CJ2311 Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 (edited) I actually missed one of your questions: You shouldn't have to download the SIC patch on CCO's page if you get "Requiem - SIC CCOR Patch.esp" from here.(Sorry for intruding on your turf, Smile44 :P) Edited March 14, 2014 by CJ2311
Smile44 Posted March 14, 2014 Author Posted March 14, 2014 On 3/14/2014 at 3:38 PM, CJ2311 said: I actually missed one of your questions: You shouldn't have to download the SIC patch on CCO's page if you get "Requiem - SIC CCOR Patch.esp" from here.(Sorry for intruding on your turf, Smile44 :P)You are welcome buddy On 3/14/2014 at 2:40 PM, Ezekiel33 said: ok thanks for the info! :)By the way It seems a little more complex then I expected (since your guide isnt totally finished).Some minor points I simply want to clarify before proceeding to my final version. If one is using ETAC - Complete, it may have conflicts with BYOD in falkreath. I decided to simply uncheck byod but then the "step extended patch" made by step team is indicating that some masters are missing ( same thing for Ars Metallica by the way). It just makes a lot of little things to keep an eye on :PIn your guide , you mention that one should install CCF & CCO together and then go dwl the requiem patch from azirok. So if I fully understand I dont have to install the CCO SIC patch but I have to use azirok one. Installing CCO implies also patching Frostfall, WIC and CoS. That makes a lot of patches to install if a heavily modded skyrim wants to incorporate Requiem in top of all that.Hope I'm doing things the right way! :PWe will be adding patches for Requiem and STEP that are compatible with the STEP patches so problems would be avoided that way. You can disable Ars Mtallica as a master for the STEP patch in TES5Edit should you want to get ahead. Spock is back so hopefully there will be something up soon, though the guy has exams here and there so not gonna hassle him.
Spock Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 (edited) Ninja'ed you first version of the patch is in your inbox Guys: If the patch is up, could you test the Explosive Bolts Visualized thing? That would be great! Version 1 is probably the right way to do it.[edit] My T5E research tells me the only 3 mods from extended needing any additional patching are:Bring Out Your DeadAnimated Weapon EnchantsRadiant and Unique Potions Bring out your dead will be tedious, the other two should be done in minutes. I will get to it when I get the time, those will be presented as Nexus patches btw, to keep things modular :) Edited March 14, 2014 by Spock
Smile44 Posted March 14, 2014 Author Posted March 14, 2014 (edited) Just out of curiosity is the existing Requiem BOYD patch any use? Edit: OK patch is up - this is for STEP CORE, please try it out and let us know if you have any problems. Ta very much Edited March 14, 2014 by Smile44
Spock Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 (edited) That patch works, but afaik it doesn't forward some consistent older people changes (only 1 or 2 edits if I remember right). It isn't a big deal, but I'm a perfectionist :)Also some Hard Times changes will be overwritten by that patch, I'm planning to make a HT version as well. [edit] It's actually only one entry. I will have a look at MrFilipenko's patch and maybe ask him if he could host a Consistent Older People and a Hard Times version as well. For everyone interested the patch file is currently up on 2shared:https://www.2shared.com/file/IUSd7elo/STEP_Pack_Requiem_Patch.htmlLike stated in the readme a little testing with explosive bolts is required but I currently cannot do it (no GPU). If you find the time it would be nice if you could report the outcomes of shooting around with explosive bolts if:1. Not using Explosive Bolts Visualized at all2. Using Explosive Bolts Visualized and the test patch 12 Using Explosive Bolts Visualized and the test patch 2The difference between 1 and 2 are object bounds, so it's subtle. I need input on which looks best and how well the bolts clipping behave in each version.Item ID's are0200F1A00200F1B10200F1B70200F1B70200F1BB0200F1BC Thank you for any input. Edited March 14, 2014 by Spock
WilliamImm Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 Weirdly enough, after playing with SPERG for two playthroughs and never feeling quite satisfied about it, I'm getting attracted more and more towards integrating Requiem into my playthrough this time. Would be really fun, would be really challenging... when I get back to Skyrim, I will consider this first thing.
Nicopad Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 Hello I am having some double entries when recycling items like leather armor into leather strips for exemple. Any ideas what i should look into ?
