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Everything posted by Mangaclub

  1. Thanks :) Yes it drains a bit FPS. Mostly Reflections and Water are at the moment some big drianers in the normal edition. Whenever you have time you might try out the Performance edition. Although some fancy water effects are disabled there it should look almost the same.
  2. ah yes. this DoF i didnt touched yet with the gui values ..need one more keyboard and 2 more arms with hands on it ;)
  3. I also use EDWS, Enhanced Dynamic Weather System. Just rises up the possibility to have bad weather :D
  4. Just to make sure, this is no CoT only enb, we spend alot of time tweaking the Vanilla weathers too wich are absolutley awsome btw. They have some great cloud layers wich are missing in CoT. CoT just gives alot of more opportunity to play around like Morningfogs where the sun Shines trhought the Fog and colors whole Skyrim in warm Light while its fading to a normal foggy weather then. Also the Imagespaces of CoT are more predictable :DÂ
  5. Thankyou!:) always good to see the work appreciated :) But yes CoT its a bit messy sometimes :D Just recenty i started playing skyrim from the start (savegame corrupted and too much crashes) and i wondered how i ever could play this game without any enb at all :D
  6. Greetings, i have a question about the general understanding of how mods overwrite each other. I recently started two mods. One that adds more speed to the skyrim clouds and one that adds a Fog Visual effect to different weathers. Attached is a screenshoot of Tes5Edit and now i am wondering if windyclouds on position 6 would negate my changes i made with the Extendes Groundfogs mod on position 5 ?
  7. [video=youtube] [video=youtube] Now thats quiet a long Topic Title isn't it ?:) But in fact it describes exactly what this work is all about. Back then, I started to create a ENB that covers my own taste and now it came to the pointwhere it covers all Skyrim, Climates of Tamriel, Pure Weather, RCRN, ESS, Falskar, Dragonborn, Dawnguard, Maids II and Real shelter Weathers (actually over 600 Weather conditions) in order to make them look real good and realistic. It even creates more weather varitys by itself by man extra mods that alters Cloudspeed, weather conditions, Groundfogs, torches and so on. But enough talk, here is the link, have a look for yourself! :) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36067/? Wiki Link
  8. Another problem might be that, as soon you get used to ENB's you cannot live without them and you notice how "ugly" Vanilla skyrim was ;) After that you even might find yourself in the situation to start a new game to experience Skyrim in a compleltey different way.
  9. np:) happy christmas, i also released some newer vividian ENB that do not got much this ultra black shadows anymore
  10. @diannetea Even though this means a bit of work for you i would consider making comparission shots with the version 2.25 just out of interest. With 2.31WIP much much changed because of the cloudshadows. Thats what i am working on at the moment to find a good balance between visiblity and too high saturation.
  11. well then i would say either its because your version is a bit too old (not likley it worked fine here) or its becasue of your own preset. Something must be messing around with the shaders there?
  12. Aiyan: what version do you use of Lanterns of Skyrim and what CoT Preset for it?
  13. @diannetea gone trhough your shots now, awsome comparision! But something seems a bit strange to me as your plain Vividian shots on a cloudy day are quiet dark. Did you used the 2.31WIP version for this? because this version includes Cloudshadows already wich can lead to different ans sometimes maybe quiet dark lightning situations.
  14. Woah awsome! just downloading the Comparission! Will look at it asap. Nice to see Vividian ENB worked so well for you :) please feel free to post some pictures as Userpictures there!
  15. yea the gradients are a bit tricky. Thats why i made now over 89 different weather settings with Vividian ENB that covers up this gradient mess. Was absolutley worth it!
  16. in this case 0.0 to 23.9.
  17. Yea the Documentation of ENB is quiet obsolete. The TIMEOFDAY influences the weather indeed. It globally tells (in 24h format) on what time the Night, Day,Sundown and Sunrise settings shall apply and how long the transition between them should take. [NIGHTDAY] variables specify the thresholds that determine when ENBseries uses its Day and Night values and has been used before TIMEOFDAY. anyhow it measured this by looking at the color of the sky gradient so it was not really Climates of tamriel compatible with custom skys. Thats why i never used it and i think TIMEOFDAY is more precise anyway as it measures by time.
  18. @Aiyen Thanks glad to be here ;) Yes i had times where i had every 2 minutes some CtD but those where mostly some really bad mods. @Garfink Ok i installed Surpreme storms it certainly pimps up the skyrim snowstorms but i see no difference in the rainy storm, strange things that is. Surpreme Fog and morning fog i certainly test how they work with the ENB, ill keep you updated. Btw, C64 and Amiga rullez ;)
  19. The helper mod actually got quiet stable , have a look at Vividian ENB: https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36067/? I fiddled out all 500 weather ID's from CoT and grouped them in a sensefull way so i cover all of them (ENB just allows max 100 weather inis). The recent Version of Vividian is made with the 0.213 ENB but also works perfectly with the latest one. Edit: Just looking at Surpreme storms, looke nice! will integrate that with the next update ;)
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