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Everything posted by Mangaclub

  1. ah no that would require every vividian enb user to have falkaar, that would then be a bit too much :D But we support it via our enb weathers.
  2. Oh i See, you got two diverse weathers there, eh i should have slept more :D Please just use the Vividian - Diverse Weathers - CoT + PW + AOS.esp since you have PW installed.
  3. Yes i certainly should find a bit time to update this :) Please load the extended Weathers after our Weather patches, otherwise they will get overwritten. ESS Patch for CoT DG Patch.esp could be best loaded before any vividian esp's the rest looks good :)
  4. Yes Vividian covers the bug with Mist, wich is anyway strongly used in there. Just make sure you have atleast a density of 1.5 and then lower the exponential fade till it is covered. after that just alter the mist lighting influences so it fits to the gradients around it. Mist also will be heavy influenced by the gradient settings in the Sky section.
  5. Just updated it today if you want to try Pure Weather one day: 6.03 Vivid / 5.63 VanillaPure Weather 2.1 Compatibility Upgrade:Updated all ENB Weathers, Weather patches and Extendes Weathers to be compatible with Pure Weather 2.1.Quiet alot changed there so you will see differences, positive ones i hope ;)New:Added Real Shelter Vividian COT Compatiblity patchThis one can be used when using Real shelter and our CoT weather patch together. It should reduce the differences when you step in and out of a shelter.Load after Real shelter.
  6. No the extended weathers add extra features like faster cloudspeed, enhanced Fog effects and Compatiblity patches Cot+PW or Cot+RCRN. They are all compatible with the weather patches of vividian.
  7. thanks! :) feel free to add some pictures of that to the user images on the modpage :D
  8. Yes the Complex Filter does wonders with flickering in that case of low texture sizes. SSAO is always some trickery part of ENB's. I know people who disable it completley but...imo i cant live without it on many scenes ;) Another option ofcourse is to turn on the Nvdia SSAO and disable the enb SSAO but then the effect totally go out of your controll especially noticeable in foggy scenes when there are black shadows everywhre.
  9. thanks for the hint!can you try to play a bit with the dusk duration and sunset time? Lets say lower the sunset time and make the dusk duration longer. I will also have a look as soon i am done with the CoT stuff here. But with RCRN the whole sunset stuff usually moved to happen earlier. They change the sun so at 18:00 the sun is much deeper (almost gone behind the mountains) than it would be without RCRN.
  10. Greetings everyone.i would like to share something for you Vanilla users to try out. Vividian - Vanilla V6: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2ky9s86g3rlfujx/AADeKXZhWI90qi_mijwEISwPa?dl=0 I tryd to reproduce the look and feel of the 5.6 Vividian Vanilla version with the V6 shaders wich are ofcourse completley different. I would say Exterior i might have suceed about 80-90%. Interior needs a bit work still to make it look the same. Anyhow if any of you is willing to help me with opinions i would be thankful.
  11. I also thought about moving the .fx files to the enbseries Folder...but the problem is see with using the enbseries folder for the injector files is that there will be users that just drag the enb series folder over and do not delete the old .fx files they might have left from another enb. So i am not sure wich enb chooses to be used in prior, the .fx files in the enbseries folder or the .fx files in the skyrim root folder.
  12. at the Install section in the Sentense: Delete ALL ENB and post-processing injector files that reside in the root Skyrim folder. i would mention also to delete the enbseries folder. Some presets have their injectors there also.
  13. indeed :) looking at the new one now.
  14. actually there is enb 0.264 but it seems some amd users had issues with it.
  15. Yes it would most likley, but then if its RCRN maybe not that much. Try rename the effect.txt file to something else so it wont be loaded and have a look.
  16. Well thats normal, the Vanilla version uses shaders from Prod80 and the Vivid shaders from Aiyen. So there will always be some kind of difference because of the gausian bluring alone that eats a few more FPS.
  17. intresting then it sounds like there was a installer error then. 20 FPS although is bad with a 780, sounds somehow like memory is leaking. Did you installed the enblocal.ini and overwrote your own optimized one by accident?
  18. yea i could see you where using the default one ,the blur is unique :) But it puzzles me, something seems to be on very close focus range to your camera. Do you have any first person mods installed that changes the camera somehow?
  19. hmm thats strange. please make sure the https://www.dropbox.com/s/0r0e3u7fww5o2gb/enbeffectprepass.fx.ini?dl=0 file is in your enbseries folder. Maybe some settings are copyd not right.
  20. Awsome!! thanks! :) May we call us now Featured in S.T.E.P. ?:)
  21. @iamgregor There are many reasons why this could bee too dark. The most common ones are: 1. Wrong monitor brightness and contrast. Vividian comes withsupport files with a Calibration picture inside of it. Watch it in Fullscreen and in an it very bright room. This is the best way you can adjust your Monitor Contrast and brightness. Especially the contrast takes away amore then you might think. 2. Wrong skyrim Settings. Vividian and other enb presets use a skyrimprefs.ini fGamma=1.0000 setting as default. Please check if its also set that way and if the brightness slider in your skyrim preferences is set to the Middle. 3. Mods. Mods like Climates of Tamriel - Warmer or Colder Interiors serisously darken the Interiors in a redicilous way when used with enb. Mods like ELFX - Enhancer Mess up all exteriors and make them Darker. Leftover esp's from other ENB's like NLA do the same thing. Those are my two favorites that i always com across. and ofcours, please use the Vividian Weather patches according to your mods. Those do magic things and are sprinkled with fairy dust!! ;)
  22. Could it be that You have a Faulty download from the nexus? Anyhow here are some directlinks: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1d1a3e5pjk0lowb/ELE%20Plugin%20-%20RS%20Light%20Color.esp https://www.dropbox.com/s/nnjpv97gdsosdub/Vividian%20-%20Pure%20Weather%20Patch.esp No idea though about that Volumetric rays. They are all there, and visible especially during cloudy weathers. They are a direct feature of the enb. So now other patches are required on them. YOu can test them out by opening the console and typing in: sw 10e1f1 your weather will then slowly fade into a cloudy one with lots of Godrays.
  23. No thats not happening. Sorry cant understand why it doesnt install for you :/ seems you must drag it from the archive itself and do a manual install on that esp file. its in the Required Files and Presets Drawer.
  24. Shadriss: Thats Strange, he indeed tells me he did not found the RS lighting plugin but the Real Weather plugin installs Just fine here. I'll investigate in that. Nearox: indeed, just make sure you enable DoF in the Effects. Have it still disabled as i do not know how it affects users with not that highend Rigs, feedback is welcome :D Edit: Just found the reason why the RS plugins did not get installed. Uploaded a fixed version just now to the nexus. Cant see why the Real eather patch wont get installed though. Works fine herw with MO and NMM as soon i check the Pure weather option...
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