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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, sheson said:

Have you tested if it happens with a new game, as suggested by the https://dyndolod.info/FAQ answers for "Out of place or floating objects"?

Edit: Replace the script\SHESON_DynDOLOD_LODObject.pex from DynDOLOD Resources SE with the one attached. In case you have an existing save game, make a clean save, just deactivate/activate the same DynDOLOD output. Let us know how it works out.

SHESON_DynDOLOD_LODObject.pex 14.37 kB · 0 downloads

Just woke up here.  I will give this a test tonight after work.

Also, I did notice these lanterns on a new game.

EDIT:  I ran Dyndolod with the script and attached the logs.  The debug log was 131mb though so I didn't include that.  If you want it I can up it on mega later.

I haven't tested it in game yet but I will later.


Edited by Aegison

Hello, i use Dyndolod on GOG version of game and its run smooth, thanks for this tool to generate LOD for Skyrim and other games.

I wanna say something about using Dyndolod on gog version: if you use this arguments:

-m:"c:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\"
-p:"c:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\plugins.txt"
-d:"c:\GOG Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Data\"

you can run Dyndolod only on Skyrim SE version, but if you want to run it on AE version, you must change few words in argmuent to:

-d:"c:\GOG Games\Skyrim Anniversary Edition\Data\"

If you do that, you can run smooth Dyndolod and can generate your own LOD with AE version of skyrim in gog.

Best Regards from Poland, have a nice day,


10 hours ago, Lainkml said:

Hello, i use Dyndolod on GOG version of game and its run smooth, thanks for this tool to generate LOD for Skyrim and other games.

I wanna say something about using Dyndolod on gog version: if you use this arguments:

-m:"c:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\"
-p:"c:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\plugins.txt"
-d:"c:\GOG Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Data\"

you can run Dyndolod only on Skyrim SE version, but if you want to run it on AE version, you must change few words in argmuent to:

-d:"c:\GOG Games\Skyrim Anniversary Edition\Data\"

If you do that, you can run smooth Dyndolod and can generate your own LOD with AE version of skyrim in gog.

Best Regards from Poland, have a nice day,


That is why the documentation says these lines are examples and to "replace [USERNAME] and the INI and Data folder paths accordingly for the actual setup."


