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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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Posted (edited)
  On 10/10/2018 at 1:12 AM, Oremonger said:

I have been experimenting with JK's as well and it has given me quite a few headaches.  I am thinking about making a JK merge and leaving out or editing Falkreath since I usually spend a bit of time there in my playthroughs. You are right though, once you have used JK's it is hard to go back to what seems like empty cities. :) It's the same with Paradise Cities for vanilla skyrim.  Once you see the cities with all of the trees it is hard to not have them there. Too bad there isn't a high res option for those trees though. 


I know someone was working on a mod that combines several of the city overhauls and makes them play nice with each other.  I can't remember the name of the author or the mod at the moment though.  I seem to remember he had the cooperation of several of the other mod authors though so maybe there is hope in the future.  I don't remember if the Immersive Citizens folks were in on it or not.

My vote would be remove IC from the pack but that requires redoing the conflict resolution patches. Have never been a fan of IC (I feel it does more harm than good) and Run For Your Lives does everything I want. Not having JK was the biggest reason I never followed the guide all the way through. When I finally decided to give it a go, I kept telling myself i'll get use to the vanilla towns but it seems impossible.


I know there was talk in the past about removing IC from the pack, but sadly it never happened.


  On 10/9/2018 at 11:50 PM, AthlonAI said:

Hi Guys!  I'm still using my old savegame and I wonder if I can use the Experience Mod with the Immersive creature patch... (I try yesterday and saw that the one I downloaded was for the new skse for the 1.50.53 and it crash. So I removed it and downloaded the older one for the 1.5.50 with the patch for Immersive Creature until the next guide update.


I'm planning to use it with my current save and as other have said with the Kill option + multiplier 2.0x... Just want to know if you think I'll encounter issues or not ? Will it change a lot the progression ? In brief, is it OK?

I'm in the same boat. I haven't tested but I see those settings recommend by others and don't understand how you won't get vastly overleveled with this much content. From what I read experience mod is balanced with just vanilla + DLC in mind. Enabling kill XP makes that much faster, and 2x makes it even faster. I feel like you'll be level 50+ and only touched 10% of the content this pack offers. On the other hand, if you slow it down you might have to grind low level areas since everything is deleveled. 
Depends if your the type that wants to put 200+ hours into a single character or the type that makes a new character every 30 hours. 
Edited by tyrindor
  On 10/10/2018 at 1:54 AM, tyrindor said:


I'm in the same boat. I haven't tested but I see those settings recommend by others and don't understand how you won't get vastly overleveled with this much content. From what I read experience mod is balanced with just vanilla + DLC in mind. Enabling kill XP makes that much faster, and 2x makes it even faster. I feel like you'll be level 50+ and only touched 10% of the content this pack offers. On the other hand, if you slow it down you might have to grind low level areas since everything is deleveled. 
Depends if your the type that wants to put 200+ hours into a single character or the type that makes a new character every 30 hours. 


I'm already level 38 and still want to finish as much possible with this character and start a new one when the guide got to final version 1.0. I would prefer to have a progression similar to the existing one if possible or even a little faster but I won't like to have it stellar !!! So if someone have test it enough to recommend some settings that would be appreciated... The other thing is how it will work with other mods like vigilant if it is design for Vanilla +DLC only ?

  On 10/10/2018 at 1:54 AM, tyrindor said:


My vote would be remove IC from the pack but that requires redoing the conflict resolution patches. Have never been a fan of IC (I feel it does more harm than good) and Run For Your Lives does everything I want. Not having JK was the biggest reason I never followed the guide all the way through. When I finally decided to give it a go, I kept telling myself i'll get use to the vanilla towns but it seems impossible.


I know there was talk in the past about removing IC from the pack, but sadly it never happened.

I really like IC, I am talking about changes I make after completing Lexy's build.  I usually do this build and then make changes after to suit my tastes.  As far as adding or taking away from the build I am happy just doing my own thing after they do theirs. 

I'm on the New Weapons and Armor section of the guide.  After I install each section I run LOOT and launch the game to make sure it loads.  For the first time in the guide the game crashes after installing these mods.  I narrowed the problem down to the [(SJG) OMEGA - Heavy Armory - The Weapon AIO Mod for MorrowLoot Ultimate]  mod.  The game loads if I uncheck that mod in the left pane and crashes every time I have it checked.  The mod I installed was named OMEGA Heavy Armory AIO

There aren't any special install instructions for this mod for me to have screwed up so no idea what is going on.

