mentaltyranny Posted May 30, 2017 Posted May 30, 2017 I am sure you guys are getting tired of my postings, but I think this post might actually help you guys manage and improve upon STEP. See I am the kind of person that reads both the STEP wiki recommendations and nexus page description for each mod, and I even look at the mod forum topic and web search when I run into something vague. I even looked ahead to the STEP compilation, STEP patches instructions for further guidance. I just completed section 2.M, and below is list of everything that I felt was vague or contradictory and solution I used after research. Notice that I am NOT asking for help per se, if I did everything right then you guys should know that you are on the right path. However, if I did do something wrong, please let me know! Without further ado, here is the list: Nvidia Inspector, ENBoost users should skip the driver anisotropic filtering: using ENBoost however since there were no instructions to set ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true in the enblocal.ini, I still set anisotropic filtering to 16x in inspector Brawl Bugs Patch: hard to tell if "not necessary" means not required or just redundant with Enhanced Blood Textures (absolutely no idea how these mods are related, feel its gotta be a typo) and nexus page description says "ESP is to disable/enable scripts", installed with esp enabled Double Cursor Fix: despite being removed in STEP 2.10.0, its now back, and since no instructions no set FixCursorVisibility=true in the enblocal.ini, I still installed Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE: STEP wiki says "Loot after AOS.esp" but section 2.O LOOT Rules says "Global Priority: 45", which is it?; also is there any effect from this mod with no ENB preset? I not planning on using one unless I can find safe, well-compatible preset SKSE -Elys- AltF4: despite removed STEP 2.10.0, back, but since I don't have a multimedia keyboard, I didn't install Weapons and Armor Fixes: nexus page for another mod, CCO, has a note on file download tab (see Compatibility Patch for WAF True Weapons), says that it takes the the place of Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp, moved that esp to Optional ESPs XP32 Maximum Skeleton: but STEP 2.10.0 replaced with XPMS Extended, now back, installed; I assume the "run FNIS" instructions refers to Fores New Idles in Skyrim in section 2.N Disease Descriptions: hard to tell if not needed means not required or redundant, removed after reading this is included in STEP patches Static Mesh Improvement Mod: the STEP wiki for the STEP patches says "Disable all plugins...", yet SMIM-Merged-All.esp is not on the list below, so I moved it to optional esps A Quality World Map: didn't upgrade to 9.0.1 because STEP wiki instructions referred to a specific old version file Skyrim Flora Overhaul: didn't upgrade to 2.5b because STEP wiki instructions referred to a specific old version file Farmhouse Chimneys: STEP wiki instructions say included in the STEP Patches & not needed yet FOMOD Instructions on the same page say install, installed & moved FarmhouseChimneysCRF.esp to Optional ESPs Birds and Flocks: despite nexus page instructions saying not to, cleaned the "cleaned version" as per STEP wiki recommendations, installed but not enabling on left panel until after Dynamic Distant Objects LOD in 2.N Better Males: did not uncheck plugins HighResTexturePack01.bsa & HighResTexturePack02.bsa nor did I add them to sResourceArchiveList= in skyrim.ini, despite mod nexus page instructions, doing so made Unofficial High Resolution Patch to loss a required master, assuming that checking "Have MO manage archives" later will resolve; STEP wiki NEEDS better instructions here aMidianBorn Book of Silence: did NOT install Bonemold or Skyforge Hotfix, because STEP wiki doesn't mention these but does mention Content Addon, which is more current than the hotfixes Greatsword Sheaths and Scabbards Redux: installed the 2.7.4b update file - which is still a full version - because STEP wiki didn't mention a specific file Mage Outfit Texture Overhaul - Schools of Magic: main file mis-named in the STEP wiki, it is called and I installed Mage Outfit Texture Overhaul - MOTO - SOM - USLEEP USKP CCF Burn Freeze Shock Effects: in STEP wiki, assuming "memory patch" means the work done in [memory] of SKSE.ini Enhanced Blood Textures: installed & moved dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp to Optional ESPs, recommendations say included in the STEP Patches & not needed yet FOMOD Instructions on the same page say install Improved Combat Sounds: did not install and merge the EnhancedBlood-ImprovedCombatSounds optional, as STEP official mod topic says it's included in Extended Patches Come together N Out of the way: after looking at the posts on the nexus page, downloaded and merged 1.2a update; considering removing for Better Follower or AFT or something more recently updated, the nexus posts complain about bugs so much that i would never install if it wasn't in included in STEP Convenient Horses: don't understand how this fits STEP Extended let alone Core, horses are a travel feature in Skyrim - I would rather have a major feature improved like magic or a follower overhaul Follower Trap Safety: after looking at the posts on the nexus page, considering removing for Better Follower or AFT or something more recently updated Traps Make Noise: did not install and merge the Mining Makes Noise_CCO Version optional, because STEP wiki doesn't mention this but does mention Traps Make Noise - Follower Safety Patch, which is dated the same day Even Better Quest Objectives: recommendations say included in the STEP Patches & not needed yet FOMOD Instructions on the same page say install, installed & moved BetterQuestObjectives-CRFPatch.esp, BetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.esp, BetterQuestObjectives-NECPatch.esp, and BetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.esp to Optional ESPsAlright, I think that is everything! I apologize for the long list, but I thought it better than making 25 different posts over the last week. Please let me know if this helps or if I made any mistakes. Thanks for being an awesome community for an awesome game!