Having an error saying broken lods, it looks like it's from 3d trees


<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_winteraspen03_00003aca, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_winteraspen03_00003aca Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen03 [TREE:02003ACA]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestash01_00017f72, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestash01_00017f72 Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAsh01 [TREE:04017F72]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestashl05_00017f71, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestashl05_00017f71 Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAshL05 [TREE:04017F71]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadashl01_00017f5a, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadashl01_00017f5a Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestDeadAshL01 [TREE:04017F5A]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestashl03_00017f6f, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestashl03_00017f6f Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAshL03 [TREE:04017F6F]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforest04_0004fbb0, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforest04_0004fbb0 Skyrim.esm TreePineForest04 [TREE:0004FBB0]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_reachclifftree01_000b8a76, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_reachclifftree01_000b8a76 Skyrim.esm TreeReachCliffTree01 [TREE:000B8A76]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnowl05_000ef59c, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnowl05_000ef59c Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL05Dead [TREE:000EF59C]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestash04_00017f75, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestash04_00017f75 Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAsh04 [TREE:04017F75]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_winteraspen05_00003acc, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_winteraspen05_00003acc Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen05 [TREE:02003ACC]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow02_0005c071, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow02_0005c071 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow02 [TREE:0005C071]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadashl02_00017f5b, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadashl02_00017f5b Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestDeadAshL02 [TREE:04017F5B]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_reachtree02_000b8a74, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_reachtree02_000b8a74 Skyrim.esm TreeReachTree02 [TREE:000B8A74]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestash05_00017f76, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestash05_00017f76 Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAsh05 [TREE:04017F76]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestashl04_00017f70, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestashl04_00017f70 Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAshL04 [TREE:04017F70]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnow03_000ef5a3, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnow03_000ef5a3 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow03Dead [TREE:000EF5A3]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_reachclifftree02_000b8a77, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_reachclifftree02_000b8a77 Skyrim.esm TreeReachCliffTree02 [TREE:000B8A77]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnowl02_000ef59f, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnowl02_000ef59f Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL02Dead [TREE:000EF59F]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforest02_00018a02, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforest02_00018a02 Skyrim.esm TreePineForest02 [TREE:00018A02]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadashl04_00017f60, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadashl04_00017f60 Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestDeadAshL04 [TREE:04017F60]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_winteraspen04_00003acb, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_winteraspen04_00003acb Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen04 [TREE:02003ACB]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow05_0005c06e, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow05_0005c06e Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow05 [TREE:0005C06E]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnowl05_0005d2d7, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnowl05_0005d2d7 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL05 [TREE:0005D2D7]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnow01_000ef5a5, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnow01_000ef5a5 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow01Dead [TREE:000EF5A5]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdead05_000b927e, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdead05_000b927e Skyrim.esm TreePineForest05Dead [TREE:000B927E]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnowl01_000ef5a0, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnowl01_000ef5a0 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL01Dead [TREE:000EF5A0]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnowl01_0005d2db, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnowl01_0005d2db Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL01 [TREE:0005D2DB]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow01_0005c072, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow01_0005c072 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow01 [TREE:0005C072]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforest01_0001306d, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforest01_0001306d Skyrim.esm TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnowl02_0005d2da, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnowl02_0005d2da Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL02 [TREE:0005D2DA]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestash02_00017f73, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestash02_00017f73 Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAsh02 [TREE:04017F73]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow03_0005c070, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow03_0005c070 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow03 [TREE:0005C070]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_winteraspen06_00003acf, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_winteraspen06_00003acf Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen06 [TREE:02003ACF]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_dlc1treewinteraspensnow01_0000ce13, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_dlc1treewinteraspensnow01_0000ce13 Dawnguard.esm DLC1TreeWinterAspenSnow01 [STAT:0200CE13]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforest03_0004b016, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforest03_0004b016 Skyrim.esm TreePineForest03 [TREE:0004B016]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow04_0005c06f, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow04_0005c06f Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow04 [TREE:0005C06F]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treeaspen06_0007614a, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treeaspen06_0007614a Skyrim.esm TreeAspen06 [TREE:0007614A]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_dlc1treepineshortheavysnow01_0000b55f, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_dlc1treepineshortheavysnow01_0000b55f Dawnguard.esm DLC1TreePineForestSnowHeavy02 [TREE:0200B55F]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnowl03_000ef59e, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnowl03_000ef59e Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL03Dead [TREE:000EF59E]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_reachtree01_000b8a73, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_reachtree01_000b8a73 Skyrim.esm TreeReachTree01 [TREE:000B8A73]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestash03_00017f74, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestash03_00017f74 Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAsh03 [TREE:04017F74]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_dlc1treepineshortheavysnow_00009670, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_dlc1treepineshortheavysnow_00009670 Dawnguard.esm DLC1TreePineForestSnowHeavy01 [TREE:02009670]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdead04_000b927d, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdead04_000b927d Skyrim.esm TreePineForest04Dead [TREE:000B927D]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnowl04_000ef59d, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnowl04_000ef59d Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL04Dead [TREE:000EF59D]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestashl01_00017f6e, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestashl01_00017f6e Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAshL01 [TREE:04017F6E]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdead03_000b927c, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdead03_000b927c Skyrim.esm TreePineForest03Dead [TREE:000B927C]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnowl03_0005d2d9, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnowl03_0005d2d9 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL03 [TREE:0005D2D9]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treeaspen01_0006a9e6, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treeaspen01_0006a9e6 Skyrim.esm TreeAspen01 [TREE:0006A9E6]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnow04_000ef5a2, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnow04_000ef5a2 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow04Dead [TREE:000EF5A2]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdead01_000b927a, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdead01_000b927a Skyrim.esm TreePineForest01Dead [TREE:000B927A]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnow05_000ef5a1, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnow05_000ef5a1 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow05Dead [TREE:000EF5A1]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_dlc1treewinteraspensnow03_0000ce11, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_dlc1treewinteraspensnow03_0000ce11 Dawnguard.esm DLC1TreeWinterAspenSnow03 [STAT:0200CE11]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_tundradriftwood01_000b8f53, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_tundradriftwood01_000b8f53 Skyrim.esm TreeTundraDriftWoodTree01 [TREE:000B8F53]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treeaspen02_0006c9d5, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treeaspen02_0006c9d5 Skyrim.esm TreeAspen02 [TREE:0006C9D5]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdead02_000b927b, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdead02_000b927b Skyrim.esm TreePineForest02Dead [TREE:000B927B]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadashl05_00017f62, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadashl05_00017f62 Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestDeadAshL05 [TREE:04017F62]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestashl02_00017f6d, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestashl02_00017f6d Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestAshL02 [TREE:04017F6D]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_dlc1treewinteraspensnow05_0000ce12, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_dlc1treewinteraspensnow05_0000ce12 Dawnguard.esm DLC1TreeWinterAspenSnow05 [STAT:0200CE12]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treeaspen04_0005fada, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treeaspen04_0005fada Skyrim.esm TreeAspen04 [TREE:0005FADA]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforest05_00051126, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforest05_00051126 Skyrim.esm TreePineForest05 [TREE:00051126]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_winteraspen01_00003ac5, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_winteraspen01_00003ac5 Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen01 [TREE:02003AC5]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadashl03_00017f5c, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dragonborn.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadashl03_00017f5c Dragonborn.esm DLC2TreePineForestDeadAshL03 [TREE:04017F5C]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_winteraspen02_00003ac9, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\dawnguard.esm\s3dtrees_winteraspen02_00003ac9 Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen02 [TREE:02003AC9]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnowl04_0005d2d8, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnowl04_0005d2d8 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnowL04 [TREE:0005D2D8]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treeaspen03_0006c9d4, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treeaspen03_0006c9d4 Skyrim.esm TreeAspen03 [TREE:0006C9D4]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treeaspen05_0007614b, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treeaspen05_0007614b Skyrim.esm TreeAspen05 [TREE:0007614B]>
<Warning: Wrong billboard path textures\terrain\lodgen\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnow02_000ef5a4, should be textures\terrain\lodgen\skyrim.esm\s3dtrees_treepineforestdeadsnow02_000ef5a4 Skyrim.esm TreePineForestSnow02Dead [TREE:000EF5A4]>
TexGen: 3.00 <= 3.00 <= 3.00
Broken Tamriel terrain LOD meshes detected. Some terrain LOD meshes generated by Oscape have bugs resulting in severe visual issues. Permamently remove the broken terrain LOD meshes or use xLODGen to generate terrain LOD meshes to overwrite the broken terrain LOD meshes

