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Dreadflopps Modular patches

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Posted (edited)
Update 6 dec 2015:

The original pack has since long been split into several other packs. For information on how to combine the packs into one big overhaul, follow this link:


This thread is used to discuss the combination of my packs and some other packs.



Me and Nicopad have been working on a new gameplay overhaul pack. This is mostly made for ourselves but since sharing is caring we thought we'd present it here and see if anyone is interested in this and if we should make it into a proper Pack.


We would like to have some input, ideas and critisism to what mods we have chosen and to the Skyrim Community Uncapper .ini file. Thanks!


Edited by dreadflopp
  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

Interesting, definitely will need to merge some plugins - is there some useful literature for doing that, I have the scripts installed but despite following instruction the scripts don't seem to run. Great idea though. Getting all of these to work together is good but doesn't leave a great deal of room, otherwise very similar to something I've been trying to get to work together (not to the extent you have done though - I do like ERSO and Krytpyr's mods).


Anyway I am a fan of the plan.




Edit: Link to patches not working guys  ::):

Edited by Smile44

I can do nothing but approve of this pack, I already use most of the mods in there (using High Level Enemies + Deadly Dragons instead of Erkeil's mods, and ACE instead of SPERG)


A little note concerning Morrowloot: The Moon and Star quest adds 2 items that are also in Morrowloot, so you might want to remove them from the mod in your patch :P


And a small mod suggestion: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32562 (The standalone improved classes, powerful shouts and open encounter zones plugins of this overhaul are nice)


Looking forward to it and it looks like you were going to a home improvement site when you posted the link and it got added to the beginning of the link.

Here's the correct link.


Posted (edited)


Sorry, no idea why they won't run.
The tutorial on Merge Plugins description page works fine for me https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37981/?
Try to merge patches, it usually works. Use efault settings but untick renumber formIDs. The nexus page also lists succesful and unsuccesful  merges. I have merged all regs patches except one (REGS Patch - CRF.esp) (edit: my error. All REGS patches are mergeable). All erso mods except one. ELE (made an "unofficial" USKP patch and merged everything) and our patches and I am up to 240 plugins.


Thanks. Will check and remove thoose from morrowloot. YASH looks interesting. How does the open encounter zones work in game? They don't ruin stuff with enemies enering the wrong zones? Seems like this is hinted in the description?
A question, since you use mostly ACE skills, how many perks/level have you set in the uncapper, if you use it?


Thanks, link fixed

Edited by dreadflopp

Solved the mod merging problem cleverly I had not updated to the latest version of TES5Edit. Have merged ELE and RS successfully but not ELFX, for some reason ELFX DG doesn't copy over fully. None of that is relevant to you of course but it does now mean that this pack can be tried properly.


Any reason why you insist on Extended rather than CORE?



Posted (edited)

Haha I'm not insisting on Extended, it's just what happen to have installed :)

Making some small changes:

Change BUM rule for morrowloot.esp to BEFORE complete crafting overhaul remade.esp (check so the name is correct)


Also, later today, Archery, Speech and Melee from ACE will be added. Working on archery patch atm. This will overwrite stuff from CCO and WAF but I don't want to touch that, better Kryptopyr does it is she wants. Which would be great :) This means arrow and bow crafting will be handled by ACE archery, if I read TES5Edit correctly. But you will have long and short bows :) 


Two questions:

Is the Packs wiki open for anyone to make a pack or do you need permission?

Any good magic perks mod?

Edited by dreadflopp
Posted (edited)
  On 4/7/2014 at 5:58 AM, dreadflopp said:

@CJ2311Thanks. Will check and remove thoose from morrowloot. YASH looks interesting. How does the open encounter zones work in game? They don't ruin stuff with enemies enering the wrong zones? Seems like this is hinted in the description?A question, since you use mostly ACE skills, how many perks/level have you set in the uncapper, if you use it?

