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Version 1.3 released:


Dawnbreaker Fixed
I spent the better part of a day trying to figure out the issue. Here's what all changed:

  • Switched out Dawnbreaker weapon model for the 1st person model and this was causing the issue. Objects in displays must be static objects so they will maintain their position no matter the circumstances! Because of this change, if you're using a mod that adds a sheath to Dawnbreaker such as Better Shaped Weapons, then the version you'll see on the display will be the sheathed version. There is no way around this. It's fixed now so if you don't like the sheathed version on display, you'll just have to deal with it or reinstall the mod providing the sheath and choose an unsheathed option.
  • Switched out the Meridia statue from an activator version to a static version. No idea why the authors put an activator version here.
  • Dawnbreaker Activator: I found the base script for the activator was using the wrong weapon which was most likely a result from duplicating the activator when the original authors were building it. I also encompassed the activator box around the entire sword and deleted the collision box since it's now no longer required.


Lighting Changes / Updates

  • Reduced intensity on the lights on the Paragon display because I felt with the extra light added in v1.2 it was too bright.
  • Reduced intensity on several of the lights in the Hall to reduce/prevent lights/shadows flickering.
  • Re-designed the lighting on the claw display to make it more unique.
  • Repositioned all lights in the Hall and added a few light sources and lights to fill the gaps which are at the front of the Hall. I'm sure you'll notice. This provides far more natural and realistic lighting which has been buggy me, but I'm sure at least one person will say it's too dark now. It looks fine on my system. I'm running Relighting Skyrim and ELE Lite - Interiors.



  • Added proper steps to the back of the walkway going to the garden. This was really bugging me and there was a noticeable gap where you could see the end of the walkway texture. I also adjusted the landscape in this area a bit to match the new steps and updated the Navmesh to reflect.


Miscellaneous Changes / Fixes

  • Fixed missing direction material on one of the mountain textures. This is not anything anyone will notice...just fixes an annoy error while loading in the CK.
  • Painted new landscape texture under the front stairs leading to the cabin. The grass clipping through the stairs in this location was annoying. You really wouldn't have much grass growing under there anyway with it being in shadow all the time.
  • Removed collision boxes from bookshelves in cabin. You can now view, read, and grab the books on the shelves without having to go into the menu. You will still have to go into the menu to place books, though. If anyone has an issue with books falling off the shelf, please report it! I'll finish cleaning these bookshelves up later.
  • Increased the size of the braziers on top of the pillars in the Hall by 10%. I did this because the amount of light being produced didn't match the sources available.
  • Updated the texture for the Trophy Hall door. It's now a nicer 2K texture! Thanks to Arrioch for letting me use his textures in Jaggarsfeld!
    • To do this, I made a custom mesh from the vanilla one and set a custom texture path for the textures included in Jaggarsfeld Extended. The reason for doing it like this was so the only area effected by the new texture is Jaggarsfeld itself. The vanilla game will not use this texture! So if you like it and want to see the rest of them in the vanilla game (which installing the standalone mod by Arrioch will affect the Trophy Hall's look as well), go check out the Credits section on the Description tab to find out where to get them!
  • Fixed Navmesh inside the Hall. It was pretty messy in there! Followers should be able to get around easier now.



This will be the last release for a while as I stated above in my previous post. All in all, it was a fairly big release for it to be mainly just fixes.

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Some changes have been made and Version 1.3.2 is out:



I've incorporated the CTD Fix optional file from the main author's page. This was done by turning off havok on the stacked scrolls in the cabin (turning on "don't havok settle" on the objects). Contrary to what the original author's stated, no NIF files have been deleted. Users no longer need this file as long as they have Jaggarsfeld Extended installed. Shout out to ruiz2781 on Nexus for reminding me that I hadn't incorporated this fix!



Miscellaneous Changes / Fixes
These issues were found while making the RLO patch:

  • Raised the burning wood inside the fireplace in the cabin. It was visible from the basement.
  • Switched the jewelry box and candle horn locations inside the cabin. This was to help illuminate the bookcase area better and to prevent some light/shadow flickering.
  • Turned "don't havok settle" on for several more items around the cabin.

