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Current Dyndolod 3 Alpha 42 + updated resources installed. Texgen just run (Grass LOD not selected).

Issue with Grass LOD generation - apparently - which is odd as I have not selected to generate grass LODs, do not have "No Grass In Objects", nor do I intend to.

Produced error - "Item not Found" without specifying what file - selected "help for this message", directed to /Games/DynDoLod/DynDOLOD/docs/help/Exception.html which tells me it is a missing or corrupt *.cgid file to be found in my /Data/Grass directory

The Generating Grass LOD post (second in this thread) tells me these *.cgid files are generated by "No Grass In Objects" - so on one hand it is not surprising that Dyndolod couldn't find them, but on the other hand, why was it looking for them if I didn't have Grass LOD generation selected?.

Repeated, and I went in and made absolutely sure nothing to do with Grass LOD generation was selected. Same error generated at the end of a big batch of Blackreach warnings

Where next? I suppose roll back to the previous version.

  On 9/14/2021 at 9:15 AM, Tetrol88 said:

Current Dyndolod 3 Alpha 42 + updated resources installed. Texgen just run (Grass LOD not selected).

Issue with Grass LOD generation - apparently - which is odd as I have not selected to generate grass LODs, do not have "No Grass In Objects", nor do I intend to.

Produced error - "Item not Found" without specifying what file - selected "help for this message", directed to /Games/DynDoLod/DynDOLOD/docs/help/Exception.html which tells me it is a missing or corrupt *.cgid file to be found in my /Data/Grass directory

The Generating Grass LOD post (second in this thread) tells me these *.cgid files are generated by "No Grass In Objects" - so on one hand it is not surprising that Dyndolod couldn't find them, but on the other hand, why was it looking for them if I didn't have Grass LOD generation selected?.

Repeated, and I went in and made absolutely sure nothing to do with Grass LOD generation was selected. Same error generated at the end of a big batch of Blackreach warnings

Where next? I suppose roll back to the previous version.


Read the first post what log files and bugreport to upload when making posts.

You wrote that the message is "item not found".  Obviously the explanations for a different error message "Error reading grass [worldspace] [x,y]"  do not apply to a different error message. Also if Grass LOD is not checked, then nothing about Grass LOD applies...

So, what applies is the instructions to "See Errors in case the information below does not help."  If you click through to Errors.html you will find:

"Item not found or Duplicates not allowed errors are a problem with the tools encoutering unexpected situations that need to be reported as explained below.", which then explains basically the same as the first post, which log files to upload when making a post.

Yes, the alpha status also applies to the documentation. It is not well sorted and written yet.

Where next? You are participating in an alpha test to find problems and bugs and report them. Post the log files and bugreport as explained.



I am using xLODGen Beta 84 and TexGen/DynDOLOD 3.0 with Enderal VR.  I have always gone thru the following process without issue:

1. Run xLODGen with Perfect Terrain LOD (as temporary textures for xLODGen generation only)

2. Run TexGen

3. Run DynDOLOD 3.0 

These steps have always worked flawlessly for me and I've had no issues with terrain/object/tree LOD.  After updating to DynDOLOD Alpha 42, I receive the following error when running DynDOLOD 3.0:  Incorrect terrain LOD for MQP01Home.  See below for log files:

DynDOLOD_ENDERALSE_log.txt: https://ufile.io/vpzxe8pr

DynDOLOD_ENDERALSE_Debug_log.txt: https://ufile.io/1c0klc7l

I was actually able fix this issue by simply re-running xLODGen and unticking the worldspace for MQP01Home "Home, Sweet Home" [WRLD:0000003C].  DynDOLOD runs fine now and terrain LODs look great!

I believe I'm actually all set but was just wondering if the above fix is considered an optimal solution for using xLODGen + Perfect Terrain LOD with Enderal VR?  Thanks! 

  On 9/14/2021 at 1:43 PM, Ashok0 said:


I am using xLODGen Beta 84 and TexGen/DynDOLOD 3.0 with Enderal VR.  I have always gone thru the following process without issue:

1. Run xLODGen with Perfect Terrain LOD (as temporary textures for xLODGen generation only)

2. Run TexGen

3. Run DynDOLOD 3.0 

These steps have always worked flawlessly for me and I've had no issues with terrain/object/tree LOD.  After updating to DynDOLOD Alpha 42, I receive the following error when running DynDOLOD 3.0:  Incorrect terrain LOD for MQP01Home.  See below for log files:

DynDOLOD_ENDERALSE_log.txt: https://ufile.io/vpzxe8pr

DynDOLOD_ENDERALSE_Debug_log.txt: https://ufile.io/1c0klc7l

I was actually able fix this issue by simply re-running xLODGen and unticking the worldspace for MQP01Home "Home, Sweet Home" [WRLD:0000003C].  DynDOLOD runs fine now and terrain LODs look great!

