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TadasTheLithuanian last won the day on December 22 2024

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    bugfixes, immersive mods

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Jarl (8/12)




Community Answers

  1. wow, very cool mod, thanks!
  2. Damn! this looks essential (flabbergasted)
  3. Look I did this guide maybe fifth time from scratch and I'm the person who is extremely picky about instructions (since I'm working in military and I love it) and I never had any big problems with it. There was some situations when you actually need to turn on your head and think what are you doing and what is the big picture, but in general all is good here, you can follow the guide with 0 help and be successfull.
  4. After updating Conflict Resolution and Lighting and Weather patches I have now Step Patch - WACCF.CACO.CCOR "out of date" 2.3.2. I assume it is wrong versioning here?
  5. Changed it
  6. Damn this Tarlazo guy looks awesome dude, I look at his mods and it is mostly fixes, the guy really loves to fix things, big kudos to him! Would be great to know what mods you use of his which are compatible with step guide, maybe you could even post some of them as recommendations in mods forum? Would be great man.
  7. Yeah I changed it.
  8. Yeah probably the one you suggest is better mod. Imagine me coming to Nilheim tower today and seeing a bunch of npc's as "guard". It is 2024, 13 years have passed and I'm like "wtf is going on? This is huge bug, why it is not fixed yet??" Crazy....
  9. Discussion topic: Nilheim BQ Fix by Tarlazo Wiki Link This looks kind of obvious fix for me... I mean they are still bandits, they should attack the player on sight. When I first approach the tower from the south and everybody is a "guard" and friendly to me...I mean c'mon no explanation would convince me this is not a bug. This is weird how this is even in the game still...
  10. In so many years no one addressed this? I'm kind of speechless...
  11. 2 bugs at Nilheim: 1) All bandits are "Guard" and not aggressive 2) Wrong chest rotation (I assume)
  12. Daaaaam it has a proper version history! Super cool
  13. Aha! Another culprit! That dark rock is from unofficial skyrim special edition patch.esp, Ref Form: 0F1773F2 Snow landscape overlapping the rock is from VLC - References.esm, Ref Form: 0005E270 ------------------------- Another one: Those rocks from VLV - References.esm, Ref Form: 0006BC44
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