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The Beta Wrye Bash Guide to STEP Installation is available



Based on the advice I received from users here, I will be asking TC to host on his site if he wishes. I will also host right here on the STEP wiki site when final. It is not yet final, but I will make it so once we have a fully compatible BOSS-Wrye Bash implementation to support Skyrim v1.5.

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Just renaming the headings would be fine for now, I just broke it up into relatively related chunks. I'll leave the rest for Z.



Updated structure ans some content. Some figs will need updating by/after 2.1.2 release.
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See this post on main wyre forum thread regarding upgrading from 295.5 or 296 to current svn: post


Essentially need to rearrange folders as structure of WB changing slightly to accommodate different game versions, and may change further to fix some other issues

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Thanks, I'll update the WBG as soon as I can. In the meantime, feel free to paste the contents of that post the the WBG Discussion page (tab is at top of WBG wiki).

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from further down in that thread it looks like they are going to change the folder structure again so probably worth holding off until they settle on the final structure

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Yeah updating anything at this point is kind of useless, they are releasing 3 updates a day with some fairly substantial changes. Summer break inspiration :D

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WB 2.7 released :woot:


Updated the guide ...


  • to the latest installation method
  • Removed note relating to dev-stability issues, as the installation process should remain fairly constant moving forward.
  • Removed references to WrinklyNinja's documentation, as this is now included with current and future WB releases.
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298 [2012/06/19] [Various community members]


Fixed load order bug that occurred when renaming a plugin. [trira]

Some more UI responsiveness improvements. [cdcooley]

Fixed BAIN's Skip Docs option causing Interface files to be skipped when running for Skyrim. [WrinklyNinja]

Fixed Wrye Bash reverting its own load order changes when Lock Load Order is enabled. [cdcooley, WrinklyNinja]

Some more installer improvements. [Alt3rn1ty]

Fixed Espify/Esmify Self not refreshing the load order display. [cdcooley]

Fixed BAIN's Clean Data command removing some Bethesda-supplied files. [Daidalos, WrinklyNinja]

Added some UI feedback messages for certain plugin-related situations where Wrye Bash would previously silently prevent user action (eg. deleting the main master file, loading plugins before masters). [WrinklyNinja]

Fixed Wrye Bash not ensuring plugins.txt / loadorder.txt synchronisation when it regains window focus. [cdcooley]

Removed the Lock Load Order command when running for Skyrim, as this functionality is effectively taken care of by the above synchronisation fix. When running for Skyrim, Wrye Bash will now allow any changes to load order that are made in accordance with the textfile-based standard (eg. changes by BOSS, NMM), but revert any other changes made (eg. changes by the Skyrim launcher). This is to ensure data integrity. [Arthmoor]

Moved Wrye Bash's Documentation from the Mopy folder to Mopy\Docs. [WrinklyNinja]

Fixed the background highlighting of ghosted plugins not always being in sync with which plugins were ghosted. [cdcooley]

Fixed crash when selecting another plugin after opening the Doc Browser. [WrinklyNinja]

Fixed applying INI tweaks to mod ini files removing all comments from them. [cdcooley]

Fixed bug in Create BOSS Report. [bluesky404]

Fixed Wrye Bash not removing plugins deleted through the Mods tab UI from plugins.txt and loadorder.txt (the latter in Skyrim only). [WrinklyNinja]

Updated the included BOSS API DLLs to the latest development version. [WrinklyNinja]

Updated the taglist files used by Wrye Bash if it cannot detect a BOSS install. [WrinklyNinja]

Fixed slideshows in General and Advanced Readmes not working in Internet Explorer. [WrinklyNinja]

Improved performance of Bash Tag reading and storage. [Daidalos]

More updates to the WizBAIN Editor. These changes are not yet documented. [Metallicow]

Fixed building an inactive Bashed Patch causing an error message. [Daidalos]

Fixed activating a Bashed Patch through the post-build dialog not updating the UI to reflect this. [Daidalos]

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Good Day


I'm having an issue with WB and creating a bashed patch - and as I'm following both the guide and the forum for a while, I finally had a reason to register :-P

But first of all, I want to say how much i enjoy what's happening in this part of the Skyrim community, especially the way people talk to each other. Have seen different things on the net ^^


But - to my question. I was trying to get Morrowloot (there is a post about it in the mod suggestion section) running together with other mods that alter lists of merchants/bandits. But i can't get that mod to a status that's "mergeable" - am pretty unfamiliar with WB so far, was using ModOrganizer up to now and avoiding installing mods that need bashed patches.


What I get when trying to set Morrowloot.esp mergeable is this:


Posted Image


Is that working as intended? Can't that mod be merged? Or am i simply doing something wrong?


Thanks for your answers, and have a nice day!

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Unfortunately you caught me heading off to bed, so I can't be of much help, but there's no way we can see that image, it's only 100px wide...

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Keep in mind that the bashed patch functionality is extremely minimal at this point compared to Oblivion so it wouldn't surprise me if those record types simply aren't supported yet.


It is currently being redone from scratch by Plutoman using java so in a month or so we may have a completely skyrim friendly patcher :D

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Thanks for your help :)


Just one other thing:

If i do that (tag delev), click "rebuild patch", Morrowloot.esp can not be found under "Merge Patches", but there is an entry under "Leveled Lists".


So do i untick the Morrowloot.esp after building the patch, or do i still need it?








That is how the report looks like:



  Reveal hidden contents


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fixed your wall of text with a spoiler tag. The mod does not need to be merged, leveled lists is exactly where it should be and yes you still need the mod itself active, bash will automatically deactivate mods appropriately (it pops up a messagebox asking for permission) when building a patch.

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Guys! I like the 299 version, it works great. But, isn't it about time we had a really nice Wrye Bash icon for the launcher. Can they add one to the mopy folder so we can just replace that old paper printout thing?

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