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Well I'm working though the guide nicely and would like to know is there a reason why MMM is listed near towards the end of the guide ? 


I'm currently at the "male body replacers" and want to install the "Breezes FO3 Males" but this requires MMM to be installed first.


What's the best thing to do ?




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As the guide for that mod says:




Note the text in bold says MMM is an optional requirement ONLY if you want those Raider textures. If you do the guide then provides the instructions:




If MMM is being used, MMM should be installed prior to installing this mod since additional MMM Raider textures will be installed if MMM is detected.
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When I ran into this issue I installed Marts Mutant Mod and Paradox Ignition Presents Marts Mutant Mod Merged and kept both at the bottom of the left pane until I finally got to that section. If you've already installed the mods included in the Mod changes to Support MMM section (DC Interiors Project, Fallout 3 Redesigned - Formerly Project Beauty HD, FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition, Breezes FO3 Males, and Glowing Ghouls - FO3), go back to each mod to ensure you followed the instructions if Marts Mutant Mod is installed. This means you'll need to install one of the Blackened patches early. I installed the Blackened patch for only the mods that I had installed at this point and I named the mod 'Blackened -- need to reinstall correct version" or something like that to remind myself to reinstall the right version after getting through the guide.

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