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@Eplebit i dont think so that i can do this at the moment. Would need a permission for this from the authors and i am not sure what they actually do that influences ELE. But ill keep that in mind, didnt know there where incompatibilities. So guys, heads up! a new version got released with huuuuge changes. Special thanks for Aiyen and the new 1 FPS DoF shader wich is incredible! 6.02 Vivid / 5.62 VanillaNew:- Massivley worked on Vividians CoT and Vanilla Weatherpatch. So massive that we overwrite the COT Weatherpatch completely and therefore it willnot be required anymore. All you need now is our CoT weather patch and ofcourse the base Climates of Tamriel install. Please uninstall every COT Weatherpatch from prod80.- Added Aiyens new High performance Dynamic DoF shader wich is equal in its effect to our base DoF but only drags about 1 FPS instead of 6 and more! Even in Interiors. Try it out.- Added Nighteye Options to the Vivid version. You can find them in the enbeffect.fx tab of the ENB shader window.- Changed the Extended Groundfogs for CoT. Now all extra Fog particle effects are available in the Extended Groundfogs. The base vividian CoT weather patch got no extra Particle Fog effects at default.So if you had the CoT Weather patch - Fog edition installed by prod80, you will need to install the extended Weathers/extended Groundfogs to renable them. Be carefully those effectsare still FPS hungry.Enhanced:- Enhanced Skyrim DoF and Distant fog effects to all CoT, Vanilla and Pure weather Patches. As a result You have a better view in the Distance and Cloud shadows wont get eaten up by the distant Fog.- Enhanced All weathers and special effects.- Enhanced the extenden Groundfog texture (desaturation)- Enhanced SunspriteFixed:- Fixed Specular power values on many weathers. No more so noticeable Shining eyebrows, even though i still wonder why someone adds a specular map to eyebrows....- Fixed ELE RS Color plugin because the basic one from JawZ go too warm light.- Fixed wrong Actor/Children Subsurface Scattering by removing the files from the SSS archive.- Changed some installer stuff.- Tons of small fixesUpdated:- Updated all Extended weathers to work together with the latest Weather patches. Load order: Vividian Weather patch first, then extended weathers.- Updated Pure weather Patches and Extended weathers to be compatible with the latest Pure weather version 1.9- Updated Pure weather Weathers to suite the changes made with version 1.9
Yes the Godrays are still there, although since you uninstalled CoT the vast ammount of weathers reduced where they might appear verry clearly. There are two kinds of God rays in enb you can experience, those coming throught clouds on cloudy weathers (Volumetric Rays) and those wich are visible when you look throught some trees into the sun (Procedual sun) wich mimics foggy and humid air. Now is the question wich one is missing?
ok back to RS then. Strange thing that is anyway. Btw, Vividans Extened weathers (Diverse weather plugin) makes Cot and Pure weather compatible :D
Well with vividian those settings wont affect anything because this is a weather enabled enb with alot of different ini files with those setting where as RV do not support any weather system at all and only works with one global enbseries.ini. There are alot of shader settings tweakable in the enb shader window/enbeffect.fx tab with vividian, also exposure for interior scenes. But it sure would be the best the mod that changes the interior imagespaces would be disabled so no enb base setting workaround is needed. I suppose in this case it is the enhancer wich is only usefull when using no enb at all. Some people also accidently install the climates of Tamriel Warmer interiors during the CoT install, then same bug happens.
