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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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  On 5/29/2018 at 8:26 PM, Sekhmet3713 said:


Just a few observations on my playtesting:

  • New Jewels for Circlets

    textures are causing CTD. I am sure I did install Gemling Queen Jewelry SE properly and the mod order is correct. Specifically observed on the Copper and Onyx Circlet (000166FF)


No crashes for me, so maybe reinstall the mod?

  On 5/30/2018 at 5:47 AM, DarkladyLexy said:

the weapons and armour merge doesn't have anything that would effect those NPCs. Could be Immersive Armours cos I belive that does change Ralof armour via a script.


do what SirJ says post a picture of your whole load order loaded in xEdit with one of those NPC's records open.

AHA yes Lexy you got me thinking. IA's meshes haven't been put through the Nif Optimizer and that may be what is causing the problem.


Quick suggestion for idiot check. Like, one out of 100 NPCs, if that, have dark faces. I'm reinstalling WICO to see if I can fix that. While there is a notice that the BSAs must be extracted manually, I've installed this multiple times so I didn't read carefully, it's 3am, and since I have MO2 set to ask me every time if I want to extract a BSA, since I saw the tag on this one, I went ahead and did it. Then kept reading ahead and went, "D'oh."


Maybe a message right above the FOMOD instructions saying not to let MO2 auto-extract the BSA?

  On 5/30/2018 at 7:02 AM, OCDCoder said:

Quick suggestion for idiot check. Like, one out of 100 NPCs, if that, have dark faces. I'm reinstalling WICO to see if I can fix that. While there is a notice that the BSAs must be extracted manually, I've installed this multiple times so I didn't read carefully, it's 3am, and since I have MO2 set to ask me every time if I want to extract a BSA, since I saw the tag on this one, I went ahead and did it. Then kept reading ahead and went, "D'oh."


Maybe a message right above the FOMOD instructions saying not to let MO2 auto-extract the BSA?

ok, I can do that, would it help if I removed the BSA Extracted TAG for Windsong? Or is is useful to now that mod is extracted?

  On 5/30/2018 at 7:24 AM, DarkladyLexy said:

ok, I can do that, would it help if I removed the BSA Extracted TAG for Windsong? Or is is useful to now that move is extracted?

I've gone through and installed and reinstalled things so many times that I usually don't read carefully (since 99.9% of the time, the instructions are either fomod or deleting files) so when I see BSA Extracted, I say yes to MO2. So yeah, it might be helpful not to have the tag for things that we shouldn't extract during installation?


Will Merge Plugins let me remove some of these from the patch you provided? Right now, I'm reinstalling all of these overhaul mods to try to troubleshoot this dark face problem. I don't like a lot of the changes (my character has a real hard time having a crush on Hadvar when he has a pornstache), and unless there's some way to make the old people keep looking old (Fralia Gray-Mane was my test for that), I'm very happy with just WICO and the 3DNPC Overhaul. Although since I have all of these installed again (almost), I may keep some to see what I think if I can fix those two problems. (I'm sure I could delete the data for them individually, but that's not exactly my point... I just want enhancements, not massive changes or making everyone look like they're in their 20s.) You probably remember that I'm the one who made my own patch, but obviously something didn't work for a very very few of the characters.


Although technically, that whole section is marked Optional. With that patch, it's kind of all or nothing. I ran into the same thing having to install two optional followers that I don't want because a patch needed them.


Oh, another idiot check (I can give you a lot of these at 3-3:30am and later LOL), maybe also move the instructions about renaming Valerica before the fomod instructions. I just caught that at the last second before installing.


BTW, I just want to thank you again, for all the hard work on this guide, for taking our suggestions seriously, and for helping people like me who are stubborn and try to find ways around having to install everything in the guide that you've so carefully patched.

  On 5/30/2018 at 7:45 AM, OCDCoder said:

I've gone through and installed and reinstalled things so many times that I usually don't read carefully (since 99.9% of the time, the instructions are either fomod or deleting files) so when I see BSA Extracted, I say yes to MO2. So yeah, it might be helpful not to have the tag for things that we shouldn't extract during installation?


Will Merge Plugins let me remove some of these from the patch you provided? Right now, I'm reinstalling all of these overhaul mods to try to troubleshoot this dark face problem. I don't like a lot of the changes (my character has a real hard time having a crush on Hadvar when he has a pornstache), and unless there's some way to make the old people keep looking old (Fralia Gray-Mane was my test for that), I'm very happy with just WICO and the 3DNPC Overhaul. Although since I have all of these installed again (almost), I may keep some to see what I think if I can fix those two problems. (I'm sure I could delete the data for them individually, but that's not exactly my point... I just want enhancements, not massive changes or making everyone look like they're in their 20s.) You probably remember that I'm the one who made my own patch, but obviously something didn't work for a very very few of the characters.


