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Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD


Finally I can see my house from here


You know the price for my mods: blood, sweat and tears. Oh, and your first born.

If you want to help other authors of quality mods then donate to them directly.

For latest information and instructions see the DynDOLOD 2.18 UPDATE POST

What is this?

DynDOLOD is a set of tools based on TES5Edit and TES5LODGen to automatically create a Skyrim mod based on the load order which adds distant LOD for objects to Skyrim. By combining DynDOLOD with TES5LODGen users can create drastically enhanced traditional static LOD plus tree LOD and the new, optional dynamic distant object LOD in a few 'simple' steps.

DynDOLOD is meant for enthusiast modders who are familiar with using TES5Edit. Enthusiast modders have a general knowledge of computers, folders and files, especially Skyrims 'Data' folders and how to install mods safely with a manager or manually.

To fully expand the visual experience and use the additional features offered by TES5LODGen the DynDOLOD package comes with over 1000 new or updated LOD models for objects that were badly missing from the original game like the Skyhaven Temple or landscape features like roads, smaller rocks and dirt cliffs that simply make the distant landscape look much more natural and alive.

What does it do?

It makes Skyrim look like this









PapyrusUtil 2.8 or higher

DynDOLOD Resources - Make sure to use DynDOLOD Resources version only with matching or higher DynDOLOD Standalone versions but never with older versions.

Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards from TES5LODGen or Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards. If using tree mods that do not include billboards, check TES5LODGen for ready-to-use tree LOD billboards for some tree mods. For STEP users all billboards are included in STEP Texture Compilation.


Download standalone and resources from Nexus or use Mega links from the update post

There are quickstart instruction in the main folder. Also check the folder called 'docs' for additional information. See the update post for latest installation information and guides.



Updating DynDOLOD


Read the update posts for each new version for version specific information and update instructions.

Also read the manual how to update an existing save game, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM.



DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - Sheson


  Reveal hidden contents






TES5Edit Team in general


Ehamloptiran and Zilav for TES5LODGen and LODGen for trees


Bethesda for the game, models and textures




DynDOLOD includes LOD assets based on models and/or textures from:


Holy Cow I fixed Skyrim - Sheson

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Posted (edited)

Alright, I seem to have fixed the issue. Thanks for the help again, Sheson. I will add details to how I fixed it in this very post. I disabled a load of mods and it seems to have fixed itself.


THIS DIDN'T FIX THE ISSUE. The solution I had is on the link below



EDIT: How I resolved my issue for people that are experiencing this issue too.


First off, I deleted the generation I had so I can start from scratch again.

My load order consists of standalone and merged plugins. I then proceeded to remove these mods:


  • Birds of Skyrim*
  • Dogs of Skyrim*
  • Deadly Wenches*
  • Dwemertech - Magic of the Dwarves
  • Edoras - City of the Horse
  • Enhanced Wetness and Puddles
  • Forgotten Wenches*
  • Immersive Wenches*
  • Moon and Star
  • Project Parallax Remastered
  • Revenge of the Enemies 2016*
  • Shadow of Morrowind
  • Spectraverse - Magic of the Magna-Ge
  • The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal
  • Unique Uniques*
  • Unofficial Enhanced Lights and FX ELFX SMIM ENB fps performance patch

**Mods written in bold worked fine after testing them.


After that proceeded to  I reinstall DynDOLOD(you can use the clean way provided by GamerPoets, I didn't do that as I was going for an entirely new savegame). After this my game worked seamlessly. Load times were back to normal with 1-3 minutes.


EDIT 2: I set the list in alphabetical order for better reading. I will retest the mods with * to see if they will cause an issue.

Edited by Seyes17
  • 0
  On 4/6/2016 at 1:34 AM, Seyes17 said:

Alright, I seem to have fixed the issue. Thanks for the help again, Sheson. I will add details to how I fixed it in this very post. I disabled a load of mods and it seems to have fixed itself.

Good to hear. Looking forward to the edits.

  • +1 1
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  On 4/6/2016 at 1:34 AM, Seyes17 said:

Alright, I seem to have fixed the issue. Thanks for the help again, Sheson. I will add details to how I fixed it in this very post. I disabled a load of mods and it seems to have fixed itself.


EDIT: How I resolved my issue for people that are experiencing this issue too.


