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Companions Arise


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This description for this one, unlike the previous one, indicates it makes some important fixes to the companion quests and characters. For example, in the vanilla game Farkas has some skills that are not consistent with his character and his skills do not improve properly as he gains levels.

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better follower ....,one of the version with specialization ,fixes already many companions ....i think in a good way...also gives some usefull perks like lightfoot and there's that famous script that prevents followers to stay in front of a door and not letting player pass. better followers works pretty well with ufo...at least i never had problem.... i did not try Companions Arise yet... i'll do... but i suspect it would be quite incompatible with better followers

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Better Followers seems like a useful comprehensive solution to many follower issues with class inconsistencies and levelup problems. Unfortunately the author hasn't been responding to comments for this and the other mods he developed for months, and there are recent comments that Better Followers and the other mods (e.g, Big Dialogue Overhaul) aren't compatible with Dawnguard.


The Better Followers author mentions Amazing Follower Tweaks, which is being maintained, but AFT doesn't seem to do what I'm most interested in which is fixing the class/levelup problems with followers especially the Companions.

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Better Followers seems like a useful comprehensive solution to many follower issues with class inconsistencies and levelup problems. Unfortunately the author hasn't been responding to comments for this and the other mods he developed for months, and there are recent comments that Better Followers and the other mods (e.g, Big Dialogue Overhaul) aren't compatible with Dawnguard.


The Better Followers author mentions Amazing Follower Tweaks, which is being maintained, but AFT doesn't seem to do what I'm most interested in which is fixing the class/levelup problems with followers especially the Companions.

Have you tried using Ultimate Follower Overhaul + Specialized Followers? 

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There are a few issues that could be quite troublesome, but this one is the biggest:



After Skjor dies, you will get 7 radient quests from Aela. You will then be stuck getting radient quests from Farkas and Vilkas for infinity... when you get bored of this, type

player.setstage c04 10

into the console in order to start "Blood's Honor"

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Slightly off-topic, but I haven't gotten a companion yet (I've only tested things in skyrim so far, have yet to play the game :P). Are the ones in game like Vilja in Oblivion or Jasmine in Morrowind; deep backgrounds and interaction with the player?

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I'd like to do the the Companions guild quests, but there are a lot of errors in the guild character skills and in at least the Proving Honor quest that makes this difficult. I'd prefer to use a mod that affected only the Companions since many of the followers mods change many characteristics of all the followers, precluding me from using other mods that, for example, change the appearance or characteristics of one or more followers. That's one of the attractions, for me, with this mod. Having to use the console is, for me, a minor annoyance if it lets me continue without large issues. I'm still not sure that this mod is what I need, so I'll keep looking at all the options. At minimum I would like to have solutions to the following issues:

- Companions have weapons consistent with their skills (e.g., unlike vanilla Farkas with high 1 handed skill and a 2 handed weapon)

- Companions have skills consistent with their role/lore (e.g., unlike vanilla Farkas whose low Heavy Armor skill is inconsistent with his role as trainer)

- Companions drop and pickup weapons automatically when entering/leaving Werewolf state


I'd also like the Companions (and any other followers) to improve skills as I advance levels.

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There are a few issues that could be quite troublesome, but this one is the biggest:



After Skjor dies, you will get 7 radient quests from Aela. You will then be stuck getting radient quests from Farkas and Vilkas for infinity... when you get bored of this, type

player.setstage c04 10

into the console in order to start "Blood's Honor"

Yeah, your telling me :wallbash:

The way it works is basically all or nothing (more radiant quests and have to enter the code, or none and seamless).

The Companions guild is the only one in the game that forces you into story quests, and it was quite an effort to try and undo. It only started working in that regard after I archived it.


Pretty much everything was more convuluted than it could have been, and you can peice together bits through the code that it was left unfinished by Bethesda (must have ran out of time); for instance, in Proving Honor, Aela was meant to be your overseer if your character was female, and has lots of dialogue there, but none in game.


This mod took me between 2-300 hours (I am not a programmer, don't know much of anything about scripting so this was a trial and error affair) and originally I had a lot more planned, but had to sacrifice parts to get it out on time before I go to Uni.


I've thought about writing the code in a book in game; a manual to describe the new features in full called "breaking the fourth wall", with a skill increase to heavy armour. However, I am desperately trying to stop myself from diving back into creation kit as it is quite addictive ;3

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