Realistic Lighting Overhaul (RLO) Patch

  • Initial release. Make sure it loads after all RLO plugins to be safe.
    • Tweaked all lighting in the cabin to work well with RLO's darker interiors. It looks very nice now.
    • Changed the interior ambiance in the cabin to brighten up the pitch blackness that RLO produces.
    • Tweaked all lighting in the Hall to work well with RLO.

I can't believe they have not got back to you. A bit of a broken promise from the guy who sounded most adamant to get back to you. I would Shawshank him and send him a new  'bump' message every week. If the notifications go to his email I'm sure he will come around. 

  On 8/20/2015 at 4:17 AM, SparrowPrince said:

I can't believe they have not got back to you. A bit of a broken promise from the guy who sounded most adamant to get back to you. I would Shawshank him and send him a new  'bump' message every week. If the notifications go to his email I'm sure he will come around. 

I'm not too worried about it. Jaggarsfeld Extended is to the point that it's a complete fix for Jaggarsfeld. I even have up a RLO Patch and will have a RS/ELE Patch for it soon because JawZ was kind enough to load it up and do his black magic on it. I'm fixing to start adding on to it now and will be posting my plans very shortly. I think the original authors are going to be shocked to see how much I've done once they decide to take a look. I honestly hope they just turn the mod over to me because it's been two years since they did any work on it and I don't see them returning anytime soon or they would have at the very least found the time to fix the glaring issues sometime within those two years. Looking through they're comments you see users just dropping the mod because they stopped providing support and fixes. You look at my comments and you see users excited about the fixes and glad that someone picked up the project.


Time will tell, but until then, I'll just keep trucking on!


This is my idea for redesigning the basement of Jaggarsfeld's cabin. Keep in mind, this is only a basic layout which features the major furniture and not all the little details. It's also just a first draft and the scale is probably way off so the design will flex once I actually start on it and see the actual dimensions. This draft may or may not be final, depending on feedback given.

On that note, the main reason I'm posting this is for feedback. I want you guys to be a part of this design too by giving me your thoughts and ideas. I'm fixing this mod up for you guys just as much as for myself! Any feedback given, we'll discuss and I'll think on it. I'm not saying that everything will make the cut, but don't let that discourage you! There is one thing to keep in mind, though. All new additions will be in the style that Jaggarsfeld was originally designed in. That means this will probably never be a vampire home nor ever have any crazy additions like magical portals or spas in the basement. It will simply be a more functional Jaggarsfeld because I think it was crazy the original authors designed a house for only the player and no one else...not even followers. A small minority of users play that type of style so with this decision alone, the authors shut out a very large group of players. It was a bold decision, but a crazy one in my opinion. Now that I've rambled enough, on to the show!

Jaggarsfeld Basement Layout Redesign
I recommended you open this layout in a new tab or download it so you can still read the description here while tabbing over to get a visual while you're reading. Open or download layout here: https://copy.com/Od3whNiAJoGB6UuI

Small preview:

Arcane Room
The initial room you walk into I've dubbed the "Arcane Room", because it is now where you'll solely find the magical arts stuff. At the top of the room is where you'll find your Enchantment Station. The table sits in the middle with a bookcase-type storage to your left. On your right will be a podium of sorts with a magical book on top and soulgem storage underneath. To the right of the Enchantment Station, in the top corner you'll find a mannequin for your mage robes, flanked by to plaques for displaying your magical weaponry.

You'll notice the bar is gone. Bars are really useless for a home in Skyrim, in my opinion, and are simply there to fill up space. If you want a bar, go to the pub. Finally, in the middle is where I've put an open hall leading to the other rooms.

Follower's Bedroom
The first room on your right on the layout, is your Follower's Bedroom. Directly in front of you as you walk in is the dresser and to your left is a mannequin and two plaques stacked on top of one another for your follower's gear. In the top right corner is a bed and nightstand and in the bottom right corner is a chair for relaxing.

