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  On 8/30/2020 at 6:41 PM, Smauxy said:

Thanks for response but unfortunately none of those solutions worked. And after banging my head for 2 days, even trying with older version of Dyndolod not fixing it. I found a reddit thread : https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/5a2l5h/help_dyndolod_problem_lod_objects_not/ 


All I had to do was to remove below line from Skyrim.ini and issue is resolved. 



Strange I never added this line to skyrim.ini and hardly ever changed anything in skyrim.ini. This Line is not present in original Skyrim.ini so maybe it was added by new updated Mod Organizer maybe. 

So thanks once again for Dyndolod without which I can barely play skyrim these days :D

Thanks for letting us know.

  On 8/31/2020 at 4:08 PM, Eliian said:

Would I need to rebuild LODS for changes in the ini settings such as tree, grass and lod distance?

No of course not. See "Updating" in the DynDOLOD_Manual.html when to generate LOD.


LOD distances can be change in game via the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM Settings page. See "Mod Configuration Menu (SkyUI MCM)" in the DynDOLOD_Manual.html

  On 8/31/2020 at 5:22 PM, sheson said:

No of course not. See "Updating" in the DynDOLOD_Manual.html when to generate LOD.


LOD distances can be change in game via the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM Settings page. See "Mod Configuration Menu (SkyUI MCM)" in the DynDOLOD_Manual.html

Thank you. Thanks for pointing me out to the manual as well. I figured out my issue was accidentally changing the load order.

  On 8/31/2020 at 10:49 PM, Eliian said:

Thank you. Thanks for pointing me out to the manual as well. I figured out my issue was accidentally changing the load order.

Great that you solved whatever problem there was. Generally it is better to post about the real issue instead of asking about things you assume might cause them.

Posted (edited)

Please let me know if I am speaking on the wrong forum topic for this one, but when I run XLODGEN, TEXGEN, then DYNDOLOD and apply the output I get a floating wall of texture that floats high in the air (I have the secret of arc cryae mod loaded and the item appears above due south of the lower tower). It only appears when I have the STEP SSE - DynDOLOD Output mod active (whether I have the plugins on or off), and a glitch appears on the in game map corresponding directly with its location. I admittedly have a very heavy load order and would like advice on how to remove the "item". So far it seems to be only the one spot. It does not hurt performance, it just looks very bad. Any ideas on how to remove it?

I use MO2 and have followed the step guide up until I added my extra items.

Edited by qwopthepowq
  On 9/5/2020 at 9:57 PM, qwopthepowq said:

Please let me know if I am speaking on the wrong forum topic for this one, but when I run XLODGEN, TEXGEN, then DYNDOLOD and apply the output I get a floating wall of texture that floats high in the air (I have the secret of arc cryae mod loaded and the item appears above due south of the lower tower). It only appears when I have the STEP SSE - DynDOLOD Output mod active (whether I have the plugins on or off), and a glitch appears on the in game map corresponding directly with its location. I admittedly have a very heavy load order and would like advice on how to remove the "item". So far it seems to be only the one spot. It does not hurt performance, it just looks very bad. Any ideas on how to remove it?

I use MO2 and have followed the step guide up until I added my extra items.


