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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Ok it shouldn't be a problem, it is likely that the STEP Core patch wont cause any problems you will need to check it in TES5Edit if it appears after Requiem.esp in any records then I would suggest building a STEP Core Requiem Patch to load after but I seriously doubt that there will be any need to as it deals with mods that should not affect Requiem AFAIK. Still I have not built the latest STEP, though I do have a prototype version of 2.29 so maybe I will check it when I get a chance.




If you load the STEP Core patch after Requiem, there will be some Requiem settings overwritten. An example are weapon/armor entries. The Core patch has some entries to make GDO and WAF compatible, so if you load it before Requiem you won't see some GDO features, if you load it after Requiem you won't see some stat changes and possibly some keywords to make certain equipment work with certain perks.


This doesn't break your game in any way, you just miss out some features. Some mods won't work if you do this though. For example Avrak Rewritten uses the esp to point to the textures. Requiem changes Avrak's perks. If you load Requiem last you won't see the Avrak Rewritten textures.


@ Smile: I just took a quick look at your LO. Is there a specific reason you use RS with ELFX? Afaik they are incompatible. Have you tried NLA instead of CoT? It's currently the best looking ENB/weather mod imho.

Posted (edited)

"@ Smile: I just took a quick look at your LO. Is there a specific reason you use RS with ELFXAfaik they are incompatible. Have you tried NLA instead of CoT? It's currently the best looking ENB/weather mod imho."


RS? I am using SR:LE lighting which has RL with ELFX, Neo has made a special version that works with ELFX and is a great lighting solution along with ELE. I have added PW, ESS and SS, just because I can and with Vividian it all really looks and works great.


"This doesn't break your game in any way, you just miss out some features. Some mods won't work if you do this though. For example Avrak Rewritten uses the esp to point to the textures. Requiem changes Avrak's perks. If you load Requiem last you won't see the Avrak Rewritten textures."


So Avrak either needs a patch (best option) or should be loaded after Requiem then have a patch to get the Requiem perks. The choice is yours (said in deep booming game show host type voice).


I have looked briefly at NLA, not sure that it is enough of an improvement (subjective) to be worth changing especially as you can merge lots of weather mods. The main problem i used to have with CoT et al was all the plugins.




P.S. Hey Spock how ya been? I mean apart from all the GPU fun.

Edited by Smile44
  On 7/10/2014 at 9:57 PM, Smile44 said:

RS? I am using SR:LE lighting which has RL with ELFX, Neo has made a special version that works with ELFX and is a great lighting solution along with ELE. I have added PW, ESS and SS, just because I can and with Vividian it all really looks and works great.

I know Relighting Skyrim as RS, didn't know about Neo's version, definitely have to check it out. NLA has the convenience of requiring only one lightweight plugin for weather and the lighting really looks spot on. Especially sunrise, sunset and twilight look like you're in a nordic country. It doesn't work with ELE though (shadows become too deep, maybe NLA disables color correction, dunno).



  On 7/10/2014 at 9:57 PM, Smile44 said:

P.S. Hey Spock how ya been? I mean apart from all the GPU fun.

Fun? Did you play too much Dwarf Fortress? ;)

Thanks for asking! Rather turbulent RL atm. Lots of math exams coming and I have to work again to keep my bed warm. But I can't complain, things work out pretty well at the moment :)

And you?


RS - Relighting Skyrim. Of course having a DOH moment I don't know why but in my head I had Realistic Lighting but I meant Relighting Skyrim. I guess I will have a look at NLA at some point when I have the time, can't hurt - but am in no rush as I am very happy with my Weather and Lighting pack done with Neo's tweaks. Very effective.


I'm good very busy though term ends soon so I can put my feet up.



Posted (edited)

LOOT tells me the Requiem.esp has 306 ITM records and 10 UDR records. I obviously cleaned the latter ones but what about the ITMs? Does anyone know if those are safe to clean?


Edit: After cleaning the UDRs, LOOT doesn't show a warning about ITMs anymore. Pretty sure I didn't clean them, I double checked TES5Edit's log.


Edit2: Cleaning the UDRs apparently resulted in breaking the intro sequence when starting a new game (wild bouncing carraige madness/general pathfinding issues). After switching back to the uncleaned esp everything worked fine and stable. Will leave the esp as it is for now.