Smile44 Posted March 15, 2014 Author Posted March 15, 2014 Testing going well with CORE install, explosive bolts seems to be working fine but I have only tried test plugin 1 so far. Zero problems to report. Need to look at load order though I am currently letting BOSS sort it as it will which means I had to move GDO to load before Requiem.esp. I am concerned about Appropriately Attired Jarls and the plugin for Skyforge Weapons which load later. I have yet to come across any skyforged weapons to see if they have the correct damage.
Spock Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 (edited) On 3/15/2014 at 5:09 PM, Smile44 said: Testing going well with CORE install, explosive bolts seems to be working fine but I have only tried test plugin 1 so far. Zero problems to report. Need to look at load order though I am currently letting BOSS sort it as it will which means I had to move GDO to load before Requiem.esp. I am concerned about Appropriately Attired Jarls and the plugin for Skyforge Weapons which load later. I have yet to come across any skyforged weapons to see if they have the correct damage. As far as Requiem compatibility goes it really doesn't matter in which order you load them as long as you load the patch last. All the entries where one mod overwrites the other are present in the patch (or should be, I double checked everything). So the entry in the patch gets loaded either way and that entry contains the information from both mods.T5E shows no conflicts with Skyforge Weapons and Appropriatly Attired Jarls. Generally speakiing all record conflicts should be resolved, aside from some WAF perk changes which could benefit Requiem. I do not fully understand perk scripting though so I just kept Requiem's changes for now (maybe Kryptopyr can help, I contacted her about this).There might be other script incompatibilities like with The Paarthurnax Dilemma but those are practically impossible to find without extensive testing. Animated Weapon Enchants accidentily slipped into the master list while adding some mods. The patch doesn't touch any conflicts of Requiem and Animated Weapon Enchants, those still need patching. I added Explosive Bolts Visualized now. The way I understand the object bounds they are used for clipping, so the ones from Explosive bolts are probably the best ones. This shouldn't break anything anyway.New Link:https://www.2shared.com/file/78yYgZ2W/STEP_Pack_Requiem_Patch.html Edited March 16, 2014 by Spock
Smile44 Posted March 16, 2014 Author Posted March 16, 2014 (edited) Message posted in error - nothing to see here. Edited March 16, 2014 by Smile44
dreadflopp Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 I have begun installing this over SR:LE and REGS and some other mods. One quick question. What do you mean by immersive armors ADDON? ("Note: To use the ADDON as required in SR:LE you will also need to install Immersive Weapons.") Maybe you are reffering to an old plugin?
Smile44 Posted March 17, 2014 Author Posted March 17, 2014 (edited) Good call, this is my error it is a file included in Requiem - Immersive Armors and adds items from both IW and IA to various NPCs. To use this file you will need to have IA plus IW plus both Requiem patches for the Addon patch to work. If just adding Requiem to SR:LE then you only need the Requiem - Immersive Armors Patch. I have changed the page to remove this as an option since it is about compatibility with SR:LE as it is so problem now removed. The addon file that I was thinking about (and what confused me) is with Book of Silence and that does not need patching. Edited March 17, 2014 by Smile44
Nicopad Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 (edited) Dreadflop, I am doing the same build, maybe we can share experiences.For the amidian armor add on, i believe that you must not use the one in SR LE but instead the requiem on founf on requiem immersive armors patch page. Yet in order to use it you must also install immersive weapons and it's requiem patch.So far for me everything works fine almost no ctds, just one or two things I am not sure of : Dual entries in the smelter and taning rack. Can't find what's going wrong yet. And not sure if the leveling of items on bandits and traders is as intended with requiem. (guess i have to look that into tes5edit in the bashed patch.esp)Vendors have to much gold, I am going to try without trade and barter. Smile44 where should I put Trade and barter , before or after requiem ?Hope I helped.Smile44 was faster than me on that one, and i think i made the same error, guess i will put back the amidian armor addon from book of silence, see if that solves the smelter and tanning problem. Edited March 17, 2014 by Nicopad
dreadflopp Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Thanks for your answers, I'll install this tonight (CET) and see if I have dual entries at smelters and tanning racks. Everything is downloaded so hopefully I will have it up and running in notime. Is dual wield block compatible/recommended to use with requiem?
Nicopad Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 I am using it without issues for know, a must if you want to hold one handed sword and some spells.
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