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Dreadflopps Modular patches

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  On 5/3/2014 at 9:53 AM, fireundubh said:

Which quest? I don't see anything about bandits on the Imperial side. "That fort" isn't terribly specific.

Probably this the "Prove you Usefulness" part. AFAIK is the only quest in the civil war that involves bandits.

Posted (edited)

Quest: "Joining the Legion"


After arriving at Solitude, enter Castle Dour and speak to General Tullius. He will then direct the Dragonborn to Legate Rikke, who is usually by the war table. She will then say that Fort Hraggstad, which has been taken over by bandits, must be cleared.

If the Bandit Chief follows me out of the Fort and I kill him outside, the fort remains uncleared and the quest doesn't update and allow me to continue.  It is reproducible as I did it again intentionally.
This leads me to believe that many quests that require you go clear a dungeon could break if the main protagonist follows you outside their normal boundaries.  
Edited by Garfink

Looks like I've elicited a response from the ASIS people and there is a new ASIS ini, Nice.  I will download it and install it for testing, it would be perfect IF I don't need to go higher than Adept (i.e. 1:1 fair) to keep the game balanced.  


This would mean that the advantages and disadvantages of the AI and the Player can be different but are balanced!  At the moment I have to artificially ramp up their health and lower my damage to make it balanced, not a problem per se, but not perfect.

Posted (edited)
  On 5/3/2014 at 10:16 AM, Garfink said:

Quest: "Joining the Legion"


After arriving at Solitude, enter Castle Dour and speak to General Tullius. He will then direct the Dragonborn to Legate Rikke, who is usually by the war table. She will then say that Fort Hraggstad, which has been taken over by bandits, must be cleared.


If the Bandit Chief follows me out of the Fort and I kill him outside, the fort remains uncleared and the quest doesn't update and allow me to continue.  It is reproducible as I did it again intentionally.


This leads me to believe that many quests that require you go clear a dungeon could break if the main protagonist follows you outside their normal boundaries.

You're partially correct.


According to CW01Script, the number of alive actors is tracked the lazy way:


function checkLocRefTypeAliveCount()		int aliveCount = Fort.GetLocation().GetRefTypeAliveCount(CWFortMonster)		if aliveCount > 0			Else			SetStage(SuccessStage)	endifEndFunction

God, that's terrible, but I guess we're dealing with leveled actors in the CW. Still, the better way would be to store all of the actors as properties, put them in a formlist, and then iterate through that formlist and test the status of each actor.


Fortunately, this issue affects only:

  • Joining the Legion (CW01Script, CW01BScript)
  • Compelling Tribute (CWMission07Script)
  • Rescue from Fort Kastav (CWMission04)
  • Rescue from Fort Neugrad (CWMission04)
  • Any Civil War quest where something needs to happen when all soldiers in a location/battlefield are dead (CWMissionPollForSoldiersScript)
  • Any Civil War quest involving taking over garrisons (CWCampaignScript: lines 1139 to 1306)

The best I can do is re-enable combat boundaries in the respective locations.

Edited by fireundubh
Posted (edited)
  On 5/3/2014 at 11:03 AM, Garfink said:

You're the author of the mod! No wonder. Great if you could fix that!

Fixed. Download v1.2. See sticky in mod thread.

Edited by fireundubh
Posted (edited)
  On 5/3/2014 at 7:53 AM, dreadflopp said:
Bonemold expanded adds back bonemold that morrowloot removed and adds new bonemold to the leveled list. 


Posted a similar question in another thread but, to prevent this behavior can't we just remove bonemold expanded from the bash patch.  Either by deactivating the mod before creating the bash patch or by removing it from the list of mods that the merged leveled list will be created from?

Edited by dunz

I'd avoid the latest Asis ini, garfink. it seems like the author just blocked ALL skyre perks just to be safe, which is overkill imo. instead, check the comments section and there's a useful post by raulfin who explains what exactly you need to add to perkexclusions. you can also check the latest changelog and manually add the things you need: https://pastebin.com/0wQjqYBe

Posted (edited)

I have combined the changes from the ASIS forums and those from Improved ASIS ini, to keep the SkyRe perks in.  Will see how it goes, I think this and my new spawn setting should fix everything.  I should be able to turn off extended stats and bring the difficult level back down to Novice (adept in vanilla).  




Once that is tested to work, my gut feeling is GOOD.  Then I will install the newly made patches (not essential for testing difficulty.)


Great news, the wife has invited friends over for Mahjong, so I can do some serious test for at least 5-6 hours!  What a great week it has been!


Thanks for all the input and help so far guys!  You guys/gals are AWESOME!  I am really hoping this will help a lot of people and once done can easily be integrated modularly with other mods.  Especially if we keep it modular with modular patches rather than the BIG patch like STEP.  By doing so we will have more audience for what we are doing. 




What the hell, installing the patches now!

Edited by Garfink
  On 5/3/2014 at 12:41 PM, dunz said:

Posted a similar question in another thread but, to prevent this behavior can't we just remove bonemold expanded from the bash patch.  Either by deactivating the mod before creating the bash patch or by removing it from the list of mods that the merged leveled list will be created from?

What you are suggesting works best if deactivating the mod all together in the left panel of MO, but unfortunately it only works in some cases

Works when mods are overwritten by bashed patch:



But not when they are not overwritten:


  On 5/3/2014 at 9:28 AM, Garfink said:


Jaysus swords?  I remember you mentioning to just turn it off in the CCOR MCM right?

Correct, they are integrated into CCOR, the esp for jaysus is not even needed. Check SR:LE for more info and for another version to use that has fixes. Checked SkyRe. SkyRe and immersive weapons are the two mods that adds a lot of weapons to the leveled list that are high level, even daedric weapons.


Was the ASIS perk bug specific to SkyRe or are SPERG and TTR etc also afflicted?

  On 5/3/2014 at 1:26 PM, dreadflopp said:

What you are suggesting works best if deactivating the mod all together in the left panel of MO, but unfortunately it only works in some cases

Works when mods are overwritten by bashed patch:



But not when they are not overwritten:


Got ya.  Seems we need a way to get the default leveled list into the bashed patch.

Posted (edited)

I think the problems apply to some of both SkyRe and Vanilla perks, looking at the block list of the Improved ASIS ini files, it looks like SPERG is totally blocked and not supported.  


I am having trouble merging HLE - SIC with your patch in Tes5edit, are you using the Merge Plugin 1.65 or are you using something else?


Just making sure we are talking about the same file:  I am using High Level Enemies SIC Edition v1.6a 




I just manage to do it, I deselected copy intelligently and just selected "copy records" and it worked.  Am I doing it correctly?

Edited by Garfink
  On 5/3/2014 at 2:04 PM, Nicopad said:

Ouahh... one week in  vacation and A LOT of reading to do, you guys are more Advanced then me in this pack ^^

Haha welcome back! Garfink's been doing a lot of gameplay balancing/testing that are really great. He seems to be able to level up a character to a higher level in a day than I have ever done :) Some of the suggested mods fits in an unleveled skyrim, some don't. What I am thinking is basically keeping the guide as it is but adding a section to describe pros and cons of unleveled encounter zones, add a section for Garfings game balancing and point out which mods fits for unleveled encounter zones and which don't. Higher level enemies is great for leveled encounter zones for example, but not for unleveled. Same goes for endgame NPC overhaul. I don't think I will use Revenge of the enemies as some report it overpowering the enemies and I fear I won't succeed in the game at all. Radiance and extended encounters looks great to me. ASIS looks a little problematic though and I don't think skyrim should be too populated. Random encounters is another mod being tested that adds more encounters. 
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