Although technically, that whole section is marked Optional. With that patch, it's kind of all or nothing. I ran into the same thing having to install two optional followers that I don't want because a patch needed them.


Oh, another idiot check (I can give you a lot of these at 3-3:30am and later LOL), maybe also move the instructions about renaming Valerica before the fomod instructions. I just caught that at the last second before installing.


BTW, I just want to thank you again, for all the hard work on this guide, for taking our suggestions seriously, and for helping people like me who are stubborn and try to find ways around having to install everything in the guide that you've so carefully patched.

might remove Windsong's BSA Tag as that is the only mod you have to extract the BSA Manually.


You have to do your own NPC Retexture Merge and CR since it hard to provide patches for everything. I know some like Bijin some do not Some want Bijin and not Men of Winter and like yourself want to pick and choose so I just produce 1 NPC Texture and 1 NPC CR as it saves me a lot of work. Creating the CR is not that difficult in fact I find NPCs the best to practice your xEdit skills on.


If you look under the NPC Retexture merge I have given the order which I create in merge Plugins. So it just a matter and replacing what you don't want or you want to add.


for for making people older have you considered Consistent Older People - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2977 (a lot of you guys have been nagging me to add that). It should be fair simple to add let it win the conflicts in the Left and Right pane of MO2 and then conflict resolve the NPCs through xEdit.

  On 5/30/2018 at 8:32 AM, DarkladyLexy said:

might remove Windsong's BSA Tag as that is the only mod you have to extract the BSA Manually.


You have to do your own NPC Retexture Merge and CR since it hard to provide patches for everything. I know some like Bijin some do not Some want Bijin and not Men of Winter and like yourself want to pick and choose so I just produce 1 NPC Texture and 1 NPC CR as it saves me a lot of work. Creating the CR is not that difficult in fact I find NPCs the best to practice your xEdit skills on.


If you look under the NPC Retexture merge I have given the order which I create in merge Plugins. So it just a matter and replacing what you don't want or you want to add.


for for making people older have you considered Consistent Older People - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2977 (a lot of you guys have been nagging me to add that). It should be fair simple to add let it win the conflicts in the Left and Right pane of MO2 and then conflict resolve the NPCs through xEdit.

Are you talking about manually editing specific NPCs using xEdit or did I misunderstand?


I tried adding Consistent Older People. It still didn't affect Fralia Gray-Mane. With or without, she still looked the same - much younger, just mean and with a bad complexion.


I did create a patch just like you described, one with just WICO and 3DNPC. The first NPC I've seen in a long time with the dark-face problem using the patch I had created was Aela, who was the one I was trying to fix by re-installing these others to see if it was a problem with my patch.


So right now, I have everything installed and that fixed her. But as I was running through Whiterun, I saw some random NPC with that same dark-face problem. And I've checked and double-checked, and every single overhaul is installed according to instructions, as is your patch (and its LOOT rule), and the Conflict Resolution Patch that relies on it. (And any other patches you provided and the requirements.) I have no idea what to try next except getting rid of overhauls completely.


I think it's way past time I go to bed.

  On 5/30/2018 at 8:59 AM, OCDCoder said:

Are you talking about manually editing specific NPCs using xEdit or did I misunderstand?


I tried adding Consistent Older People. It still didn't affect Fralia Gray-Mane. With or without, she still looked the same - much younger, just mean and with a bad complexion.


I did create a patch just like you described, one with just WICO and 3DNPC. The first NPC I've seen in a long time with the dark-face problem using the patch I had created was Aela, who was the one I was trying to fix by re-installing these others to see if it was a problem with my patch.


So right now, I have everything installed and that fixed her. But as I was running through Whiterun, I saw some random NPC with that same dark-face problem. And I've checked and double-checked, and every single overhaul is installed according to instructions, as is your patch (and its LOOT rule), and the Conflict Resolution Patch that relies on it. (And any other patches you provided and the requirements.) I have no idea what to try next except getting rid of overhauls completely.


I think it's way past time I go to bed.

Oh Aela she is a pain the arse she the one NPC that gives me more headaches than any other with her make sure you have forwarded her head parts correctly and if she has a WNAM - Worn Armor conflict make sure that is forwarded to the last esp to affect her (This will likely be zEdit by the time you reach the Finishing line).