if you experience THAT dark interiors something is absolutley wrong. Have you installed by accident the CoT Interior patches? such dark interiors you describe usually appear when another mod messes badly with the imagespaces. CoT interiors or ELFX enhancer
SKYRIMLE Guide to run SRLE + REGS + ENB on Medium Systems
Mangaclub replied to Nearox's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
There are actually some locations that are full of objects and you only see a few of them. Riverwood is a good example. So before you disable any enb settings, try tweaking your skyrimprefs a bit. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55385/? -
I know why i bought be that spyder elite :D Nothing is more worth than a Calibrated monitor ;) Since we are teasering, and comparing, i might to that too :D Pictures in following ordeR: Vanilla (without enb), vividian Vanilla V5, Vividian Vanilla - Silk (WIP) , Vividian Vanilla 6 - test (vivid just desaturated to vanilla values)
eheh okok i use them instead, as you wish :D There is adaptation in the vivid version, But its quiet subtle. Mostly noticeable in snow or in the interiors. Not sure if its wise to make it that strong cus many people find this annoying and want to deactivate it if it is too noticeable. If that happens things get messed up ;)
Wow White this is a amazing compare! Awsome work! Many thanks ! May i sue some of them also on the website? Btw, The falkonreach darkness is mainly caused by the overcast weather in this shot. We think Overcasts should be actually darker than clear weathers and dark areas with lots of dark textures + cloudshadows will get a spooky feeling then, wich is imo a positive effect cus needlewoods are usually pretty dark and spooky :D. Thumbs up!
Hiya, Thanks for the shots! Awsome work! Yes i see the Problem: it is like aiyen sayd. Vanilla skyrim weathers are very different in their color and gradient settings just because to make a difference. Then those coloring things happen during the transition times between night and sunrise. We define sunrise at 8 when the sun is actually visible and calculate a 2h our time from when its getting brighter till actual sunrise time for the values to do transition. So 6-8 is used for sunrise to kick in and 18-20 for the sunset. During that time i have no direct influence on the settings at all. I could try to minimize that by reducing the transition time but actually i think the same as aiyen. A little difference in the weathers is always nice and realistic especially on a alien planet with laaarge moons in the orbit that influence the athmosphere badly. You will also see this difference if you quickly switch trough the skyrim weathers at daytime. Some are green some more vibrant and some almost colorless depending where they should appear. So maybe one day ill change all the vanilla imagespaces too but till then those color differenies are known but sadly not really changeable. @aiyen Heads up! Using your shader there so its also a feedback to you :D
thanks all :)I just updated the Vivid and Vanilla Version: Vivid 6.013- Enhanced Nights on Pure Weather Nights by adding a new patch that fixes Pure weather nights to be compatible with ENB.It will get installed as soon you check the Pure weather support for the ENB and is called "Vividian - Pure Weather patch"Now the nights are actually controllable in ENB and the Black wall wich was caused by the Distant fog is gone now.- Enhanced Climates of Tamriel Nights. Nordic nights are back! - The horizon Gradient is now visible to mimic the never 100% setting sun in nordic countrys.- Enhanced the Sunsprite. The blue dot in the middle is now gone and the sunglare got now more visible rays.- Updated Extended Weathers to be compatible with the Pure weather patch in Vividian. Vanilla 5.60- Repacked the Vanilla version as Multi Installer, Now installable via your prefered mod manager.- Updated all weathers to the latest vividian Patches- Several weather fixes on all presets.- enhanced Sunsprite colors and intensity for all weather mods. - Enhanced Nights on Pure Weather Nights by adding a new patch that fixes Pure weather nights to be compatible with ENB.It will get installed as soon you check the Pure weather support for the ENB and is called "Vividian - Pure Weather patch"Now the nights are actually controllable in ENB and the Black wall wich was caused by the Distant fog is gone now. Edit: Oh if you are wondering about the version differences, the new vanilla version with the new Coloring system that should have been Version 6 takes a bit longer, so i gave the 5.x version a Upgrade.