I believe I'm actually all set but was just wondering if the above fix is considered an optimal solution for using xLODGen + Perfect Terrain LOD with Enderal VR?  Thanks! 


Why would you install "perfect" terrain LOD when using xLODGen to generate terrain LOD? That mod was made by simply running xLODGen to generate terrain LOD for the default Skyrim worldspaces. If you want to use its noise.dds in the game just keep that single texture and remove everything else.

"Perfect" terrain LOD includes a renamed SSE-Terrain-Tamriel.esm which doesn't need to be loaded in the normal game, since it is a resource for generating terrain LOD for Tamriel.

Installing a plugin that contains records for the Tamriel worldspace, means they are placed into Enderals MQP01Home worldspace, which doesn't make much sense. Worse there could be unintentional overwrites of records if plugins for a different game are installed without checking what happens to the vanilla Enderal game data.

  On 9/14/2021 at 12:17 PM, Tetrol88 said:

Ok - Not that anything seems different to what I have stated

The last generated Worldspace message/txt https://ufile.io/peob5cnm

Dyndolod_SSE_log.txt https://ufile.io/fe6kmc8v

Truncated Dyndolod_SSE_Debug_log.txt https://ufile.io/peob5cnm



The first post only mentions to truncate the normal log to the last meaningful generation, as it appends each sessions.
Do not truncate the debug log. It always contains the last session.

Upload the bugreport.txt as explained in the first post.


I also got the "Item not found" error consistently on Alpha 42, I purged the DynDOLOD Standalone folder entirely and used the clean 42 files and then it ran fine. I previously copied it over 39 so there must've been something left in there.

  On 9/15/2021 at 1:52 PM, Viscerous said:

I also got the "Item not found" error consistently on Alpha 42, I purged the DynDOLOD Standalone folder entirely and used the clean 42 files and then it ran fine. I previously copied it over 39 so there must've been something left in there.


Yes, that is why following the installations say:
Unpack the DynDOLOD Standalone archive into a new empty 'DynDOLOD' directory that is outside of special OS folders like 'Programs Files' or 'Program Files (x86)', User, Documents, Desktop, Download and also not in SteamApps, game or any mod manager folders.


After upgrading from 0.39 to 0.42 Dyndolod seems to not work correctly. I installed No Grass in Objects V8 last night and everything works fine with it but I ran
Texgen and Dyndolod after that. Terrain looks blurry. Mountains look black / don't load correctly. So all in all after all the alpha versions this one seems not to work. Can't revert to the older one, because I don't have it on my pc right now. 

What logs should I post so maybe anyone could help me out or even better find the issue?

  On 9/15/2021 at 1:52 PM, Viscerous said:

I also got the "Item not found" error consistently on Alpha 42, I purged the DynDOLOD Standalone folder entirely and used the clean 42 files and then it ran fine. I previously copied it over 39 so there must've been something left in there.


I believe it is the old 'default' preset INI that causes this issue. Whenever you run DynDLOD, the settings used are autosaved as the 'default' preset INI (this is how the app remembers previous settings from run to run), so with old mesh rules and other settings trying to load where they don't apply can cuase this or similar issues, I think.

I think this because I retain all valid INI edits using WinMerge for all applicable INI files whenever I upgrade to the next Alpha, so I must delete or upgrade all presets to avoid the problem.

  On 9/15/2021 at 7:55 PM, Alaak said:

Hm. With the newest Alpha-42 I get the error message:

[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Can not copy resource textures\architecture\whiterun\wrslatefloor01_n.dds to C:\Modding\DynDOLOD3\TexGen_Output\DynDOLOD-temp\textures\architecture\whiterun\wrslatefloor01_n.dds Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.


Help for this message

[Exit TexGen]

DynDOLOD FAQ | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard

That file is definitely present (it is for example part of Pfuscher 2020 and Noble Skyrim). I am using MO2 and assume that the MO2 Magic provides the file correctly to TexGen, which it was doing on all previous runs. I had no problems with this setup with Alpha-11 (which I had used previously). Any advice on how to proceed? Can I give you any helpful information about this error?


See OP and previous posts on how to upgrade from previous versions. Overwriting contents requires extra work. it's recommended to install into a clean directory.

  On 9/15/2021 at 8:11 PM, z929669 said:

See OP and previous posts on how to upgrade from previous versions. Overwriting contents requires extra work. it's recommended to install into a clean directory.


Hm. I already had made that error back when I upgraded to Alpha-11. So this time I deleted the whole DynDOLOD_3 directory and added all the Alpha-42 files to the empty directory. So this should not be the issue. I even did it twice, since I was not sure whether I really did it the first time, but the error persists.

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