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Figured it might not be a bad idea to just start a general SR support thread for help since the feedback thread is focused on actual SR feedback. I'll start this off.


So was playing earlier today, then went and made today's latest changes:


- Updated Lanterns of Skyrim to use Realistic Lighting Overhaul optional preset.

- Added SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators. Removed More Village Animals and Roosters At Dawn

- Updated Apahii Skyhair Natural Retexture.


I also added Grass on Steroids and it's associated INI changes.


I now CTD every time on the menu load. I reversed the INI changes, unloaded SkyTest and Grass on Steroids and still CTD.


What would be the first steps I should in debugging this?



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I'm getting a BOSS error for Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade Multi-Mod Compatibility Patch - Dawnguard Version. It's giving me a missing "imp_helm_imp.esp". Anyone else have this?



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I'm going to imagine this has something to do with DSR and the various animation mods we have gong but I just noticed something for the first time after going back to my sword and shield character. It's setup to the guide as instructed, however my Nord's shield when sheathed disappears completely and the sword is on his hip.


The fun bit is I started running and noticed I was standing on something and sure enough once I got on flat ground I found the shield...it's my Nord's new skateboard!


Any idea what needs to be tweaked or redone to get the shield properly on his back again? I will note the sword is on his hip and he is properly drawing from the hip (though there is no sheathe, not sure if thats intended or not when it's on his hip).


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I had this happen when I installed the lastest XP32 skeleton. I ended up redoing XP32, DSR, and Immersive Animations. That fixed it, but I am not sure which one since I redid all and then checked the result.
Oh, so I reinstalled said mods and manually ensured the XP32 stuff was moved over. While the shield is now properly being stored on my back, my 1H sword (while on my back), the sheathe/unsheathe animations are happening from the left hip. Suggested fix/procedure?


Thanks in advance.

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This happened when people used the wrong installer on Bergzoe's Animations. I think you need to not use the integrated FOMOD installer (or maybe you need to use it - I forget which).

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Noticed a couple of strange things. A glowing blue light emanating from my character during daytime hours, particularly my hands, no matter what I'm wearing or have equipped. Definitely a light because it will conform to the shape of objects as I move across them. It gradually increases in intensity in the early morning until it's plainly visible at 8 am, stays strong all day and then at 6 pm gradually decreases to nothing and stays that way all night. 


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And a place on the far horizon where the sky kind of seems to stop. Particularly striking at night when it's almost pitch black but I can see a blue stripe on the far horizon.


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Any ideas?


P.S. Mods exported from Wrye just in case



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Glowing weapon/light: ENB related. I believe it's a side effect of SSAO (Aiyen correct me if I'm wrong)

I *think* the horizon thing is from CoT and is intentional. Anyone got an opinion?



That being said, now I have a question/problem. I seem to be pretty stable running around the game, except for that damned road just outside Riverwood... any ideas? VRAM is only 2500 and so is RAM, was the first thing I checked. Usually a freeze not a CTD. Papyrus log is squeaky clean.


Edit: Using google search I am not alone... even unmodded the area can cause bad CTD.

Edit2: Go figure, re-enabling ENB (which I disabled for added fps during testing) fixes the issue. Guess there is something to that "crash fix" Boris goes on about ;)

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Glowing weapon/light: ENB related. I believe it's a side effect of SSAO (Aiyen correct me if I'm wrong)

I *think* the horizon thing is from CoT and is intentional. Anyone got an opinion?



That being said, now I have a question/problem. I seem to be pretty stable running around the game, except for that damned road just outside Riverwood... any ideas? VRAM is only 2500 and so is RAM, was the first thing I checked. Usually a freeze not a CTD. Papyrus log is squeaky clean.


Edit: Using google search I am not alone... even unmodded the area can cause bad CTD.

Edit2: Go figure, re-enabling ENB (which I disabled for added fps during testing) fixes the issue. Guess there is something to that "crash fix" Boris goes on about ;)

So no fix for the glow other than turning off SSAO I assume.


If it's intentional, seems like a strange design choice. It really stands out to me. Here's a better example.


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I've had issue with that damn road since skyrim first came out and I played it vanilla, and continue to with my current build. I just cross to the other side of the river and enter Riverwood from across the bridge out of habit anymore. 

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I've been google searching the horizon issue, seems a common complaint... not sure it's related to CoT... I took out ENB to check and it's not caused by ENB. Will try running vanilla and see what it shows.


