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Dreadflopps Modular patches

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  On 5/3/2014 at 2:16 PM, Garfink said:

I think the problems apply to some of both SkyRe and Vanilla perks, looking at the block list of the Improved ASIS ini files, it looks like SPERG is totally blocked and not supported.


I am having trouble merging HLE - SIC with your patch in Tes5edit, are you using the Merge Plugin 1.65 or are you using something else?


Just making sure we are talking about the same file: I am using High Level Enemies SIC Edition v1.6a




I just manage to do it, I deselected copy intelligently and just selected "copy records" and it worked. Am I doing it correctly?

Strange. Yes I am using merge plugin 1.65, copy intelligently, deselect renumber formids. I am using this version


  On 5/3/2014 at 2:14 PM, dunz said:

Got ya. Seems we need a way to get the default leveled list into the bashed patch.

I think you should ask the creator of immersive weapons (or here) if it is as simple as deleting the whole leveled items list from immersive weapons using TES5Edit.
Posted (edited)

I will see if I can't change your minds about changing over from SPERG to SkyRe, SkyRe is certainly a bigger overhaul, but I think its in line of what you're trying to achieve.  It certainly functions very well and is very well thought out in terms of ALL types of characters.  It also has ASIS support which means a lot more even playing field when it comes to the NPC skill set.  Looks like the only thing missing to make it really work is a patch for morrowloot.  


I don't think immersive weapons is essential as some of the weapons are a little dodgey like the cresent axes.  So I think to make life easier it would be fine to leave it out.  But the weapons installed with SkyRe is seemless and seem so vanilla to me now.  


Revenge of the Enemies is awesome, really makes for varied monsters.  HLE on its own is great and adds a lot more monsters to the level lists but some of it is a little superficial.  Like a name change and some new armor and weapons.  BUT RotE really makes some of the monsters different.  It is NO longer over done like it was before in earlier versions, so I can't recommend it enough.  The same goes for Resplendent Races, the new abilities really make bandits come alive EVEN without OBIS installed.  Trust me on this!  There is a difference in making the game "difficult" and making the game "varied".  


Remember I am advocating keeping the game on ADEPT and with out ASIS, RotE, HLE, NPC Enchantment Fix, SkyRe, Apocalypse Spells (inserted into NPCs via ASIS), Duel and increase spawns of ASIS & Random Encounters, YOU will need to up the difficult to Expert and probably higher for a half decent game that isn't too easy.  Think about it.


Not to mention that my balances are with all these installed, certainly you can read between my lines and see how the mods work and interact, from my "diary", but it will not be the same!


What I am advocating is IF you want a more difficult game, instead of making the monsters health-sinks YOU instead increase the SPAWN RATE to adjust the difficulty to your liking.  See?  My difficulty settings are flexible and can cater for anyone's gaming ability.  (if you want it easier, then you can decrease the spawn rates or stop it all together.) 


As for leveled or deleveled or an option of both I will leave that up to you.  As you have read my thoughts on the issue and why I prefer leveled over deleveled.  This is from playing the game over the past few months and getting over 10 characters to level 70 and above.  Deleveled Skyrim will's difficult flucuates on different levels and limits your exploration.  Each to his/her own of course.  Just food for thought.

Edited by Garfink
Posted (edited)

You certainly has played the game a lot more than me and make many valid points. I'll try revenge of the enemies, Nicopad suggested it to me too. As for SkyRe, we looked at it when deciding which perk overhaul to use. I would really like to play with the new weaponry it adds but not without a morrowloot patch. I looked at it and it's beyond me to create one. Nicopad turned to SPERG instead and me to TTR. It would of course be great if a patch was made since many people seems to enjoy SkyRe. Both me and Nicopad uses apocalypse spells and duel. And the other mods will make a fine addition I think. As for resplendent races, what about the thing where you couldn't kill the argonian?


As for using ASIS to control difficulty, seems reasonable to me and all the game balancing and testing is of course really helpful. Hopefully the perk bugs will be sorted soon.

Edited by dreadflopp
Posted (edited)

So I created a quick plugin of the leveled item entries, by using the "deep copy as override into ..." function of TES5Edit, from:




Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp


Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp



Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp


Loaded this plugin as high as possible (just below masters), then before creating the bashed patch I deactivated Immersive Weapons.esp in Wyre Smash.


Picture of TES5Edit results: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz1T234u9aDKcTRMSFBaODlQbXc/edit?usp=sharing


Link to the plugin I created: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz1T234u9aDKR3lRclBQUzA1cFU/edit?usp=sharing


I believe this method should work to prevent other mods from adding entries to the leveled list we do not want.  I also noted the plugin did not become a master of the bashed patch and therefore shouldn't be needed to run SKYRIM.  More testing probably needed but I thought I'd share.


Also I am wondering if it is necessary to add the Delev and/or Relev tag(s) to the plugin before creating the bashed patch?

Edited by dunz

You know what is BIZARRE, I get this message in Loot 0.5 for Morrowloot:  Was there a plugin for SkyRe???  I can't find it ANYWHERE.  Maybe its a mistake.


