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  • 2 weeks later...

This may be a strange question, but when I install the skse scripts from the archive, should the resulting mod be called SKSE, or what it defaults to: "skse 1 07 03"? I seem to remember the default causing a problem in the past...


The "name" of the mod installed in MO is irrelevant as the game never sees that, all that is important is the existence of a folder called: SKSE and an INI inside it called: skse.ini. Of course this is in addition to a folder called: scripts that contain the actual scripts.

  • 2 weeks later...

There seems to be an issue caused by skse save file generation or at least related. I'm using Mod Organizer for running skyrim with mods, if that matters, but I'm pretty sure I narrowed down the problem to .skse save file. Basically it affects quicksaves and autosaves following this algorithm (using quicksave as example):

1. It's time to save
2. Is there .skse save file present in skyrim save folder from previous quicksave? If answer is "no" goto 4.
3. Hang game for 30ish seconds (this is where the issue is)
4. Save done!
I noticed that when .skse file not present - it just gets instantly created. When it is present though, it's size jumps to 0 when I press save and quickly ramps up to usual 840 KB, but that's not the end! While game is "hanging" (or atl how it looks) the file keeps changing size in range from about 500 KB to 700 KB, and after "hanging" is over it takes it's usual 840 ish KB size.
To observe this I used a few things: tweak that allows game to keep running in background and borderless window mode, and Total Commander with saves folder opened and contents refresh rate set reasonably high, so I could notice file jumping in size back and forth.
Post from another user with same problem on nexus forums: https://forums.nexusm...fast-otherwise/
I did test described in link above myself, it does indeed seem that my issue occurs on step "Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data...".


I'm using your STEP Guid for the first time, and I think it's rather complicated and takes a lot of time. But anyway, this doesn't mean I don't like it, nor that I won't use it as a base for me next Skyrim playthrough.


But back to topic, I spotted a small shortage in the "https://wiki.step-project.com/Skyrim_Script_Extender#Recommendations" Section. In my opinion, there should be an instruction as where to position the "SKSE - Scripts" Mod after installing it. When you just add it, then it is at the last position (7 at this part of the guide). But in the linked video, the author says it should be at zero.

Which order is right and can you please add it to the wiki page? Thank you very much!


Ps.: Is it normal that there is no instruction that says that you have to enable the mod, or is it just assumed to be self-evident?


Welcome to STEP, Zombo! :-)


It doesn't matter where the SKSE scripts go, as long as they are before any mods that use SKSE. If you follow the STEP guide, none of the items with a lower priority order in MO use SKSE at all.


Mine is actually 13th. 0-6 is the base game and cleaned ESMs. 7 is USLEEP. 8-11 is the High Resolution Texture packs and the Unofficial patch for them. 12 is the STEP Optimized Textures. 13 is finally the SKSE scripts.


Whether I put it at 0 or 13, it won't make a difference.


Edit: Also, as a rule, follow the text instead of the video when they conflict. The video was made with an earlier version of STEP, and is somewhat outdated.


Also, it is assumed when you download a mod that you tick the check box to enable it. Why download a mod if you don't want to use it? :-)


Welcome to STEP @Zombo


SKSE isn't a mod in the same sense as all the other mods used in modding, so it really doesn't matter where it goes. For the sake of ease, placing it at 0 is fine and will work perfectly. Placing it last will also work but it might look odd to the user in the list of mods.


This works in this manner because SKSE is a DLL and has no bearing on the actuall plugins (esm/esp) that the game loads. All DLLs are loaded first regardless of their position.


@Nebulous has already explained the 'scripts' positioning. (ninja'd)

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the warm welcome @Nebulous112 and @GrantSP !
I think I got it, and can now continue. 
But I have another two questions. As detailed as the guide is, I have to read several parts twice or more. I would post it to a convenient thread, but the Wiki Page had no corresponding link.
@Nebulous112 Said his base game is 0-6. That confused me a little bit, cause according to the guide most of my files are vanilla + cleaned esm.


If I interpret the wiki guide correct, it's ok either way and shouldn't make any difference, am I right?


Right now I'm cogitating about the next step "STEP Optimized Vanilla Textures". I'm not sure if the instructions fit in any way to what happens in the installer. I download the High Res version, and it asks about components which will be installed much later.


The guide doesn't mention this. What am I missing?


Thanks for your time!

Edited by Zombo

The way you have sorted is fine.

As for the installer, if you d/l it only recently then you might have a broken installer. @TechAngel is currently examining an issue and this may require you grabbing that file again.


I think you're installing the wrong file for this step. If you go back to the mod page, click the Files tab, and scroll down the page a bit until you find STEP Optimized Vanilla Textures - Performance Version 1.2 under Optional Files. This one contains the optimized vanilla textures that you want to install for this step. The main files are installed later in the patches section of the guide.

Posted (edited)

@GrantSP: Thanks for checking this out!

@Greg: Thank you very much for pointing me into the right direction. Got it now. But I must say, I think the description needs to get a little bit more detail. I don't think its obvious to link to that mods page, and download something slightly different. I mean I know, there is "Optional Files" written, but at least I didn't get it ^^


I'm quite sure I will have further questions concerning details, and I don't want to abuse this thread more than I have to. Which would be the right place for this small question I have?

Edited by Zombo
General is always a good spot if you don't know where to post. The Mod Anthology forum contains all the threads for current mods in STEP. If you have a question about a particular mod, either would be appropriate. A question regarding multiple mods would be better served in General.
  On 2/2/2016 at 10:31 PM, Greg said:

You might read Groovtama's explanation of this issue in the XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended thread.

I see, thanks for link. I didn't understand it 100%, but as far as I get - it's caused in my case by the fact that I was running XPMSE and a bunch of other skse dependant mods with ugrids at 7. It resulted in its turn in .skse file growth and longer save times.


Now, to the part "how to fix it".


I already switched back to ugrids 5, after reading quite a bit on that topic, and not planning to raise it again. I did possible housekeeping with script cleaner on my save, and game still runs smooth, only problem is that .skse file didn't get any smaller (I guess it doesn't get cleaned with with save cleaner or skse cleaning functionality).


The question is: if I delete that .skse and save again - what consequences will I get?

I did try that and I loaded perfectly fine, and game was still running well. And save time issue was much less severe (instead of 20 sec it was like 1 sec). I didn't test long enough to see if it did mess up something, but I didn't notice any problems in few minutes of running around. And new .skse file got smaller by a good margin.


Here is my current modlist and other stuff: https://www.modwat.ch/u/nomaddc


Also I got a bit confused if using XPMSE is a good thing or bad thing in my setup? SHould I fall back to XPMS as recommended in STEP (it is not compatible with HDT setting I'm using though)? And if I remove it will it help with preventing this saving issue?

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