Greetings everyone, Vividian 6.01 just got released with nice new features and addons: Climates of Tamriel weather patch updateBig update for the Vividian CoT weatherpatch has been done. We tryd to smooth out the sun and sunglare differences between the weathers as good as possible by modifying the mod weathers directly in the esp. Alot of overblooming should be gone now because of this and it is now much easier to tweak.About 400+ weathers where changed and unified in this step.Changes:- Updated Vanilla weather patch for even better effects.- Rearanged the weatherlist for better CoT results.- updated Pure weather weathers to version 1.8- disabled not really noticeable Water effects in the regular version for a bit more fps.- added ELE DLC presets to the installer- Added Mindflux particle and subsurface scatteringpatch to the installer- added Darker Interior option for Pure weather weathers- redone RCRN weathers.- tweaked some Skyrim vanilla weathers and Nights- Updated Extended Weathers to fit with Pure weathers 1.8 and reflect all the changes done to the weather patches.- updated the Vividian Support files - Skyrim prefs- rebalanced weatherID's for Real Shelter- tweaked Ambient occlusion and Indirect Lighting values- changed Time of day Settings a bit.- Fixed wrong effect.txt settings restuling in a slight fullscreen blur - no idea how that happend.
Can't edit settings under [ENVIRONMENT] in or out of game.
Mangaclub replied to Vakturion's question in Post-Processing Support
ahhh no i see:) didnt know that about the RS and ELFX thing. If you think your interiors are generally too dark then you might just want to have a look at the shader window that where open first and open the enbeffect.fx.ini tab. There you will find Exposure values for Interior to brighten it up to your needs. Although you may also just install the brighter interior version first and see if that helps. -
Can't edit settings under [ENVIRONMENT] in or out of game.
Mangaclub replied to Vakturion's question in Post-Processing Support
Hiya, Interiors are unusual dark, i would suggest, if you dont use any other weather mod, to install vividian with the Brighter interior options. but then have a look at your mods: mintylightningmod.esp (dont know that try disable it)EnhancedLightsandFX.esp ELFX - Exteriors.espELFX - NoTaverns.espELFX - Dawnguard.espELFX - Dragonborn.espELFX-BFU-Patch.espDo not use ELFX at all if you have Relight Skyrim enabled. I would suggest to disable Relight skyrim at all and reinstall vividian with the ELE interiors option, that goes well with elfx and gives a good lighting. -
Vividian 6.00 is finally out :) Atleast the Vivid Version. The Vanilla Color version fill Follow soon i guess:) Please reinstall everything when you used the previous beta releases.New:-Vanilla Weather Patch: This patch patches all Vanilla weathers and fixes bugs as well adds Improvements to the Lighting itself.It is a highly recommend install for Vanilla Only users. DO not install if you use RCRN or Pure Weather.- Added Ball11's Optimized Skyrim Prefs to the Support Files.- Added DoF effects to the InstallerUpdated:- Punched more sense in the CoT Imagespaces in the Weather patch. They now work flawless together with any weather mod, you might not even notice any difference anymore.- Updated Pure Weather Weathers to fit with Version 1.7- Updated Extended Weathers to reflect the changes made on PW 1.7- Updated Extended Weathers to be compatible with the Vividian Weather patches.Changed:- Risen up Specular Lighting on Vanilla, CoT and PW.- Changed interior Bloom and Darkness. Now there is a clear Difference between Normal, Doom and Bright.- changed Installer Steps, that should hopefully be more easy to understand.Fixes:- Fixed several lighting issues here and there.
Yes daniel thats normal. You are actually in a transition between Night and morning. At night, the particles should not be visible so i lowered their intensity, otherwise rivers would be glowing at night. At morning (8:00) ofcourse they shall be visible so you where now in between a transition of visible and not that visible. Thats how skyrim works and sadly we need to live with that as they do not care about the actual ambientlight much.
Thanks Nearox! i just uplaoded Vividian 6.0 b2 , lets see if that problem is gone now. Overworked also some bloom stuff. Vividian 6.0b2 This new version introduces a new Multi-installer.You can now install all nessesary presets and patches as well the Vividian ENB directly over it.- Reworked all weathers and enhanced tonemapes on all lighting and Wetaher mods.- reduced Blue mist effects- readjusted Climates of Tamriel imagespaces- updated pure weather weathers to V1.5 final- new effect.txt file with awsome new options to choose from- tryd to lower snow glow- newstunning sunset effects- alot of more stuff i forgot :D