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SRLE Extended support

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I´m going nuts trying to figure out what I´ve done wrong...


I´m trying to merge the Animal Tweaks - SkyTEST ESP Patch with the other animla tweaks and skytest plugins, but (!)


it says it needs master




but I only have the




in my list. What to do?


Please someone help...


Question... I see that Helgen reborn is listed as a master in CR patch, but if we shouldn´t run Helgen reborn on new game, we can´t run CR patch on new game either (would CTD on start screen)? Please excuse the newb...

  On 5/18/2016 at 6:59 PM, theApe said:

Question... I see that Helgen reborn is listed as a master in CR patch, but if we shouldn´t run Helgen reborn on new game, we can´t run CR patch on new game either (would CTD on start screen)? Please excuse the newb...

that only if you select the vanillia start. If not you're ok

  On 5/18/2016 at 6:58 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

sound like you've install the wrong version of Skyest. you need to make sure you are using the esm from SkyTEST Integration Project by evrymetul https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46495/?

There are also 2 version of Animal tweak skytest pacth one for the old Skytest ESP and one for the ESM you need to make sure your using the ESM Version.

Might be, that download page is mighty confusing, but how would installing the esm solve, the master being an esp? Will have another look..

  On 5/18/2016 at 7:02 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

that only if you select the vanillia start. If not you're ok

Right.. so if I want to do a vanilla start I disable the CR too, until activating Helgen reborn?

  On 5/18/2016 at 7:04 PM, theApe said:

Might be, that download page is mighty confusing, but how would installing the esm solve, the master being an esp? Will have another look..

Right.. so if I want to do a vanilla start I disable the CR too, until activating Helgen reborn?

that right personally i just do the hunting the woods option that start just outside helgen thus skips the "tutorial"

Posted (edited)

Solved, it was the animal tweaks ESM version I missed. Thanks! :D


that right personally i just do the hunting the woods option that start just outside helgen thus skips the "tutorial"


Ah, great to know, I´ve done that cart ride so many times I get motion sick thinking about it... but might be good to mention in the guide, to prevent further stupid questions :)

Edited by theApe
  On 5/18/2016 at 7:13 PM, theApe said:

So I download the regular no extra spawn file to get the ESP, and the exclamaton mark went away, but now I have both ESm and ESP version, not sure if this is good..


Ah, great to know, I´ve done that cart ride so many times I get motion sick thinking about it... but might be good to mention in the guide, to prevent further stupid questions :)

i will remind Darth to do that.


I believe that playing the Vanilla Start with Helgen Reborn is no longer a limitation with Alternate Start.


From the mod main page:

Helgen Reborn – Previously required a lockout for the vanilla start. As of Helgen Reborn 105.3 this is no longer the case and all start options are now fully compatible.


I was able to do the cart ride with SRLExt without issues. I just made sure that I started the Helgen Quest by reading the journal after I exited the cave. I was able to test it all the way to Riverwood with no apparent issue but didn't actually went back to Helgen Keep to verify it.

Posted (edited)
  On 5/18/2016 at 7:45 PM, edynacio said:

I believe that playing the Vanilla Start with Helgen Reborn is no longer a limitation with Alternate Start.


From the mod main page:

Helgen Reborn – Previously required a lockout for the vanilla start. As of Helgen Reborn 105.3 this is no longer the case and all start options are now fully compatible.


I was able to do the cart ride with SRLExt without issues. I just made sure that I started the Helgen Quest by reading the journal after I exited the cave. I was able to test it all the way to Riverwood with no apparent issue but didn't actually went back to Helgen Keep to verify it.

ok thats nice to know so we might as well get rid of the warning then?

Edited by DarkladyLexy
  On 5/18/2016 at 7:46 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

ok thats nice to know so we might as well get rid of the warning then?

It looks like.


I haven't tried to actually go back to Helgen and confirm that all is well though.


Sounds awesome to have the option to use it with vanilla start, will have a testrun after done with all this ¤%#¤% merging! Almost done.. :P


I have just finished installing SRLE Extended and im at level 2, so this is a long-shot, does anyone know why when i enter combat i am running so fast i cannot fight properly and run out of stamina really quickly, i have looked at Vigor and Violens as likely culprits but cannot turn it off, any suggestions

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