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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 182


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45 minutes ago, z929669 said:

To expand on Tech's question about DynDOLOD_flat_3x2_lod.nif (set to Billboard3 by default ... I believe you refer to this as 'external').

  1. I am pretty sure only the diffuse are applied with the 'HD tree' TexGen options for this model (but not the normals)?
  2. Also, in terms of the full-circle 360 degrees on the biradial of the tree (looking from top/bottom), TexGen creates billboards at 0/180 planes only, but not 0/120/240 right? Those would need to be created manually for use with Billboard3. I also assume it is possible to create a DynDOLOD_flat_6x2_lod.nif that would use 3x diffuse+normal, but I suspect this isn't supported by LODGen at this time (if ever)?
  3. For Aspens Ablaze, we were wondering about the LOD models shipping with that mod. They are just reduced poly versions of the tree with file names as below but don't seem to be referenced by the plugin. Does DynDOLOD understand/use these LOD meshes for object LOD? :
    • treeaspen01.nif
    • treeaspen01_LOD_0.nif
    • treeaspen01_LOD_1.nif
    • treeaspen01_LOD_2.nif
  4. Lastly, in your experience, does increasing the biradial planes geometry really impact the quality of the LOD? I suspect that two planes is the sweet spot and adding more may be redundant. But I have yet to see for myself in game, which is why I ask.

1. DynDOLOD_flat_3x2_lod.nif defines 3 textures for each plane. LODGen replaces them with the corresponding object LOD atlas texture paths.

2. If HD billboards are selected, TexGen generates a *_1.dds front and a 90 degree (right I think) side view _2.dds diffuse and normal map. LODGen does not care what the arrangement and orientation of vertex data and triangles in NIFs is.

3. We have thoroughly discussed this before. It works. It is bad. Do not use this for the users and cathedral modding sake.  https://dyndolod.info/Help/3D-Tree-LOD-Model 
"As a last ditch effort before using the billboard as fallback, DynDOLOD checks if there is an object LOD model with the typical filename convention of full model filename_LOD_[0|1|2].nif as usual for object LOD. This should only be used by properly made mods that use new unique filenames for every changed full model or texture and use new or updated base records to use the new assets to avoid conflicts. As soon as there are different variants (even through updates or patches) for the same full model filename, use the preferred CRC32 matching to guarantee the correct LOD model is used every time regardless of a user's load order since users like to mix lots of different mods or different versions of mods and their assets all the time."

4. If I do not find Billboard4 in LOD Level 4 being good enough, one more plane is not going to much better, hence 3D hybrid tree LOD for LOD Level 4.

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50 minutes ago, sheson said:

1. DynDOLOD_flat_3x2_lod.nif defines 3 textures for each plane. LODGen replaces them with the corresponding object LOD atlas texture paths.

2. If HD billboards are selected, TexGen generates a *_1.dds front and a 90 degree (right I think) side view _2.dds diffuse and normal map. LODGen does not care what the arrangement and orientation of vertex data and triangles in NIFs is.

3. We have thoroughly discussed this before. It works. It is bad. Do not use this for the users and cathedral modding sake.  https://dyndolod.info/Help/3D-Tree-LOD-Model 
"As a last ditch effort before using the billboard as fallback, DynDOLOD checks if there is an object LOD model with the typical filename convention of full model filename_LOD_[0|1|2].nif as usual for object LOD. This should only be used by properly made mods that use new unique filenames for every changed full model or texture and use new or updated base records to use the new assets to avoid conflicts. As soon as there are different variants (even through updates or patches) for the same full model filename, use the preferred CRC32 matching to guarantee the correct LOD model is used every time regardless of a user's load order since users like to mix lots of different mods or different versions of mods and their assets all the time."

4. If I do not find Billboard4 in LOD Level 4 being good enough, one more plane is not going to much better, hence 3D hybrid tree LOD for LOD Level 4.

Just to summarize for posterity:

  1. I see the three texture paths now. I didn't realize the diffuse was reused again for the 3rd texture slot.
  2. So in your response to Tech, each tree in the final BTO will either use the same diffuse for all three planes if only a standard diffuse billboard is found (if only TexGen 'tree' option is ticked) or will use one billboard for two planes and the other billboard for the third (if TexGen 'HD tree' option is ticked) ... it is uncertain which of the two billboards are used for which (and doesn't matter to me or in principle I assume). Furthermore, it looks like the normal will also be used either way if it is present (HD tree option ticked)
  3. Yes, sorry to beat a dead horse. I hadn't made that association but see the truth of it: The AA mod is providing custom low-poly DynDOLOD-compatible LOD models but not using the best practice method. The DynDOLOD add-on mod I made is overriding these, since it uses the CRC32 for each tree.
  4. Thanks for confirming this. I reasoned likewise and can't envision an additional plane improving anything noticeably. They are still flat and in LOD quite some distance away.
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Hey guys. I'm running into a weird interaction between Lux and Dyndolod. Whenever I have Dyndolod and Lux installed at the same time, my waterfalls flicker when I move the camera. Removing Lux causes the flickering to stop. Similarly, leaving Lux active but removing Dyndolod also causes the flickering to stop. These are the only two mods that seem to have an interaction (I went through my entire mod list disabling chunks).