Edited by deadbody

Yes don't clean the plugin, a big no no. Incidentally Azirok has just released a patch for SoT - going to try to get two of my favorite mods into the same game, brilliant.



  • +1 2

To test Inmsonia ENB, i had to remove CoT. After that, all my CTDs disappeared. I don´t know what was wrong but there were too many esp and patches.


I am testing now Quests with requiem and i need some advices.

Falksar and Wyrmstooth have their requiem patches, so there are no problem with them. 

I have read the bottomless pit and into the deep don´t need patches. Any more quest without the need of patch?

will I need a patch to play "helgen Reborn"?


Finally I'm hesitant to include Immersive weapons and immersive armors. I have read they are more quantity than quality. I haven´t played a full game yet, so I am considering I will have enough with all the STEP armors and weapons (amidian born). What do you suggest?

  On 7/15/2014 at 5:32 PM, Roberbond said:

I am testing now Quests with requiem and i need some advices.

Falksar and Wyrmstooth have their requiem patches, so there are no problem with them. 

I have read the bottomless pit and into the deep don´t need patches. Any more quest without the need of patch?

will I need a patch to play "helgen Reborn"?


As a general rule of thump: Any mod that adds or alters NPCs needs a patch to work with Requiem. Maybe this will be different with the new version and skyproc patcher. This is because NPCs lacking perks will be very weak in Requiem. It won't break the game, but possibly break game balance.


  On 7/15/2014 at 5:32 PM, Roberbond said:

Finally I'm hesitant to include Immersive weapons and immersive armors. I have read they are more quantity than quality. I haven´t played a full game yet, so I am considering I will have enough with all the STEP armors and weapons (amidian born). What do you suggest?

I haven't actually testet this but afaik most of immersive weapons and armors is included in Requiem anyway. For me personally that means enough diversity.


Interesting point, but I would say no. Mainly because you wont need it and also because Requiem already changes many of the things that you might change in SCU. The only reason to use SCU would be if you were expecting to level higher than 81. By which time in Requiem, you will have conquered all of Skyrim and all of the DLCs including added lands and quests.




YOu could still use the Uncapper to customize the type of character you want. Requiem probably slows downs leveling a bit and so you could increase the weight of some skills and decrease others. Something like a Ranger could have more weight toward Archery, Light Armor, One-Handed, Sneak, and maybe one magic like Illusion, and decrease weight of Heavy Armor, Two-Handed, the other Magicka schools. Just make sure that any of the SkillExpGainMults and PCLevelSkillExpMults are not set to zero. If you want to not contribute to Player Character level when that skill levels, then set it to .1 or .2 so that it takes 10 or 5 levels of that skill to contribute as much as one default level up.


Here's an example of my ranger:

This is not my Requiem INI though, this part is for a regular playthrough with a default of .7 as the starting point that all skills are increased and decreased from for the speed they level.


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Then This is how much they contribute to overall player level with crafting dropped way down so I couldn't spam even if I wanted to.


  Reveal hidden contents



I have a question regarding the entry "The Paarthurnax Dilemma - Patch needed see note above.". I am stupid, but i can't find any note for The Paarthurnax Dilemma. Please tell if and how i can use it. 


Thanks in advance and continue doing an awesome job.

Posted (edited)

That is in fact a file I can't easily link to as it was made by a nexus user that did not add it as a mod. He links to it in the Requiem forum on the nexus in the specific forum about compatibility. I may contact him about that. The patch exists though in the STEP Requiem patch which you can get from the pack page.


UPDATE: I have placed a BUM load order rules list for use with this pack. It should help you to order all your mods correctly, plus instructions. Unfortunately the Spoiler trick doesn't seem to work on that part of the wiki so it is a long list. Oh well.


I have made a patch for Sofia, which works well, I am trying to contact the mod author for some feedback before I shove it over to him or release it on the Nexus. I f anyone would like to test it then pm me and I will email it to you. I have basically increased her buffs and perks and changed her weapons. She originally came quite well buffed (as well as in the buff - almost) and with a hunting bow and steel sword. She now has 2 Skyforge Steel Swords (I like seeing NPCs dual wield) and a glass bow. She is meant to be a hardy and tough character as well as all her funny quirks etc so I basically toughened her up some more. This may make her OP though so I want to test it further to see how she does.



Edited by Smile44
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