First off, I deleted the generation I had so I can start from scratch again.

My load order consists of standalone and merged plugins. I then proceeded to remove these mods:


  • Birds of Skyrim*
  • Dogs of Skyrim*
  • Deadly Wenches*
  • Dwemertech - Magic of the Dwarves
  • Edoras - City of the Horse
  • Enhanced Wetness and Puddles
  • Forgotten Wenches*
  • Immersive Wenches*
  • Moon and Star
  • Project Parallax Remastered
  • Revenge of the Enemies 2016*
  • Shadow of Morrowind
  • Spectraverse - Magic of the Magna-Ge
  • The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal
  • Unique Uniques*
  • Unofficial Enhanced Lights and FX ELFX SMIM ENB fps performance patch
**Mods written in bold worked fine after testing them.


After that proceeded to I reinstall DynDOLOD(you can use the clean way provided by GamerPoets, I didn't do that as I was going for an entirely new savegame). After this my game worked seamlessly. Load times were back to normal with 1-3 minutes.


EDIT 2: I set the list in alphabetical order for better reading. I will retest the mods with * to see if they will cause an issue.

That was a lot of wenches! Just kidding.
  • +1 1
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I noticed a few things with the hybrid trees:

The first time I ran it, I had some texture flickering when snowy pine trees would go from LOD to full model. I ran it again where the only changes were that for the tree mesh rules, I now have this:


Mesh mask  LOD 4        LOD 8     LOD 16    VWD      Grid     Reference
tree       Static LOD4  Static LOD8 Billboard Checked  Far LOD  Unchanged

instead of this:


Mesh mask  LOD 4        LOD 8     LOD 16    VWD      Grid     Reference
tree       Static LOD4  Static LOD4 Billboard Checked  Far LOD  Unchanged

I also set the near and far grids to load back to default (they were at 13, 25), and set the atlas texture size back to its default 512 (i had previously set it to 1024 for some reason).


Im not sure if that is what helped, but in any case the flickering for those trees is better. 

I also have had some seemingly odd ILS and memory issues. After installing dyndolod, I cow-ed around Tamriel to various mountains, solitude harbor, and markarth stables with no trouble. Memoryblockslog would show about 300-400mb. After I play about 1-2hrs, though, loading a save gives me an ILS and memoryblockslog shows an increase to 1024! (i have 1280 set as my defaultheap). This happens in the area around northwatch keep. I tested further by saving immediately after exiting northwatch keep (i am using LAL and start as a prisoner in northwatch keep). When loading that save, it works just fine (~350mb in memoryblockslog). I stand on the fort and wait in game a day or so and save again. Again, no trouble with memory. I then went west about 2 cells, let a few ingame days pass, saved, tried to load the save and got an ILS. memoryblockslog reached the max for block 1 at 1024.

I know that when using hybrid trees i should budget myself some more memory for block 1, but i already went from 768 for block 1 to 1024. I am wondering if this is due to using the hybrid trees, or some other LOD issue. Would moving two cells cause such a jump in block 1 just due to using hybrid trees?

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/6/2016 at 12:12 PM, kcinlober said:

I noticed a few things with the hybrid trees:


The first time I ran it, I had some texture flickering when snowy pine trees would go from LOD to full model. I ran it again where the only changes were that for the tree mesh rules, I now have this:


Mesh mask  LOD 4        LOD 8     LOD 16    VWD      Grid     Reference

tree       Static LOD4  Static LOD8 Billboard Checked  Far LOD  Unchanged

instead of this:


Mesh mask  LOD 4        LOD 8     LOD 16    VWD      Grid     Reference

tree       Static LOD4  Static LOD4 Billboard Checked  Far LOD  Unchanged

I also set the near and far grids to load back to default (they were at 13, 25), and set the atlas texture size back to its default 512 (i had previously set it to 1024 for some reason).


Im not sure if that is what helped, but in any case the flickering for those trees is better. 