Example with Lux installed: https://streamable.com/e3tsbp

Example without Lux installed: https://streamable.com/a0v731

Again, the flickering also goes away if I disable Dyndolod instead of Lux. They just don't seem to like being installed at the same time.

Plugins load order: KDRVB31.png

Mod list load order: cvqgTpg.png

The issue happens with both Water for ENB by mindflux and Water Mod by wSkeever. It happens with or without any ENB active.

Inside Lux FOMOD, I've tried all the different optional effects (mists and fogs without effect lighting, without particles, SMIM meshes patch, nothing enabled, etc.), although I don't think any of those meshes would be affecting waterfalls. I've also tried placing Lux below TexGen_Output to let Lux overwrite it, but that doesn't do anything.

I've tried starting a new game, as well as re-running xLOGGen, TexGen, and Dyndolod.

I am using the latest version of Lux as well as Dyndolod 3.0 (build 79).

Anyone have any idea what could be causing the conflict?

Edited by Chlam
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30 minutes ago, Chlam said:

Hey guys. I'm running into a weird interaction between Lux and Dyndolod. Whenever I have Dyndolod and Lux installed at the same time, my waterfalls flicker when I move the camera. Removing Lux causes the flickering to stop. Similarly, leaving Lux active but removing Dyndolod also causes the flickering to stop. These are the only two mods that seem to have an interaction (I went through my entire mod list disabling chunks).

Example with Lux installed: https://streamable.com/e3tsbp

Example without Lux installed: https://streamable.com/a0v731

Again, the flickering also goes away if I disable Dyndolod instead of Lux. They just don't seem to like being installed at the same time.

Plugins load order: KDRVB31.png

Mod list load order: cvqgTpg.png

The issue happens with both Water for ENB by mindflux and Water Mod by wSkeever. It happens with or without any ENB active.

Inside Lux FOMOD, I've tried all the different optional effects (mists and fogs without effect lighting, without particles, SMIM meshes patch, nothing enabled, etc.), although I don't think any of those meshes would be affecting waterfalls. I've also tried placing Lux below TexGen_Output to let Lux overwrite it, but that doesn't do anything.

I've tried starting a new game, as well as re-running xLOGGen, TexGen, and Dyndolod.

I am using the latest version of Lux as well as Dyndolod 3.0 (build 79).

Anyone have any idea what could be causing the conflict?

You are using two mods that provide waterfall meshes? load into xEdit and resolve the mesh conflict(s)? I don't use these mods, so I don't know for sure, but that's what I would assume.

These movies don't seem like LOD waterfalls. PC seems to be standing very near to them. My bet is that both also have large reference bugs, so you could see some glitches in LOD too.

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1 hour ago, z929669 said:

Just to summarize for posterity:

  1. I see the three texture paths now. I didn't realize the diffuse was reused again for the 3rd texture slot.
  2. So in your response to Tech, each tree in the final BTO will either use the same diffuse for all three planes if only a standard diffuse billboard is found (if only TexGen 'tree' option is ticked) or will use one billboard for two planes and the other billboard for the third (if TexGen 'HD tree' option is ticked) ... it is uncertain which of the two billboards are used for which (and doesn't matter to me or in principle I assume). Furthermore, it looks like the normal will also be used either way if it is present (HD tree option ticked)
  3. Yes, sorry to beat a dead horse. I hadn't made that association but see the truth of it: The AA mod is providing custom low-poly DynDOLOD-compatible LOD models but not using the best practice method. The DynDOLOD add-on mod I made is overriding these, since it uses the CRC32 for each tree.
  4. Thanks for confirming this. I reasoned likewise and can't envision an additional plane improving anything noticeably. They are still flat and in LOD quite some distance away.

2. *_1.dds is used for billboard_1.dds and billboard_3.dds, because 1) it matches the number and  2) is used as default if there is no match. *_2.dds is used for billboard_2.dds because it matches.  Also see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD#Internal-Billboards-and-External-Billboards, though it may not be as specific. Object LOD always uses normal maps. If a normal map texture does not exist, the default flat normal is used as a substitute.