mentaltyranny Posted May 31, 2017 Author Posted May 31, 2017 I just successfully installed the STEP compilation, so looks like I did something right. But can somebody take a look at #4 for me? Not sure about this one...
Tobi Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 On 5/31/2017 at 4:21 PM, mentaltyranny said: I just successfully installed the STEP compilation, so looks like I did something right. But can somebody take a look at #4 for me? Not sure about this one...Add both the loot rules, thats what I did.
TechAngel85 Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 I actually recommend the driver based settings over ENB's settings. So I personally use the driver AF. If you installed EBT, then it's redundant and not necessary. V2.10.0 is not released yet so if you're following the released Guide (v2.2.9.2), then it's still going to be present. You can safely remove it. I believe the Global Priority is the correct one. This priority should still load it after AOS. Again, v2.10.0 is not released. You can remove this one safely. That's fine. Again v2.10.0 is not released, but you can replace it with the Extended version. Correct. Redundant. No, that hasn't been updated. You should keep the SMIM plugin. A Quality World Map can be updated to the new version just fine. I've used it and recommend the "vivid with stone roads" option. STEP recommends the old version of SFO to stay close to vanilla. You can upgrade to the new one if you'd like. No, only the Cutting Room Floor option is included in the STEP Patches. So if you install the STEP Patches, then you don't need that option, but you still have to install the mod. Correct. You only need to follow our instructions. Ignore the Nexus instructions here. Correct Always install the latest files when no files is specified. Thanks, corrected it. Yes Correct. You install it if you don't use the STEP Patches (not everyone uses the patches so we provided instructions for both scenarios.) Correct. There's really no issues with it in our setup. It's fine for our setup. Correct. The "makes noise" options is a patch for alerting nearby enemies to your location while mining. It's an option in CCO which can be turned on or off. If you want it on, get the patch. Again, instructions are provided for both Patch users and non-Patch users. You're simply interpreting the instructions incorrectly. But what you did is fine.
mentaltyranny Posted June 2, 2017 Author Posted June 2, 2017 TechAngel,3, 5, and 7: I was referring the fact that these mods were removed STEP 2.10.0, not the future version 2.2.10 (or possibly 3.0.0). can get to it from the main page, then changelog, then scrolled down to previous change logs, then to 2.10.0 or directly here. Its weird because according to the changelogs, these mods where definitely gone. Also, does anybody know how the Brawl Bugs Patch and EBT are related? Just curious...
Nebulous112 Posted June 2, 2017 Posted June 2, 2017 The next STEP version is 2.10.0. It is not a past version, it is the under-development version. TechAngel is the most active STEP admin and the release coordinator. He is basically running the show as the other admins aren't very active anymore. So your questions were answered from the best possible source. ;-) And EBT includes the brawl bugs patch. The brawl bugs patch is an open resource and many mods included it. However, it has been superceded by the Modern Brawl Bugs Fix, which likely will be in v2.10.0. Many mods now include it instead...I can't remember whether EBT updated to include it or not.