I also have had some seemingly odd ILS and memory issues. After installing dyndolod, I cow-ed around Tamriel to various mountains, solitude harbor, and markarth stables with no trouble. Memoryblockslog would show about 300-400mb. After I play about 1-2hrs, though, loading a save gives me an ILS and memoryblockslog shows an increase to 1024! (i have 1280 set as my defaultheap). This happens in the area around northwatch keep. I tested further by saving immediately after exiting northwatch keep (i am using LAL and start as a prisoner in northwatch keep). When loading that save, it works just fine (~350mb in memoryblockslog). I stand on the fort and wait in game a day or so and save again. Again, no trouble with memory. I then went west about 2 cells, let a few ingame days pass, saved, tried to load the save and got an ILS. memoryblockslog reached the max for block 1 at 1024.


I know that when using hybrid trees i should budget myself some more memory for block 1, but i already went from 768 for block 1 to 1024. I am wondering if this is due to using the hybrid trees, or some other LOD issue. Would moving two cells cause such a jump in block 1 just due to using hybrid trees?

The flicker normal engine behavior of static object LOD showing at the same time as full models until everything loaded before static LOD for the cell(s) is turned off.

The general timings of loading full models and turning LOD4 off should not change by using hybrid trees in LOD8. If you updated DynDLOD/LODGen in between generations then this will account for improved quality of the hybrid trees matching the full models better.


Using hybrid trees in LOD8 requires more memory usage. It probably would be better to increase fBlockLevel0Distance to slightly increase the distance of LOD4.


Moving one cell can mean a whole area of LOD16 (that is 16x16 cells) in the distance gets replaced by 4 areas of LOD8 (8x8 cells). If the 4 LOD8 BTO are much larger than the 1 LOD16 BTO that got replaced, memory requirements increase. Same for LOD4/8 area switches.

You could try to reduce the distance LOD8 shows by lowering fBlockLevel1Distance, LOD4 see above. Maybe purge cell buffer (pcb console) helps, but I doubt it changes what gets saved.


You could compile your own SKSE to remove the 1024MB limit (it is just there to protect users from themselves) - or use SSME.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Posted (edited)

Hello Sheson,


I am having a peculiar issue that I am not sure is related to Dyndolod but I cannot seem to reproduce it once I remove it. I posted the thread in the enb forums originally because I thought it was a memory problem 




Essentially in certain locations I can instantly drop 30-40~ fps sporadically. I originally thought I was running out of memory because of windows 10 dx9 4 gig gap but the slowdowns are not consistent and don't occur in some of the heaviest areas in the game. Have you ever heard of anything like this? Only thing I can think (if it is dyndolod at all) is something got mucked up with the meshes.


Thanks for any input!

Edited by TehKaoZ
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/6/2016 at 1:50 PM, TehKaoZ said:

Hello Sheson,


I am having a peculiar issue that I am not sure is related to Dyndolod but I cannot seem to reproduce it once I remove it. I posted the thread in the enb forums originally because I thought it was a memory problem 




Essentially in certain locations I can instantly drop 30-40~ fps sporadically. I originally thought I was running out of memory because of windows 10 dx9 4 gig gap but the slowdowns are not consistent and don't occur in some of the heaviest areas in the game. Have you ever heard of anything like this? Only thing I can think (if it is dyndolod at all) is something got mucked up with the meshes.


Thanks for any input!

Check draw calls in ENB under "Profiler". Like in the image below you can see that LOD can have millions of triangles but still not cause any FPS drops because LOD is large merged super meshes with only a few draw calls - if static LOD generation went without problems.




It is very easy to test if LOD is the straw that breaks the camels back. Turn off all static/tree LOD with tll in console. If this fixed the problem maybe something went wrong with static object LOD generation - typically atlas generation.

To test if dynamic neverfades (the objects you still in the distance after toggling static/tree LOD) are a problem, deactivate dynamic LOD in DynDOLODs MCM. Could be a mod adding full model neverfades that needs attention on my part.

Check texture memory use while you at it.


Check for mods adding a high number of fulll models without any regard for draw calls  - gets worse if combined with lighting mods that break appart meshes because of 4 light source limit.

Also could be mods with custom resources where meshes are not properly merged/optimized - like a bucket full of coins and each coin being a single mesh.

Also could be mods with custom resources where the collision mesh is a 1:1 copy of the full mesh.

Reduce shadow distance.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
  On 4/6/2016 at 12:39 PM, sheson said:

Using hybrid trees in LOD8 requires more memory usage. It probably would be better to increase fBlockLevel0Distance to slightly increase the distance of LOD4.


