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I wonder why the author didn't go for any snow overhang from the roof. Snow tend to clump up into big overhangs before it falls down. I suppose the house owners could have swept it down since that amount of snow on thatch roofs seems kind of dangerous.


Lots of odd art decisions here and there but it looks pretty good.


Yeah, though you do see that on occasion when the snow on lower parts of roofs has slide off - but it's a bit unusual, not uniform on every building at exactly thee same spot and you usually see a mound of snow on the ground under the roof where it fell.


Still the author seems to be making good progress modding the snowy roofs, hopefully he will keep improving them and work on compatibility (especially with ETaC).


Still looks better than without the mod though (IMO). What is the problem with SMIM that everyone here keeps talking about? I have SMIM installed and didn't notice anything strange-looking with NSUtheR (but I'm not as savvy as the people around here). I get no conflicts in Mod Organizer with both mods installed either.


Still looks better than without the mod though (IMO). What is the problem with SMIM that everyone here keeps talking about? I have SMIM installed and didn't notice anything strange-looking with NSUtheR (but I'm not as savvy as the people around here). I get no conflicts in Mod Organizer with both mods installed either.

You obviously do not use the new 3d ropes then. :)

Posted (edited)

Yeah, though you do see that on occasion when the snow on lower parts of roofs has slide off - but it's a bit unusual, not uniform on every building at exactly thee same spot and you usually see a mound of snow on the ground under the roof where it fell.

He's added piles of snow on the ground. That's one of the reasons for the ESP.

When snow has begun to melt it often makes those sharp dropoffs like seen on the roof. I think it looks really solid, I'm just hoping Better Town Textures patch gets updated to be compatible w/ latest versions. I'd rather not have to choose, lol.

The author has made some notes about Better Dynamic Snow and SMIM compatibility on a sticky post. I'm not savvy enough to know if he's right, though, lol.


EDIT: And maybe it's the language barrier but as a potential user I feel like I'm being blackmailed into propping up his/her ego. Holy prima donna behavior.

Edited by Noobsayer

Did a quick test, the SMIM thing I believe Neovalen might be referring to are the ropes that wrap around the farmhouse wood pillars. They are flat again, the rope railing between the pillars is still 3d though. Not a mod guru so I have no idea how that would be fixed


It's actually quite straightforward to make some compatible assets, but does require some basic knowledge of working with NifSkope and is quite a tedious job. Essentially, you create versions of Prometheus' snowy meshes that are based on the SMIM meshes but with Prometheus' extra snow objects on them. It is, essentially, lots of copy-and-pasting. I've done it for myself, but since I'm mashing up assets from two other people's mods I'm not going to release what I've done. In fact, even if I had permission to release my munged meshes, I'd far rather they were incorporated into either SMIM or NSUtR directly. And, after all, I may have done it wrong, although it seems to look OK in my game.

Posted (edited)

Is this mod really worth the hassle with Better Towns Textures/SMIM/BDS, etc.? We should just bring the SMIM issue up the mod author, let him/her fix it, and also tell the author of Better Towns Textures that he needs to update the No Snow Under Roofs patch. Right?

Edited by DoYouEvenModBro

I don't know if it's the language barrier but he seems to have trouble understanding some of the instructions and/or requests on his page. It might help to send the author your fixed stuff Winterlove to maybe help him gain a better understanding of what needed to be done, idono. IMO this mod will be essential for me once all the compatibility stuff is taken into account.


I don't know if it's the language barrier but he seems to have trouble understanding some of the instructions and/or requests on his page. It might help to send the author your fixed stuff Winterlove to maybe help him gain a better understanding of what needed to be done, idono. IMO this mod will be essential for me once all the compatibility stuff is taken into account.

A language barrier would definitely be a pain in the a**, especially when using technical lingo that may be relevant to only one language. This mod DOES seem pretty cool. I'm not going to use it until the compatibility issues are fixed though. I've got enough incompatibilities as it is. 


Nice - Prometheus just put out a new version - 2.2. I haven't been able to see the additional content yet, but I appreciate the author's continual efforts in improving the mod. Although I didn't confirm this, the author had said that they had BDS working properly with the previous version 2.1. After some people suggested to the author to use TES5Edit on the mod, the author appears to be using that tool as well now with version 2.2. I suspect it won't be long until the author figures out how to do some kind of SMIM patch for the ropes also, since supposedly it would be a fairly uncomplicated mixing/merging of the author's farmhouse meshes with the 3D ropes farmhouse meshes in SMIM? (from my understanding of what I hear from others)


Why not ask the author of SMIM, Brumbek, to help out?


He's already collaborated with other mod authors to produce custom meshes - for example, the new full 3D windmill sails in SkyFalls & SkyMills. Also, many authors have incorporated his meshes into their mods.


Then there are two ways to make SMIM-enhanced meshes available:

1. A simple mesh replacement, as an option in the No Snow Under the Roof installer - which should be installed after SMIM (unless you use MO.)

2. A second .esp plugin option, by doing the following: Any new custom mesh(es) that combine Brumbeck's improvements with Prometheus' added snow would be given (a) different name(s), which are referenced in a No Snow Under the Roof (SMIM compatible) .esp plugin. This would allow for the fullest compatibility because the modified mesh(es) would not get used in vanilla Skyrim (or at least for those people not using NSUtR), and they also would not overwrite the vanilla or the vanilla-replacing SMIM meshes.


Now, who is friends with Brumbek that could help make an introduction to discuss creating a few modified meshes?

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