Edit: Starting to think it's a vanilla problem when your in high places... can't see it from low elevations but on hills it's definitely visible.

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I've been google searching the horizon issue, seems a common complaint... not sure it's related to CoT... I took out ENB to check and it's not caused by ENB. Will try running vanilla and see what it shows.


Edit: Starting to think it's a vanilla problem when your in high places... can't see it from low elevations but on hills it's definitely visible.

it is horisons gradient issue as I recall. can be eliminated by right settings in enb
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Hi, Neovalen

thank you for the great work, though i need some help with post installing skyrim revisited


I have installed skyrim revisited quite by a guideline, except using lower resolution textures whenever possible and used RLO - Dungeons with hazardous interiors and CoT with warm interiors (maybe thats the issue).


I get like random CTD's when entering other interior\exterior locations. Yesterday had a CTD trying entering the Bannered Mare, today trying to start a character with alternative start and picking holdhelding Breezehome right after using a bed, also one after trying entering a Whiterun.

I haven't done much testing yet, but it doesnt seem i have any issues while not changing location, and i dont think they repeat in same place. Yesterday i entered Whiterun without issues for example. Though its absolotely game breaking, as i can't play more than 30 minutes without CTD.


Also i have a problem with ENB - during the sunny day everything around is extremely not realistic shiny.


I would be very grateful for any advice for these issues.



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I've been google searching the horizon issue, seems a common complaint... not sure it's related to CoT... I took out ENB to check and it's not caused by ENB. Will try running vanilla and see what it shows.


Edit: Starting to think it's a vanilla problem when your in high places... can't see it from low elevations but on hills it's definitely visible.

it is horisons gradient issue as I recall. can be eliminated by right settings in enb


I always was under the impression this is vanilla problem and nothing can be helped to resolve it. I really hope I'm wrong though! :)



Hi, Neovalen

thank you for the great work, though i need some help with post installing skyrim revisited


I have installed skyrim revisited quite by a guideline, except using lower resolution textures whenever possible and used RLO - Dungeons with hazardous interiors and CoT with warm interiors (maybe thats the issue).


I get like random CTD's when entering other interior\exterior locations. Yesterday had a CTD trying entering the Bannered Mare, today trying to start a character with alternative start and picking holdhelding Breezehome right after using a bed, also one after trying entering a Whiterun.

I haven't done much testing yet, but it doesnt seem i have any issues while not changing location, and i dont think they repeat in same place. Yesterday i entered Whiterun without issues for example. Though its absolotely game breaking, as i can't play more than 30 minutes without CTD.


Also i have a problem with ENB - during the sunny day everything around is extremely not realistic shiny.


I would be very grateful for any advice for these issues.




Did you try reinstalling CoT weathers only without the interiors?


As for the ENB I presume this is too much bloom. Try reducing it (press tilde to bring up console, then Shift+Enter to bring the ENB menu and look for bloomamount settings (or something along those lines, I can't check what it was exactly called - at work atm) and reduce the value.

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Wish people would keep the ENB issues in the ENB thread, so I actually notice them fast! :D


The horizon issue is game engine related (Game world boundary), and as such cannot be dealt with other then trying to make sure that the ENB settings minimize it for every weather, which with CoT is more or less impossible. It cannot however be eliminated entirely. Many have tried and still try over at the ENB forums.


Axnotic: The brightness issue is one that is related to the very bright days that CoT has that many ENB presets do not really take into account. Mainly it is because they change the adaptation values so that the overall scene gets extremely bright because there is nothing to dampen. CoT was designed with adaptation in mind, hence any preset that says they are CoT compatible but do not have adaptation most likely will have issues with certain weathers. (Some have other ways of dealing with this so take the comment with a gain of salt)

As I recall then realvision does alter adaptation... but not sure and I do not have the files laying about right now.


You can either alter the weather into something else by another weather ID and then type "sw WeatherID" in the console and the weather will change.

Alternatively you can change the directlightingintensity and bloom intensity in the ingame GUI for the duration of the weather, and then when it changes you can press backspace to restore the default settings again.

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@ rootsrat - thx, i reinstalled CoT with recommended setting, now CTD's are gone. Will go for more testing though, going for a long run today evening through all cities in skyrim and all buildings.

@ Aiyen - i'm using Realvision with recommended settings, nothing is altered. Any ideas? I'm going to follow your recommendations for now, but i think there should be some better way... anyway sorry for posting ENB issue here, my main problem was the CTD's. Going to make a post in ENB section for further investigation of the issue.



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