Moving one cell can mean a whole area of LOD16 (that is 16x16 cells) in the distance gets replaced by 4 areas of LOD8 (8x8 cells). If the 4 LOD8 BTO are much larger than the 1 LOD16 BTO that got replaced, memory requirements increase. Same for LOD4/8 area switches.

You could try to reduce the distance LOD8 shows by lowering fBlockLevel1Distance, LOD4 see above. Maybe purge cell buffer (pcb console) helps, but I doubt it changes what gets saved.


You could compile your own SKSE to remove the 1024MB limit (it is just there to protect users from themselves) - or use SSME.

Thanks, I tried ssme actually and got block 1 up to 1152mb safely (any higher and skyrim would crash on the start screen).


I also tested some settings with fBlockLevel*Distance. By far, the biggest effect was fBlockLevel0Distance. I had it at 75000 (from the suggestions on the z-fighting guide) and reducing it by half cut the memory loaded into block 1 from 1080 to 640!

Thanks for the suggestions!



  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/6/2016 at 2:42 PM, sheson said:

Check draw calls in ENB under "Profiler". Like in the image below you can see that LOD can have millions of triangles but still not cause any FPS drops because LOD is large merged super meshes with only a few draw calls - if static LOD generation went without problems.




It is very easy to test if LOD is the straw that breaks the camels back. Turn off all static/tree LOD with tll in console. If this fixed the problem maybe something went wrong with static object LOD generation - typically atlas generation.

To test if dynamic neverfades (the objects you still in the distance after toggling static/tree LOD) are a problem, deactivate dynamic LOD in DynDOLODs MCM. Could be a mod adding full model neverfades that needs attention on my part.

Check texture memory use while you at it.


Check for mods adding a high number of fulll models without any regard for draw calls  - gets worse if combined with lighting mods that break appart meshes because of 4 light source limit.

Also could be mods with custom resources where meshes are not properly merged/optimized - like a bucket full of coins and each coin being a single mesh.

Also could be mods with custom resources where the collision mesh is a 1:1 copy of the full mesh.

Reduce shadow distance.

Thanks for the tips.


It does indeed seem like once I toggle LOD off the fps shoots back up. 24 fps to 60 fps and vise versa. It's interesting because on my old rig I had virtually the same mods with no issue. Is there anything in the LOD generation logs I should look for to indicate where the problem might be?

Edited by TehKaoZ
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/6/2016 at 8:48 PM, TehKaoZ said:

Thanks for the tips.


It does indeed seem like once I toggle LOD off the fps shoots back up. 24 fps to 60 fps and vise versa. It's interesting because on my old rig I had virtually the same mods with no issue. Is there anything in the LOD generation logs I should look for to indicate where the problem might be?

Check ..\xEdit\LODGen_log.txt for the LODGEN.exe version number. If it is anyting other than "Skyrim Object LOD Generator v1.0.0" (without any beta) download the latest xEdit and update the static LOD to see if it makes any difference.


Do you know if there are any mods in that viewing direction that may add full models to the static LOD?

What is the overall file size of all BTOs in that worldspace... which I assume is Tamriel.


What is the largest file? Seems to be a good starting point as any - but file size may be deceiving. You could try to use the DynDOLOD MCM "You are here" page to identify certain BTO file names for that area.


Open those BTO files in nifskope. See if you can find any with lots of BSMultiBoundNode - more than 10 would be noteworthy already under normal circumstances but look for ones with more than 25. If you use ultra trees it might hit that number but normal LOD shouldn't be anywhere near it.


If you unfold any of these and open up the BSLighthingShader and then the BSShaderTextureSet you should mostly only find these textures





Consider resizing textures\dyndolod\lod\dyndolod_atlas_tamriel.dds by half for testing VRAM usage - but I don't believe that to be your problem.


There is obviously the chance that the current locations full model objects and stuff puts you one the edge of acceptable draw calls, and the LOD just puts it over the edge. Check how much the number changes in ENB profiler when using tll.

I never really checked it in-depth but LOD should probably not add more than 1000, maybe 2000 - if you give me a location and direction / screenshot I could check vanilla / high settings on my end for comparison.