12 hours ago, Aegison said:

Just woke up here.  I will give this a test tonight after work.

Also, I did notice these lanterns on a new game.

EDIT:  I ran Dyndolod with the script and attached the logs.  The debug log was 131mb though so I didn't include that.  If you want it I can up it on mega later.

I haven't tested it in game yet but I will later.

Logs.7z 706.61 kB · 0 downloads

So I loaded the generated Dyndolod with your new script into a new game and my existing game (with a clean save) and traveled around the map.  I haven't seen the lanterns show up.  It was very random but usually they would show up after a few load screens and they never did in my 10 minutes of testing.  Your new script most likely fixed the issue.

Here are my log files including the large debug file.


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Goodfella said:

Having an error saying broken lods, it looks like it's from 3d trees

As explained on the first post, upload the log and debug log to a file or text service.

Do not install any 3rd party tree LOD billboards. Use TexGen to generate all desired LOD billboards.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Wrong-Billboard-Path for an explanation of that message.

The message about the broken terrain LOD meshes makes it obvious that the problem has nothing to do with billboards, since the message explains the actual problem is with terrain LOD meshes and offers two solutions how to fix it.

Broken Tamriel terrain LOD meshes detected. Some terrain LOD meshes generated by Oscape have bugs resulting in severe visual issues. Permamently remove the broken terrain LOD meshes or use xLODGen to generate terrain LOD meshes to overwrite the broken terrain LOD meshes

Use the "Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message" link on the message to open https://dyndolod.info/Help/xLODGen
If a mod is used that ships with pre-made terrain LOD meshes generated with long outdated and buggy Oscape, there might be a message about broken terrain LOD meshes requiring replacement. The easiest and quickest solution is to simply generate terrain LOD meshes with the 'SSE Terrain Tamriel Extend' plugin installed from the requirements as explained below.

1 hour ago, Aegison said:

So I loaded the generated Dyndolod with your new script into a new game and my existing game (with a clean save) and traveled around the map.  I haven't seen the lanterns show up.  It was very random but usually they would show up after a few load screens and they never did in my 10 minutes of testing.  Your new script most likely fixed the issue.