Posted (edited)
  On 10/10/2018 at 3:16 AM, Rescorla said:

I'm on the New Weapons and Armor section of the guide.  After I install each section I run LOOT and launch the game to make sure it loads.  For the first time in the guide the game crashes after installing these mods.  I narrowed the problem down to the [(SJG) OMEGA - Heavy Armory - The Weapon AIO Mod for MorrowLoot Ultimate]  mod.  The game loads if I uncheck that mod in the left pane and crashes every time I have it checked.  The mod I installed was named OMEGA Heavy Armory AIO

There aren't any special install instructions for this mod for me to have screwed up so no idea what is going on.


Prob just crashing due to missing masters and being over 255 plugins. There's a point where it gets hard to test until you finish the merge section.


I followed the guide this week from start to finish without launching the game once, and it works just fine. I wouldn't worry too much.



  On 10/10/2018 at 2:40 AM, AthlonAI said:

I'm already level 38 and still want to finish as much possible with this character and start a new one when the guide got to final version 1.0. I would prefer to have a progression similar to the existing one if possible or even a little faster but I won't like to have it stellar !!! So if someone have test it enough to recommend some settings that would be appreciated... The other thing is how it will work with other mods like vigilant if it is design for Vanilla +DLC only ?

What I mean by designed for vanilla + DLC is that it's balanced around having only so much to explore and so many quests to do. With this pack, you easily have 3+ times as many quests and locations as vanilla which means 3+ times the potential XP. If you plan on doing a lot and filling that LOTD museum, you'd probably get very overleveled with stock rates. I feel you level way too fast in vanilla and the experience mod tries to be about the same speed from my understanding. I usually 1/3 the XP rate with uncapper, so I was going to probably 1/2 the XP rate of the experience mod. However, I have never played with MLU and deleveled zones. That might be a terrible idea because I might not be able to actually kill anything due to leveling too slow.
Can anyone comment on what this pack would be like at level 100+? Would everything be really easy even on Legendary? 
Edited by tyrindor

In regards the step about installing LotD patches, when the FOMOD(?) gets to 'Overhaul Systems' the guide has 'none'.  It should be 'Morrowloot Ultimate'.


Which brings up a criticism of mine...  their is no logical order of progression.  At this point of my install, following the guide pretty closely, if I enable all of the files in the right pane of MO2 I have something like ~70 advisories / warnings when I run loot.  SkyrimSE won't load for testing until I un-enable most of those.  (Yes, I am a fairly experienced modder...  so I know about doing that...)  IFF you ever intend for this guide to be accepted by Joe Bloggs as a guide, some thought needs to be given to the organization.  Or, again...if this is only ever to be aimed at 'Leet' modders, then why bother?   Bragging rights?

  On 10/10/2018 at 4:10 AM, croc said:

In regards the step about installing LotD patches, when the FOMOD(?) gets to 'Overhaul Systems' the guide has 'none'.  It should be 'Morrowloot Ultimate'.


Which brings up a criticism of mine...  their is no logical order of progression.  At this point of my install, following the guide pretty closely, if I enable all of the files in the right pane of MO2 I have something like ~70 advisories / warnings when I run loot.  SkyrimSE won't load for testing until I un-enable most of those.  (Yes, I am a fairly experienced modder...  so I know about doing that...)  IFF you ever intend for this guide to be accepted by Joe Bloggs as a guide, some thought needs to be given to the organization.  Or, again...if this is only ever to be aimed at 'Leet' modders, then why bother?   Bragging rights?

(Method # 9925 for cat skinning...  If website won't let you edit your own posts, then reply to them...)


Edit:  Further along in patches for LotD, under 'Additional Patches' shouldn't 'Immersive Needs' be checked? Or is it different to 'iNeeds'...


Legacy Book Cover Patches section...  the guide doesn't include 'Better Skill and Quest Book Names'.

Posted (edited)

Having built this from scratch 2 times this week I do have some suggestions to improve the installation flow and noticed some minor bugs.