Edited by sheson
  • 0

Hello Sheson


I was using beta 6 for LOD Generator so I re-downloaded as suggested and carefully redid the entire process with a new game. Unfortunately the fps drop persists. I looked up the .bto as suggested via MCM in the worse area it occurs (it drops from 60 to 19 fps instantly) and listed was the following:


Tamriel.4.-16.20.bto    844 kb

Tamriel.8.-16.16.bto    1,496 kb

Tamriel.16.-16.16.bto  1,668 kb


I opened them in niskope as suggested but admittingly I am out of my realm of experience so I didn't know what I was looking at, but from snooping around I did not see too many of the BSMiltiBoundNode as you described. I did not know how to unfold BSLightingShader.


I don't know if any of my mods use full models for LOD, Most of them are either in Skyrim Revisited or STEP, but I may need to start deactivating some to see what happens.


How does one check draw calls in enb? All I know is my fps drops to 19, if I dll LOD it shoots back up to 60.


The location it is the most severe and the location I referenced the bto is on the Solitude Docks. Pretty much the whole area looking toward the swamp.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/7/2016 at 3:29 AM, TehKaoZ said:

Hello Sheson


I was using beta 6 for LOD Generator so I re-downloaded as suggested and carefully redid the entire process with a new game. Unfortunately the fps drop persists. I looked up the .bto as suggested via MCM in the worse area it occurs (it drops from 60 to 19 fps instantly) and listed was the following:


Tamriel.4.-16.20.bto    844 kb

Tamriel.8.-16.16.bto    1,496 kb

Tamriel.16.-16.16.bto  1,668 kb


I opened them in niskope as suggested but admittingly I am out of my realm of experience so I didn't know what I was looking at, but from snooping around I did not see too many of the BSMiltiBoundNode as you described. I did not know how to unfold BSLightingShader.


I don't know if any of my mods use full models for LOD, Most of them are either in Skyrim Revisited or STEP, but I may need to start deactivating some to see what happens.


How does one check draw calls in enb? All I know is my fps drops to 19, if I dll LOD it shoots back up to 60.


The location it is the most severe and the location I referenced the bto is on the Solitude Docks. Pretty much the whole area looking toward the swamp.

Could you compress and upload all the btos? I like to have a look. That may be quicker. Also include ..\xEdit\Edit Scripts\LODGen_Tamriel.txt. Any file service is fine as long as I do not need  a login :)


Open ENB overlay with shift+enter, unfold the "profiler" section by clicking on the +. ENB overlay has its own mouse pointer, so you need to use that one instead of the games arrow. Draw Calls is in the section on the screenshot I posted.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Posted (edited)

DynDOLOD 1.48 1.49

If you already downloaded 1.48, just replace the xEdit scripts with the ones from 1.49. Nothing else changed.

As always, there is no need to generate from scratch or update anything unless you want to.
By creating backups of the current LOD you can always try to update an existing DynDOLOD.esp first before generating from scratch. If weird things happens restore backup. It is a matter of seconds with the right modding tools.

From now on the documentation consequently uses the term "xEdit". The x stands for different game modes. Translate "xEdit" to the current game and path names applying to your setup. For example "TES5Edit"

Download the latest developer version of xEdit (FO4Edit 3.1.3 - 19733ee - dated 4 April 2016) or newer.
The latest version contains LODGen.exe v1.0. No more beta.

The Papyrus Scripts included in the 1.48 1.49 archive are the same "use fewer strings" version already posted as "1.48 beta" a month ago. No updating needed if they are already used. The 1.48 1.49 Papyrus scripts are backwards compatible with LOD generated with 1.47. If you somehow live under a rock, see Corrupt Saves - StrCount > 0xFFFF - CTD on load for more information.

To update an existing save game, first deactivate DynDOLOD from MCM, wait for deactivation message, go into interior, check MCM DynDOLOD is still deactivated, save, exit game. Disable old DynDOLOD.esp and remove old scripts. Start game, load last save, wait a bit, save again. Install the new papyrus scripts, enable DynDOLOD.esp - old if just updating the scripts or new if generated from scratch - start game, load the last save, go outside. DynDOLOD should initialize by itself.
  • If updating from 1.47 simply overwrite all older Meshes/Textures. Doesn't matter if you intent to update, not update or generate LOD from scratch
  • If updating from older version read DynDOLOD 1.47 first

DynDOLOD Worlds.pas 1.48 1.49 now automatically uses "mapping" files ..\data\merge\*_map.txt from mods merged with Merge Plugins by Mator. If a mod for which custom rules exist was merged, DynDOLOD Worlds.pas now automatically applies these rules to the merged mod. To verify check the message log shows that X amount of rules were loaded for the merged mod file name.

