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Realistic Aspen Trees by AceeQ


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Checked it in-game. Looks like a natural addition!


Not much to say really... Simple mod.


Why have the aspen trees in skyirm all the same color? I'm sick of this monotony, so I decided to make this simple modification which will recolor the aspen trees in yellow-green, red and orange colors. I've also recolored the LOD textures for vanilla and SFO.


This works for vanilla skyrim and for skyrim flora overhaul.

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I welcome some color variation, but I'm not sure that Aspen trees actually have that much of it. Apparently they are all one life form connected underground and they can spread around resources in the root system so the trees all tend to follow the same seasonal cycle.


We do need some of that red in mix though, that looks fantastic.

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Oh yes there are some trees indeed, and they looks great, but you know what, the better things are the more people want :D Complete nature overhaul would be absolutely awesome (and is totally unrealistic, too).


Not sure what's currently in the works - I read something, but I don't think I saw any videos (or I don't remember).

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I welcome some color variation, but I'm not sure that Aspen trees actually have that much of it. Apparently they are all one life form connected underground and they can spread around resources in the root system so the trees all tend to follow the same seasonal cycle.


We do need some of that red in mix though, that looks fantastic.

Well, you're right. "All of the aspens typically grow in large clonal colonies, derived from a single seedling, and spread by means of root suckers".


TIL asperns are able to survive forest fires, because the roots are below the heat of the fire, with new sprouts growing after the fire burns out.



EDIT: this guy and his videos...



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  • 1 month later...

Realistic Aspen Trees...


I use an ENB and the Yellow Aspens were a bit too bright in the distance.. I also like the orange-ish color this mod presents, but the greatest benefit is the lower saturation (DE-saturated) version.


The view is much less jarring, far more interesting and, to me, more realistic. I grew up in forested mountain country, this mod is a step in the right direction.


Fall leaves...


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Should users of all ENBs use the DE-Saturated version? 

Most of the time...yes but it would be disingenuous of me to say that every enb preset out there would look better with the de-saturated version. Also, there's no accounting for taste.


An aside on rating artwork:

I am always leery of the "testing" ( by others) of mods that make aesthetic changes to the game because:

a.) one is required or encouraged at some level to defer to another person's assessment of aesthetic virtues once the results are "compiled" -this pronounced judgement is based on mood or "feeling" or  other equally squishy criteria.

b.) the test and the results can not be objectively based because the subject is not conducive to universal objective valuation

Texture overhauls fit into this, excepting "mechanical" errors like missing meshes or alpha channels, etc. Testing has no other meaning.

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