FAQ: Game: Out of place objects / floating objects / flickering full models 

A: If LOD was generated for a different load order generate LOD for the current load order.
A: Test with new game, wait in the exterior for the DynDOLOD initialized message before moving. If problem goes away, the updating of an existing save game with old DynDOLOD.esp went wrong. Follow instructions how to update save game with a new DynDOLOD.esp. RTFM, watch the video  or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM. The clean save routine can also be redone with the same plugin to reset everything. 
A: If the load order had script lag and deactivating/activating from the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM main page does not reset out of place objects, do the clean save routine where "old" and "new" plugin are the same. Consider generating less demanding dynamic LOD, see 'Performance' section in ..DynDOLOD\Docs\DynDOLOD_Manual.html 
A: Wild edit added by a plugin. Check the DynDOLOD log for messages about wild edits. Use console in the game and click on object to retrieve the form id. Look up the form id in xEdit and remove the reference, clean plugin afterwards. Notify mod author. If object is added by DynDOLOD.esp, follow the "pluginname_formid" information found in the Editor ID of the reference to find the plugin from which this object originates. 
A: Deleted record by a dirty plugin. Check the log for messages about deleted references by dirty plugins. Clean all UDRs and ITMs from dirty plugins.
A: Sometimes LOD objects are placed on top of other objects without LOD and thus appear to float in the distance. Use mesh rules so that the object has no LOD or that the other object also has LOD. 
A: Game engine limitation. If the game enables objects that have static object LOD, the entire static object LOD for a cell may briefly show with the full models at the same time. Since now more objects have LOD this might be more obvious than before, especially while playing the intro. Consider installing the generated LOD mod after completing the intro. 
A: If the problems is stuck object LOD in Whiterun after fast travel, change Distant Object Detail on the View Distance tab of the Advanced options of the games launcher from Ultra to High. Alternatively try just slightly changing the value fBlockLevel0Distance=60000 in SkyrimPrefs.ini to 57000. 
A: Some mods are made with disregard to generating LOD or require updated rules and configs for best compatibility. This is especially true with mods modifying the walled cities. Users are asked and welcome to provide feedback to https://forum.step-project.com/forum/101-shesons-dyndolod-support in order to get everything working with as much compatibility as possible. Include a link to the mod and screenshots (with console / form id) about issues if possible. 
A: Flickering textures (full and LOD model showing at the same time) in Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim VR are caused by plugins triggering the large reference bugs as explained in ..DynDOLOD\Docs\DynDOLOD_Manual_SSE.html. Verify if the problem goes away by setting uLargeRefLODGridSize=5 in SkyrimPrefs.ini.
If the object can be clicked on while console is open and it has a form ID, then it is easy to find its source plugin. Simply remove it from the plugin with xEdit. If it has no form id and goes away with tll in console, then the object is part of static object LOD and can only be removed if the source of the issue has been fixed and by generating LOD again.

Thanks for the reply. The item is not clickable and it disappears if I uncheck the DYNDOLOD output mod. It might be that I am going to have to do this the hard way. Is it required to redo the XLOD generation every time I add a new mod that adds new world spaces or will DYNDOLOD be enough?

  On 9/6/2020 at 7:08 AM, qwopthepowq said:

Thanks for the reply. The item is not clickable and it disappears if I uncheck the DYNDOLOD output mod. It might be that I am going to have to do this the hard way. Is it required to redo the XLOD generation every time I add a new mod that adds new world spaces or will DYNDOLOD be enough?

Make sure to check the highlighted FAQ answers. Use tll to determine if the object is part of static object LOD. If it is, it means there was a reference for that object at generation time. 


DynDOLOD generates tree and object LOD. If you want to terrain LOD and occlusion to look and work correctly for a new worldspace, use xLODGen to generate those as well.


Good afternoon. I posted about this issue a while ago but just did not have time to troubleshoot. Now that i did, i am back. The issue is a CTD when DynDOLOD initializes in the Rigmor of Cyrodiil world space
- I use DynDOLOD with the full 3D Lods options. It works great and looks amazing everywhere but this worldspace

- If i run DynDOLOD without including the RoC worldspace, i get no CTD

- I get no errors in the logs when running DynDOLOD

- I get from the FAQs that this would be an issue with a Mesh causing one of the .bto file to be corrupted. It suggests to hide the files to identify the culprit by process of elimination. I started by hiding all the bto and i still get the CTD


I can still play the quest without DynDOLOD but it bugs me and i would like to fix it. Any suggestions?



  On 9/7/2020 at 7:08 PM, LordIceWolf said:

Good afternoon. I posted about this issue a while ago but just did not have time to troubleshoot. Now that i did, i am back. The issue is a CTD when DynDOLOD initializes in the Rigmor of Cyrodiil world space

- I use DynDOLOD with the full 3D Lods options. It works great and looks amazing everywhere but this worldspace

- If i run DynDOLOD without including the RoC worldspace, i get no CTD

- I get no errors in the logs when running DynDOLOD

- I get from the FAQs that this would be an issue with a Mesh causing one of the .bto file to be corrupted. It suggests to hide the files to identify the culprit by process of elimination. I started by hiding all the bto and i still get the CTD


I can still play the quest without DynDOLOD but it bugs me and i would like to fix it. Any suggestions?



Why did you stop after only hiding the BTO and not do any of the other suggestions explained in the readme?


The .NET crash log would be the first obvious and quickest choice to check for the cause of the crash.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/7/2020 at 8:55 PM, sheson said:

Why did you stop after only hiding the BTO and not do any of the other suggestions explained in the readme?


The .NET crash log would be the first obvious and quickest choice to check for the cause of the crash.