DynDOLOD Worlds.pas 1.48 1.49 now does a simple file date check if xEdit.exe and LODGen.exe are recent enough to point people in the right direction in case outdated versions are detected.

For these mods rules were added/updated
Ashlander Camp New Zainab
Camp Argentum
ClefJ's Dragon Bridge
Druid's Den - Collectors Edition
Lakeview Manor Evolution
Skaal You Need - Skaal house and follower
Windhelm's Ancient Lighthouse

Verified working out of the box
Beginner's Shack - Starter home
Broken Sky Cottage - Falskaar
Camp Varglya
Enhanced Lights and FX 3.x
Jaggarsfeld with Jaggarsfeld Extended
Places in the North
Reach Tree Replacer - uploaded billboards to TES5LODGen
Tirashan - Necromancer Home
Soljund's Sinkhole
Wind Path

Principle support for Holds The City Overhaul. Mod appears to be in a very early alpha stage: Fix the worldspace bounds error reported by DynDOLOD Worlds.pas. I guess using vanilla values will be fine for now. Remove or overwrite the erroneously included vanilla LOD and vanilla billboards so they do not interfere. Get the latest LODGen.exe v1.0 included in xEdit 19733ee from 4 April 2016. Older versions of LODGen.exe will either crash or create invalid BTO meshes causing the game to ILS/CTD. It includes LOD meshes of varying quality and sets full model for LOD. Will check mod again once it matured to a useful state.


To fix worldspace bounds error, in xEdit, open the worldspace record by entering the FormID of the worldspace - "3C" for Tamriel - into the field top left. Hit Enter key.

Scroll right to the column of the mod. Scroll down to the rows for Objects Bounds. Right click a value and select edit and enter a number. Click OK or hit Enter. Save changed esp.

Fixes include
Improved Solstheim Dwemer static object LOD based on feedback by Madcat221
Fixed WhiterunExterior.esp incompatibility reported by sirjesto - it can now be part of the load order when generating LOD
Fixed wrongly enabling tree LOD generation reported by Kesta
Fixed Error in unit 'functions' on line 684 : Expression expected but 'then' found in Expert mode reported by Kesta, Pylon
Fixed some hybrid trees looking bluish reported by kcinlober
Any remaining ENB / Texture flicker should now be truly fixed with latest LODGen.exe included in recent xEdit updates.
Sanity checks for world bounds

[spoiler=Changelog 1.49]
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed world bounds error

[spoiler=Changelog 1.48]
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - work around world bounds not always being floats
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - skip parent/child worldspaces with no valid world bounds or missing persistent cell
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - report insane world bounds values
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated a missing nif warning for neverfade references added by mod to just ignore instead of stopping generation
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed automatically checking 'Generate tree LOD' when vanilla tree LOD generation is disabled
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added missing brackets in try block checking form id rules
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed 'not a tree message' for now valid STAT LOD trees with Have Tree LOD flag set
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a subliminal message to xEdit message log
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated de-normalizing resource path to be less greedy
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a simple xEdit.exe and LODGen.exe file time check
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - read mapping data from Merge Plugins to apply rules for single plugins to merged plugins automatically
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added checks to force output directory
Papyrus Scripts - use fewer "strings"
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes/Textures - updated/added LOD meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - rename to xEdit - because there can be more than only one
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD_Reference.html - updated to reflect current process and for clarity

DynDOLOD 1.47

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the update :)


You've got an erroneous extra requirement on the nexus page : "File/Mod Name" that link to the fo4 xEdit page.



Edit : And forgot to add "updated reference documentation" to the changelog ;)

Edited by Kesta
  • 0
  On 4/7/2016 at 12:34 PM, Kesta said:

Thanks for the update :)


You've got an erroneous extra requirement on the nexus page : "File/Mod Name" that link to the fo4 xEdit page.



Edit : And forgot to add "updated reference documentation" to the changelog ;)

I have seen that File/Mod Name on several mods now, Nexus being funny I guess... I removed it, thanks. And yeah well we updated that doc too :)

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