Child's Room
The next room in the bottom right on the layout is your child's room. With this upgrade you'll only be able to adopt one child. Directly as you walk in is the dresser again and to your right is the bed and nightstand. Along the far wall, I have placed a desk and chair for studies. The reasoning for the child's room in the back is for more protection, even though such a thing is not needed, yet.

The Library
Finally, the large obvious room that everyone has been looking at is the library. I have been asked for a place for more book storage and, personally, I would like the same. There is already too much going on upstairs, so now you have a library capable of holding 594 books, spell tomes, journals, etc; an upgrade from the current storage space in Jaggarsfeld that is only 162 books.
The large pieces along the sides are the bookshelves. The small pieces between the shelves are pedestals with open display books on top. That piece at the bottom, will be the current scroll storage that is upstairs. Last, but not least, is a desk and chair a the top for the Dragonborn to conduct his/her business. I'll probably add some sort of seating in the middle to fill the space and have a place for book reading.

So there you have it. Work on this project will take some time and will begin after I feel like I've given sufficient time for users to provide their feedback on this layout.


This actually reminds me of when I used to design my own quests and buildings in Fallout 3. You can plan it all you want with meticulous OCD detail, but you WILL change it. 




Arcane Room


Magic is for children and Harry Potter fans. Turn it into a torture room. A room to lure unsuspecting victims for robbery and then mutilation.


Followers Room


Followers are so annoying they don't deserve their own room. Make it a magma pitt so we can push them in, after they block your way once again.


Child's Room


Children don't need a room when they can sleep on a bar. Move the bar here and watch your little sweetheart become a drunk in a matter of hours.


The Library


Books are for old wizards with gangly beards and wizards practice magic, which is banned in this house. Turn this room into a steam room with lots of scanty clad men. 



Hope that helps! I can help you design it even further if you like? 

  On 8/20/2015 at 6:11 AM, SparrowPrince said:

This actually reminds me of when I used to design my own quests and buildings in Fallout 3. You can plan it all you want with meticulous OCD detail, but you WILL change it. 




Arcane Room


Magic is for children and Harry Potter fans. Turn it into a torture room. A room to lure unsuspecting victims for robbery and then mutilation.


Followers Room


Followers are so annoying they don't deserve their own room. Make it a magma pitt so we can push them in, after they block your way once again.


Child's Room


Children don't need a room when they can sleep on a bar. Move the bar here and watch your little sweetheart become a drunk in a matter of hours.


The Library


Books are for old wizards with gangly beards and wizards practice magic, which is banned in this house. Turn this room into a steam room with lots of scanty clad men. 



Hope that helps! I can help you design it even further if you like? 

Haha! I think that helps!


On a serious note, that's why I just put the main furniture objects in the layout. I'm positive it will flex and change a bit (or a lot) once I get to designing and see the actual scale of things.

  On 8/20/2015 at 4:53 AM, TechAngel85 said:

Arcane Room

The initial room you walk into I've dubbed the "Arcane Room", because it is now where you'll solely find the magical arts stuff. At the top of the room is where you'll find your Enchantment Station. The table sits in the middle with a bookcase-type storage to your left. On your right will be a podium of sorts with a magical book on top and soulgem storage underneath. To the right of the Enchantment Station, in the top corner you'll find a mannequin for your mage robes, flanked by to plaques for displaying your magical weaponry.


You'll notice the bar is gone. Bars are really useless for a home in Skyrim, in my opinion, and are simply there to fill up space. If you want a bar, go to the pub. Finally, in the middle is where I've put an open hall leading to the other rooms.

I agree that bars are useless in Skyrim and serve no real purpose other than to take up space. I realize you have scroll storage in the library (below), but you might consider moving it to the arcane room to keep all arcane items together in one room. One aspect of Helgen Reborn that I really liked is that it keeps the Arcane Enchanter, Alchemy Lab, spell books, scrolls, ingredients, soul gems and other arcane/magical items in the same room -- albeit with the Arcane Enchanter on one end of the room and the Alchemy Lab on the other end.