1 hour ago, Chlam said:

Hey guys. I'm running into a weird interaction between Lux and Dyndolod. Whenever I have Dyndolod and Lux installed at the same time, my waterfalls flicker when I move the camera. Removing Lux causes the flickering to stop. Similarly, leaving Lux active but removing Dyndolod also causes the flickering to stop. These are the only two mods that seem to have an interaction (I went through my entire mod list disabling chunks).

Example with Lux installed: https://streamable.com/e3tsbp

Example without Lux installed: https://streamable.com/a0v731

Again, the flickering also goes away if I disable Dyndolod instead of Lux. They just don't seem to like being installed at the same time.

Plugins load order: 

Mod list load order: cvqgTpg.png

The issue happens with both Water for ENB by mindflux and Water Mod by wSkeever. It happens with or without any ENB active.

Inside Lux FOMOD, I've tried all the different optional effects (mists and fogs without effect lighting, without particles, SMIM meshes patch, nothing enabled, etc.), although I don't think any of those meshes would be affecting waterfalls. I've also tried placing Lux below TexGen_Output to let Lux overwrite it, but that doesn't do anything.

I've tried starting a new game, as well as re-running xLOGGen, TexGen, and Dyndolod.

I am using the latest version of Lux as well as Dyndolod 3.0 (build 79).

Anyone have any idea what could be causing the conflict?

Have you installed 3rd party LOD models for any of the waterfalls? Do not do that. See https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Waterfalls

If the problem persists, open console and click the waterfall to get the reference form id of the waterfalls to see which plugin is placing them. Look it up in xEdit to find the base record and NIF or use More Informative Console, to find out which plugins and mods are involved.

The flickering could mean there is more than one model active. You could test that by disabling the clicked object via console.

If any of the reference are from a DynDLOD plugin and the screenshots show active cells,  this could mean the clean save routine went wrong. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Clean-Save
Also see https://dyndolod.info/FAQ "Out of place or floating objects"

Post the log, debug log as explained on first post and use https://modwat.ch to upload load orders instead of screenshots.

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I recently downloaded dyndolod 3 in order to have support for seasons of Skyrim, however, every time I run the LOD generator I get this same error:

Texconv error 887A0005.

"D:\Tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Texconvx64.exe" -nologo -y -aw 256 -f BC7_UNORM -bc q -o "D:\Tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\Textures\DynDOLOD\LOD" -flist "C:\Users\Samuel\AppData\Local\Temp\DynDOLOD_TES5VR\Texconv_0_1_A221D9CCA47B45C2AA60019827CEF71C.txt"

The error code does not match up with anything on the DynDOLOD help page or anything I've found on the internet so I'm not sure what to do. I've already tried updating/repairing/reinstalling the C++ redistributable to the latest version which didn't seem to be the cause of the problem. I also checked the logs and noticed the error in which the GPU device was suspended, however my GPU (RTX 3070) is currently up to date as are all my drivers. Apologies for any formatting errors or missing information, it is my first time making this type of post.

DynDOLOD Debug Log: https://ufile.io/t3wpqn6k


DynDOLOD Log: https://ufile.io/49iaphz3


Modlist: https://paste.ee/p/LumVu

Edited by SamuelBrzo
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27 minutes ago, SamuelBrzo said:

I recently downloaded dyndolod 3 in order to have support for seasons of Skyrim, however, every time I run the LOD generator I get this same error:

Texconv error 887A0005.

"D:\Tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Texconvx64.exe" -nologo -y -aw 256 -f BC7_UNORM -bc q -o "D:\Tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\Textures\DynDOLOD\LOD" -flist "C:\Users\Samuel\AppData\Local\Temp\DynDOLOD_TES5VR\Texconv_0_1_A221D9CCA47B45C2AA60019827CEF71C.txt"

The error code does not match up with anything on the DynDOLOD help page or anything I've found on the internet so I'm not sure what to do. I've already tried updating/repairing/reinstalling the C++ redistributable to the latest version which didn't seem to be the cause of the problem. I also checked the logs and noticed the error in which the GPU device was suspended, however my GPU (RTX 3070) is currently up to date as are all my drivers. Apologies for any formatting errors or missing information, it is my first time making this type of post.

DynDOLOD Debug Log: https://ufile.io/t3wpqn6k

DynDOLOD Log: https://ufile.io/49iaphz3

Modlist: https://paste.ee/p/LumVu

Unfortuanately the debug log seems incomplete.

The actual error message returned by Texconv from the log:

"FAILED [compress] (887A0005: The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.)"

There seems to be a problem with the graphics card. Update to latest drivers. Disable overclocking if used. Maybe disable power saving. There probably is an Windows event log entry from the graphics driver that might shed more light on the cause.