I could be SMASH is not properly forwarding those records as well if the formid and look them up in xEdit (xEdit is your friend) and check for conflict with your CR, SMASH and zEdit the records you are most intersted in are Head parts make sure they are forwarded properly.


     Are we also using the Encounter Zone portion of Morrowloot Ultimate or just the loot section?  I ask because I was reading an article about MLU and Skyrim Revamped's (Love the ai mod of this) Encounter Zones.  The poster found that he/she liked MLU take on the world better but liked Skyrim Revamped's Encounter Zones implementation better than MLU's.  What they did was remove MLU's encounter zone section and the three sections in Skyrim Revamped's Encounter Zones not related to Encounter Zones themselves in SSE Edit.  They then loaded Skyrim Revamped Encounter Zones beneath MLU and the result was  (in their opinion) a much more intelligent and better placement (and much more difficult) of EZ's with the breath of fresh air of MLU.


     This will make the earlier levels more difficult as well as the game overall.  I am considering trying this out and put the idea here for anyone else to see.  The article is here.

  • +1 1
  On 5/30/2018 at 2:25 PM, Kneph13 said:

     Are we also using the Encounter Zone portion of Morrowloot Ultimate or just the loot section?  I ask because I was reading an article about MLU and Skyrim Revamped's (Love the ai mod of this) Encounter Zones.  The poster found that he/she liked MLU take on the world better but liked Skyrim Revamped's Encounter Zones implementation better than MLU's.  What they did was remove MLU's encounter zone section and the three sections in Skyrim Revamped's Encounter Zones not related to Encounter Zones themselves in SSE Edit.  They then loaded Skyrim Revamped Encounter Zones beneath MLU and the result was  (in their opinion) a much more intelligent and better placement (and much more difficult) of EZ's with the breath of fresh air of MLU.


     This will make the earlier levels more difficult as well as the game overall.  I am considering trying this out and put the idea here for anyone else to see.  The article is here.

we use a custom version of MLU Encounter zone via the MLU Vanilla Encounter Zones - Higher Difficulty This makes things a bit more challenging by adding multipliers.


For example, if a zone is level 6 and spawns a very hard boss enemy with MLU Vanilla Encounter Zones - High Difficulty that boss would be level 12 since the multiplier is x2 the encounter zones level.

(these Multipliers can all be tweak through xEdit I give details in the guide).


I tried SRECO Encounter Zone but I found it very frustrating with LOTD.

For example, Yngvild was a very high encounter zone with SRECO (it was like level 45) and with LOTD it sends you there right near the beginning of your adventure and you need to complete it and get the relic to advance the LOTD Questline.

  • +1 1

I am giving serious thought to adding Timing is everything to the guide cos with all the difficulty modifiers some quests need to be delayed until much Later. For example, I just did dawnbreaker and the boss was level 50 and I was on 17 if I had timing is everything would delay that until say level 35.


The problem is I need to play through quests to work out what level they start at but my time is limited so I am going to need help testing and recommendations from you guys on that one.

  • +1 1
  On 5/30/2018 at 3:13 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

we use a custom version of MLU Encounter zone via the MLU Vanilla Encounter Zones - Higher Difficulty This makes things a bit more challenging by adding multipliers.


For example, if a zone is level 6 and spawns a very hard boss enemy with MLU Vanilla Encounter Zones - High Difficulty that boss would be level 12 since the multiplier is x2 the encounter zones level.

(these Multipliers can all be tweak through xEdit I give details in the guide).


I tried SRECO Encounter Zone but I found it very frustrating with LOTD.

For example, Yngvild was a very high encounter zone with SRECO (it was like level 45) and with LOTD it sends you there right near the beginning of your adventure and you need to complete it and get the relic to advance the LOTD Questline.

     Excellent, thank you Lexy!

  On 5/30/2018 at 5:47 AM, DarkladyLexy said:

the weapons and armour merge doesn't have anything that would effect those NPCs. Could be Immersive Armours cos I belive that does change Ralof armour via a script.


do what SirJ says post a picture of your whole load order loaded in xEdit with one of those NPC's records open.

I'm trying to figure out how to post pictures to this forum and cannot find an entry anywhere. I had a paragraph here but lost it when I went to help. I will post them as soom as I'm pointed iin the right direction to post my screenshots.

  On 5/30/2018 at 4:36 PM, Brotherofcats said:

I'm trying to figure out how to post pictures to this forum and cannot find an entry anywhere. I had a paragraph here but lost it when I went to help. I will post them as soom as I'm pointed iin the right direction to post my screenshots.

I use Imgur for my screenshot

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