I actually use the SPERG uncapper file, set to 1 perk per level (relying on dragon soul relinquishment for extra perks)YASH-OpenEncounterZones just makes it so that if you go through a door with enemies chasing you (in certain dungeons), these enemies won't stay behind and forget about you the moment you cross that magic line. Kinda like what enemies do in New Vegas.
  On 4/7/2014 at 12:16 PM, dreadflopp said:

Also, later today, Archery, Speech and Melee from ACE will be added. Working on archery patch atm. This will overwrite stuff from CCO and WAF but I don't want to touch that, better Kryptopyr does it is she wants. Which would be great :) This means arrow and bow crafting will be handled by ACE archery, if I read TES5Edit correctly. But you will have long and short bows :)Two questions:Is the Packs wiki open for anyone to make a pack or do you need permission?Any good magic perks mod?

ACE Archery is annoying to patch tbh, maybe simpler if you use the vanilla archery tree.And yes, you do need permissions to post a pack on the wiki, sending a PM to Z would be the easiest way to get one p: Edited by CJ2311
  On 4/7/2014 at 12:41 PM, CJ2311 said:

ACE Archery is annoying to patch tbh, maybe simpler if you use the vanilla archery tree.And yes, you do need permissions to post a pack on the wiki, sending a PM to Z would be the easiest way to get one p:

I made a patch which removed high level arrows from the leveled list and forwarded changes from explosive bolts visualized, but it'll have to be tested, which i don't have time to (Nicopad does all the testing, I'm doing this to have all set for when I eventually get time to play the game...). And I don't like the inconsistency with some crafting/tempering recipes being handled by ACE and the rest by CCO so I guess I'll hold on to that patch awhile. I'll pm Z :)


TEst test test .... all the work for me ;)

If it wasn't clear we tried to make a pack build around morrowloot (for the item distribution and rarity)

Erso unleveld world

And tried to make all the rest very modular so that anyone could find his kind of play in it.

Working not to bad for know :)

Posted (edited)

Checked out YASH,

  • improved classes - think we should use it. Buffs all clases, makes the game harder. One conflict with Stealth skills rebalanced thats sorted by loading it before SSR
  • powerful shouts - Good alternative if you don't want an "overhaul", just buffs vanilla shouts
  • open encounter zones - cool idea, unfortunately it has a conflict with every encounter zone (almost). If I had a time I could patch it (or rather just add a data flag every encounter zone in ERSO's mod), but its to much work

Got permission from Z to post in the pack wiki, hopefully I will have time to do it tonight​

Edited by EssArrBee
  On 4/7/2014 at 4:01 PM, dreadflopp said:

    • open encounter zones - cool idea, 
    • unfortunately it has a conflict with every encounter zone (almost). If I had a time I could patch it (or rather just add a data flag every encounter zone in ERSO's mod), but its to much work 

Ah, forgot that ERSO changed the encounter zones as well. Nevermind then :P


I thought you guys were working on Requiem with SR:LE, why the switch? Im curious because I just (hopefully) got everything to work, and it would be good to know if there was some sort of big problem with Requiem.

  On 4/7/2014 at 4:10 PM, MadWizard25 said:

I thought you guys were working on Requiem with SR:LE, why the switch? Im curious because I just (hopefully) got everything to work, and it would be good to know if there was some sort of big problem with Requiem.

Requiem was good and consistent, I just wanted to pick different mods that I like instead of taking it all from requiem (which IS really good). I also wanted weapons and armors stats to stay true to vanilla and CCF/WAF stats, and that enemies stay truer to vanilla. Requiem changed everything. Also, with using deleveled encounter zones, there is much better compatibility with mods like immersive creature etc. Not really a big problem with requiem though since there are a lot of patches but with a setup like this it is much less patching to do if you want to make a mod compatible.

I had almost no technical issues with SR:LE/Requiem.

  • +1 1

Thanks  ::): Perfectly answered my question. Im happy its a matter of gameplay and not technical issues. In any case, while im too invested in my requiem build to try this out, this one looks mighty impressive!

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