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  On 9/11/2014 at 5:35 PM, Aiyen said:

I guess I should really update my screenshots section!!! :) 

Yes, you don't have very many "author provided" screenshots. I tried to grab shots that showed a variety of situations, but it wasn't always possible. For example, a scenic day shot, scenic night shot, indoor shot, etc and all without PCs in them which most users post shots of their characters so options were limited for all the preset galleries.

  On 9/11/2014 at 6:38 PM, Lauren said:

Sorry, I've been working on our behemoth of a procedure manual here at work, so, haven't gotten a chance to go over the next section :)

No problem. If you want to help, work on your own schedule. I'll accommodate and return to previous sections if need be. We're about to get into the fun stuff (INI files) for the authors that are helping. Until then, I didn't expect to have much to do unless it's grammar related.


If it wasn't for the INI section I would have kept the guide up to date. That part makes you wonder if it's even worth doing. At least when I was updating it because Boris was updating everyday and some stuff completely changed.

  On 9/11/2014 at 7:29 PM, EssArrBee said:

If it wasn't for the INI section I would have kept the guide up to date. That part makes you wonder if it's even worth doing. At least when I was updating it because Boris was updating everyday and some stuff completely changed.

It's just going to be one of those Guides that needs to be updated every month or two. Once I get it updated, I'll try to stay on top of it because if it receives regular updates it will not as bad as it is now. As far JawZ's guide you recommended, I'm using it as a reference; however, it'll only be limited help because that guide of his is a year old...ENBSeries has changed quite a bit since then. It's one of the reasons I want to do this. The information needs to be gathered for the community. Another reason is to get it up to date before I start pushing the Lighting Project.


*Thought* it's nice how the Staff has naturally spread out since the release for 2.2.9 and taken on our own little projects, all of which enhance some aspect of STEP and helps to get us towards our 2.3.0 goal.


at the Install section in the Sentense:

Delete ALL ENB and post-processing injector files that reside in the root Skyrim folder.


i would mention also to delete the enbseries folder. Some presets have their injectors there also.


Yeah I guess it should just be ALL ENB related files. Also I guess it would be a good idea to simply make an instruction on how to move all the .fx files into the enbseries folder to begin with. At this moment my preset is the only one which use some file pathing that is folder specific, but I also made sure that everything is in the enbseries folder. 


That way it would be really easy to simply say delete the d3d9.dll and/or injector file, the enbhost.exe, and the enbseries and enblocal.ini as well as the enbseries folder.. since everything else would go into that.  


I also thought about moving the .fx files to the enbseries Folder...but the problem is see with using the enbseries folder for the injector files is that there will be users that just drag the enb series folder over and do not delete the old .fx files they might have left from another enb. So i am not sure wich enb chooses to be used in prior, the .fx files in the enbseries folder or the .fx files in the skyrim root folder.


Skyrim root folder has priority. That said... we cant make a stupid proof guide! If people do not know that delete a folder.. means delete it before you copy then we can just shake our heads and walk away! :) 


Sounds good but I have to idea how to do that either. Does it require some editing to files or does ENBSeries automatically detect them in the enbseries folder?


I've also reworded that one instruction a bit to be more clear.

  On 9/14/2014 at 2:44 PM, phazer11 said:

I believe this removes all ENB related files (or at least it used to I use the 2.7 version so can't attest to the newer ones) but I believe it still removes all fx files (not willing to test atm).


Reading through the comments, it looks like it still has some issues, of which, the author hasn't replied to any of them and seems to have been MIA for several months now. A manual delete would still be best for the Guide, but once this gets more ironed out, it would be a good option.

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