- Tell the user to add merged titles AKA "Extended UI [HEADS UP DISPLAY MERGED]". This makes the merging process so much easier and faster when using MO2's search function.


- Instead of having us make "XXXX Patches" mod folders during the merge section, have us create those folders right after installing the mod it's suppose to go after. This automatically puts them in the ideal place on the left hand side, which removes a step during the merging process.


- After installing a merged mod, tell us to move the ESPs into other folders immediately and remove those steps from the merge section. With the above change, those folders will already exist. The guide already does this for the KYE Patches and Majestic Mountains ESPs (which is nice!), but then it tells you to do it again during the merge process which is confusing.


- In the main section it says make a new mod called "KYE Patches" but then in the merge section it says make a new mod called "Know Your Enemy - Patches" and then tells you to move the same ESPs in. It's unnecessary and confusing to do it twice.


- It jumps between saying "OMEGA MLU MERGE" and "MLU MERGE" but they are the same merge.


- The stunning statues mesh renaming does not work for me, it results in no NSUTR snow on the statues. Recommend switching to the statues included in Revamped Assets Skyrim and deleting the Talos mesh. They match vanilla better in my opinion and work out of the box with No Snow Under The Roof.


- For consistency sake, Song of The Green merged name is missing a dash, "---" should be "----".


- Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches is missing the merged icon.


- Move the "Prerequisite" and "Mod Installation Advice" section to right above the Essential SKSE Plugins section. It's really easy to miss the Prerequistite link with the way the site is formatted.


- I am still a bit unsure if we are suppose to verify/sort masters/clean all ESPs we convert using the steps at the start of the guide. I've never had an issue converting plugins and not doing that.


- Instructions for files to delete for Improved Eyes can be simplified:

  • Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonian*.dds
  • Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyedemon.dds
  • Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyekhajiit*.dds


In-game: Gorr (Interesting NPCs) in Riverwood is butt naked. I've been trying to fix this, and it is not related to bash/smash patches or anything like that.




So why does moving that stuff out of the merge section improve workflow? It lets you handle it more on a one-mod-at-a-time basis instead of having the jump around, then move folders around on the left hand side. The merge process is already the most complex part of the guide (in my opinion) better to just have all the patches and folders where they need to be before getting there.



  On 10/10/2018 at 4:10 AM, croc said:

In regards the step about installing LotD patches, when the FOMOD(?) gets to 'Overhaul Systems' the guide has 'none'.  It should be 'Morrowloot Ultimate'.


Which brings up a criticism of mine...  their is no logical order of progression.  At this point of my install, following the guide pretty closely, if I enable all of the files in the right pane of MO2 I have something like ~70 advisories / warnings when I run loot.  SkyrimSE won't load for testing until I un-enable most of those.  (Yes, I am a fairly experienced modder...  so I know about doing that...)  IFF you ever intend for this guide to be accepted by Joe Bloggs as a guide, some thought needs to be given to the organization.  Or, again...if this is only ever to be aimed at 'Leet' modders, then why bother?   Bragging rights?

Pretty sure it's not suppose to be "Morrowloot Ultimate" because we're using OMEGA MLU, not MLU. The patch is likely included in one of many Lexy's MLU patches. This is the same reason why many patches are not checked in various FOMOD installers throughout the guide. Follow the guide exactly.
You really can't test a huge modlist until your done with the entire thing and merged it all. Masters will never be in order, and we have a 255 plugin cap to deal with. Not a fault of this guide... You follow the guide correctly from the start, the game will launch and be playable by the end. That's all that matters.
The order is very logical and I am pretty sure anybody could follow this guide. Mods are installed in the order they should be loaded on the left hand side of MO2, not in the order of their masters.  


Edited by tyrindor

I don't know why,  but I'm having problems with this black face bug after finishing the NPC Retexture section. It seems the only mods that noticeably work are Bijin Warmaidens and NPCs. I follow the guide exactly with the WICO .bsa replacement, and then the extraction and deletion of the .bsa's. I remove or don't install the mentioned esps, and delete all the mentioned files. Would anything in the prior section affect this because perhaps I did something wrong earlier. If so, I might just restart with a clean install and follow the youtube guide. But I want to make sure about this bug before I do something like that, of course.