Good evening


Thanks for the advice. I should have read to the end. Seems the issue is caused by a mesh from Beyond Skyrim - Bruma. I get this line from the .NET Crash Log

Possible relevant objects (3)
  [   0]    NiNode(Name: `Scene Root`)
  [   1]    TESObjectSTAT(FormId: 20014BC9, File: `DynDOLOD.esm`)
  [   1]    TESObjectREFR(FormId: F310D3AC, File: `DynDOLOD.esp`, BaseForm: TESObjectSTAT(FormId: 20014BC9, File: `DynDOLOD.esm`))
It matches this line from the Papyrus log
[09/07/2020 - 10:55:34PM] [sHESON_DynDOLOD_LODObject < (F310D3AC)>] [sHESON_DynDOLOD_Firstborn < (F310C2C7)>] Enable #2 [Form < (20014BC9)>] using bstamriel\lod\ayleid set\arwell01_lod.nif TRUE False TRUE
I tested the nif and it seems to open fine in Nifskope. I wanted to try and deactivate the reference in XEdit but i cannot locate it. I will try to rerun DynDOLOD with Bruma deactivated and see if it helps. I see that DynDOLOD is setup to ignore this worldspace anyway. Is there another way you can think of to fix it?
Quick update - It worked. Not sure why DynDOLOD is using meshes from Bruma in RoC but running it with Bruma disabled fixed the problem. Everything now works as it should. Thanks for the support.
Edited by LordIceWolf
  On 9/9/2020 at 12:37 AM, LordIceWolf said:

Good evening


Thanks for the advice. I should have read to the end. Seems the issue is caused by a mesh from Beyond Skyrim - Bruma. I get this line from the .NET Crash Log

Possible relevant objects (3)


  [   0]    NiNode(Name: `Scene Root`)

  [   1]    TESObjectSTAT(FormId: 20014BC9, File: `DynDOLOD.esm`)

  [   1]    TESObjectREFR(FormId: F310D3AC, File: `DynDOLOD.esp`, BaseForm: TESObjectSTAT(FormId: 20014BC9, File: `DynDOLOD.esm`))



It matches this line from the Papyrus log


[09/07/2020 - 10:55:34PM] [sHESON_DynDOLOD_LODObject ] [sHESON_DynDOLOD_Firstborn ] Enable #2 [Form ] using bstamriel\lod\ayleid set\arwell01_lod.nif TRUE False TRUE


I tested the nif and it seems to open fine in Nifskope. I wanted to try and deactivate the reference in XEdit but i cannot locate it. I will try to rerun DynDOLOD with Bruma deactivated and see if it helps. I see that DynDOLOD is setup to ignore this worldspace anyway. Is there another way you can think of to fix it?




Quick update - It worked. Not sure why DynDOLOD is using meshes from Bruma in RoC but running it with Bruma disabled fixed the problem. Everything now works as it should. Thanks for the support.

From the crash log we can see that the root node is a NiNode. Let me quote the relevant line from the readme:


Check if ..DynDOLOD\Logs\DynDOLOD_[GAMEMODE]_log.txt contains messages like 'Root block of meshes\..\*.nif is NiNode'. Check if using NifSkope to convert the root node to a BSFadeNode fixes the problem, though that may not be a valid approach for every type of model. 


Was the model not mentioned in the log?


When entering a form id into xEdit, adjust the first two digits to the current hex load order id of the plugin. DynDOLOD.esp was probably not at F3. But there is no need to remove the reference, once the model has been updated.


Temporarily disabling plugins or mods is a troubleshooting step and not a fix. There is no need for that once problematic assets are fixed.

  On 9/9/2020 at 8:05 AM, sheson said:

From the crash log we can see that the root node is a NiNode. Let me quote the relevant line from the readme:


Check if ..DynDOLOD\Logs\DynDOLOD_[GAMEMODE]_log.txt contains messages like 'Root block of meshes\..\*.nif is NiNode'. Check if using NifSkope to convert the root node to a BSFadeNode fixes the problem, though that may not be a valid approach for every type of model. 


Was the model not mentioned in the log?


When entering a form id into xEdit, adjust the first two digits to the current hex load order id of the plugin. DynDOLOD.esp was probably not at F3. But there is no need to remove the reference, once the model has been updated.


Temporarily disabling plugins or mods is a troubleshooting step and not a fix. There is no need for that once problematic assets are fixed.

I saw that part and tried the fix but still got a CTD from a different Mesh. It seems there are several meshes to correct in the Beyond Skyrim - Bruma mod for this work. Again i am not sure why these meshes are loading in the Rigmor of Cyrodiil Worldspace. Might be some overlap between the 2 mods i guess. I will try to manually correct them at a later time if i can. Just dont have the time right now. At least i know the source of the issue and i was able to work around it and it looks great.

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