blitzen Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 You might want to get to an interior cell and wait for 31 days to let all of the cells reset, then see if the same thing happens. Sometimes waiting clears problems like that. Sometimes it doesn't. Have you visited those cells previously with the same character?
George79 Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 I will try the waiting sequence see if this fixes it. Yes I have done a full stress run with this character and I must have passed the riverwood area at least three times and another 4-5 around whiterun. Edit: Nope, waiting 31 days indoors, doesn't help resolve the problem.
thalixte Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 Quote I will try the waiting sequence see if this fixes it. Yes I have done a full stress run with this character and I must have passed the riverwood area at least three times and another 4-5 around whiterun. Edit: Nope, waiting 31 days indoors, doesn't help resolve the problem.Hello, Have you checked the allocation blocks of TESV.exe, using VMMAP ? The first block must be at least 512 Mo in order for Skyrim to be stable.Also, have you enabled ENBoost ? Without it, you should face some problems when your used RAM reaches 3.1 GB (as TESV.exe is a 32bit application).Some recent mod updates can cause CTD due to bad meshes edit (such as Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax combined with moss rocks). Hope it helps...Â
George79 Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 Hi thanks for the answer. Yes I use the SSME and ENBoost both. I still get the crashes. I restarted the game, new character and all, same mod installation and had a couple of crashes around riverwood. Now I'm in Bleak Falls Barrow and when trying to exit after the word wall fight, I crash. I can't get out. Will uninstall the parallaxes and see if it helps. I haven't checked with VMM but I've set the blocks to 512 and 256 respectively. Is it still OK? Holy cow thalixte! I un-installed vivid lanscapes all in one and I got out of BFB no crash!! OK that mod is out of here. Let's see further down the road... Thanks!!
Astakos Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 Are u sure you have installed the most recent version of Moss Rocks Compatibility Patch of VL-AIO?
George79 Posted February 7, 2014 Posted February 7, 2014 Astake, yes I have installed the compatibility patch. I've no idea why it crashed. Now that VL is gone, it seems stable as ever. So far. I will go further down and see how it goes.
Nearox Posted February 7, 2014 Posted February 7, 2014 Perhaps Lighting During Thunder Storms fits better in the weather category, just a small thing :P
Glanzer Posted February 7, 2014 Posted February 7, 2014 @SkulldozeR: I wonder if vivid landscapes could be DDSOpt'd to correct any issues, i.e. use 8192x8192 to not change the texture sizes.
keithinhanoi Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 Heads up everyone - Gopher has finally made one of his wonderfully informative videos . He also explains the use of sheson's Memory Block Log SKSE plugin tool to determine what memory block allocations you should use. Especially recommended for those who have trouble reading ;p - Have a look!
CJ2311 Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 I know how the patch works, yet have the whole video and have no idea why ._.
Nearox Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 Just saw I made a post here related to srle... lolz :D
varrgas Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 hi, like he said, Gopher make a video for the new memmory patch, i have test it and that totaly incredible for me.That toatly fix my CTD (i use extend STEP + other many mod for difficulty and other) . But i have a question, in Blood enchanced, you tell to take Skyrim Memory Patch 3.0 and add this in SKSE.ini Quote [Memory]Enable=1MemBlock1=512MemBlock2=256 [Debug]WriteMinidumps=1and, is this compatible with the SKSE new patch with 1.7.0 ? : Quote [Memory]DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768ScrapHeapSizeMB=256or did i just have to use the new tweak than the older for Blood enchanced ? i know those technical question are hard, and i ask many question this week ^^ sorry about that. I just really want to help and test many thingh to build the more Stable STEP, and ofc found what can be in conflict.
Octopuss Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 The latter is only valid if you use the alpha version of SKSE which has the memory patch built in it, but with some slight changes (hence the different numbers). The former applies if you use the patch as standalone plugin (I hope I got it right).
varrgas Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 yeah i know that, but i want to know if the tweak in SKSE.ini for Blood enchanced still important , or can be there in the same time as the Memory tweak, or not ?
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