  On 10/10/2018 at 4:10 AM, croc said:

In regards the step about installing LotD patches, when the FOMOD(?) gets to 'Overhaul Systems' the guide has 'none'.  It should be 'Morrowloot Ultimate'.


Which brings up a criticism of mine...  their is no logical order of progression.  At this point of my install, following the guide pretty closely, if I enable all of the files in the right pane of MO2 I have something like ~70 advisories / warnings when I run loot.  SkyrimSE won't load for testing until I un-enable most of those.  (Yes, I am a fairly experienced modder...  so I know about doing that...)  IFF you ever intend for this guide to be accepted by Joe Bloggs as a guide, some thought needs to be given to the organization.  Or, again...if this is only ever to be aimed at 'Leet' modders, then why bother?   Bragging rights?



No Morrowloot is Covered by OMEGA.


There is a method to my madness. It guide is an advanced guide and will remain so it was never intended for novice modders use it.



  On 10/10/2018 at 4:57 AM, tyrindor said:


Having built this from scratch 2 times this week I do have some suggestions to improve the installation flow and noticed some minor bugs.


- Tell the user to add merged titles AKA "Extended UI [HEADS UP DISPLAY MERGED]". This makes the merging process so much easier and faster when using MO2's search function.


- Instead of having us make "XXXX Patches" mod folders during the merge section, have us create those folders right after installing the mod it's suppose to go after. This automatically puts them in the ideal place on the left hand side, which removes a step during the merging process.


- After installing a merged mod, tell us to move the ESPs into other folders immediately and remove those steps from the merge section. With the above change, those folders will already exist. The guide already does this for the KYE Patches and Majestic Mountains ESPs (which is nice!), but then it tells you to do it again during the merge process which is confusing.


- In the main section it says make a new mod called "KYE Patches" but then in the merge section it says make a new mod called "Know Your Enemy - Patches" and then tells you to move the same ESPs in. It's unnecessary and confusing to do it twice.


- It jumps between saying "OMEGA MLU MERGE" and "MLU MERGE" but they are the same merge.


- The stunning statues mesh renaming does not work for me, it results in no NSUTR snow on the statues. Recommend switching to the statues included in Revamped Assets Skyrim and deleting the Talos mesh. They match vanilla better in my opinion and work out of the box with No Snow Under The Roof.


- For consistency sake, Song of The Green merged name is missing a dash, "---" should be "----".


- Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches is missing the merged icon.


- Move the "Prerequisite" and "Mod Installation Advice" section to right above the Essential SKSE Plugins section. It's really easy to miss the Prerequistite link with the way the site is formatted.


- I am still a bit unsure if we are suppose to verify/sort masters/clean all ESPs we convert using the steps at the start of the guide. I've never had an issue converting plugins and not doing that.


- Instructions for files to delete for Improved Eyes can be simplified:

  • Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonian*.dds
  • Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyedemon.dds
  • Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyekhajiit*.dds


In-game: Gorr (Interesting NPCs) in Riverwood is butt naked. I've been trying to fix this, and it is not related to bash/smash patches or anything like that.




So why does moving that stuff out of the merge section improve workflow? It lets you handle it more on a one-mod-at-a-time basis instead of having the jump around, then move folders around on the left hand side. The merge process is already the most complex part of the guide (in my opinion) better to just have all the patches and folders where they need to be before getting there.



Pretty sure it's not suppose to be "Morrowloot Ultimate" because we're using OMEGA MLU, not MLU. The patch is likely included in one of many Lexy's MLU patches. This is the same reason why many patches are not checked in various FOMOD installers throughout the guide. Follow the guide exactly.
You really can't test a huge modlist until your done with the entire thing and merged it all. Masters will never be in order, and we have a 255 plugin cap to deal with. Not a fault of this guide... You follow the guide correctly from the start, the game will launch and be playable by the end. That's all that matters.
The order is very logical and I am pretty sure anybody could follow this guide. Mods are installed in the order they should be loaded on the left hand side of MO2, not in the order of their masters.  


I will answer you suggestion in order:


1. That is up the users to name thing how they see fit I won't spoon feed you baby you.

2. I could do that part of the guide are older than other and I have not been over it.

3. That is to make sure Users DO IT could not even read what I say to do the first time.

4. That is mostly like a typo that I have not gotten to.

5. we do have a mixture of OMEGA Patches and MLU Patches but they work all the same.