  • Morrowloot.esp
    CRC: 6851CEB
    Add: Delev, Relev
  • Note: It is recommended to load morrowloot after any plugins that have a Relev tag which change the same leveled lists as morrowloot because they will re-add vanilla records removed by morrowloot.
  • Note: You need the SkyRe compatibility patch for this to work as intended with SkyRe.
  On 5/3/2014 at 4:00 PM, dunz said:

So I created a quick plugin of the leveled item entries, by using the "deep copy as override into ..." function of TES5Edit, from:




Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp


Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp



Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp


Loaded this plugin as high as possible (just below masters), then before creating the bashed patch I deactivated Immersive Weapons.esp in Wyre Smash.


Picture of TES5Edit results: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz1T234u9aDKcTRMSFBaODlQbXc/edit?usp=sharing


Link to the plugin I created: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz1T234u9aDKR3lRclBQUzA1cFU/edit?usp=sharing


I believe this method should work to prevent other mods from adding entries to the leveled list we do not want.  I also noted the plugin did not become a master of the bashed patch and therefore shouldn't be needed to run SKYRIM.  More testing probably needed but I thought I'd share.


Also I am wondering if it is necessary to add the Delev and/or Relev tag(s) to the plugin before creating the bashed patch?

That seems to work. We want some mod to add to the leveled list though. Only one I can think of know is CCOR. I am not sure if there are any more. Not sure if there are any side effect of using this method, but none that I can think of. Maybe start a new thread and ask about this method?




I am looking at the SkyRe_Main.esp in Tes5edit:


I go into the Leveled Item tab.


SAY:  If I delete:  LitemWeaponDaedricSwords


Will this removed the listed swords from the Level List?


As long as the mod is active when the bashed patch is created it should add to the leveled list as normal. 

Posted (edited)
  On 5/3/2014 at 4:00 PM, dunz said:

So I created a quick plugin of the leveled item entries, by using the "deep copy as override into ..." function of TES5Edit, from:




Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp


Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp



Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp


Loaded this plugin as high as possible (just below masters), then before creating the bashed patch I deactivated Immersive Weapons.esp in Wyre Smash.


Picture of TES5Edit results: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz1T234u9aDKcTRMSFBaODlQbXc/edit?usp=sharing


Link to the plugin I created: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz1T234u9aDKR3lRclBQUzA1cFU/edit?usp=sharing


I believe this method should work to prevent other mods from adding entries to the leveled list we do not want.  I also noted the plugin did not become a master of the bashed patch and therefore shouldn't be needed to run SKYRIM.  More testing probably needed but I thought I'd share.


Also I am wondering if it is necessary to add the Delev and/or Relev tag(s) to the plugin before creating the bashed patch?

I am trying to remove level list items from mods that shouldn't contribute to the level list... so I can get morrowloot to work with SkyRe specifically.


Could I use this method you think to stop SkyRe from adding stuff to the level list?  I assume this method will stop ALL of SkyRe's weapons including basic iron weapons from showing up on ANY NPCs and not just chests I assume?  Will I still be able to Craft these items?  (I am using CCOR)

Edited by Garfink

In theory it should work. If SkyRe is not active when the bashed patch is created then its leveled list can not get merged into the bashed patch.


The method I described above basically forwards any non-overwritten leveled-list into the bashed patch thereby preventing a mod that is added to your load order after the bashed patch was created from creating new items (the leveled list in the bashed patch wins the overwrite contest).  Did that make sense?  

Posted (edited)

Yes, and the bash patch is indeed free of all Skyre_main.esp entries!


Now... can I still craft these in-game?  I don't know how the levellist work in Tes5edit, but looking at it, there are lots of items with the suffix "blacksmith" and these seem to be NOT leveled as they appear to be available at LEVEL 1.  Are these suppose to add items to the crafting menu?  (I am totally guessing here), if so...


How is this different from just going into Skyre_main.esp and just simply deleting all the entries under Leveled items?  (which would be less convoluted and quicker.)


(Now I am not sure I am making any sense here!)

Edited by Garfink
Posted (edited)

As I understand it, this method should prevent any mod from adding to the vanilla list but my understanding of the leveled list is limited. Worth a try but all items from SkyRe would be gone. Regarding your question earlier Garfink, about deleting stuff, that is how morrowloots does it. As long as SkyRe doesn't use the leveled list in any other way it should work. If you want to do it this way you should follow morrowloots guidelines (from its nexus page):

  • Completely removes higher level (dwemer+) objects from levelled loot lists, though things like potions and scrolls can still be found.
  • Orcish equipment is carried by, get this, orcs.
  • Elven equipment can be found in various places, though most are carried by Thalmor.
  • Higher level robes are removed, readded to the world as static objects

Edit: If they were craftable before they still will be. It has nothing to do with the leveled list.

There is a CCOR patch: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50343/?

Edited by dreadflopp

I see....  Since I am semi familiar with the items I know most by name I could do this and it shouldn't take too much time!


I assume I was correct in thinking that the items in the Level list subsection that has the suffix like "blacksmith" with items that are set to be available at level 1 are items that are for the smithing menu?

dreadflopp:  I have this running SkyRe_CraftingFix.esp


Do I even need this if I am using CCOR?  and if so should it load before or after CCOR?  I have manually set it to load before, because LOOT has it running after.


you know what I'd like? a stripped down version of Morrowloot that adds handplaced loot ( a la OOO, to reward exploration ) , but doesn't mess with leveled lists ( so you don't have to lose your mind trying to make it compatible, since it's incompatible with everything and its dog ) .

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