Here are my log files including the large debug file.


That is great! Thanks for letting us know.

On 11/8/2022 at 11:47 AM, sheson said:

Out oft curiosity, could you ceck if https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77779
and its max operations per tasks makes a difference?

The scripts try to do something in parallel, but it is possible in some situations it might be better do just do things sequentially.

sheson, will the new version make any changes to the scrips based on the improved results seen with the papyrus tweaks mod you'd suggested?  I tried playing a few more times with it's settings turned up above default and while the lod blink in finished faster and happened less often, I do still see it a bit when exiting child worlds.  I did generate my underside mesh with higher quality settings (4) the last time I ran dyndolod...could the drawing of that mesh be part of the issue?


Is it OK to have multiple DynDOLOD outputs loaded? Like Tamerial in one and the other world spaces in another? One output for all worldspaces is super large and keeps either crashing or being corrupted when I try adding the zip folder to Vortex. Thanks! 

2 hours ago, MisterMorden said:

sheson, will the new version make any changes to the scrips based on the improved results seen with the papyrus tweaks mod you'd suggested?  I tried playing a few more times with it's settings turned up above default and while the lod blink in finished faster and happened less often, I do still see it a bit when exiting child worlds.  I did generate my underside mesh with higher quality settings (4) the last time I ran dyndolod...could the drawing of that mesh be part of the issue?

Test with attached Scripts 3 for PapayrusUtil.

SHESON_DynDOLOD_LODObject.pex SHESON_DynDOLOD_Firstborn.pex

  • Thanks 1
28 minutes ago, Hellfire28 said:

Is it OK to have multiple DynDOLOD outputs loaded? Like Tamerial in one and the other world spaces in another? One output for all worldspaces is super large and keeps either crashing or being corrupted when I try adding the zip folder to Vortex. Thanks! 

It is not possible to mix different outputs with different plugins and dynamic LOD data files. Only the worldspace in the mod with the winning plugins and data files will have a properly working LOD patch. Meshes and textures for different worldspaces can just be merged of course, but especially Tamriel  object LOD requires DynDOLOD plugins to be active or there would be a couple visuals issues.

Use a working mod manager or unpack (with 7zip for example) the output manually into the mod folder. Or do not zip the output and manually move the output to the mod folder with a file manager (Windows Explorer for example). Best to ask/report on the appropriate forum/discordf or the third party tool if you have issues with it.

1 hour ago, sheson said:

It is not possible to mix different outputs with different plugins and dynamic LOD data files. Only the worldspace in the mod with the winning plugins and data files will have a properly working LOD patch. Meshes and textures for different worldspaces can just be merged of course, but especially Tamriel  object LOD requires DynDOLOD plugins to be active or there would be a couple visuals issues.

Use a working mod manager or unpack (with 7zip for example) the output manually into the mod folder. Or do not zip the output and manually move the output to the mod folder with a file manager (Windows Explorer for example). Best to ask/report on the appropriate forum/discordf or the third party tool if you have issues with it.

Thanks for your help!

9 hours ago, Hellfire28 said:

Is it OK to have multiple DynDOLOD outputs loaded? Like Tamerial in one and the other world spaces in another? One output for all worldspaces is super large and keeps either crashing or being corrupted when I try adding the zip folder to Vortex. Thanks! 

A lot of people seem to think that mod content needs to be archived into 7z or zip files, but it doesn't. This adds extra time and work for the mod manager to extract the information, so with a huge archive, I can imagine things wouldn't work as smoothly. None of my mods are archived in MO outside of BSAs shipping with a given mod. When I tested Vortex, it worked the same way (none of my mods were archived into 7z or zip files). More space consumed but no extraction overhead.

Just copy the DynDOLOD Output directly into a mod, and prioritize it highest in your mod list. Do the same with terrain LOD output and TexGen output.

I know mods are downloaded as archives in 7z format (or could be zip or rar in rare cases), but the mod manager extracts them and the relevant content on 'install' if you go into your mods folder:

Vortex: %APPDATA%\Roaming\Vortex\{gameName}\mods\

MO (instance): %LOCALAPPDATA%\ModOrganizer\{instanceName}\mods\

... so archiving generated LOD output into a mod without using the mod manager to 'install' (i.e., extract) it is probably not ideal.

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