6. I will need to test that when I find some time.

7. That a typo not gotten to.

8. I will add that.

9. There is a big Notice saying "Do not skip" if users don't pay attention that not my fault but I will look into it.

10. Personally, I don't always bother.

11. Ok yes, I will do that.


As to your issue with Gor is sound like his DOFT - Default outfit is being overwritten check out what is going in xedit.



  On 10/10/2018 at 6:12 AM, skyking23 said:

I don't know why,  but I'm having problems with this black face bug after finishing the NPC Retexture section. It seems the only mods that noticeably work are Bijin Warmaidens and NPCs. I follow the guide exactly with the WICO .bsa replacement, and then the extraction and deletion of the .bsa's. I remove or don't install the mentioned esps, and delete all the mentioned files. Would anything in the prior section affect this because perhaps I did something wrong earlier. If so, I might just restart with a clean install and follow the youtube guide. But I want to make sure about this bug before I do something like that, of course.

As I have said time and time and time again black face bugs occur for 2 reasons:


1. There is conflict in the Headpart in the esp check load order.

2. The facegen data Assets are being overwritten Check Lefy pane Order.  

  On 10/10/2018 at 4:51 AM, croc said:

(Method # 9925 for cat skinning...  If website won't let you edit your own posts, then reply to them...)


Edit:  Further along in patches for LotD, under 'Additional Patches' shouldn't 'Immersive Needs' be checked? Or is it different to 'iNeeds'...


Legacy Book Cover Patches section...  the guide doesn't include 'Better Skill and Quest Book Names'.

Sorry missed this one there is a replacer Better Skill and Quest Book Names esp that has LOTD changs in it so the patch is not needed.


As far as I am aware Immersive needs are different to iNeed (Unless Sirjesto named it differently). 

Posted (edited)
  On 10/9/2018 at 11:50 PM, AthlonAI said:

Hi Guys!  I'm still using my old savegame and I wonder if I can use the Experience Mod with the Immersive creature patch... (I try yesterday and saw that the one I downloaded was for the new skse for the 1.50.53 and it crash. So I removed it and downloaded the older one for the 1.5.50 with the patch for Immersive Creature until the next guide update.


I'm planning to use it with my current save and as other have said with the Kill option + multiplier 2.0x... Just want to know if you think I'll encounter issues or not ? Will it change a lot the progression ? In brief, is it OK?

Currently, I'm playing with Experience AND Level Rate Rebalence (with my "old" character started at the previous build, no problem with that) and the levelling experience is far superior to vanilla IMO, I encourage everyone to try it.


However I'm not a very experienced Skyrim player and I can't really tell if the levelling curve (I'm using "Slow and steady" atm) need some adjustments or not.

Edited by thecrazyjoe

Hi Lexy, as always, thanks for this guide, and all the help / advice you give in this forum. I've managed to have a now working Pre-Omega installation of the guide, and I have a question. Would there be an issue on installing content / quest mods that have been added to the guide recently with Omega (like Zim's , OBIS, Song of the Green, Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes, CACO, etc.) WITHOUT actually installing Omega? Or would this be tie somehow to other Conflict Resolution files that are now needed? Just not sure if I want to go with this complete overhaul if not needed; as I'm fine with the current difficulty of the game as it is (and it also pains me to go through all the merging process again ::): ).

  On 10/10/2018 at 12:23 PM, RuyMarcus said:

Hi Lexy, as always, thanks for this guide, and all the help / advice you give in this forum. I've managed to have a now working Pre-Omega installation of the guide, and I have a question. Would there be an issue on installing content / quest mods that have been added to the guide recently with Omega (like Zim's , OBIS, Song of the Green, Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes, CACO, etc.) WITHOUT actually installing Omega? Or would this be tie somehow to other Conflict Resolution files that are now needed? Just not sure if I want to go with this complete overhaul if not needed; as I'm fine with the current difficulty of the game as it is (and it also pains me to go through all the merging process again ::): ).

you can add ZIM, OBIS, Song of the Green, WACF ACE and CACO but my new CR's require OMEGA to be installed. If you don't install OMEGA you will have to deal with the own Conflict Resolution.

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