help me out
  4. It's not entirely down, only kickass.so is taken down, kickass.to is up and running. Link to SRO.
  5. I posted this question over at the enbdev forum: Link to post According to Boris anisotropic filtering is forced when enabled in enblocal.ini regardless of "UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=" is set to "false" or "true".
  6. Thanks! This is what I see: [ENGINE] ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true MaxAnisotropy=16
  7. Anisotropic Filtering is forced by default in the enblocal.ini (just checked), STEP used to recommend setting "ForceAnisotropicFiltering=" to false when Anisotropic Filtering is forced through the video driver as you recommend for non-ENB users.
  8. Is it intentional that the current STEP guide recommends forcing Anisotropic Filtering both through video driver and enblocal.ini, or is it an oversight?
  9. It's a bug with tes5edit 3.0.32 (Something with VM if I recall correct). It's fixed in tes5edit 3.0.33.
  10. The URL's of your screenshots is apparently associated to some sort of malware (Hijacking) according to this source (And many others, try google it). Maybe virus are to blame for your problems? Try to install and run malwarebytes or something similar and see what it reports.
  11. New 1.7.2 Beta is up
  12. Thanks. I really appreciate this :)
  13. Would you consider re-uploading the pack? I really like having those optimized textures as a BSA :) Besides what hishutup reported (Did not realize that it was caused by this pack) I have not encountered any weird stuff so far, and I have used the performance version since the beginning of November :)
  14. They are called wattle fences and they are still quite common in northen Europe and they are normally exclusively made of Hazel trees, because if they are made of Willow trees (Modern fashion) the fences tends to come alive and grow indefinitely (As seen in the picture above). I have always thought it was strange that Skyrim is full of Wattle fences when the Game World lacks Hazel trees entirely Another great Skyrim paradox
  15. In the instructions to install "Nernies city" you don't mention which version to install besides the modified files. But it is indicated that some of the files from the orignal mod is needed. Quote from the guide "...However the resources from the original mod are still necessary." I'm just looking for some clarification :)
  16. Hey :) I can't find an answer to the following online, so I hope someone here at the forum maybe have the knowledge :) Does Form Version (Not FormID) have an impact on a new record if the Form Version differs from the original record from the mod that is now merged into a new plugin? For example: "fFastTravelSpeedMult_4.esp" have Form Version 40 My new record (Which have a new FormID) have Form Version 43 So my question is simply, does the difference in Form Versions mean anything for the function of the new plugin in-game?
  17. You are using MO 1.2.13? correct? It happened to me as well. Revert to MO 1.2.11 (Works great) Edit: The logs are supposed to be tiny.
  18. Currently this mod loads before AOS.esp in the STEP setup, but it must be loaded after AOS.esp to have an effect in-game. If you agree, I could update the mod note with a LOOT rule
  19. Some of your INI tweaks will at best do nothing and at worst ruin your Skyrim experience.
  20. I have used it in 5 playthroughs (Almost only STEP Extended) over the last months with no issues (:
  21. This should have been a part of STEP 2.2.9 IMHO. The USKP team does also recommend the mod here.
  22. Just a question :) Shouldn't the meshes from the "Improved Closefaced Helmets -- Amidianborn Ebony compatibility patch" be a part of the install instructions, when using the "Amidianborn content add-on"?
  23. When you have a laptop with Integrated graphics, it is best practice to use drivers from the manufacturer (because they often make a lot of change to the driver, when you have a dedicated graphics card). Furthermore is your bios up to date?
  24. Just forward the edits from the unofficial Skyrim Patch or do nothing (these conflitcs isn't game breaking). This mod does not contain textures, its just a plugin, so nothing to ddsopt here :) By the way, cleaning this mod is essential :)
  25. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56922/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D56922&pUp=1 Maybe this is relevant?
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