If that does not help, try setting MaxTextureSize=8192 in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini

What settings did you use when generating textures with TexGen?
What max texture size settings did you use in DynDOLOD?

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3 hours ago, sheson said:

2. *_1.dds is used for billboard_1.dds and billboard_3.dds, because 1) it matches the number and  2) is used as default if there is no match. *_2.dds is used for billboard_2.dds because it matches.  Also see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD#Internal-Billboards-and-External-Billboards, though it may not be as specific. Object LOD always uses normal maps. If a normal map texture does not exist, the default flat normal is used as a substitute.

@TechAngel85 and I have independently verified that Billboard3 is not assigning textures in accordance with this:


From the linked doc:


See the existing DynDOLOD_flat_2x2_lod.nif or DynDOLOD_flat_3x2_lod.nif for how each plane is a separate shape and defines a different texture, numbered _1, _2, _3 to be able to define different billboard textures for each plane. If only one billboard texture is found in the load order it will be used for all planes. If a _1.dds texture is found, then all textures with the same name like _2.dds, _3.dds etc. are added to the texture atlas and used for the billboard. Any billboard with the same filename but without a number indicator is ignored. Generating HD tree LOD billboards with TexGen creates a front and side view texture.

Note that TexGen doesn't create a *_3.dds:


Maybe we missed an INI setting or other toggle to enable creation of *_3.dds in TexGen? Obviously, we could copy one of these to match this path, but I assume that's not the intended workflow.

Logs: https://mega.nz/file/jVcBTYBD#ybqCeu2q-9xCfqnlqP2CJSLeSkixHBN8kGvC_FQ_A6U

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3 hours ago, z929669 said:

@TechAngel85 and I have independently verified that Billboard3 is not assigning textures in accordance with this:


From the linked doc:

Note that TexGen doesn't create a *_3.dds:


Maybe we missed an INI setting or other toggle to enable creation of *_3.dds in TexGen? Obviously, we could copy one of these to match this path, but I assume that's not the intended workflow.

Logs: https://mega.nz/file/jVcBTYBD#ybqCeu2q-9xCfqnlqP2CJSLeSkixHBN8kGvC_FQ_A6U

That's a bug. Can you check if this also happens with the LODGen.exe from xLODGen terrain LOD beta 90?

TexGen does not generate _3.dds billboards. It generate 2 billboards, a front view _1.dds and a 90 degree side view _2.dds if HD billboards is selected.

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3 hours ago, sheson said:

There seems to be a problem with the graphics card. Update to latest drivers. Disable overclocking if used. Maybe disable power saving. There probably is an Windows event log entry from the graphics driver that might shed more light on the cause.

After reviewing the windows event log it appears there was a problem with the integrated graphics however reinstalling the drivers did not have an affect on the outcome so I believe the problem may be with the driver itself. I did try your second suggested solution to set the ini's MaxTextureSize to 8192 and it managed to resolve the issue.

4 hours ago, sheson said:

What settings did you use when generating textures with TexGen?
What max texture size settings did you use in DynDOLOD?

For further information,

When running TexGen, both rendedered and stitched object LODs are set to 1024. Tree/Grass LOD billboards are at 11.0 units per pixel with the texture size min/max being 32/1024. All settings for Tree/Grass/Default under billboards are set to default as are the texture compression formats.

The max texture size LOD for DynDOLOD is 1024 and max texture size full is 256.

Thank you for your help

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34 minutes ago, sheson said:

That's a bug. Can you check if this also happens with the LODGen.exe from xLODGen terrain LOD beta 90?

TexGen does not generate _3.dds billboards. It generate 2 billboards, a front view _1.dds and a 90 degree side view _2.dds if HD billboards is selected.

LODGenx64 from xLODGen 90 also references *_3.dds and BTO is missing those


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9 hours ago, SamuelBrzo said:

After reviewing the windows event log it appears there was a problem with the integrated graphics however reinstalling the drivers did not have an affect on the outcome so I believe the problem may be with the driver itself. I did try your second suggested solution to set the ini's MaxTextureSize to 8192 and it managed to resolve the issue.

For further information,

When running TexGen, both rendedered and stitched object LODs are set to 1024. Tree/Grass LOD billboards are at 11.0 units per pixel with the texture size min/max being 32/1024. All settings for Tree/Grass/Default under billboards are set to default as are the texture compression formats.

The max texture size LOD for DynDOLOD is 1024 and max texture size full is 256.

Thank you for your help

Unless you play Skyrim on a vertical 4k monitor setting such resolutions for the texture does not make much sense. See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Texture-Resolution

If the system also has a dedicated graphics card, make it the primary/default one.

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