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Mod Changes 6/11/2016:



No More Rolling Down Stairs (Bug Fix)

Primer (Adds Witcher 1 Style Alchemy - Bombs/Potions/Oils no longer infinite, must have a campfire to brew more, interchangeable ingredients with secondary effects, etc. + Eat/Drink/Loot Animations + monster mutagen dissolution + Toxicity overhaul ... READ THE DESCRIPTION)



Random text for consistency - no actual mod changes.





Script / XML merges updated. In Game Configuration updated.


Figured I'd give an update on mods I'm looking at potentially incorporating / testing:


Advanced Witcher Book Collection (Re-adds cut content books and some books from previous Witcher games)

Bronze and Silver ReShade (Reshade that keeps the vanilla feel + enhancement by one of the best Skyrim ENB authors)

Crossbow Damage Boost and Balance (Might make crossbows actually useful besides for taking down drowners and flying creatures)

Extended Armor System (Compliments The Enhancement System Light But For Armors)

Increase Creature Loot (Probably just the version that guarantees some drops, not actually increasing the amount dropped)

Realistic Contrast Textures (Adds extra contrast in various textures)

Super Turbo Lighting Mod (Weather Overhaul)

Volumetric Clouds over Skellige (Adds Kaer Morhen volumetric clouds to the Skellige isles)

Posted (edited)

Anyone had this with the latest patch?



I nearly died when this happened to me. The horse is just the best as he looks like a miniature pony. He also decided to start walking just on his front legs lately too, which was equally hilarious.

Edited by Guest

Mod Changes 6/12/2016



Extended Armor System (Compliments The Enhancement System But For Armor)

Increased Creature Loot (Makes Creatures Always Drop Some Form Of Loot)



Immersive Cam (Author removed the "Friendly HUD Compatible" version... however the normal version appears to merge fine with everything)

Script Merger (New Version)





Updated merges to reflect new reality.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/13/2016 at 9:57 AM, nico53laval said:

Is it odd that I don't have any conflict between Creature Loot and Enhancement System?

I did have these conflicts. Have you installed them both exactly as in the guide?


Edit: Neo. Script merger shows conflict between modColoredMapMarkers_AQO and modMapQuestObjectivesFull for gameplay\gui_new\swf\worldmap\panel_worldmap.redswf


does this need priority sorting ?

Edited by paul666root

Paul, you can ignore that if using the "All Quest Objectives Compatible" version of Colored Map Markers.


Both mods need to edit the same file but there is no compatibility issue.


Nevermind I hadn't seen the "bundled text" category? BTW, is there a possibility with Primer to have oil refill? As I basically apply oil for every fight and have oil-related skills, having to rebrew them every time has put me off from the mod.

  On 6/13/2016 at 2:36 PM, Astakos said:

Paul, you can ignore that if using the "All Quest Objectives Compatible" version of Colored Map Markers.


Both mods need to edit the same file but there is no compatibility issue.

ok thanks.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/12/2016 at 8:16 AM, paul666root said:

I can't install No More Rolling Down Stairs with NMM. It says a problem occured during install...


i had to manually place it in mods folder

  On 6/12/2016 at 5:10 PM, Neovalen said:

That is odd.., I had no issues.

A problem occurred during install: 
The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
The mod was not installed.
This is the error i get. It seems the path is too long...
Edit: deleted 12 characters from the archive name and it works now.
Edited by paul666root



  On 6/13/2016 at 2:42 PM, nico53laval said:

Nevermind I hadn't seen the "bundled text" category? BTW, is there a possibility with Primer to have oil refill? As I basically apply oil for every fight and have oil-related skills, having to rebrew them every time has put me off from the mod.

I'm going to guess there is not a way to disable that feature, but the whole point of the mod is so you don't use everything for every fight... thus increasing the difficulty. That being said, you can adjust the number of items created per craft in the mod menu.


Primer is a great addition, I was playing around with it last night and my god... It changes the way I approach combat in this game, there's like a whole new layer to the game now and I like that a lot. Not to mention it makes the game pretty challenging, there's been a few times where I got killed because I either a.) Didn't take the time to prepare enough before the fight and/or b.) couldn't find a opening in combat to heal myself. The animations are so good, really adds that last bit of realism/immersion while adding in a layer of difficulty to the combat.


I've noticed an issue with the setup. Primarily that if your using FriendlyHUD's quick items in radial menu feature which allows you tab into the radial menu and then use potions/oil/bombs on the fly with the number keys without having to go into the inventory and switch, if you take a potion this way it will not activate the animation when you tab out... although for some reason the oil animation does still work this way. Sorry if this has already been reflected in the guide, I didn't check. Maybe add a note in the FHUD configuration to turn off the quick item module.


haven't installed Enhanced Armors yet, but it was one of the mods I was waiting for to get updated, sure to be great!

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