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The Beta Wrye Bash Guide to STEP Installation is available



Based on the advice I received from users here, I will be asking TC to host on his site if he wishes. I will also host right here on the STEP wiki site when final. It is not yet final, but I will make it so once we have a fully compatible BOSS-Wrye Bash implementation to support Skyrim v1.5.

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Okay, going a bit nuts here trying to get bash.ini to access directories outside of its default.


So, I've got bash.ini in the Mopy folder. Here's what I have in it:




;--sOblivionMods is the Alternate root directory for installers, etc.


; It is strongly recommended that you do NOT put it anywhere under the

; game install directory itself, because Oblivion.exe will search through

; every directory under the install directory.

; This "directory thrashing" can then cause performance problems during gameplay.

; sOblivionMods is defined specifically to circumvent this bug by storing files elsewhere.

sOblivionMods= E:\Skyrim Mods


;--sInstallersData is the directory containing data about which installers

; are installed by Wrye Bash. This is where 'Installers.dat' and 'Converters.dat'

; are stored. Only change this for advanced configuration, such as when using

; mTES4 Manager or MOM to manage multiple Oblivion installs. In those cases,

; it is recommended to set this to a subdirectory of either "My Games/Oblivion"

; or "Oblivion/Mopy", so mTES4 Manager/MOM will move these files when changing

; clones/images.

sInstallersData= E:\Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers\Bash


;--sBashModData is the directory containing data about your mods, ini edits, etc.

; Only change this for advanced configuration, such as when using mTES4 Manager

; or MOM to manage multiple Oblivion installs. In those cases, it is recommended

; to set this to a subdirectory of either "My Games/Oblivion" or "Oblivion/Mopy",

; so mTES4 Manager/MOM will move these files when changing clones/images.

sBashModData= E:\Skyrim Mods\Bash Mod Data


But every time I load up Wyre Bash, it goes to the default C:/program files/steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Mods. It will register anything I put into the default Bash installation folder, and it will move everything to the default folder when I add it directly to Wyre Bash itself. I'd really rather keep my mod installs on my E: drive, though, and it's like it's not even registering the bash.ini file in its folder. Any thoughts?

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Remove the space between the = and the path and it should work fine.


Mine for example is:


sOblivionMods=D:\Games Misc\Skyrim\Mods

sBashModData=D:\Games Misc\Skyrim\Mods\Bash Mod Data

sInstallersData=D:\Games Misc\Skyrim\Mods\Bash Installers\Bash

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Could make a junction or symbolic link pointing to another drive.


Is this true that anything in the main directory will be searched by oblivion/skyrim on launch? (and not just the data folder?) I keep mod organizer in my main installation folder.

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Could make a junction or symbolic link pointing to another drive.


Is this true that anything in the main directory will be searched by oblivion/skyrim on launch? (and not just the data folder?) I keep mod organizer in my main installation folder.

Feel free to Nitpick. It stops the directory thrashing.
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Could make a junction or symbolic link pointing to another drive.


Is this true that anything in the main directory will be searched by oblivion/skyrim on launch? (and not just the data folder?) I keep mod organizer in my main installation folder.

Feel free to Nitpick. It stops the directory thrashing.

Well that's not entirely confirmed but I think you're right, I use that too.

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If I remember correctly it was important with Oblivion to follow the Wrye Bash directory recommendations; I've never tried having the Bash Mods directory inside the Skyrim directory with Skyrim. In my system I have the Skyrim Mods directory at the same level as Skyrim (in steamapps\common).


I also notice that Skyrim Installation Swapper allows you to independently set different directories for all 3 of the directories needed by Wrye Bash.

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Okay, tried removing the space and still no joy.  Here's what it looks like:



;--sOblivionMods is the Alternate root directory for installers, etc.


;  It is strongly recommended that you do NOT put it anywhere under the

;  game install directory itself, because Oblivion.exe will search through

;  every directory under the install directory.

;  This "directory thrashing" can then cause performance problems during gameplay.

;  sOblivionMods is defined specifically to circumvent this bug by storing files elsewhere.

sOblivionMods=E:\Skyrim Mods


;--sInstallersData is the directory containing data about which installers

;  are installed by Wrye Bash.  This is where 'Installers.dat' and 'Converters.dat'

;  are stored.  Only change this for advanced configuration, such as when using

;  mTES4 Manager or MOM to manage multiple Oblivion installs.  In those cases,

;  it is recommended to set this to a subdirectory of either "My Games/Oblivion"

;  or "Oblivion/Mopy", so mTES4 Manager/MOM will move these files when changing

;  clones/images.

sInstallersData=E:\Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers\Bash


;--sBashModData is the directory containing data about your mods, ini edits, etc.

;  Only change this for advanced configuration, such as when using mTES4 Manager

;  or MOM to manage multiple Oblivion installs.  In those cases, it is recommended

;  to set this to a subdirectory of either "My Games/Oblivion" or "Oblivion/Mopy",

;  so mTES4 Manager/MOM will move these files when changing clones/images.

sBashModData=E:\Skyrim Mods\Bash Mod Data


How might I go about creating a junction or symbolic link?

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I would start over with a new bash.ini and make your edits, if there are any extra spaces or tabs in the file it will break the parsing.


The Skyrim Installation Guide has a step by step process that should be the same as the one in the Bash guide, both are slightly out of date and will be updated when Wrye Bash 300 is released.

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I would start over with a new bash.ini and make your edits, if there are any extra spaces or tabs in the file it will break the parsing.


The Skyrim Installation Guide has a step by step process that should be the same as the one in the Bash guide, both are slightly out of date and will be updated when Wrye Bash 300 is released.

Ah, thank you! I missed this particular section previously (I had been pouring over the Wrye Bash guide linked to in the OP).


Much appreciated, will do a redo when I get home.

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Okay, :wallbash: time.


Apparently the problem was that I had named the folder bash.ini...but it already had the .ini prefix and wasn't showing it.  So I was trying to get it to read bash.ini.ini.


Sigh.  Works now.  Thanks again!

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Version 300 of Wrye Bash was posted today on Nexus.


Updated versions of Wrye Bash for Oblivion and Wrye Flash, the Fallout 3/NV version of Wrye Bash, were also recently posted.

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I use Wrye Bash to manage mods, and I tried using NMM to keep track of mod updates but I don't find it as helpful for this task as I would like. Would Mod Organizer be useful for the task of keeping track of mod updates? I still plan to use Wrye Bash for all the installation, etc.

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