mentaltyranny Posted June 2, 2017 Author Posted June 2, 2017 Nebulous112, I am seriously not trying to second guess TechAngel. I thought maybe he might be interested in how I came to this version mis-understanding. I found it by trying to self-help, which is what I thought we were supposed to do BEFORE posting. I thought maybe he might want to clarify so others who are confused don't have to post, and maybe I might even learn a little something a long the way. I am even thinking of trying building the magic pack as suggested by Kelmych... I am not trying to be argumentative - but my thoughts regarding the change log came from here. This page gives the impression that there was v2.10.0 fourteen versions ago. Maybe it is mis-labeled, I don't know. I didn't find this by looking for a point to argue, I first looked at the official mod threads for points 3, 5, and 7 because I wanted clarification as to what "not necessary" met (whether it meant redundant or just not required for the STEP patches). When I saw those topics, I saw the DROPPED tag, which really confused me, so I looked at the changelogs. There I discovered it was actually dropped in what appears to be fourteen versions ago in what was labeled v2.10.0, but could not find a version where it was added back. In hindsight, I think the problem might be that current is 2.2.9.x, the next version would be 2.2.10.x. If you drop the first "2", being that is STEP v2, you get 2.10.x. One major version back could look like 2.10.0.x, but since there were not any minor tweaks, it can be called 2.10 as well - which is where the confusion is. If I am right, you may want to move 2.10.0 on the changelog to the top and labeled it as "pendng". It would be helpful to the silent self-helper lurking out there... Self-helpers like my self don't usually post very much, I didn't all all for STEP FO3, and maybe one post to FONV. I really appreciate the work you guy do, it really improves the quality of these games, and I just thought you might want to know where a self-helper might get stuck - I hope I didn't offend anyone, that is the opposite of what I want to do.
Nebulous112 Posted June 2, 2017 Posted June 2, 2017 Not to worry, mentaltyranny! You certainly didn't offend anyone, at least not me. Re-reading my post, I came across as a bit harsh, but that really wasn't my intention. I just wanted to clarify the matter, as you seemed to have misunderstood that the v2.10.0 was the under-development version. I can definitely see how the new version number could be confusing if you weren't aware of it. Tech would be able to tell you more about the change in version scheme. By the way, the link in your last post comes up with an error for me.
mentaltyranny Posted June 2, 2017 Author Posted June 2, 2017 Thanks Nebulous! I just don't want to come off as a complainer. Here is the link; I think you will see what I am talking about when you see it. Just look 14 versions down from current.
TechAngel85 Posted June 2, 2017 Posted June 2, 2017 I understand where your confusion is coming from. I apologize that I didn't explain better in my initial reply. I had limited time before leaving for work. The page you linked is not going to be accurate in terms of chronological order because we are changing the version scheme with the next release. The last few releases it has gotten away from us so we discussed it and will be re-implementing a more structured versioning scheme from here out. The new scheme can be read about here: (if you can get wiki to load )
Decopauge123 Posted June 9, 2017 Posted June 9, 2017 (edited) On 5/31/2017 at 10:55 PM, TechAngel85 said: 7. Again v2.10.0 is not released, but you can replace it with the Extended version.I first installed XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE to replace XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS while following the STEP: Guide late last year. I wanted to be able to use the enhanced/extra capabilities XPMSE provides. I've re-installed my Skyrim game several times following the STEP: Guide since then, following it as faithfully as I could. It was only after I read this forum thread, took a closer look at at the Guide while following it yet another time, and read through STEP v2.10.0, that I realized the detailed instructions for Dual Sheath Reflux may need an update: In the Detailed instructions available for Dual Sheath Redux, the second step of those instructions ('Back or Hip') tells the reader/user/player to answer "No" to the question "Do you use a swords on back skeleton?". This is after XPMSE was installed as the last mod in Guide Section 2.D. Fixes. XPMSE has built-in 'weapon on back' animations support. None of the recommended XPMSE detailed installation steps tell the reader to install any 'weapon on back' animations, but I think it would improve those steps (and the Guide) by mentioning that XPMSE supports their use. Edited June 9, 2017 by Decopauge123
Decopauge123 Posted June 9, 2017 Posted June 9, 2017 I'm advocating changing the STEP v2.10.0 Dual Sheath Redux Detailed insturctions, not those for STEP: I re-read what I posted earlier and realized that wasn't clearly stated.
TechAngel85 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Right, our recommendations are for replacement of vanilla functions. If users want different placements for these items, they are certainly welcome to switch things up by making different choices for those two mods and rerunning FNIS. I'm sure the SR:LE guides make these "on back/hip" changes so they are perfectly safe to make, but STEP follows vanilla which has daggers/swords on the hip. It comes down to a preference, really.
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