  On 8/20/2015 at 4:53 AM, TechAngel85 said:

Follower's Bedroom

The first room on your right on the layout, is your Follower's Bedroom. Directly in front of you as you walk in is the dresser and to your left is a mannequin and two plaques stacked on top of one another for your follower's gear. In the top right corner is a bed and nightstand and in the bottom right corner is a chair for relaxing.

I think this should include everything the follower needs and keeps it relatively simple.


  On 8/20/2015 at 4:53 AM, TechAngel85 said:

Child's Room

The next room in the bottom right on the layout is your child's room. With this upgrade you'll only be able to adopt one child. Directly as you walk in is the dresser again and to your right is the bed and nightstand. Along the far wall, I have placed a desk and chair for studies. The reasoning for the child's room in the back is for more protection, even though such a thing is not needed, yet.

It would be nice to allow adopting two children, but I can see doing so requires some significant redesign of the space to make room for a second bed.


  On 8/20/2015 at 4:53 AM, TechAngel85 said:

The Library

Finally, the large obvious room that everyone has been looking at is the library. I have been asked for a place for more book storage and, personally, I would like the same. There is already too much going on upstairs, so now you have a library capable of holding 594 books, spell tomes, journals, etc; an upgrade from the current storage space in Jaggarsfeld that is only 162 books.

The large pieces along the sides are the bookshelves. The small pieces between the shelves are pedestals with open display books on top. That piece at the bottom, will be the current scroll storage that is upstairs. Last, but not least, is a desk and chair a the top for the Dragonborn to conduct his/her business. I'll probably add some sort of seating in the middle to fill the space and have a place for book reading.

Finally! This will be really nice with something like Unlimited Bookshelves that lets the player actually use all available space on each bookshelf. I know the Heartfires homes have an optional library, but it's mostly just a waste of space without much actual storage.


Weirdly Tech I was being serious. I don't really like magic and the AI is terrible. I actually couldn't pick many holes in it actually, it sounds good for people who like that kind of stuff. I will say this though... a good house needs a few easter eggs to find. My favourite from this series has always been finding a hidden trapdoor to a grotto. A grotto which usually has a small water area with a few shrines to activate. An exit here would be cool too, y'know when you come out of a secret exit that is right under your nose, but you totally missed it? Great times. If I were to do one of these it would probably be a Willy Wonka corridor that gets smaller as you approach and you open the tiny door to something cool. I'd love to make that. 


not a major issue but i thought i would report it


TES5Edit Crashes when tryng to sort masters. have to deactive the mod then sort masters

Assertion Failure (D:\Projects\TES5Edit\wbDefinitionsTES.pas,line 2197) is what i get

it is only this esp i get this error


i submitted bug report to on nexus too


Bug-fix update (v1.3.3) released:


Bug-Fix Update
After Darthmathias submitted a bug report about an error while sorting masters, I started investigating. This investigation led to finding a mountain of Navmesh data which shouldn't have been in the main plugin. I have cleaned all this from the plugin as well as sorted the masters and removed a few other records.


The ramifications of this data being in the plugin is mostly harmless though there were a few overwrites which could cause problems. I highly recommend all users update Jaggarsfeld Extended to this latest version!


You'll notice the size went from nearly 70.5MBs down to about 6.5MBs.


Makes me want to check the size of all my plugins....  :/ Tech could you elaborate on what NavMesh data you were referring to and why it shouldnt have been there? Maybe I can apply this knowledge to some other mods.


Also great work on the mod, I was waiting to get it because I seen you were going full bore on updates. Looking forward to more. I agree from above, would be nice to keep alchemy and enchanting close. And AWESOME on the library! I love it. I cant remember how many books are in the vanilla game and how many are in the compendium mod. Should be able to fit them all! lol

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